It was Sun Quan who stood up at this time and hurriedly stopped it, but it seemed that things were not very easy to handle at this point.

Zhuge Liang's face froze for a moment, he really didn't expect that even if his brother was not present, he would be able to cause trouble for him.

He had to take the lead:

"Since you all know Liang's brother, then things are easy to talk about."

"Marquis Wu! Liang came here this time to discuss the matter of the Sun-Liu Alliance with you. I wonder what Marquis Wu thinks?"

Well, all of Sun Quan's people were stupid. The ministers who had just been appeased by him were completely ignited by Zhuge Liang.

"My lord! I can't fight it! I can't fight this battle!"

"My lord, I figured it out. This person is clearly here to split my Jiangdong army! Don't listen to this person's slander!"

Lu Su also had a big head. He glanced at Zhuge Liang helplessly, and found that Zhuge Liang was closing his eyes and resting, and he was already a little desperate.

Before coming to Zhuge Liang, he had been through such a thing for a long time.

I thought that winning Jiang Xia would give these old officials more confidence and trust in Sun Quan, but I didn't expect...

Finally—just when everyone was talking, and some people even wanted to hug and die, following the example of a wave of sages' death advice, Sun Quan didn't speak, but Zhuge Liang did.

"It turns out... there are only a group of cowards in Jiangdong, then I really did it wrong."

"If Marquis Wu is willing to sit and watch Jiangdong's life is ruined, the gentry collapses, and the civil and military are executed, then Shu Liang can't do anything, we will go north and go to Wu Ju in the north-"

"Good boy, you actually spit blood, my lord, let me behead him!"

Zhang Zhao went to court with a sword, which is considered to be imitating the actions of the general Huo Guang. In his heart, he positioned himself as a character like Huo Guang. He helped the young master Sun Quan to ascend to the throne, and the Jiangdong Building was about to collapse. When was someone called a coward?

He drew his sword and was about to go forward and cut Zhuge Liang, but Sun Quan suddenly rescued him.

"Wait! Let me come!"

Sun Quan had no choice but to draw his sword, grabbed in front of Zhang Zhao, and walked in front of Zhuge Liang with the sword in his hand, as if he was threatening Zhuge Liang.

But Zhuge Liang remained motionless.

"Zhuge Liang, why are you saying this?"

"Why do you say this?"

Zhuge Liang smiled.

Although he is selfish, he wants to rely on Soochow to keep Liu Bei's living strength, and then retain the opportunity to dominate the world.

But he also looked down on those corpse vegetarians in the hall from the bottom of his heart.

The hall was still noisy, but Zhuge Liang started a debate with them——

But the main argument has never been refuted by the other side.

Sun Quan listened carefully, and even until the ministers completely disappeared, Sun Quan was still thinking about what Zhuge Liang said:

"The army of [-] people on land and water is rushing in. Now Cao Cao should have taken Jiangling and reached the vicinity of Wulin along the Yangtze River."

As soon as they heard [-], the faint-hearted were already terrified.

He kept talking about not being able to fight, not being able to fight, but Zhuge Liang replied:

"[-] is just a lie, it's what Cao Cao boasted about, why should you be afraid?"

"How much is that?"

"Five hundred thousand."

Chapter [-] The killer, please Yi Xiaotian


Zhang Zhao almost broke the wine cup in his hand.

Is there a difference?

Eight hundred thousand and five hundred thousand.

[-] is more appropriate, but what about them?

"I ask you, how many men does Liu Bei have?"

"Twenty thousand."

Zhuge Liang spoke directly.

"If I'm not wrong, Liu Biao's son Liu Qi should still be near Jiangxia. If you are willing to accept him, then we will have another ten thousand people."

Zhuge Liang was too confident in what he said, making Zhang Zhao and others seem to have given birth to a kind of Zhuge Liang who had an army of [-] people.

"Okay, in the end, you have a total of [-] people. How will you fight this battle?"

"[-] fights [-], even if we give you [-] soldiers and horses, could it be that you can still fight a Guandu battle on this river?"

When it comes to the Battle of Guandu, Lu Su and the others are a little hairy.

They only knew that Cao Cao used a series of godlike maneuvers to beat Yuan Shao upside down.

Such a terrifying military strategist, if you want to fight him in a Guandu battle, this is probably more difficult than reaching the sky.

"So what? So you are going to give it to others for nothing?"

"Let me tell you the truth, you must fight this battle, if you still want to keep the top of Wuhou."

"Don't tell me, each of you is trying to protect yourself, and you have never considered whether Wu Hou will go or stay, right?"

"Hahaha... That's what it is, that's what it is, I see it..."

Zhuge Liang's barrage of sarcasm seemed to have read over and over the deepest thoughts of the officials of the Eastern Wu Dynasty.

It's just such a thing, Sun Quan and even Lu Su and others have wanted to understand, and the discerning person can see it without saying it, sacrificing a Sun Quan for a peace in Soochow, this business is certainly worth it.

"You you... you spit out blood!"

"Prime Minister Cao loves the people like a son. As long as the lord chooses to back down, Prime Minister Cao will definitely give the lord peace!"

This rebuttal seems a little weak.

In the end, Zhuge Liang's ultimate move caught everyone by surprise:

Zhuge Liang snorted coldly, as if thinking of the fact that the originator of his present tragic image was the fact that he gritted his teeth.

"To tell you the truth, since you mentioned the battle of Guandu, I might as well tell you why Cao Cao was able to win that seemingly impossible battle—"

Now, Zhuge Liang's words captured everyone's heart.

Soochow is in peace. When Cao Cao was fighting in the north and south, Soochow was often concerned about himself, so few people had heard of Cao Cao's deeds.

And Zhuge Liang decided to sow this seed at this moment, planting a nightmare in the minds of these Soochow people, and the name of this nightmare was Yi Xiaotian.


"Don't be stunned, come... drink..."

Sun Quan's voice reverberated in the hall, but when he picked up the wine cup, the trembling of his hands, together with the sound of hitting the plate, echoed in everyone's ears.

Sun Quan was trembling because he heard Zhuge Liang describe word by word a story of a hermit like a fairy who helped Cao Cao save him from danger in times of crisis.

If it wasn't for Zhuge Liang's indifferent voice, he really would rather it was a fact made up by Zhuge Liang.

"My lord..."

Bu Jin swallowed and asked what everyone wanted to ask:

" this true?"

"Is there really such a strange person in the world?"

Sun Quan did not answer them, but Lu Su answered them.

"Yes... I've heard it before, and Zhou Lang once told me that there seem to be several well-known villas in the north, and the owner of that villa, Yi Xiaotian, is the founder of Cao Cao's hegemony..."

Zhuge Liang seemed to be quite satisfied with these people's reactions, because when he first heard about Yi Xiaotian's name, his reaction was much more exaggerated than this.

"Let me tell you one more thing - this Yi Xiaotian's face in Cao Cao's place is even bigger than that of the emperor... When Wuchao was on fire, Xu You, who offered advice, should have been Cao Cao's first-class hero."

Zhuge Liang looked around the stiff Soochow ministers with cold eyes, and continued:

"But just because he provoked Yi Xiaotian, Xu You fell to the ground."

"Yi Xiaotian's attitude towards the nobility is not very good..."

This sentence is Zhuge Liang's naked threat.

"I heard that the business of his villa seems to be in conflict with the pillars of the families?"

Zhuge Liang was talking about the lifeblood of everyone.

Iron and iron - salt and iron in ancient times were the economic lifeline of all dynasties and dynasties.

Famous families in Jiangdong: Lu family, Wang family, etc., they made their fortunes on salt and iron.

Now you tell him that someone is coming and is going to take away half of the foundation of their house. Now... the officials of the Eastern Wu Dynasty can't sit still anymore.

If you want to get along with Cao Cao, you can't avoid this Yi Xiaotian, but you have to deal with Yi Xiaotian...


When many people think about the consequences, some of them dare not speak.

"So... Marquis Wu, what is your decision? Fight... or surrender?"

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan. This debate lasted from morning to evening. The sun was about to go down outside. Finally...

Sun Quan escaped.


In fact, Sun Quan didn't run away, he went to find someone.

Zhang Zhao is unreliable, so the person who can be trusted in the end.

"My lord! My lord! walk slowly..."

Lu Su was a little puffy, Sun Quan walked fast, and Zhuge Liang followed like a wild ghost in the distance.

The ministers in the hall naturally don't care, everyone can still squeeze out in a day.

It's just that the ghost stories that Zhuge Liang told them had taken everyone's life.

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