A butterfly flutters its wings off the coast of central and western Africa, and a few days later, on the far side of the Atlantic Ocean, there will be a huge storm.

Another example…

On the bus, a man near the window waved his hand, and a red arc flew out of the window. Two seconds later, a taxi suddenly deviated from the original driving direction and slammed into the green belt on the street. !

Speaking of which, Yi Xiaotian's butterfly and wings have been waving countless times.

Today's Guo Jia not only did not fall in the process of conquering Wuhuan, but instead embraced the beauty...

At the same time of being happy and happy, he is helping Yi Xiaotian take care of Youjian Villa, a mine, and a wool processing factory in Yecheng...

This is life...

The original song Liangliang completely changed his life after meeting Yi Xiaotian... Rich, wine, and women, Guo Fengxiao seems to like such days very much.


Da da da…

tao tao…


With the sound of the hooves of the war horses, the neighing of the war horses, and the footsteps of the soldiers getting closer, Cao Cao's five thousand tigers and leopards had already traveled to Youzhou.

Everyone bowed and bowed to welcome the new ruler of the North.

Cao Cao didn't begrudge his reward either. As soon as he arrived in Youzhou, he began to summarize and commend him... Except for this brother, Yi Xiaotian, who was behind the scenes and looked at the overall situation and made great achievements.

The most important contributor is Tian Chou, whom Yi Xiaotian specially recruited...

Because of his guidance, Cao Cao was able to run thousands of miles to attack the Wuhuan, and it was possible to succeed.

Therefore, Cao Cao directly named him Marquis of Ting.

"I ask Cao Sikong to take it back, how can I, Tian Chou, be so good? Can I make this Marquis of Ting?"

Tian Chou waved his hand and declined directly. "The reason why I help Duke Cao this time and lead the way for Duke Cao... is because that little friend... told me that Duke Cao is different from Yuan Shao, Duke Cao's purpose is to exterminate these Wuhuan people! Now that my wish has been granted, I am Time to go back."

The little friend Tian Chou mentioned was naturally Yi Xiaotian.

Speaking of this, Tian Chou smiled lightly, in fact... he was also invited to visit the Youjian Villa in Yecheng!

Because of Yi Xiaotian, his great revenge has been avenged, and now he is like a fast horse empty cart - relaxed and comfortable!


Cao Cao persuaded him a few times, and asked Tian Chou to do it over and over again, and even sent Xiahou Dun to do ideological mobilization work, but... Tian Chou had made up his mind and declined all of them.

Until then... Cao Cao didn't realize what kind of person Tian Chou was.

He just wants to realize his ambition to avenge his hometown, his parents and elders, and he wants nothing else. He has always been a hermit, a respectable hermit...

In the face of such a rude person, Cao Cao can only give a false title similar to a counselor... Let him return to the mountains and forests!

It was only then that Cao Cao realized that...

It is not easy for Brother Yi to invite the hermit Tian Chou to come out of the mountain.


After the meritorious heroes were commended, Cao Cao did not forget those opponents...

He even ordered to investigate, how many people opposed his opinion of going to Wuhuan!

This time... it scared the big guy directly!



The four hundred and fortieth chapter should be left to chase the poor thieves

Is it?Is Cao Cao going to settle accounts after the autumn?

Seven ups and downs, apprehensive... In an instant, the entire Cao camp was shrouded in a haze.

"Rewards... all are rewarded."

After the investigation made it clear, who had opposed the Wuhuan expedition, and even made a list.

Cao Cao rewarded them without hesitation...

This time... the big guys are stunned, especially the opposition... not only did they not get punished, but they got an unexpected reward, and even... according to the head, Cao Cao was rewarded heavily, which is a bit confusing and a bit eye-catching I do not understand.

What's the matter?

Just when people are confused...

Cao Cao said sincerely.

"I was lucky enough to conquer the Wuhuan this time. Looking back now, it's really an adventure... I can only try it occasionally, not often!"

"You opposed my opinion at the beginning and put forward your own ideas. That's a surefire way... So I want to reward you. If you have any opinions in the future, don't take it into consideration, just say it!"

As soon as this statement came out...all the people worshiped!


This is Cao Cao, who always puts talents in the most important position.

What's more, the success of this campaign against Wuhuan, the hardships here, the nine-death life here, others do not know, but Cao Cao clearly understands.

If it wasn't for the red, green, and black kits that Yi Xiaotian handed over, even if one lacked...

If it weren't for Tian Chou leading the way from Lulongzhai, if it weren't for Zhang Liao's bravery in Bailang Mountain, this battle, let alone whether he could conquer the Wuhuan Tadodun tribe, even his Cao Cao, I'm afraid he would have lost his head...


With a long exhale, every time he thinks of this, Cao Cao's whole person's mood is very complicated...

He is not only fortunate that he has a super think-tank like Brother Yi to devise strategies, but also fortunate that he has so many outstanding and outspoken advisors around him, who can correct his impulses anytime, anywhere...

Such and such... Why worry about the great cause!


Just when Cao Cao was happily rewarding his ministers...

I cried alone, really cried...

Jia Xu, that's right...that's the number one in the Three Kingdoms... ah no, it's the second biggest fool Jia Xu, he actually cried.

"Wenhe? This big day? Why are you crying?"

Cao Cao couldn't help but ask a question.

Jia Xu waved his hand... "Duke Cao, I'm crying that you lost the best chance to eradicate the Yuan clan's remnants. You shouldn't lead your army back to Youzhou, you shouldn't..."

Jia Xu's emotions were a little excited, and his tone was full of the rush of hating iron!

It is indeed so...

The Wuhuan Tedun tribe has been pacified, and the Qiang people, the Southern Xiongnu, and the Wuhuan's Qiaowang have all surrendered. Now... in this situation, attacking the western Liaoning to kill Gongsun Kang and completely eradicate the Yuan clan's remnants is the best opportunity!and the only chance.


Gongsun Kang, Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi will definitely work together to fight against the enemy...

But... there are still opportunities. After all, Cao Cao's current strength is far from comparable to Gongsun Kang and Yuan's remnants.

Although the great man who proposed that "it is advisable to use the remaining brave to chase the poor pirates" did not live in this era, Jia Xu still understood this truth.


Hearing Jia Xu's words, Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, then...hahahaha...he laughed in dismay.

"Wenhe Ya Wenhe... You've been thinking too much."

"Worry about it?" Jia Xu waved his hand, and the whole person still seemed a little angry, a little frustrated, and a little annoyed. "Cao Sikong, you give up the best time now, and you say that I...I worry too much? Duke Cao, Duke Cao, the hundred-footed worm is dead but not stiff, don't you know? The next time you conquer western Liaoning, I don't know what you will get. Is it time?"

Jia Xu rarely contradicts Cao Cao like this...

This time it was really emotional.

In his opinion... in the future, I'm afraid there will never be such an opportunity again.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Contrary to Jia Xu's nervousness and urgency, Cao Cao was still laughing.

He didn't explain too much, but carefully took out three bags from his arms and opened the black one. "Wenhe, look at this!"


Jia Xu was stunned for a moment, then reached out to take it and slowly unfolded it.

This handwriting... He was familiar with it. It was the handwriting of Yi Xiaotian, the owner of Youjian Villa, and his eyes slowly moved down.

Hiss... To Jia Xu's surprise, the owner of Yi Zhuang... The owner of Yi Zhuang actually persuaded Cao Cao to withdraw his troops?What else to say... Once the troops are withdrawn, the remnants of the Yuan clan can be eliminated!

This... this is completely irrelevant thing...

If this kit was written by someone else, Jia Xu would definitely suspect that the person was insane, but...it was Yi Xiaotian.

With Zhuyu in the front, it seems that the owner of the Youjian Villa is plotting... There has never been a mistake, this...

For a while, Jia Xu was a little confused, and his mood was a little more complicated.

He doesn't understand... He feels that his IQ is not enough, so embarrassing!

But at this time...

The sound of horse hooves came from a distance.

The sound of the horse's hooves is very clear, not like the sound of tigers and leopards riding, but like... a horse that lives in the frontier all the year round!

The crowd looked for fame.

But at the end of the official road, more than a dozen white horses are galloping towards them. They are like arrows from the string, roaring towards... The two knights headed by them have a small box hanging on their horses' necks...

It seems that there are faint traces of blood on the edge of the box!

This is?

Just when people were suspicious...

The knight on the white horse shouted loudly.

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