Suddenly, dense footsteps sounded one after another in the market.

On the other hand, Yi Xiaotian raised his eyes when he heard the footsteps... Isn't this the invincible fools of the universe, Xu You and Xu Yuan?What are you doing with so many people?Do gang fights?

Can't think about it...

Zhen Luo grabbed Yi Xiaotian. "Sir, it looks like they are coming for you, hurry up... Mister run!"

While speaking, Zhen Luo stopped in front of Yi Xiaotian, as if she wanted to help Yi Xiaotian with her weak body...


Having said that, Yi Xiaotian really felt the danger of a loss.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... There must be more than a dozen thugs here, right?

Yi Xiaotian immediately sensed the slightest danger.

Suddenly, what he thought of was Lu Lingqi, if this girl was here, she would be able to fight ten times against this big man with fists and legs!

Of course... Yi Xiaotian is not cowardly, let alone running.

Nima, you can't do martial arts, we can fight with you. Immediately, he held a bag full of gold in his cuff in his hand, and he planned to openly turn against these big men.

How much salary does the Xu family give you?I Yi Xiaotian open three times, no, I open ten times, if you have money, you can do whatever you want!

... Yi Xiaotian had just formulated this strategy in his heart, and was planning to scatter the gold like a goddess scattered flowers.

never thought...

"Get it"...The neighing of the war horse resounded in the ear.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of big men with big arms and round waists turned over and dismounted, but they didn't see how they raised their hands or cast their feet...

A short face-to-face.

In front of the group of Xu family's trilogy, they were beaten up by these big men to the point where blood spurted out of their mouths, and even a lot of them were thrown out by the big men.

In just ten breaths, the Xu family's trilogy was wiped out.

at the same time…

Dozens of big men wrapped Yi Xiaotian and Zhen Luo tightly, and they seemed to have only one purpose - to protect Yi Xiaotian's safety.

This sudden change surprised Xu You, and Xu Yuan was also surprised.

In the entire Ye City, no one has ever dared to confront Xu You so openly...

"Personal husbands? Who are you? People who dare to beat my Xu residence? Don't die..."

a shout out...

Xu You glared angrily and pointed at these big men with big arms and round waists. The whole person was majestic. Even if he had no part, he still looked arrogant and domineering.

"Do you know who I am?"

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Xu You had a small beard and muttered to himself, "I'm an old friend of Cao Sikong, and so is Xu Ziyuan! The person who knows the image will hand over the surnamed Yi and the girl baby, and I will spare you all!"

But at this time.

One person came out of the team with big shoulders and round waist...

He let out a breath and snorted coldly. "You are such a dog? How can you be worthy of the surname Xu!"

It was Xu Chu who spoke... The group of strong men with big arms and round waists beside him were Cao Cao's personal soldiers - the Tiger Ben Army!

call out…

Yi Xiaotian was slightly taken aback?

What's the matter?Originally, he was still thinking, "Having money can make a ghost push the grind..." Dare to be honest, Xu Chu came out to steal the limelight?

and many more…

Yi Xiaotian suddenly realized that one thing, to be precise, is an established fact in history.

Where is this Nima famous scene...

Hey, someone's getting cold!



Chapter [-] The toad swings on the swing, looking for no fun to go to the west!


Facing this wave of finding faults and a wave of emergencies to protect, Zhen Luo still seemed a little flustered. "Otherwise, let's... let's go back first!"

After all, the other party is the Xu family who is in the limelight, and Zhen Luo is still a little worried.

"It's okay." Yi Xiaotian gently patted Zhen Luo's forehead and comforted in a low voice. "Luo Er, just stand by my side, someone is going to have bad luck."

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian stood with his hands behind his back, looking like he could see through everything.


Xu Chu's words. "You are such a dog? How can you be worthy of the surname Xu!" Xu You, who was already in a rage, felt even more resentful and angry.

Xu You recognized the big man with big arms and round waist in front of him. Isn't this the head guard in front of Cao Cao?

Haha... Cao Cao didn't dare to take him Xu Chu, how dare a mere head of guards stop the Xu family?Simply presumptuous, bold and unreasonable!


"Your surname is Xu?" Xu You repeated, and then he hurried to Xu Chu. "You go and ask your master Cao Amu, if there is no Xu Xu, can you wait for these rough people to enter this Jizhou City?"

Speaking of this, Xu You raised his finger and pointed at Yi Xiaotian coldly.

"I'll give you one more chance, you will capture the surnamed Yi and send it out obediently, and I will bypass your unreasonableness today, otherwise, don't call you a head of guards, even if you are the king of heaven, I promise You are not finished with you!"

Drunk talking...

Originally, he used to be a strong bear, but now, Xu You, who was already arrogant and domineering, became more fearless and arrogant because of drinking.

The onlookers who were eating melon frowned, they dared to be angry and did not dare to speak...

No one dared to offend the Xu family!

They even believed that even these officers and soldiers would definitely not offend this upstart in Yecheng because of the owner of Youjian Villa, who dared to call Cao Sikong by his nickname...

Ke Xu Chu's behavior was beyond everyone's expectations.

I saw his eyes narrowed and he took a step forward. "Xu You, listen to me, if you dare to talk nonsense and disrespect Mr. Yi again, I will cut you down!"

While speaking, Xu Chu pointed at Xu You with the whip.

These words came to Xu You's ears. He raised his face and raised the corners of his mouth, as if he had heard something very interesting. Then, he laughed "haha".


This laughter is full of ridicule, contempt, arrogance, domineering...

It seems that he doesn't take Yi Xiaotian in front of him, or even the head of Cao Cao's personal guard in front of him.


Xu You walked over like Xu Chu without any fear. "You don't dare to touch this surnamed Yi, I'll do it, and the person I Xu You wants to arrest, who dares to stop him?"

Tada... After a few steps in a row, Xu You walked straight towards Yi Xiaotian.

"Mr. Xu..." Yi Xiaotian said.

"Yo? The surname is Yi? Are you afraid?" Xu You was still laughing, looking at Yi Xiaotian with incomparably contemptuous eyes. "If you are acquainted with each other, hand over the land deed of Broken Finger Mountain, otherwise, the King of Heaven will not be able to keep you!"


Facing Xu You, ah no... It's the cold words in the face of a dying person, Yi Xiaotian couldn't have the same knowledge as him.

With a slight smile, Yi Xiaotian threw out a sentence. "I just want to persuade Mr. Xu. It's still at Zhen's house. What I mentioned to Mr. Xu - don't be too lazy and be careful with your head!"

In a word, Yi Xiaotian turned around and ignored Xu You at all.

After all, Yi Xiaotian can't afford to quarrel with people who are "in a hurry" with such an IQ, and he can't keep up with them.

Of course, Yi Xiaotian's move was also very thoughtful. When dealing with a person like Xu You, the more you don't let him do it, the more he will do it!

Only in this way can his demise be accelerated even more!


Sure enough, Xu You was so angry that he rushed towards Yi Xiaotian, but was stopped by Xu Chu.

"You dare to take one more step? I cut you."

The words were cold, and Xu Chu's brows had almost condensed into an upside-down shape. In his impression, he had never been so angry before.


Xu You snorted coldly.

"Wait, these rude idiots, how can they know the merits of my Xu You, how can they know the status of my Xu family, huh, don't say you are a man, you dare to stop me? Call your family Cao Sikong, and you have to disrespect me even a foot. Give me three points."

Speaking of which, Xu You stretched out his hand and pointed to his head.

"And threatened to chop me? Hehe... How much courage do you have to cut off my Xu You's head? Come on... Today, I will show you Xu You's head here, man, if you have the ability, you can cut it off. Let's go... Go to your house, Sikong Amo, to ask for merit! Chop, cut it with a seed!"

His words were cold and fast, and Xu You knew that in Yecheng, who would dare to cut him down!

Seeing Xu Chu hesitate, "Haha"... Xu You sneered and continued to roar. "Chop, come and chop, don't let me despise you, hehe, I forgive you that you don't have the guts! If you don't chop me today, my hatred with that surname Yi will never end, so I chop him, you See if I dare!"

While talking... Xu You still stretched his head, his neck stretched out like a turtle.

Zhen Luo sounded quite intimidating, has Xu You and Mr.

Yi Xiaotian's expression was light and calm, he closed his eyes and shook his head, thinking in his heart, let's let all this disappear as soon as possible, sometimes, people who owe their IQ arrears have to pay some IQ tax. !


When Xu You spoke, Xu Chu's face froze, he stretched out his right hand, and naturally a tiger soldier handed a steel knife.

It was too late, it was fast, and without the slightest warning, Xu Chu's big sword slashed a beautiful arc in the air, and then slashed down...

Xu You's pupils shrank, her heart tightened suddenly, and she didn't have time to react!

Pfft... blood splattered.

Dong, dong... Looking closely, Xu You's dog head has fallen to the ground, making a continuous "dong dong" sound as it collided with the ground, and then it rolled down like a ball for a long time!

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