Fortunately, the most critical Hukou Pass is in the hands of Cao Cao...

Now there is nothing to stop the attack on Gaogan... Besides, Cao Cao's big banner, whether it's the Xianbei, the Southern Xiongnu, or even the princes in Guanzhong will respond immediately, isn't this Yi brother's plan to "sorry on all sides"? ?

But... this "besieged from all sides, besieged from all sides" is the only thing missing is the Wuhuan in the east...

Thinking of this, Cao Cao pondered, but he wondered how the negotiations between Brother Yi and King Wuhuan Qiao were going?

Did you successfully recruit the Qiao King?

This idea just appeared, Cao Cao waved his hand immediately, he felt like he thought too much.


The last piece of information came, Brother Yi is still raking wool on the black market!It's just hilarious...

Thinking of this, Cao Cao reached out and knocked on the forehead. He felt that he still didn't understand Brother Yi.

Brother Yi, Brother Yi, he is so big, why is he so playful, he has probably forgotten the official business of sending Wuhuan as an envoy?

With this in mind, Cao Cao shook his head, embarrassed on all sides, and without the help of Wuhuan, after all, it was a little bit worse...


The current situation is not allowed to be released. If there is less one way, there will be less one way, and the top officials in Bingzhou must be punished as soon as possible!

"Yuanrang, Miaocai... I ordered you to send troops from Huguan. Xianbei and the southern Xiongnu have an agreement with me that they will cooperate with sending troops from the north to help. Zhong Yao and a group of warlords in Guanzhong will also provide assistance from the south. To fight the enemy, it is very likely that the main force will be placed on the protection near Huguan, Yuan Rang and Miao Cai, you must be careful!"

Cao Cao carefully instructed Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan...

This is the difference between "besieged on all sides" and "attacking on three sides".

It is very likely that the high-ranking officials in Bingzhou will gather the troops defending the northeastern Wuhuan near Huguan. In this way, they can form a local advantage in small-scale troops. Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan must face the strongest and most assembled enemy. Soldiers and horses.

If you win, you can say, if you lose, it will definitely affect the morale of the Xianbei and the Southern Xiongnu...

These aliens can't beat the headwind.

"Don't worry, Mengde."

Xia Hou Dun and Xia Hou Yuan looked at each other, and then patted their chest and abdomen with a confident look. "Merely high-ranking cadres, I and Miaocai still don't care."

"Don't be careless!" Cao Cao repeatedly instructed, after all... Yi Xiaotian's evaluation of high-ranking officials is not low, in addition to being double-sided and unable to see the situation clearly, this high-ranking official still has a good hand in terms of commanding troops and employing people!

Even though he was prepared in advance, Cao Cao was still a little worried.He didn't forget to repeatedly instruct... "This high-ranking man cannot be underestimated! Never underestimate the enemy!"

Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan looked at each other again... An enemy that made the elder brother Cao Cao take so seriously, it seemed that this battle was a tough one.

Just thought of this...

Tatata... Rapid footsteps sounded.

Immediately following... "Munde... Munde!"

A loud and heavy voice came quickly, Cao Cao could hear it, and the voice was shouted by Cao Ren.

Cao Ren was in charge of the collection and aggregation of Cao Jun's intelligence. When he broke into the Sikong Mansion at this sensitive moment, something must have happened.

"Zi Xiao? What's the matter in such a panic, in such a hurry?" Cao Cao was afraid that the situation would change... He hurriedly asked.

"Yes...Yes...cough..." Cao Ren's tone was still a little stumbling...

It seems that because the mood is too excited, the steps are too fast, and it is not easy to say a word.

However, his eyes were extremely hot.

Finally, after a few breaths of time, Cao Ren patted his chest to calm himself down a bit, and then he said. "Wuhuan... Wuhuan suddenly sent troops to the high officials of Bingzhou, and attacked from the northeast of Bingzhou... There must be [-] to [-] cavalry... The high officials of Bingzhou were caught by surprise!"


Wuhuan killed Gao Gan by surprise?

Cao Cao was taken aback...

Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan were also stunned, why...they haven't sent troops yet?Wuhuan actually sent troops first?This... what's the situation?

Without waiting for Cao Cao, Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan to ask...

Cao Ren's words continued to spread.

"It seems... King Qiao of Wuhuan has been recruited by our messengers, and they want to help us settle down... Now, the situation is very good, due to the invasion of Wuhuan, the main force of Gao Gan has to be transferred to the northeast. At this time... if from Huguan is killed, and the battle of Bingzhou can be determined!"



Chapter [-] The hearts of those who are not of our race must be different


When happiness knocks on the door, right?


Cao Cao was so shocked that he was speechless.

As part of Brother Yi's "embarrassed" plan... Wuhuan?The Wuhuan, the last piece of the puzzle... really went south to Bingzhou, not only to the south, but also to bring tens of thousands of cavalry to attack.

Cao Cao was so shocked that his jaw was about to fall... He looked at Cao Ren in disbelief, and his eyes became hot.

It is true that, according to the plan of "embarrassment on all sides", the Wuhuan, Xianbei, Nanxiongnu, and Guanzhong princes will attack Bingzhou from several directions, and they will be caught off guard.

However... Cao Cao's mind is like a mirror, these alien races, these Guanzhong princes, even if they send troops, they will not come out in full force. At most, a few thousand people will be sent to wait and see. If the main force of Cao's army can defeat the high officials, they will sing and advance. evacuate.

It is for this reason that Cao Cao has never held out much hope for these alien races, these Kansai princes, and it would be good to be able to disperse and merge the enemy's forces to a certain extent.

Can be…

The Wuhuan's tens of thousands of cavalrymen went south and caught Gao Gan by surprise, which made Cao Cao a little unbelievable... The Wuhuan's Qiaowang was not just watching, let alone pretending, but acting for real!

Cao Cao really can't figure it out...

What is the reason?To make Wuhuan work so hard for himself!

If... if you insist on saying a possibility, it must be - Yi Xiaotian!

It must have been Brother Yi's negotiation, it must have been Brother Yi's use of some kind of magical means, or it must have been an advantage... to lure the Wuhuan King Qiao out of the nest, and this is the situation that is now good.

Think about this layer...

A warm current poured out from the depths of Cao Cao's heart, looking at Cao Ren's hot eyes, looking at Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan's urgent eyes... Cao Cao finally couldn't hold back.


Disappointed laugh, happy, Cao Cao slapped the case.

"Yuan Rang, Miao Cai, you immediately attack from the direction of Hukou, and be sure to cut off the head of that high-ranking man!"



Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan bowed hands...

Originally, there were still some murmurs in my heart. After all, my elder brother Cao Cao repeatedly told me that the top cadres in Bingzhou are not weak and should not be underestimated.

But now, the situation is very different. The main force of Gao Gan goes north to defend against Wuhuan's aggression, so the direction of Hukou must be empty, not to mention the upcoming attacks from all directions. Fate is already inevitable!

And the credit for all this really comes down to the messenger sent by the elder brother Cao Cao to negotiate with the Wuhuan...

Although Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Dun did not know who the messenger was!

But without exception, I admire this man.

Likewise, they also realize that…

——Diplomatic warfare can really influence the situation of a battle!



The senior officials in Bingzhou were stunned.

The number of his soldiers and horses is not as good as Cao Cao's, and the quality is far less than that of Cao Cao. In addition... from all directions, a steady stream of enemy reinforcements are sent out, and the high-ranking officials have been completely stunned.

After all, his military literacy is good, and he is considered to be both intelligent and brave, but he can't hold his fists against four hands, and a hero is also afraid of group fights.

Let's slip... There seems to be no other way than slipping away!

Speaking of which, high-ranking officials only have the courage to rebel, not the ability to rebel, and there are not many hardcore brothers under them...

However, after five or six days, Bingzhou was in an emergency...

The high-ranking officials couldn't handle so many, so he left first, and his subordinates began to waver after he slipped away.

Anyway, Cao Cao treats the captives preferentially... preferentially treats the generals!

The one who surrendered to Cao Cao held a commendation meeting and promised, only to kill the leader of the thief, not to ask Yu Cong...

Simply... offer the city to surrender!

In March of this year... Cao Cao successfully recaptured Bingzhou under the attack of several troops advancing together...

The high-ranking cadre's years-long career as the emperor of Bingzhou came to an end.

Let's talk about this guy.

He escaped successfully, but it seems that he doesn't have much place to go.

In addition to dedicating his head to Cao Cao, he could only defect to the Southern Xiongnu, but unfortunately... the Shanyu of the Southern Xiongnu greatly disappointed Gao Gan.His remarks annihilated all the high cadres' illusions!

——"Although my relationship with the Yuan family is good, that's all in the past. Last time, when we attacked Hedong County together with Guo Yuan, we have done our best to be righteous... This time, the King Qiao of Wuhuan has already defected to the imperial court. The more than forty tribes of Huan have jointly declared their surrender to Cao Cao, so naturally I, the Southern Xiongnu, have to judge the situation and submit to the court, either you don’t come to me, and I will give you to Cao Sikong as soon as you come!”

some tossing…

There were not many personal guards around Gao Gan, and he was closed at the Nan Xiongnu Shanyu side again, so he had to leave in despair!

Now, Bingzhou is over, Youzhou is over, Jizhou is over, Qingzhou is over...

Most of the aliens in Liaodong also surrendered to Cao Cao... Gao Gan has nowhere to go?

It seems... Jingzhou, you can only go to Jingzhou to defect to Liu Biao!

It's a long way, but it's the only way out...

Thinking of this, Gao Gan immediately headed south to Jingzhou without thinking... He took a big step forward, but in fact, he was captured by Cao Cao's troops and beheaded on the spot!

Gao Gan died, died of his own greed, died of his own double-edged sword...

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