"Brother, everything is arranged."

Cao Ren hurried back, and in the inn, Cao Cao was sitting at a table with a bowl of clear water in front of him. He lowered his head and seemed to be waiting for something.

"Is it enough?" Cao Cao only asked these two words when Cao Ren sat across from him.

"Enough." Cao Ren nodded heavily. "The original plan was for the soldiers of the Hu Ben army, the trap camp, the tiger and leopard cavalry, and the Qingzhou soldiers to rush out... But the Zhen family's pie was too small, and the Hu Ben army and the tiger leopard cavalry alone were not enough to eat, so Oh, I also paid for the Qingzhou soldiers and brothers who were trapped in the camp to eat bread elsewhere."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Cao Cao laughed out loud... "How much you spend to get it from the warehouse, you won't waste it yourself."

As he spoke, Cao Cao couldn't help but smile.

This time, Cao Cao actually didn't plan to get involved in the marriage of the second daughter of the Zhen family and Guo Jia.

But when I heard that Xu You was involved, not only was he involved, but he also made things difficult for Brother Yi and Brother Guo everywhere.

This is a bit unbearable.

However, Xu You was still the hero of the Guandu battle, so Cao Cao would not be able to come forward.

After laughing...

Cao Cao sighed softly, as if he thought of something again, and hurriedly asked Cao Ren. "Zixiao, don't reveal your identity!"

"Don't worry, big brother." Cao Ren nodded. "Whether it's General Dian Wei or Xia Houen, I've emphasized many times that they will never make a slip of the tongue and call out the eldest brother's real name!"

Hearing this, Cao Cao finally fell to the ground with a big rock...

"Okay." Cao Cao suddenly stood up and waved his hand. "The matter of the Zhen family is over. It's time to discuss the next strategy and deployment of our army!"

That's right...

In fact, today is the day when Cao Cao negotiated with all the counsellors about where Cao Cao should fight.

For this reason, the ministers have been preparing for many days, and they have formulated some strategies and plans, and they are waiting to discuss together today.

I never thought that the big guy had been waiting in the government office for a long time, but Cao Cao, the protagonist, didn't even have a shadow...

Xun You was still thinking about it, could it be possible?Cao Cao also went to join in the excitement of the Zhen family wedding?

Of course, this idea only appeared for a moment, Xun You immediately shook his head, after all... In his opinion, Cao Cao is not so unreliable.

"Big brother..."

Cao Cao took a step, and Cao Ren hurriedly stopped. "If it's the strategy and plan that our army will take over, then... how can it be less, without Brother Yi?"

Speaking of this, Cao Ren paused for a while before continuing. "Shouldn't eldest brother talk to Brother Yi first? Otherwise... the counsellors in the government office all express their opinions, who do they listen to? Who do they not listen to? Big brother is afraid that it will be embarrassing?"


As soon as Cao Ren said these words, Cao Cao's footsteps stopped, he thought for a while, and then waved his hand.

"No, Brother Yi is now participating in the wedding of Zhen Mansion. It's natural to have a conversation with Brother Guo after a long absence. Besides, Brother Yi and the sister Zhen Luo have a lot of ambiguity, and it is indispensable to have contact and contact with the people in Zhen Mansion... Let's discuss it ourselves first. After all, Jizhou has been decided, and the Yuan family is just lingering on! Thinking about it, the formulation of the strategy is not complicated!"

Cao Cao blurted out his words. He cared about Yi Xiaotian from the bottom of his heart, but he despised Yuan's remnants from the bottom of his heart.

Cao Ren nodded in agreement.

The two walked quickly towards the office.

Of course, they don't know...

Even now that Jizhou has been decided, how can the situation in the north be so simple?

The so-called hundred-legged worms die without being stiff. Bingzhou, Qingzhou, Youzhou, the surrounding aliens... and Gongsun Kang of Liaodong, all of them are not fuel-efficient lamps.

The interior of Jizhou has not yet stabilized!

The next strategy formulation is the most important thing...



Yecheng, Zhen Mansion.

In just one hour, the soldiers of the Tiger Ben army and the tiger and leopard cavalry were brave enough to eat thousands of flatbreads...

For them, this is simply not too happy, each person eats five or six less, and seven or eight more is not a problem, especially Dian Wei, even in the field of eating cakes, he has carried forward him.” The domineering arrogance of "The Evil of the Ancients"... After eating more than [-] sheets, it seems that I am [-]% full...

While pursing his lips, he looked eagerly at Zhen Yan, at Xu You, at Xu Yuan...

Although I didn't say a word, the meaning I could express couldn't be clearer - I'm not targeting any of you, so I'm just preparing this cake?It's not enough for this uncle to jam his teeth!

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Guo Jia laughed out loud, and patted Yi Xiaotian on the shoulder. "Brother Yi, I didn't expect you to have so many friends in the army!"

Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian shook his head, "To be honest, I'm in the dark about this matter today, but... come to think of it, it's our brother who helped you, right? Otherwise, with my face, how can I How to mobilize these thousands of soldiers!"

Guo Jia nodded and seemed to be thinking...

"Brother Yi? What's the origin of this lie? The tiger and leopards are nothing but Cao Cao's personal guards? You can let them escort you to Guanzhong... and use them to help. The relationship between this lie brother and Cao Cao It looks extraordinary!"

"...Brother Concealed has made plans for Cao Cao many times and established the victory. Now he is the chief counselor in Cao's camp." Yi Xiaotian explained. "Cao Cao has always attached great importance to talents... It's not a problem if you want to mobilize these soldiers."

Oh... Guo Jia nodded, although he felt that something was wrong, but he didn't care so much on the wedding day.He immediately pointed to the boudoir of the second daughter of the Zhen family. "Brother Yi, I have to ask you to help open the door of this second lady's boudoir!"

Speaking of this, Guo Jia's eyes rolled and glanced at Zhen Luo...

"I can also help Brother Yi to explore the way. When the time comes... When Brother Yi marries Miss Zhenluo, he will be familiar with the road..."

Ha ha…

Yi Xiaotian "haha" directly.

Dare to love at this time, Guo Fengxiao is still not right.

Sure enough, what Guo Jia reveals in his bones is the word "prodigal son", which means that rowing does not rely on paddles - all rely on waves!

With this in mind, Yi Xiaotian shook his head slightly, then raised his chest and roared loudly.

"Everyone has testified... Now that all three levels have been passed, next... I, Yi Xiaotian, will open the door to the boudoir of the second girl of the Zhen family for Brother Guo... Since then, Brother Guo is one of the masters of this Zhen family!"

While speaking, Yi Xiaotian has stepped forward quickly.

"you you…"

Xu You couldn't help but wanted to say something. To be precise, he wanted to get angry.

But the current situation...it seems to be one-sided!

If it's just a witness from the people in Zhen's house, then it's better to say... With Xu You's power and status, he can turn his face and deny anyone, come to a complete denial, or directly snatch the bride... But now, Hu Ben Jun and Hu Bao Qi It's all mixed in.

If he used his strength again, I was afraid that his spine would be punctured by others...

"Uncle...Uncle...this..." Xu Yuan seemed unwilling...

"Let's go... let's go!" With a raised voice, Xu You grabbed him and planned to walk out of Zhen Mansion with great resentment.

Unexpectedly, Yi Xiaotian stretched out his hand to stop it. "Mr. Xu, what we scholars say is to be counted. What did Mr. Xu just say? If you can pass these three levels, then Mr. Xu will give you a big gift?"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused and blinked his eyes. "Yo? Could it be that Mr. Xu is just talking about it... If so, then I'm sorry... Mr. Xu should leave! So that everyone will laugh?"

So many brothers from the Tiger Ben Army and Tiger and Leopard Riders are supporting us!

Yi Xiaotian also straightened his back. To be honest, others are afraid of Xu You, but he is not afraid!Not only is he not afraid, but Yi Xiaotian knows where Xu You belongs in the end!

It's just... "click" and "cha".

... simply jump and kneel with a knife!

"You..." Xu You paused... He was very good at sophistry, and even in such an extremely unfavorable situation, he still tried his best to argue. "You still have the face to talk about congratulations? Hmph... You and the surnamed Guo are called brothers and sisters? But what about your congratulations? Shouldn't you be called a brother's brother? Didn't expect to prepare a congratulatory gift?"

Xu You's move is to use strength to fight...

In a word, the corners of his mouth were blowing, his moustache was slightly bent, and the whole person had a sense of "come on, hurt each other"...

call out…

Yi Xiaotian frowned slightly.

Dare, Brother Guo's courtesy, this is really, really, really, really forgot...

This is a little embarrassing!It's all about this, shouldn't it... Zhen's family will think that he and Guo Jia are just plastic brotherhood... Embarrassing, very embarrassing!

For the first time, Yi Xiaotian was speechless!

After all, no matter how eloquent sophistry is, it cannot avoid his negligence here...


Guo Jia seemed to see something and was about to open his mouth to make a clearance.

But at this time.

"Mr. Yi's gift is here..."

A crisp sound... came out from the Zhen Mansion, and a young general who followed him raised a sword high.

The young general is Xia Houen...

And this treasured sword, many people recognized it - the green sword!

It is one of Cao Cao's two swords - the Qingshou sword.

If it is said that in Yecheng, there is a token that can replace Cao Cao.

There is no doubt that there are only two divine swords, Qingying and Yitian.

There is no doubt... Seeing this green sword is like seeing Cao Cao himself, just this concept alone, this gift is not light!


In an instant, everyone in Zhen Mansion was dumbfounded, and everyone was shocked. Everyone rubbed their eyes desperately, as if only in this way, they would believe that this is not an illusion, this is real!

The congratulatory gift from Yi Xiaotian was actually Cao Cao's saber. Seeing this sword is like seeing Cao Cao's own sword - Qingshou sword!

Considering the ownership of the north today, this amount is really not light!



Chapter three hundred and seventy-seventh I hope that the old and dead flower wine room, do not want to bow before the horse


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