
Xu You wanted to roar, shout, and vent his resentment and dissatisfaction, but he finally held back, let's look down...

"Boy, don't be complacent! It's just good luck for a while, and you will suffer later!" Xu You muttered in a low voice.

At the same time, Zhen Yan had already spoken.

"Come on, please take the second test question..."

Serious tone, sonorous tone.

It seems that his attitude towards Yi Xiaotian has changed by [-] degrees. Sure enough, smart people are surrounded by smart people. It's really hard to beat them.

But this... This second test can't be solved with just the brain, this is a test question that Xu You buried.

After a sudden change of mind, a maid has already brought up a tray, and on the tray are two zongzi that are set aside... Logically speaking, this is not the Dragon Boat Festival, so why prepare zongzi.

All of a sudden, the big guys made a murmur in their hearts...

At the same time, Zhen Yan's words came out one after another. "The so-called fate is destined, our Zhen family always pays attention to adapting to the weather, so this second question is not a comparison of talents, but a comparison of luck and fate... The test question is to choose rice dumplings!"

Hmm...choose dumplings?


All of a sudden, there was a lot of discussion in the audience. The question of this marriage trouble turned out to be choosing rice dumplings?It is truly unheard of!

"Let's hear it..." Yi Xiaotian raised his chest and looked confident.

"Young Master Yi, there are two zongzi in front of you. Qu Yuan is the most admired figure in our Zhen family, so our Zhen family will make zongzi every month, and there is something special in this zongzi..."

Zhen Yan explained carefully.

"The two zongzi are wrapped with dates of different colors, which is destined to be a completely different marriage... If the zong rice is wrapped with brown and black dates, then God does not like this marriage; on the contrary, if the zong rice is wrapped It is a bright red date, which means that God is optimistic about this marriage, and fate is destined, Young Master Yi will choose one for your good brother!"

Huo... Isn't this just casting lots?

Yi Xiaotian's eyes narrowed slightly, he pondered for a moment, and then looked at Guo Jia.

For this question, Guo Jia didn't give the slightest hint. Instead, he kept laughing, smiling cheerfully and cheerfully. This expression seemed to mean something else.

Yi Xiaotian couldn't help but slowly looked around at everyone around him.

At this moment, similar to Guo Jia, Xu You is also laughing, he can't close his mouth, this is simply a very bad villain!Full of conspiracy theories written on the face...

Yi Xiaotian understands...

This second test question, ah no... To be precise, it should be Xu You's three test questions, and his rampant smile, does not support his conjecture - these two dumplings are all black of dates!

In other words, no matter which zongzi you choose, Yi Xiaotian has to lose, and Guo Jia can't hold the beauty back...

Hehe, it turned out to be a proposition that was sure to be defeated.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian narrowed his eyes...

From this question of inevitable defeat, he really found some opportunities for victory.



Chapter [-] The light of the right path shines on the earth

"This is a good way to choose zongzi!" Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly... He glanced at the two zongzi, then raised his head and continued to ask. "Is this level fair and just? It's all about luck? Right?"

"Of course." Zhen Yan nodded...

"I'm sorry." Yi Xiaotian waved his hand, his eyes turned to Xu You. "I'm asking Mr. Xu You? Is it because of this marriage? Is it necessary to take this step of 'all by luck'?"

"Haha..." Xu You stopped pretending and replied with a smile. "Of course, fate is destined, if God doesn't let you marry, how can this marriage be counted?"

"Cheng..." Yi Xiaotian nodded, and immediately reached out to choose one of them.

The one on the left first...

Between the hands and the dumplings, Yi Xiaotian raised his eyes to look at Xu You without any hesitation... Seeing that the corners of his mouth were always grinning, he had a sense of seeing things as steady as a dog.

Yi Xiaotian immediately retracted his hand, and then tried to touch the one on the right... Yu Guang lifted it up, Xu You's expression was the same as before, hehe... The wolf's ambition is clearly revealed!

In this case…

Yi Xiaotian simply spread out his hands and didn't take both of them, which surprised Xu You and muttered in his heart, could it be that he saw something?But... in this crowd, what can he do?It's not like, tear off the skin and break both dumplings apart!

Like this, doesn't it make the face of the Zhen family swept to the ground?

Of course, Xu You likes to see such a lose-lose situation!

He is still thinking carefully, Yi Xiaotian's voice has come one after another.

"Everyone, you guys need to bear witness, this is an innocuous marriage trouble, but these questions asked by the second son of the Zhen family are nothing more than trying to keep my brother Guo from the door, but it is precisely Except for this second son, the rest of the Zhen family are very satisfied with Brother Guo, which means a lot!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian's eyes were full of chills, and he shot directly at Xu You, his words continued.

"The reason for this is known by heaven and earth, bad people know, and good people know. I say this here, not to expose anything, but to let everyone be a witness, so that people with intentions will not be unfair later!"

As soon as this statement comes out…

The crowd was full of excitement, combined with Xu You's prestige and blessing in Ye City during this time, the voices of countless melon eaters were all in support of Yi Xiaotian and Guo Jia.

"Choose, you must be able to choose red dates!"

"Guo Fengxiao and Yingchuan are talented and talented, more than enough to match the second lady of the Zhen family... On the contrary, a certain villain will definitely not succeed!"

"Hmph, isn't it because some people are arrogant and use their power to bully others?"

After the words came out, Xu You's face was thicker than steel, and he was a little ashamed at this time. The key is that, strictly speaking, what he did is immoral...

Of course, Yi Xiaotian's purpose is precisely this, he wants to create some pressure on Xu You, so as to put Guo Jia in a more favorable situation.

Look at this situation almost...

Yi Xiaotian immediately picked up a zongzi, glanced at it slightly, and then quickly stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it carefully, and then swallowed it.

There are roast chicken first, then dumplings. Zhen's family has a lot of delicious food!


Yi Xiaotian's sudden action surprised everyone... Countless melon eaters couldn't help but take a step forward.

Zhen Yi, Zhen Yao, Zhen Luo, and the other daughters of the Zhen family who were sitting also stood up at the same time...

"Luo'er, this Mr. Yi? What... how did you eat it?" Zhen Yi's brows were almost wrinkled into an upside-down character.

"I... I don't know either!" Zhen Luo frowned, and she shook her head. "Sir...Mister has always done things before they die. He...he must have some plan."

Only a few people nearby heard Zhen Luo's soft words...

In the distance, Zhen Yan in front of the boudoir was stunned, his forehead was full of question marks, and he stretched out his finger to Yi Xiaotian. "You... how did you eat it? I haven't seen red dates or black dates?"

The tone of the sentence was a little urgent...

"Haha..." Yi Xiaotian let out a sad laugh. "I ate it because I was sure it was a red date, and it was for this reason that I expressed his redness for my brother Guo."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused for a while, and he reached out and directly held up another zongzi. "Although you didn't see it, when you open the other zongzi, you will know whether the one I ate is red or black?"

The corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and Yi Xiaotian's tone was a little mocking. He opened the dumplings and said firmly.

"I dare to take Brother Guo's life. Brother Guo's marriage bet that there must be a black date in this dumpling!"

In a word...

Yi Xiaotian has already raised this zongzi, the black dates in this zongzi.

There was an uproar...

His words are not over yet. "Why am I so sure, because I know that God will stand on the side of justice, and I, Yi Xiaotian, are the light of Brother Guo's righteous path!"

As soon as this statement came out... everyone was amazed...

Not only did Yi Xiaotian choose the right question, but he admired his self-confidence, the firmness of his words, and his heart for his friends!

clap clap clap...

Suddenly, the entire Zhen Mansion burst into applause.

Even Guo Jia, one of the protagonists, couldn't help clenching his hands into fists at this moment, muttering something in his heart.

"Who is Brother Yi? How can this kid's tricks be so difficult for him? Xu You, Xu You, don't you have any tricks in your hands? Don't let me despise you?"

With this in mind, Guo Jia raised his eyes and couldn't help but glared at Xu You coldly!It's like saying - "I'm not targeting you alone, your Xu family is garbage!"

Huh... At this moment, Xu You let out a long sigh. His legs couldn't help but take a step back, staggering, thanks to his nephew Xu Yuan helping him, otherwise, he would have almost fallen to the ground...

Again...and...and again.

Speaking of which, Xu You's ingenuity was at best a third-rate advisor in this era.

Although the level of questions he gave is tricky, it is not difficult to solve... Yi Xiaotian had given Xu You a few high-level glances, but at this moment, he only felt that Xu You was nothing more than that!

"You... don't be complacent! There's still a third level!"

Xu You's throat was choked and he couldn't speak, but in anger, his nephew Xu Yuan shouted... "No one can get past this level!"

vicious words...

Immediately, the entire Zhen Mansion was full of contempt for this Xu Yuan... To make him the son-in-law of Zhen Mansion, Zhen Mansion is afraid that there will be no peace anymore?

"Come on... just talk and don't practice mouth and handle!" Yi Xiaotian pinched his waist with both hands. At this point, he was really not afraid, and his self-confidence was forced out. "What is the third level? Show it off!"

As soon as this statement comes out…

Zhen Yan was stunned for a moment. Originally he discussed with Xu You and only prepared two levels. He was afraid that something might go wrong, so he set up the third level... You know, this third level is very tacky, but Xu You is nothing. But if he really throws it out, then... the face of the Zhen family is about to be lost.

Zhen Yan hesitated here...

Xu Yuan gave a cold "hum..." and he hurriedly urged.

"Second Brother Zhen, why are you still standing there, isn't he amazing? Let him see this third level! I'd like to see, how did Yi pass this level!"

Forced to be helpless, Zhen Yan could only clap her hands...

Suddenly, more than fifty servants of Zhen Mansion came from outside the pavilion, and each servant was carrying a high tray...

Countless pastries are on the tray...

The bread in the hands of each servant is one meter high. If all of them are piled up, it will be as high as a hill.

At this moment, Xu You, who had calmed down, shouted.

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