As he spoke, Jia Xu planned to leave...

"Don't, don't, don't." Xu Chu grabbed Jia Xu's arm, "Mr. Jia, this is how to save people to the end. If you help me so much, I Xu Chu will thank you for the rest of my life."


Jia Xu couldn't help reaching out and knocked on Xu Chu's forehead.

"Xu Chu, ah Xu Chu, you are really stupid."

Speaking of this, Jia Xu sighed. "You have been following Cao Sikong for so long, why can't you understand what Cao Sikong means?"

"What does Cao Sikong mean?" Xu Chu then asked.

"Let me tell you, Cao Sikong sent you to Youjian Mountain Villa to guard the gate, which is very meaningful!" Jia Xu narrowed his eyes, and his tone was full of meaning.


Xu Chu touched his head and went to Youjian Villa to guard the gate for Mr. Engongyi?What is the significance of this?Isn't it just punishment?

He doesn't understand, he doesn't understand...

To be honest, Xu You is the most annoying to these literati. He always doesn't say what he has to say. It sounds like too much effort.

"Mr. Jia, you... you should tell me in detail!"

Xu Chu's eyes could not wait to stare out...

He was curious, extremely curious!

As the saying goes, the more fit and powerful, the more obese people who give up treatment, the more curious they are!



Chapter four hundred and eighth spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease

"Xu Chu, you haven't figured it out yet!"

Jia Xu's cheeks became serious and his tone was meticulous. "In Cao's camp, apart from the generals from Qiao Pei, you and Dian Wei are Duke Cao's two favorite generals."

"Today, you did something that Cao Sikong wanted to do but dared not do. For the sake of the owner of Yijian Villa, and for the ownership of Duanzhishan, you killed Xu You... You did a great job! Cao Sikong, you are Fake, love you is true!"

Finally, Jia Xu's voice was lowered a lot.

It seems that he is unwilling to let this secret be known to more people.

"Really?" Xu Chu couldn't wait to get close to Jia Xu's face.

Jia Xu nodded solemnly.

Suddenly, Xu Chu glanced to the side, his fists clenched, his brows furrowed even more tightly. "Why didn't I see it so much?"

"The relationship between Cao Sikong and the owner of Villa Yi is there, how could he allow Xu You to go to the owner of Villa Yi, hey, why am I so stupid, I don't know that the anger Cao Gong just pretended to be, I should cooperate He's right! Oops..."

After the words came out one after another, Xu Chu, who knew the truth, deliberately lowered his voice and slapped his forehead repeatedly, seemingly a little frustrated.

"Haha..." Jia Xu waved his hand. "If you see it, are you still Xu Chu? You can just change your name to Jia Wenhe tomorrow, haha..."

While laughing, Jia Xu motioned for Xu Chu to bring his ears closer, and he then reminded in a low voice.

"The reason why Cao Sikong sent you to guard the gate of Youjian Villa and why he didn't let you drink alcohol, do you know what this is for? This is to protect the owner of Villa Yi, Youjian Villa, and the safety of Duanzhi Mountain. where!"

"Today, Xu You is making a lot of trouble in the government office, and he is making a lot of trouble in the market. How can you hide the fact that the iron and iron are hidden in the Broken Finger Mountain? The so-called common man is innocent, but he is guilty. The owner of Yizhuang holds such a store. The big treasure is not well preserved, and some younger generation will have to think about it and set the target on the owner of Yizhuang!"

"Who is the master of Yi Zhuang? No one else knows, but you and I know it well. He is the real chief counselor of our Duke Cao, and the brother of our Duke Cao. In addition, what he holds in his hand is the Tie is the lifeblood of our Cao army. His safety is ten times, a hundred times more important than you and me. It is for this reason that Cao Sikong specially arranged for you to protect him. This is not punishment, but it is clearly reused You, Xu Chu, General Xu!"


Jia Xu's interpretation was like a roar of five thunders, falling down and hitting Xu Chu's forehead in a daze.

He got it, he got it all.

Now, the North is largely settled.

But... Whether it is Youjian Villa, Broken Finger Mountain, or Mr. Yi, they have been completely exposed.

What if there are villains, or spies from other princes, and the assassins are not good for Mr. Yi, Youjian Mountain Villa, or Broken Finger Mountain, what should we do?

Yi Xiaotian's safety is a major concern, and Yi Xiaotian's involvement is even more extensive. It is not too much to say that it is...

Cao Cao can entrust Xu Chu with the important task of protecting Yi Xiaotian, which shows that Cao Cao trusts Xu Chu...

This is a reward, a great reward!

Xu Chu, who had figured out this section, nodded again and again, Duke Cao had a high opinion, he was just a reckless man, if it wasn't for Mr. Jia's suggestion, he would have almost misunderstood Duke Cao's kindness and the important responsibility of Duke Cao.

Huh... After continuous breathing, Xu Chu's whole person became more confident, and his aura became a lot more arrogant.

"How is it?" Jia Xu asked at the right time. "Do you want me to intercede for you? Are you still thinking about drinking while protecting Youjian Villa while protecting the owner of Yizhuang?"

As soon as this question comes up...


Xu Chu waved his hands again and again.

"No..." His voice was as thin as a gossamer, "I, I'll go... to Youjian Villa, with me... With me, even a mouse can't hurt Mr. Yi in the slightest."

During the speech, the rough man Xu Chu had tears in his eyes, and his eyes were shining brightly. At this moment, he has become a lot more mature, and he is even more aware of the importance of his responsibility.

tao tao…

Taking a heavy step, Xu Chu walked away quickly. He had just walked six or seven steps, and he seemed to suddenly think of something. He turned around, and Xu Chu bowed his hands to Jia Xu three times, his waist bent like an arch bridge.

This appearance is exactly the same as when Yi Xiaotian and Zhang Zhongjing rescued his mother and Xu Chu bowed to thank him.




Looking at Xu Chu's figure walking away, Jia Xu finally took a long breath.

This layout has cost Jia Xu a lot of brain cells...

"Ouch..." Jia Xu scratched his head, smiled bitterly, and muttered to himself. "The king's salary bears the king's worries, Cao Sikong, this time, I, Jia Xu, have been busy for a long time, and it is finally fruitful!"

Just thought of this...

"Mr. Jia..." A cry was heard.

Turning around and looking at it, who else could it be if it wasn't Cao Ren?

"General Zixiao?"

"Mr. Jia." Cao Ren was very polite to Jia Xu's words, and he bowed his hands. "Big brother asked Mr. Jia to talk to the mansion, saying that there is something important to discuss with Mr. Jia!"

"Oh..." Jia Xu agreed.

What's the matter?Isn't that the same thing.

"Okay, General Zixiao will lead the way!" Jia Xu, who knew everything, stroked his beard, followed Cao Ren and left slowly.


Yecheng, Cao Mansion.

This was originally Yuan Shao's mansion, but now the name has been changed, and Cao Cao has directly moved in.

Speaking of which, Cao Cao was just fine. He took Yuan Shao's wife, his house, and the utensils he used. It seems that only in this way can he satisfy Cao Cao's full desire to conquer.

Speaking of which, Cao Cao is in a good mood today...

Don't look at Xu Chu's punishment just now, now he is just seven words - spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease, it is a refreshing sense of sight.

Xu You is dead, and the one who is most happy is Cao Cao, and the one who most expects Xu You to be cool is actually this former good friend...

"Cao Sikong..." Not long after, Jia Xu had already entered the main hall.

"Wenhe, you did a good job in this matter." Cao Cao immediately boasted to him directly. "I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to see what I meant, so I didn't mention Xu Chu... Now, Xu You is dead, and Xu Chu is going to protect Brother Yi. Everything is logical and everyone is happy."

In fact, this is simply a game set up by Cao Cao.

Xu You shouted at his nickname Cao Amo at the city gate, and he was arrogant and domineering at the banquet, and even... still... still... still touching Cao Cao's reverse scale, and dared to trouble Yi Xiaotian.

Whether it is bearable or unbearable, Cao Cao has long been thinking about how to get rid of him.

On the other hand, the thoughtful Jia Xu could see what he meant.

Hehe, this time, this thing has become a lot easier.

"Everything was planned by Cao Sikong." Jia Xu did not dare to take credit, and immediately praised Cao Cao.

"Haha, you Jia Wenhe is the first in this matter." Cao Cao smiled slightly, and then raised his hand. "Brother Yi mentioned your clever mouth several times. Sure enough, Jia Wenhe's mouth is worth a hundred thousand soldiers! Hahahaha..."

As the boast came out, Cao Cao did not hesitate to praise Jia Xu.

"Actually... Brother Yi once mentioned a sentence that made me feel a lot."

Cao Cao then sighed with emotion. "Don't be too flirtatious when you are a person and do things. Be careful of getting a steel knife behind your back, haha, this is really suitable for Xu You's head."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao seemed to have thought of something, and he reminded Jia Xu.

"Wenhe, you also help to take care of you in the villa. It's just Xu Chu and Hu Benjun to protect Brother Yi's safety, I'm still a little worried!"

"I'm afraid Cao Sikong forgot." Jia Xu raised his hand and said with a smile. "I lost a bet with shopkeeper Yi at the beginning. After a while, I should also fulfill the bet and go to Youjian Villa to be a magic stick for a year! Haha..."

Jia Xu is always smiling when he speaks...

It seems that going to Youjian Villa to be a Taoist priest, in his opinion, is not so resistant.

On the contrary, Jia Xu was very excited about allowing him to get in touch with Yi Xiaotian more closely.

The more he got in touch, the more he felt that Yi Xiaotian was unfathomable... Jia Xu's curiosity about him was growing day by day.How much is hidden in this young man's stomach?


Hearing Jia Xu's talk of becoming a Taoist priest, Cao Cao was slightly taken aback, but soon, he also recalled the bet.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help shaking my head and let out a sigh. "Wen He really went to Youjian Villa, and I, Cao Cao, have lost another military advisor who can give advice..."

"No, no, no!" Jia Xu waved his hand directly. "Isn't the best military advisor under Cao Sikong is Yi Xiaotian from Youjian Villa? As long as he is still there, there will be no flaws in Duke Cao's kingship and hegemony... The problems that Duke Cao is encountering now will also Solved!"

Mentioning Yi Xiaotian, Jia Xu's tone couldn't hide his compliment at all.


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