His voice was full of emotion, his lips were trembling, and he looked at the handsome Zhao Yun with tears in his eyes:

"Zilong...for a child...and two women, I almost lost one of my generals..."

Zilong was stunned, Zhuge Liang had completely watched Liu Bei's amazing acting, and he didn't dare to say a word from beginning to end.

Only two people, with anger at the moment, came to Liu Bei who didn't know it.

Liu Bei is still playing.

"Zilong! Please get up quickly! There is a deep love between you and me, why don't you sleep with me today..."

"Liu Bei, you bastard!"

"Liu Bei, my sister and I seem to be superfluous to you! Okay...okay... it's a waste of my elder brother to value you so much..."

Madam Gan scolded Liu Bei, and Madam Mi slapped him directly.

She was married from the Mi family, which represented her elder brother Mi Zhu's support for Liu Bei, but now Liu Bei said that they were just two women...

The two ladies who were burning with anger played a mixed doubles match in front of everyone. Liu Bei was fighting, and Zhuge Liang shook his head again and again.

"Yuanzhi, can you tell me, is it right...or wrong that I came here?"


The four hundred and seventieth chapters come from Soochow, Sun and Liu United

Since the battle of Dangyang, Cao Cao seems to be less anxious.

He went down the city and took Nanjun and Jiangling into his arms all the way. At this time, Liu Bei, who was resting in Dangyang and was about to reunite with Jiangxia and Guan Yu, ushered in the turning point that Zhuge Liang said.

The "safety plan" came to you.

"My lord! Let me introduce to you, this is Lu Su Lu Zijing, who is now the admiral of the navy under the account of Wuhou, and an old friend of mine!"

Before Liu Bei could recover from the beating of the two ladies, he woke up early in the morning by Zhuge Liang's call.

Seeing that Zhuge Liang had brought a classy literati from his wing, Zhuge Liang introduced him to Liu Bei like this.

"Lu Zijing? Someone from Marquis Wu?"

Liu couldn't be more surprised, he just felt that everyone around him was the enemy at this moment, and he also forgot all the plans that Zhuge Liang had told him before.

"Wu... What did Marquis Wu send you to do? Could it be to laugh at me, Liu Xuande?"

Liu Bei was nervous, like a patient.

Lu Su was also a little confused. He originally came with good intentions. How could Liu Yuzhou be so haggard and nervous?

Lu Su cast an inquiring look at Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Liang hurriedly made a round, walked over to Liu Bei, and whispered beside him.

"My lord... Lu Zijing came to us to discuss the coalition... Could it be that you forgot what I said to you before?"

Liu Bei finally nodded tremblingly.

"It turns out... it turns out that... Allied forces are good!"


Liu Bei suddenly turned to look at Lu Su, and whispered to Zhuge Liang who was beside him:

"It's just that Jiang Xia, aren't we going?"

Lu Su's hearing was extremely sharp, and he probably knew that Liu Bei was still carrying some hostility at the moment, so he smiled and said to Liu Bei:

"Don't worry about Liu Yuzhou. Jiangxia was already occupied by Marquis Wu a few days ago, and Jiangxia's defender Huang Zu was also killed on the spot. Today's Jiangxia is already our territory."


Only then did Liu Bei hear the news that Jiang Xia had been captured, and it was as if he was bombarded by a thunderbolt—

"I know Liu Yuzhou, you want to seize Jiangxia to fight against Cao Cao... Why don't we, Sun and Liu, have a good discussion about this matter. If Liu Yuzhou and Wuhou can reach an agreement, what's the difficulty of giving this Jiangxia... to Liu Yuzhou? "

Lu Su was very good at speaking, and the tone of discussion guided Liu Bei, who was a little panicked at the moment, and made Liu Bei's thinking a lot clearer.

Liu Bei got Zhuge Liang's affirmative look, and finally calmly expressed his last worry:

"Of course I have no problem here, but Wu Hou's place..."

Liu Bei frowned, his face showing embarrassment, but he had heard Zhuge Liang carefully analyze the current situation of the Jiangdong gentry.

"The six counties of Jiangdong are all controlled by aristocratic families. It's not that I look down on Wu Hou... Can Wu Hou's words at this moment really be finalized?"


There was also a little embarrassment on Lu Su's face.

In fact, even though Lu Su is nearly forty years old, in fact, his status in Jiangdong still cannot shake those real aristocratic families.

In Jiangdong, it is not your qualifications that you look at. No matter how much good you have done for the people of Jiangdong, the people who really control the financial and material resources have always been the famous families in Jiangdong.

Without them, Sun Quan would have no soldiers, without them, Lu Su and the others would have no food—the key point is that these aristocratic families often fight openly and secretly, and Sun Quan is already a little powerless just to check and balance them.

Now that Cao Cao's army is heading south, Liu Biao's side is in chaos before the war, and Jiangdong's side is not much better.

With the exception of a small number of truly vigorous generals who are leading the battle, the rest of the nobility are basically conservative and opposed.

They believed that once Cao Cao's troops entered Jiangdong, no matter how they fought, they would lose.

It might be better to return early, Cao Cao will definitely treat them well, seeing the support they can bring to him.

Lu Su is a staunch fighting faction. It does not mean that he cannot get the protection of the gentry and must go to war, but that Lu Su has a long-term vision.

The nobles can hide for a while, but they can't hide for a lifetime. As long as Cao Cao dominates the world, it is these stubborn local snakes who will suffer slowly.

"Wu Hou's side is still swaying, so I think if Liu Yuzhou sends your thoughts to the court, some people will change their minds, right?"

"In the end... Wu Hou still hasn't decided yet, it's very difficult to do..."

After listening to Lu Su's words, Liu Bei understood. In the end, Lu Su was just a water weed. In the face of the wind and waves, he could never really influence the direction of the waves.

Liu Bei's face collapsed. He was already old, but at this moment, his face was full of folds, and he suddenly became old.

The shock of these two or three days made him lose all confidence in fighting against Cao Cao.

Between the two groans, Zhuge Liang finally spoke.

He first stepped into the middle of the two, like a gust of breeze, the feather fan swayed, making Lu Su a little dizzy.

"Kong Ming... what else can you do?"

Lu Su wondered, because he saw Zhuge Liang's confident expression, and often at this time, Zhuge Liang was confident.

"There is a way... that is..."

Zhuge Liang took a breath and seemed to be struggling with something.

"Kong Ming! Do you really have a solution? Tell me quickly, I'm really anxious today..."

Liu Bei's face changed quickly. When he heard that Zhuge Liang had an idea again, he finally did not dare to make a mistake. After these few dangerous situations, Liu Bei had more and more trust in Zhuge Liang, and regarded Zhuge Liang as his only one. Legs, hugged tightly in front of him.

However, Zhuge Liang shook his head, and Yu Fan finally pointed to Liu Bei's head.


Liu Bei didn't understand, he didn't know what he had to do with him.

At this time, Zhuge Liang finally showed an expression of resentment:

"My lord, the Marquis of Wu and everyone in Jiangdong, I will persuade me, and your lord..."

At this time, Zhuge Liang suddenly took out the bag from his arms.

He muttered proudly:

"Hmph... The kits, the kits, I have the kits here today, but I want to see whether it's my kits that are great, or your kits that are great!"

As he said that, he put a small bag in Liu Bei's hand.

"My lord! When your troops reach Xiakou, I must have persuaded Marquis Wu. When you receive the news from me, you will open this bag, which will tell you what to do next..."

"I assure the lord that this kit will never be worse than the one by Cao Cao's side called Yi Xiaotian!"

Zhuge Liang snorted coldly, the feather fan shook quickly, and Lu Su looked at the beads of sweat falling on Zhuge Liang's forehead, and probably realized that Zhuge Liang was not sure.

"Better than nothing."

Lu Su smiled, but was a little puzzled, who is Yi Xiaotian?


It was already night in Yecheng on the other side.

It's just that there is a villa that is doomed to sleepless tonight.

A gust of cold wind blew, Yi Xiaotian sneezed, he wrapped his clothes again, and muttered:

"It's really cold this night."

However, Yi Xiaotian was not idle, he helped Zhenluo mount the horse, and greeted the figure in the distance behind him.

"Brother Guo! The Youjian Villa in Yecheng, please!"

"Brother Yi, take care all the way!"

Guo Jia bowed his hands quite dashingly.

Finally—Yi Xiaotian, Zhen Luo, and Xu Chu set out on the road together, targeting the city of Xiangyang that Cao Cao had just conquered.

Yi Xiaotian thought that after all, there will be a battle in Chibi. If he can catch up, he will be more confident if he is less likely to miss it.

Chapter [-]: The Big Trouble of Marquis Wu

With a beautiful woman on the road, even if she was sleeping in the wind, Yi Xiaotian felt that the life was not as hard as she imagined. What's more, with Xu Chu, a humanoid transporter, Yi Xiaotian not only stuffed their luggage with jerky, but even more Stayed for some living ingredients.

With Zhen Luo on his side, he can have a full meal every day.

It's just that the speed naturally won't be as fast as Xu Chu was traveling alone before.

After three days, Yi Xiaotian roughly looked at the distance——

"It is probably fast enough to be able to go to Xiangyang before the end of the war."

"What war?"

Xu Chu bit the meat skewers that Zhen Luo had just grilled, and asked with a slur in his mouth.

"It's nothing, let's eat meat."

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