"Brother! Let me go!"

Zhang Fei rushed to Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang and patted his chest.

But Liu Bei shook his head.

"Let me go."

I don't know if he wanted to make amends or what, Liu Bei led a few light cavalry, and then slowly walked towards the city gate.


"Jun... Military advisor, why did he come back, eldest brother?"

Zhang Fei looked at Liu Bei's figure from a distance, and when he saw Liu Bei lingering in front of the city gate for a while, he hung his horse and turned around.

Do not…


When Zhuge Liang saw that Liu Bei's horse was extremely fast, he suddenly understood something.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Guan Yu was pulling his horse in front of him, and he saw Liu Bei's soulless expression from a distance, and the slender and phoenix-eyed Guan Er Ye's eyes widened.


"Ah? Second brother, why did you say it's bad?"

Zhang Fei was a little confused, until Liu Bei got closer and closer to them, and called out in despair:


"Jingzhou... Jingzhou is gone!"

Liu Bei's lips were trembling, his eyes were dull, he was facing the few people in front of him, and he only knew one sentence:

"Jingzhou is gone, and Cao Cao is surrendered..."


At the same time, at the north gate of Xiangyang, still more than ten miles away from Xiangshui, Liu Cong, who shrank his neck, was swinging in the cold wind.

Next to him were Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, the first and second leaders of the Xiangyang army.

The three of them rode across the Xiangshui River and looked into the distance.

Slowly, on the horizon in the distance, smoke and dust were everywhere, and soon the sound of horses' hooves approached.

The Master of the Son of Heaven has come.

A black line of iron cavalry came from a huge soup.

If there are more than [-] soldiers and horses, there is no limit. This is not an empty phrase.

The timid Liu Cong saw this scene, almost pulled the reins, turned his head and ran towards the city.

But Cai Mao still held Liu Cong firmly.

"Master, don't go!"

"Yes Yes…"

Zhang Yun swallowed his saliva. He dared not imagine what would happen to Jingzhou City, which had only [-] soldiers and horses to face this army.



The three of them marched side by side, but Cao Cao, who was in the distance, started laughing early.

"Where is Xu Yuanzhi? Where is Xu Yuanzhi!"

Cao Cao clapped his hands happily, and his demonic laughter spread all over the country.

Xu Shu originally planned to recuperate in Xinye, but who knew that Cao Cao insisted on taking him with him.

But he was relieved after thinking about it. Anyway, he would not offer advice to Cao Cao. He wanted to see what Cao Cao was like when he was slumped in Xiangyang City.

Unexpectedly, the army went to the Xiangshui River, and even passed through the Xiangshui in an orderly manner, but the imaginary blocking did not happen at all.

"Is Liu Biao messing with the mud!"

Xu Shu cursed inwardly.

When Xu Chu was brought to Cao Cao's side, Xu Shu was still puzzled, but when he saw the three familiar faces slowly approaching from a distance, he was suddenly blinded...

"How could this be... General Cai... General Zhang... and..."

Seeing Liu Cong's wretched appearance, Xu Shu had already expected the worst.


Hearing Xu Shu muttering to himself, Cao Cao stroked his beard in satisfaction and smiled at Xu Shu:

"Xu Yuanzhi, three days ago, you said that my brother Yi's clever tricks were nothing more than slanderous words to confuse the public. Today, we might as well match up with the three people in front of us. Let's bet on what the three of them are. Come - see what my brother Yi said, is it just a lie?"

As smart as Xu Shu, this time he was also a little cowardly.

"Prime Minister, you are serious, I just said some angry words that day..."

"Xu Yuanzhi? The truth is to ask you, whether to gamble or not!"

Cao Cao's voice suddenly became severe, and a thunderous voice bombarded Xu Shu's ears. He took in Cao Cao's power, and finally replied in a voice the size of a mosquito:


Xu Shu also broke the jar, and slowly watched the three approaching, looking at them with a constipated look.

Until Liu Cong stepped forward tremblingly and confessed his unique seal of the Jingzhou pastoral official, he knelt down in front of Cao Cao and said in a trembling voice:

"Sin... The sinful minister Liu Cong, along with Cai Mao, the prefect of Zhangling, and Zhang Yunte, the admiral of the navy, ask the prime minister to surrender!"

"When the people of Xiangyang have been waiting for the Prime Minister in the city for a long time, they also invited the Prime Minister to take charge of Xiangyang..."

Liu Cong's words stammered, and Cao Cao got Xiangyang without a single soldier, which has become a sure-fire fact.

Xu Shu's whole body was stiff, his face was blue and purple, and in the end he didn't say a word.

Cao Cao caught a glimpse of Xu Shu's appearance and continued to ask:

"Where did your father go? Could it be that he didn't dare to see me?"

Liu Cong finally cried nervously:

"My father... My father passed away yesterday, and... I also ask the Prime Minister not to hold my father accountable!"

Liu Cong raised his head and cried loudly. After three times, he cried and breathed away. However, why was he too sad?He was clearly frightened...

And what about Xu Shu?

Xu Shu's face was pale, he staggered a few steps forward, pointed his hand at Liu Cong, and finally came out a few words from the gap between his teeth:

"This is impossible!"

Chapter [-] Don't ask, asking is a good idea

Xu Shu was finally carried away in a coma.

Before being carried away, Xu Shu said all the foul language. He scolded Liu Cong and others for killing Liu Biao, and said some things that Liu Cong and Cai Mao couldn't understand, "Yi Xiaotian's demonic words to confuse the public" and "Ding". It was Yi Xiaotian who betrayed Liu Biao." Such vague words.

The reason for his coma is very simple. A strong man as strong as an ox sprang out from nowhere and directly gave Xu Yuanzhi a solid punch.

Afterwards, Xu Chu, a man at that time, was invited out of Xiangyang by Cao Cao in the name of hurting his military advisers - in fact...

"Marquis of Guannei, you know what to do, tell Brother Yi, this is a hundred miles outside the city of Xiangyang, let him choose, and I will build a villa for him myself, and invite him to come to Jingzhou to sit in town!"

"Hey! Good!"

Xu Chu thought that he was going to be reprimanded, but he did not expect Cao Cao to pull him aside alone, but said something that made him happy.

Xu Chu applauded again and again, and after saying goodbye to everyone that night, he hurried to the direction of Yecheng.

Jia Xu was the only one who parted, looking at the things that Xu Chu handed him in his hands, a little puzzled and a little worried.

"Why does Mr. Yi choose this... that's all, we'll talk about it until then."

Jia Xu shook his head and walked under the city wall.


When Cao Cao entered the city, the people of Xiangyang were frightened and frightened.

But when he saw that Cao Cao was only leading a group of civil and military forces into the city, and the army was stationed outside the city intact, with this action alone, Cao Cao captured the cheers of all the people.

Cao Cao and Zhang Yun, who led Cao Cao to the Yafu, were just like natural dog-legs. They greeted Cao Cao with greetings, and Cao Cao did not criticize them because he kept in mind the words of Yi Xiaotian.

"Cai Mao, Zhang Yun... How many sailors do you two have?"

Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were suddenly stunned, Sailor?Why did the sailor come up all of a sudden?

Zhang Yun had an idea in his heart. He knew that Cao Cao would definitely think that the two of them were surrendering generals and would not pay attention to them. The navy was definitely his trump card. If Cao Cao was going to experience a water battle, then the two of them were well-deserved. army head.

It's just... why did Cao Cao mention it first?

"What about the two of you!"

Dian Wei suddenly appeared and shouted beside Cai Mao and Zhang Yun. Zhang Yun gave a direct shock and hurriedly replied:

"There are only [-] sailors... but none of them are the elite soldiers that the two of us have practiced for many years. If the Prime Minister has an idea! This..."


Cao Cao nodded before Zhang Yun finished speaking. He just wanted to make sure. Sure enough, as Yi Xiaotian said, these two are talents that Cao Cao is in urgent need of. Fortunately, he didn't look at the previous picture of them. Killed them like that.

"Hum hum…"

Cao Cao suddenly smiled, and the two almost didn't pee their pants. Cao Cao finally smiled and patted their shoulders when he saw them like this:

"You two don't have to worry, you don't need to be suspicious, you don't need to use people. If there is a water battle next, I will trouble the two generals to cut the wind and waves for this emperor's division!"

"Yes Yes!"

Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were stunned. For a while, they couldn't believe what they heard. After a moment, Dian Wei pushed them both:

"Why don't you kneel down and thank the Prime Minister! What are you doing?"

To tell the truth, Dian Wei, the wicked man, is really too competent. He has covered everything that should be said and should not be said. Cao Cao naturally likes Dian Wei's behavior quite a bit.

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