When the cold wind blew, Cao Cao's head also froze. After thinking about it, it seemed that there was a lot of care here, so he quickly ordered:


"In this way, Miao Cai, you will lead another thousand cavalry troops, and you must help Yuan Rang to clear the mountains and forests, and don't act recklessly!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Xiahou Yuan ordered his troops neatly, and then hurriedly led his army to the other end of Bowangpo.


What is Xiahou Dun doing at this time?

He's running fast.

Yes, it's been a long time since I felt such a hearty pursuit.

He had just warmed up with the young general in white robes, but he didn't expect the opponent to leave after a few hits. At the same time, his cavalry swarmed up and beat the opponent's men to the point of losing their armor and armor, and it was very neat.

Xiahou Dun danced the long sword buzzing, and the BMW under his crotch also sweated.

"The thief goes away!"

He shouted so loudly, but did not hear the call of the lieutenant behind him.

"General! Ahead... A gorge is ahead! Don't chase the enemy easily!"

Lieutenant generals often have the role of reminding the main general in wartime, but this time, Xiahou Dun should have obeyed the call of the lieutenant general.

But the enemy is too angry——

Zhao Yun looked back and smiled, the spear swept away with a feeling of "this is it?"

Coupled with Zhao Yun's handsome and extraordinary face, you always feel that he is obviously defeated, but you are even more embarrassed.

"General Xiahou?"

"I don't dare to chase after that? As expected of Xiahou, the big blind monkey!"

I don't know who he learned his sharp tongue from, Zhao Yun ridiculed all the time. Although the soldiers around him were running away, they still had to shout before leaving:

"Scared Monkey!"

"Scared Monkey!"

Xiahou Dun was also violent, he sneered and said something in his mouth:

"Okay...Okay, wait until I chop your head off and see how you laugh! Drive!"

Xiahou Dun ignored the call of the lieutenant, and chased Zhao Yun into the mountain alone.

How can the lieutenant let go of the commander-in-chief?

They can only lead the army to catch up, and this pursuit is half an hour.

I don't know if the other party's horse was too fast, or if Xiahou Dun finally reacted. They had been chasing for too long. In short, when Xiahou Dun reined in his horse, the sun went down and the afterglow was already showing, and this blood-red light filled half of the sky. , doesn't look very lucky.


"Where is this place?"

Xiahou Dun stopped, listening to the army stop following his footsteps. Gradually, the sound of the wind died down, and only the sound of the horses panting and the rubbing of the armor resounded in his ears.

"I ask again, where is this place!"

"Go back... back to General, here, it should be between Yushan and Anlin. After half an hour, there will be a way out..."

The lieutenant said tremblingly.

Xiahou Dun looked around for a week, and the more he looked, the more he felt that the terrain was not good.

The surrounding area is high, the middle is low, there are mountains and forests, and no water source can be seen. There are gravel under the feet, and the horse's hooves and feet are all worn and bleeding. This is really not good.

"Listen to my orders, retreat..."

Xiahou Dun finally reacted.

It's a pity that he reacted a little too late.

"General Xiahou! Why, after chasing me for so long, you want to leave now?"

What came from behind was the familiar voice of the white-robed general. There was a bit of sarcasm in that voice. To Xiahou Dun, it sounded more like the voice of a life-threatening ghost.

"Quick retreat!"

he growled.

Along with his thunderous roar, arrows fell like rain, stone formations fell on the mountain, and flint splashed, igniting the armor of many people.

The battle situation was reversed in an instant. Zhao Yun rushed down the mountain with a cavalry army. There were interceptions in front and pursuers in the rear. Xiahou Dun was completely ambushed.

He desperately brandished his long sword, beheading one enemy after another.

The lieutenant and soldiers beside him also took out their shields to meet the enemy.

It's a pity that this ambush happened suddenly, and the attacks came from all directions. Even if Xiahou Dun was the god of war, he would still have a loss.

Zhao Yun stabbed with a spear, directly picking off Xiahou Dun's shoulder armor, Xiahou Dun was able to avoid it, and wanted to fight back, but found that the bravery of this white-robed young general was outrageous.

One shot and one stab almost killed him in the blind spot. After only five moves, Xiahou Dun had several scars on his body.

"You... you cheat!"

Xiahou Dun was not reconciled. He waved his long sword and attacked again and again, but he couldn't hide the fact that he had fallen behind.

Zhao Yun's face was cold, with a posture that he must kill Xiahou Dunge to the ground today.

"Otherwise? General Xiahou must remember my name. I am Changshan Zhao Zilong, the one who took your head today!"

"Don't panic, brother! I'll help you!"

A cloud-piercing arrow, whistling with the wind, tore apart the anxious fighting intent, and flew straight to Zhao Yun's eyebrows.

Zhao Yun was shocked, and he avoided the short body, but his long hair was also shot off.

Xiahou Yuan led a thousand cavalry troops to rush forward, directly killing Xiahou Dun as an escape route.

When Xiahou Dun saw Xiahou Yuan, he finally felt a sense of being saved, and hurriedly took cover under the cover of Xiahou Yuan and left.

Zhao Yun, on the other hand, stood upright in the firelight for a long time, without chasing him again.


Xiahou Dun was defeated.

It should be said that the first battle of the Southern Expedition belonging to Cao Cao was actually a complete defeat.

The so-called victory in the first battle is just a trick of the opponent, and this long series of defeats is just the opponent's lure.

When Cao Cao saw Xiahou Dun, who was covered in scars, arrive with the help of Xiahou Yuan, he finally regained his senses.

"I'm careless, I'm careless..."

"Prime Minister! The last commander deserves a thousand deaths!"

Xiahou Dun fell to his knees and pleaded with Cao Cao.

The original joy has now turned into a solemn, only the fire in the distance lasts for a long time, indicating the fiasco caused by Cao Cao's arrogance.

"Get up, it's all your fault."

Cao Cao said this very seriously.



The four hundred and fifty-ninth chapter is full of strength, and then declines and exhausts

The first battle of Xinye, or the first battle of Cao Cao's southern expedition, ended in failure.

This is undoubtedly a blow to Cao Cao's Nanzheng Wang Shi.

Before starting the army, Zhong Zhong was arrogant and arrogant, and called himself the division of the Son of Heaven. He should have taken this Jingzhou easily with the momentum of sweeping the Eight Wastelands, but he did not expect to turn his head in the first battle.

The advisors haven't spoken yet, and the generals are naturally ashamed.

On the day of the defeat, Cao Cao led his army to finally take a detour, and with great stability, he pushed his troops and horses to twenty miles outside Xinye City.

Since then, there has been no bigger move, and only the main focus is to set up camp, and there is no such determination as before.

In the dead of night, Dian Wei and other generals gathered in the tent to plead guilty to their arrogance during the day.

"Prime Minister... We were negligent. If it weren't for our instigation, General Xiahou would not have made a rapid advance and fell into the enemy's trap..."

I don't know who gave the idea to Dian Wei, the reckless man. Cao Cao saw that Dian Wei was the leader, Le Jin and others were a little behind, all of them were on the upper body, carrying Jing Ji and kneeling in front of him.

Rubbing his swollen head, Cao Cao said helplessly to the group of generals:

"You have to ask for guilt, but don't ask me for guilt. It's better to tell Wen He and Gongda. After all, in the daytime, they advised the army not to rashly advance. Confused."


Cao Cao actually lifted his robes and made a gesture to plead guilty to Jia Xu, Xun You and others on the side.

"Prime Minister, can't do it! Can't do it!"

Cao Cao seemed to be completely revealing his true feelings. No matter how late his knee was, he would slam on the ground heavily. Fortunately, Cheng Yu responded quickly and stepped forward to support Cao Cao.

The generals also opened their mouths in shock, speechless, not knowing how to explain.

It was Jia Xu who finally came forward and waved to the crowd:

"You generals don't have to blame themselves like this. The army has rushed forward, and it should never be said that it is the fault of one person. If it is the fault, it is our common fault-"

Jia Xu is very good at breaking the deadlock, especially this kind of embarrassing atmosphere, with Jia Xu's tone that is half persuasion and half appeasement, everyone soon becomes embarrassed.

It's just that things have come to this point. Although there is no rift in the army, the momentum of the march that was originally overwhelming is now greatly reduced.

This is an army of [-] people, and there are more than one person. If you don't have a good grasp of the military's will to fight, etc., and the soldiers will not have the will to fight, it will be a big trouble.

Marching and fighting pay attention to one rush, and then decline, and three to exhaustion. Now Cao Cao's top priority is to destroy the Xinye City that lies in front of him as soon as possible——

"The soldiers are very fast, tomorrow morning, we will attack the city, what do you think of the military advisors?"

Everyone took their seats, and Cao Cao made a speech.

The soldiers are very fast, this is what Xun Yu entrusted again and again before the army left.

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