"You bastard, let go of the young master! Otherwise..."

The crowd also relied on the number of people, knowing that these soldiers would not hurt them, and they kept scolding the three people outside the door.

However, Yi Xiaotian smiled. He took Ma Su's hair from Xu Chu. He grabbed Ma Su's hair and took a step forward.

This step scared off the staff of nearly a hundred families.

"How about otherwise?"

Yi Xiaotian said indifferently.

Then he put the big knife on Ma Su's legs.

Use a little force.

legs off--


Ma Su howled, and his legs were chopped off in front of everyone's eyes.

Finally, no one dared to answer. They just stared blankly at Yi Xiaotian, who was covered in blood, thinking that the person in front of him was Yan Luo who came from the underworld to ask for his life.

Then, Yi Xiaotian calmly raised the knife—


Ma Su, the head fell to the ground.


Chapter [-]: People who love to laugh, luck will not be bad

"Kill... kill! Little... The young master of the Ma family was killed!"

"You bastard, do you know who you killed?"

"It's broken, it's broken! The young master of the Ma family was killed, and Xiangyang is about to change..."

The drizzle was still falling, but it just smelled more bloody.


Since returning to Fancheng, Ma Liang has been restless.

They even had nightmares that night. When a ghost came to the Ma family's mansion, they couldn't help but say it was a massacre, but he couldn't stop it.

After waking up several times, the sky was also bright, Ma Liang dragged his tired body and sat up, ready to start today's official business as soon as possible.

The arrival of Cao Cao is a good opportunity for Ma Liang to become a professional official.

As long as there are no miracles on the Sun and Liu family's side, Cao Cao goes all the way east and all the way south, it is enough to unify the whole world.

At that time... there will be countless opportunities to change the trend, and he is standing at the tip of this wave...

"Whether the Ma family can stand firm in this new dynasty change depends on me and the fifth brother..."

Ma Liang said to himself like this... He and Ma Su are one person in officialdom and the other in business, and the Ma family's ancestral business will also be carried forward in their hands. Thinking of this, he feels a little more comfortable.

Warm the tea, open the door and open the window, it is another good spring day.

It's just that the light rain when he went out made his comfortable mood a bit foggy - is it foggy?

clang clang-

There was a loud knock on the door outside the mansion, which also made Ma Liang very irritable. He looked up at the sky. Although he could not see the sun, the roosters were crowing today. Could it be that someone came to the mansion to complain?

"Who's outside the door?"

"Yes... is it the mansion?"

"No... it's not good... little... little master was killed!"

"What did you say?"

The tea cup in Ma Liang's hand fell to the ground, and the tea was scattered all over the floor, but it couldn't stop Ma Liang's hurried mood.


Ma Su died, and the death was very useless.

He felt that he should have a bright future, but unfortunately, because of jealousy in his heart, he died on the body of a little master that he looked down on.

What about the little master?

The pharmacy was filled with smoke and the smell of incense was burning.

Zhen Luo, Le Jin, and Xu Chu were all waiting outside the door, while Yi Xiaotian and Lang Zhong were in the house urgently treating Wang Can's wound.

I heard from the man in the house before that Wang Can had lost too much blood, and the wounds on his body were even more profound. Whether he could save his life or not depends on God's face.

"What should I do...if...if Big Brother Wang didn't stand up..."

Zhen Luo is about to cry every three or two seconds now. It's not that she is crying so much, it's just that Zhen Luo thinks that Wang Can will end up in such a miserable state. It's all because she was too careless yesterday and even forgot the package.

"Hey! Miss Luo'er, how can you say such unlucky words!"

Xu Chu was also a little anxious, but he rarely sat still today.

"I know Miss Luo'er, you can't feel sorry for the master's book, but if you feel guilty, then I will definitely have a share!"

Xu Chu beat his chest and gave himself a slap along the way:

"If I went to the inn with Master Wang at that time, I would never let Master Wang be arrested! Hey..."

"Okay... You two... Wang Zhuzhu has been rescued, what's the use of talking about this, and... If Wang Zhuzhu knew that Ma Su who oppressed the people was also killed by Yi Zhuang Zhu, he would definitely be in his heart. would be delighted!"

How could Le Jin, the old rude, know how to comfort others, as if Wang Can's wish had been fulfilled, and he could go away in peace, that kind of feeling attracted the staring eyes of the other two.

Finally at this time-


The door opened.

Inside came the exhausted old man, and Yi Xiaotian, who looked quite relaxed.

Yi Xiaotian helped Lao Langzhong, and Lao Langzhong wailed over and over again:

"Guanjia, you...you almost killed the old man today..."

"Ouch! My waist..."

"Hey, look at what you said, you saved the life of Master Wang, let him take care of you from now on, it's fine for you to enjoy leisure at home!"

"Hey, don't talk about this, just survive, just survive!"

Lao Langzhong and Yi Xiaotian are saying every sentence, hearing this, can Zhen Luo and Xu Chu still not understand the situation inside?

Zhen Luo fell into Yi Xiaotian's arms, and the old man was sent to the side innocently.

"It's okay...it's okay...I'm sorry sir, I'm sorry Big Brother Wang..."

Zhen Luo was the one who broke out all the grievances in the past two days.

I don't feel shy anymore, planted in Yi Xiaotian's arms, and after a while, Yi Xiaotian's clothes that he just changed were wet with tears.

Yi Xiaotian also smiled slightly tired, and patted Zhen Luo's head:

"It's all right, what are you talking about, you're not wrong at all... It's Ma Su, damn it, didn't you see the people who heard Ma Su's head beheaded by me earlier, and their families were like New Year's Eve?"

"Ma Su has done a lot of evil things. Fortunately, the king's life is tough. If we let the king stay in Xiangyang with confidence, we may not know how Ma Su will deal with the king in the future!"


Yi Xiaotian let out a long sigh of relief.

"everything is over…"

"It's all over..."

Xu Chu happily patted his belly, and then echoed, his face bloomed like a flower, of course... just a little more meat.

Le Jin was also relieved, and wanted to probe directly into the house, but he didn't want to be directly stopped by Lang Zhong:

"Hey, hey, Lord Jun, what Master Wang needs right now is to rest. I'll probably wake up in a day... It's better not to disturb now."

"Hey, you said yes, you said yes!"

Le Jin scratched his head and quickly withdrew to the side.

After a while...

"Yeah! Yeah... sorry, sir, I... I didn't notice..."

Zhen Luo suddenly remembered something, and suddenly bounced from Yi Xiaotian's arms, the flushing on his face was even more rosy than any time before.

Seeing Yi Xiaotian's dazed expression, she felt even more ashamed, covering her red face, she ran out of the hospital directly, and everyone watching laughed.

Yi Xiaotian smiled and looked at the back of Zhen Luo fleeing in a hurry, but he thought of many other things.

"Xu Chu, and General Le, this hospital has troubled you to check it out recently. Remember to pay Lang Zhong the money for the past few days."

"Old man, I haven't asked your name yet. I disturbed your purity last night. I'll give you a different one too..."

"Hey, the official's words are serious, the old man, I am sixty years old, and I still open this hospital. I don't ask for anything else, just to save one more person in this time of war and chaos, that is one person."

"As for the name, the old man has a surname and no name. If the official doesn't dislike it, just call me Lao Zhang."

"Old Zhang, not much to say, in the future I will visit Yi Xiaotian, but there are still important things to deal with today, if you have any orders, just talk to the two generals or the soldiers outside the door! "

The two sides handed over, and Yi Xiaotian also quickly left the hospital.

The difficulty that belongs to Wang Can is over. Yi Xiaotian is right about this, but he still has a group of very difficult enemies to deal with.

This... can't bear him waiting.


Four hundred and ninetieth chapters happy not thinking about the father

"Yes... Fourth Master is back! Hurry up... Please invite him in!"

From a distance, Cai Cheng heard the sound of horses' hooves from outside the mansion. He knew that the only person who could come to his Cai mansion at this time was Ma Liang.

Besides, the person who went to report the letter was also a domestic servant sent by Cai Cheng.

It's like this, just because Cai Cheng can now ask for help, only Ma Su's elder brother, the fourth master of the Ma family, Ma Liang...

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