"Prime Minister!!!"

This roar was thunderous, and many in Cao Cao's army missed him very much.

Xu Chu arrived. For nearly ten days, he flew all the way from Yecheng to the south. During the period, three good horses died of exhaustion. Xu Chu finally arrived.

"Prime Minister!!"

There was another thunderous roar, and many soldiers in the camp came out of the tent one after another, wanting to see what happened.

Cao Cao already had a headache, but at this moment, he was shocked by the sound and almost didn't faint.

But when he heard Xu Chu's voice, Cao Cao cheered himself up, put on a fur coat, and walked out of the tent.

Xu Chu was still simple and honest. As soon as he saw Cao Cao, he immediately got off his horse. His fat trembled three times because of the impact, and everyone watching pursed their lips and laughed.

"Prime Minister, I have seen you!"

"Hehe, you Xu Chu, why don't you stay in Yecheng and guard the villa for Brother Yi, what are you doing here in Xinye?"

Cao Cao patted Xu Chu's growing arm, but there was no blame in the truth.

Xu Chu was his favorite general, and seeing Xu Chu at such a time really made him feel a lot better.

"Prime Minister, I was assigned by Mr. Yi to come here to give you that good idea. You can't blame me for leaving without permission, right?"

"What! A clever trick?"

Cao Cao's voice could not be controlled. It was estimated that it was the first time he lost his voice in the past few days.

But it happened so suddenly.

Just when Cao Cao was at a loss, Yi Xiaotian's brilliant plan was thousands of miles away and finally came to Cao Cao's side.

Cao Cao suddenly felt relieved.

"As expected, in the end, I still have to rely on Brother Yi."

He smiled helplessly and shook his head.



The four hundred and sixty-first chapter is a one-to-one account, which can be called a god

Cao Cao, who had been sluggish at first, suddenly regained his energy.

All the generals and advisors were directly called for just one thing, to discuss the next strategy.

Jia Xu received the news early, knowing that Xu Chu had sent a good plan, and he no longer wore his shoes or combed his hair, so he was the first to come to Cao Cao's side.

Yi Xiaotian almost ruined his job, but Jia Xu still admired Yi Xiaotian.

No reason, Jia Xu is a person who admires the strong. If Yi Xiaotian says he can solve things that he can't solve, then he will not have any doubts, and even... He still has some expectations. Under such circumstances, Yi Xiaotian Could it still be broken?

Such a situation…

For the past three days, Cao Cao has been obstructed as never before.

To this end, Cao Cao specially sent a person named Li Fu to spy on the intelligence - this is the person who is best at being a spy under Cao Cao.

There is no need to mention his deeds. The key is Cao Cao and his advisors. I really want to know why Liu Bei's army has changed faces in such a short period of time, and what is the origin of the masters behind it? .

Now that Li Fu has been gone for two days, it is time for Li Fu to come back today.

It's just that Xu Chu's arrival was an unexpected joy.


Cao Jun, in the commanding tent.

"Three bags?"

Jia Xu shrank his neck.

"That's right, Brother Yi said, this first vermilion kit will be opened when Xinye is blocked..."


In the tent, the sound of "ah" one after another was not a shout, but a confused sound that everyone couldn't help but hear.

Everyone was blinded.

Xu Chu was a little puzzled, not knowing what everyone was wondering, he scratched his head, thinking it was...

But not wanting to, Xun You suddenly asked:

"Marquis Guannei, are you sure that you have been on this road for ten days? Was this package written by the owner of Yizhuang ten days ago?"

Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva, waiting for Xu Chu's answer.

Xu Chu touched his head again and said suspiciously:

"Is there still a fake? Although I don't have a bright mind, I still remember the days clearly. Ten days and nine nights, ten days ago, Mr. Yi received the news of the Prime Minister Nanzheng, and he wrote this tip that night, which made me extremely uncomfortable. Come quickly."

Xu Chu scratched his belly and added:

"By the way, Mr. Yi also said that as long as this kit is delivered quickly enough, Prime Minister and you will not have a big problem, but it looks like..."

"Did I come late?"

Xu Chu was a little embarrassed, he felt that he was too fat, otherwise he would have been able to deliver it faster.

But after listening to Xu Chu's words, everyone's surprise penetrated deep into their bones, and some people felt chills down their backs, thinking that they had seen a ghost today.

Unexpectedly, it was Cao Cao who broke the deadlock.

Cao Cao raised his head and laughed loudly, which made everyone relax a lot.

"Everyone is, what are you nervous about? Brother Yi, the prophet of uncertainty, knew early on that my Cao Cao would be deflated. In my opinion, being blocked in Xinye for three days is a great thing for our army!"

"Our spirit is too strong, it's time to rub it!"

Having said that, Cao Cao felt the same as everyone else, that Yi Xiaotian was amazing.

Ten days ago, it was known that they would definitely be trapped in Xinye, which was simply a prediction that God could make.

"Don't say it, let's not say it, then the truth will open this first tip, let's see what kind of strategy Yi brother can bring us to defeat the enemy."

Everyone nodded like sifting chaff, knowing the magic of Yi Xiaotian, and naturally wanted to know how far this so-called clever trick can be.

When the kit was opened, Cao Cao was puzzled, then silent, and finally smiled helplessly.

After a long time, when Jia Xu saw this, he took the note from Cao Cao.

After seeing the words above, Jia Xu was also a little confused.

"Master! What exactly is written in this kit? Don't hold back, you two! I'm so anxious!"

Xu Chu actually wanted to know, so he not only urged, but heard Jia Xu's tone rather slow, and slowly read out the content on the paper.

"If the Prime Minister has not yet come to Xinye, remember to take a detour to Bowangpo, the enemy may set up an ambush here..."

"Xinye can't be attacked by force, just besieged for three days, no matter what, Liu Bei will leave."

"If the prime minister has already arrived at Xinye, it means that the prime minister may have experienced a major defeat by now, but he still needs to wait three more days before Xinye defeats himself."


Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

Especially Xiahou Dun's reaction was the most exaggerated.

"This, this, this..."

Xiahou Dun couldn't even speak, he had never heard of such strange things.

Previously, he felt that the military advisors were indeed smarter than them, but they would definitely not be too smart. At most, they could be better than them in dispatching troops.

Today, however, some of the concepts in his mind seem to have been completely shattered by this small package.

There are people who are thousands of miles away, and they can look at the situation and even predict the enemy's ambush ten days later. This…

"God, really god!"

"With the help of this god, the prime minister will definitely be able to tie Jingxiang in a battle!"

Many generals sighed and cheered.

But only Cao Cao and Jia Xu reacted calmly.

Mainly because Yi Xiaotian hasn't finished speaking yet.

"There are two people in Liu Bei's army who need attention..."

"One of them, surnamed Xu Mingshu, with the character Yuanzhi, and the other, who lived in Longzhong for a long time, was a farmer named Zhuge Liang, who was often called Zhuge Wolong by talented people in Yingchuan. Only these two people can't get them, so they have to get rid of them... "

"Even so, but at this moment, Xu Yuanzhi is probably already in Liu Bei's formation, the prime minister can kidnap his Nanyang mother, Xu Shuyu is filial, and he will definitely come to cast..."

At this point, the letter is completely over.

What left Cao Cao was shock and doubt.

"This Xu Yuanzhi... Could it be that Mr. Shui Jing's Sima Hui..."

Cao Cao was puzzled, while Jia Xu searched his memory:

"Prime Minister, this Xu Yuanzhi is indeed a talented person. He is on a par with me and Gongda and the others. You must listen to Mr. Yi's words!"


Cao Cao couldn't believe it, how did Yi Xiaotian know that Xu Shu had defected to Liu Bei?

Moreover, how could Xu Shu vote for Liu Bei, a frustrated person?

No matter what, they should gather under Liu Biao...

Cao Cao told everyone what was behind the letter, and everyone was a little confused.

However, the idea in his mind just came into being, when the sound of horse hooves suddenly came from outside the tent.

"Prime Minister! I found it, I found it!"

It's Li Fu.

Li Fu was invited into the tent by Cao Cao. Everyone saw that Li Fu was all muddy at the moment, with a rag turban hanging on his body.

Li Fu stinks, but Cao Cao doesn't care at all, he just wants to know what information Li Fu has found.

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