It is for this reason that Cao Cao and Yi Xiaotian feel a little bit the same.

"Wind-cold is not a serious illness, but it happens to catch up with this ghostly weather, alas... It's hard to recover from this type of wind-cold." Cao Cao sighed helplessly...

Since this topic was mentioned, Yi Xiaotian simply asked.

"Brother lie? I'm asking you a serious matter, do you know where there is wool? A lot of wool?"


Cao Cao was startled, why did he ask about wool for no reason?

It is true that the Quhan Jiaoer soup and dumplings developed by Yi Xiaotian are cooked with lamb bones and mutton, but it seems that... wool is useless?There is also a smell of sheepishness, Cao Cao dislikes it, why did Brother Yi mention this?

For a time, Cao Cao was curious...

he asked, poking his head. "Brother Yi, what's the situation? This mutton soup and mutton dumplings can relieve typhoid fever, and this wool can also be used as medicine to cure wind-cold?"

After all, Zhuyu came first, and the problem of typhoid fever was solved by Brother Yi. Cao Cao couldn't help but associate wool with curing wind and cold...

But in just a moment, Cao Cao waved his hands again and again, if such a stinky wool, if it was really into the medicine.

Other medicines cost money, but the taste of this medicine is terrifying.

"No..." Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. "How can wool be used as medicine? But... Compared with medicine, wool is much more effective, and it can even help northerners resist this biting cold!"

Speaking of this, seeing Cao Cao a little surprised, Yi Xiaotian continued. "Brother lie, just tell me if you can get wool, I want a lot, thousands of sheep's wool!"

It's time to kidnap wool again, but this time, Yi Xiaotian really intends to kidnap wool.


Cao Cao sighed softly, seeing Yi Xiaotian's serious appearance, he really believed it, he believed Yi Xiaotian's words that wool can withstand the cold, but...believe it, brother Yi's tone is too loud, right?Thousands of sheep, where to find them?


Cao Cao really thought of a place, where sheep are everywhere.

"Brother Yi, it seems... the only places where tens of thousands of sheep can be found are the western Liaoning occupied by the Wuhuan people and the eastern Liaoning occupied by Gongsun Kang... It is located outside the Great Wall, with endless grasslands and forests, which are most suitable for sheep herding. ...The Wuhuan people are also nomads, and most of their food is mainly mutton. Brother Yi wants this amount of wool, but... only there!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao waved his hand. "It's just okay to say that in the Dahan territory, I have never done business with aliens, even if I am Amo... let alone buying their wool. This time, I'm afraid I won't be able to help Brother Yi here."

Cao Cao actually said this on purpose, and he wondered how to bring the topic into attacking Wuhuan and subduing Liaodong!

After all, Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi, the two remnants of the Yuan clan, are still living happily in western Liaoning!

If they are not dead, Cao Cao can't be at ease!

call out…

Yi Xiaotian nodded heavily.

With such a reminder from Brother Hide, he immediately had a direction.

Wuhuan, wool, this is also possible!

If according to the historical process, Cao Cao's next target of the strategy is the Wuhuan. At that time, Liaodong will be in the hands of Cao Cao, then the business will be done to the Wuhuan and their wool will be captured. Son!

Then a new question arises, when will Cao Cao attack Wuhuan?

Yi Xiaotian couldn't wait.

To know…

Today's sweaters are not only closely related to Zhenluo's wind-cold disease, but also to the future layout of Yi Xiaotian's business in the north.

Sweater, called the black technology of this era, is a monopoly, as long as the supply of wool is completely won by Yi Xiaotian.

It is equivalent to him monopolizing the sweater market in the entire north. This profit is larger than that of iron and steel, and it will even become a new economic growth point for Youjian Mountain Villa.

After all, it is only warlords from all walks of life who need iron and iron, and the general public who need wool sweaters.

Hehe, thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian raised his brows high, the Wuhuan tribe in Liaodong, he really saw the opportunity to go to find the supply of this wool.

Yi Xiaotian is thinking about finding a source of wool...

Cao Cao directly threw out the topic he was most concerned about. "Brother Yi, there is actually a way to get you a steady stream of wool...that is, destroy the Wuhuan, put Liaodong into Cao Cao's pocket, let the Xianbei and the Southern Xiongnu completely surrender, and make tens of thousands of offerings every year. The fat sheep, when the time comes, won’t Brother Yi’s wool come easily?”

There's nothing wrong with that.

Yi Xiaotian nodded his head in recognition...

Cao Cao continued speaking, and his tone became a lot more sincere. "Brother Yi, now Cao Cao also intends to attack Wuhuan, but before that, he threw a few concerns and problems to me. These concerns and problems, here... I have to ask Brother Yi again."

As expected…

Brother lie, Cao Cao's chief counselor, Cao Cao will definitely listen to his advice when formulating a general strategy.

That's why, in fact, according to the records of ancient books, Yi Xiaotian worked out a specific plan to pacify the alien race early in the morning.

I never thought that this time, my brother was the first to speak.

"Brother Hide, you're welcome to me, what's the problem? If you have any concerns, just ask directly. For you, will I, Yi Xiaotian, hide it?"

Yi Xiaotian smiled lightly... something came out.

These words, listening to Cao Cao's ears, are really very comfortable, Brother Yi, it's interesting enough, enough friends!

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Cao Cao laughed immediately, and then the conversation changed, the whole person became a lot more serious, and even his words became a lot more meticulous.

"Brother Yi, the issue of Bingzhou bears the brunt! Just like Brother Yi's plan, after Cao Cao captured Qingzhou, both Bingzhou and Youzhou surrendered to the wind. Youzhou can be said that it was Yuan Xi's subordinate Jiao Touch and Zhang Nan who rebelled. Give the city."

"I have inquired about these two generals, and they are valuable generals. Therefore, I also recommended Cao Cao to give them high officials and a good salary, and sent general Zhang Liao to guard Youzhou to defend against Wuhuan in Eastern Liaoning and Gongsun Kang in Western Liaoning. The attack on the state was all in Brother Yi’s plan, and it was completed properly, but…”

Halfway through the speech, Cao Cao's words became a little stumbling, and the whole person seemed a little nervous, and some were like a big enemy.

"The situation in Bingzhou is very different from that in Youzhou!"

Cao Cao let out a sigh, and then explained in detail. "Although Bingzhou also surrendered, the governor of Bingzhou is a high-ranking cadre. He was Yuan Shao's nephew, and he has been a local emperor in Bingzhou for many years. I have sent people to investigate, and the whole territory of Bingzhou only recognizes high-ranking officials, not even acquaintances. What Han emperor, what Yuan Shao, even Cao Cao..."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao's tone increased a lot.

"Bingzhou is too centralized, but this kind of right to integrate the military and government, even if the high cadres surrender, Cao Cao can't easily resolve it, this is a hidden danger, if Cao Cao goes to attack Wuhuan, the high cadres kill behind them, and Bingzhou again Create some kind of rebellion, unite with the Xianbei, unite with the Southern Xiongnu, and then... Cao Cao will be attacked by the enemy, and he is in a dangerous place! Brother Yi, what do you think about this..."

Cao Cao puts his concerns together...

To put it bluntly, it is the power of high-ranking officials in Bingzhou, which is intertwined and deeply rooted. If you want to get rid of it, they have surrendered, and the morality is there, and you can't get rid of it.

Let him govern Bingzhou, but don't worry, this even affects Cao Cao's strategy for Liaodong.

All in all, Cao Cao is not good at handling Bingzhou and Gaogan.

at this time.

After listening to Cao Cao's detailed description, Yi Xiaotian nodded solemnly.

Don't say, this time, brother lie's sense of smell is still very keen.

Gao Gan is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. On the contrary, he is extremely greedy. The so-called human heart is not enough to swallow an elephant, and he actually swallowed an elephant in his stomach!


His mouth is big, but his throat is so small that he can't swallow...

Sooner or later you will be killed!

Of course, Yi Xiaotian has the most experience in dealing with this kind of villain who has two sides and three swords.

In his opinion... dealing with high-ranking officials, just one sentence——

——Eight-footed sword dance in the hands, all the enemies have fallen into the ground.

——The old man waved the cart, and the enemy turned into ashes.



Chapter [-] Produced by Brother Yi, it must be a fine product

"Brother lie, this time you really judged correctly." Yi Xiaotian praised Cao Cao with satisfaction, and then waved his hand. "This high-ranking cadre will really turn back..."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian called his buddy to fetch a map of the North, slowly unfolded it, and pointed his hand in the direction of Bingzhou.

"Inspector of Bingzhou, Yuan Shao's good nephew, Gaogan, is actually a capable guy, capable of both literature and martial arts, and a great reputation. Recently, the remnants of the Yuan clan in Qingzhou, Youzhou, and Jizhou have not fled to Liaodong to join Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang. Instead, they all rushed to Bingzhou and joined the high-ranking independent kingdom! This is very meaningful!"

Hearing this, Cao Cao nodded. The point that Yi Xiaotian mentioned was precisely the point that Cao Cao was very suspicious of.

It is reasonable to say, ah, you have surrendered to the top cadres, and this has been incorporated into Yuan's old department again and again. Isn't this the wolf's ambition, and it is written on your face?

Without waiting for Cao Cao to open his mouth, he continued to ask questions... Yi Xiaotian's voice came out one after another.

"There is another important reason why high-ranking officials rebel. The terrain of Bingzhou is too dangerous, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and fighting in the mountains is not Cao Jun's strength... I was forced to surrender because of the situation and pressure from the outside world. But soon Gao Gan will realize that he doesn't need to surrender at all, he can just be his own mountain king, and be the local emperor of Bingzhou, anyway, Cao Cao can't help him."

Hearing this, Cao Cao's brows furrowed.

Yi Xiaotian's words almost expressed all the troubles in his heart...

Bingzhou is not big, the economy is not prosperous, but it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Unless high-level officials give up voluntarily, he really can't use Cao Cao.


Cao Cao exhaled and frowned. "Brother Yi? This is so troublesome in Bingzhou, and the cadres are so cunning. Next, what should Cao Cao do?"

This question is serious... Cao Cao's whole person is still serious.

Yi Xiaotian reached out and pointed to several key points around Bingzhou on the map. "Brother, don't panic, even though this state is impregnable, it still has weaknesses. For example, there are many forces around it..."

After reminding this, Cao Cao noticed that the vicinity of Bingzhou was in addition to Jizhou and Youzhou in the hands of Cao Cao.

There are also Wuhuan and Xianbei in the north, and the Southern Xiongnu, which are close to each other, Guanzhong, which is in a stable situation in the south, and Yongliang in the west.

Cao Cao's mind changed rapidly.

... Brother Yi drew a circle, did he want to plan...

Without waiting for Cao Cao to think about it, Yi Xiaotian's voice came out one after another. His words were very short, with only four words, but each word was powerful and loud--"Being embarrassed on all sides!"

Huo... Got it!

How clever is Cao Cao, he understood all at once, Brother Yi meant to unite the Wuhuan and Xianbei in the north, the Southern Xiongnu in the east, the princes of Guanzhong in the south, and the Yongliang in the west to fight against him.

In this way, even though the mountains in Bingzhou are easy to defend and difficult to attack, you can take care of the front, but not the back. You can take care of the north, but not the south.

On the other hand, Cao Cao has this strength now.

Not to mention that Ma Teng of Xiliang has come to Xudu as an official, Ma Chao and Han Sui of Yongliang will definitely listen to Cao Cao's dispatch;

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