
With this in mind, Zhong Yao exhaled.

His tone became calm again.

"General Pang De, don't blame yourself. Although Guo Yuan is my nephew, he betrayed the imperial court and was a traitor for a long time. The general killed him and made a great contribution. I will report the merits to the imperial court and let the imperial court reward Pang De. General!"

This is the great calligrapher...

My nephew died, and he just cried bitterly for a while, realizing Yi Xiaotian's intention, and immediately calmed down.

Zhong Yao understands, and Yi Xiaotian understands even more that war is cruel and will not take into account family affection. As long as you participate in the war, even the things you are most reluctant to give up are very likely to perish in it.

Phew...the dust has settled!

As far as Cao Cao is concerned, Yecheng has fallen, and the Yuan clan's plan for the second battlefield in Guanzhong has been aborted. Everything seems to be proceeding step by step according to Yi Xiaotian's plan...

Now, it seems that it is only a short distance away from taking the entire northern border in one fell swoop!



Jizhou, Yecheng.


After receiving the letter from Guanzhong, Cao Cao felt extremely disappointed...

Sure enough, as expected of Brother Yi, with internal and external troubles, the Yuan clan mustered the four-way army, and Chang'an City was in jeopardy. Breathtaking!

"Brother Yi, you deserve to be Brother Yi!" Cao Ren couldn't help being excited... "I think this Zhong Yao's letter is also well written, there is not a single bragging word throughout, but throughout the whole text, he praises Yi without hesitation. Xiao Tian…"

"Hahahaha..." Cao Cao continued to laugh, and the good news that came out one after another made him a little carried away... He even wanted to sit at a table with Yi Xiaotian, cook three to fifty dumplings, and serve two The fine wines of Hudukang Village... Have a good drink.

Speaking of which, I haven't been so drunk with Brother Yi for a long time!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help shaking his head, feeling a little melancholy...

"Big brother..." Cao Ren seemed to notice some content on the letterhead, and he reminded him immediately. "Did Big Brother pay attention to the last point that Zhong Yao mentioned in the letter?"


After being reminded by Cao Ren, Cao Cao really remembered it, he hurriedly brought up the letter again, and his eyes looked towards the end...

This is a line of small characters, telling the scene of Zhong Yao and Yi Xiaotian playing against each other on the eve of the war.

At that time.

Yi Xiaotian offered to make a bet with Zhong Yao, and the bet was the land of this abandoned land in Chang'an City!


Suddenly, Cao Cao pondered a hint of inner taste, [-]%, brother Yi is thinking about doing business again?

Speaking of which, Brother Yi has made such a great contribution this time. If he just rewards a few horses according to the original plan, it would not be kind...

At first, Cao Cao thought it would not work. This reward is too small, and it is not worthy of the illustrious achievements made by Brother Yi. But, Brother Yi is not interested in fame and fortune. Give him a high-ranking official. It is not uncommon for others!

This is likely to become a heart disease of Cao Cao...

However, Zhong Yao's reminder was just right, the land in Chang'an City, or the land in the abandoned place?It's hard, Brother Yi wants to spend money to build some venues and use them for profit...

But... Guanzhong area is sparsely populated and no one consumes it?If Brother Yi wants to do this, he will lose [-]% of the time.

At this time, Cao Cao was thinking about it for Yi Xiaotian...

"That's it, that's it."

After thinking about it for a while, Cao Cao waved his hand. I really can't get into this matter. Since Brother Yi likes it, I will just give it to him... No, it's too obvious to give it to him. Sell ​​it to him for this price.

Ha ha... Cao Cao made up his mind to pay attention.

"Zixiao, help me prepare a pen and paper!" Cao Cao immediately ordered Cao Ren.

"Okay..." Cao Ren didn't hesitate, quickly brushed up the ink, and asked without forgetting. "Big brother? Are you going to write a letter to Governor Zhong Yao?"

"It's not just Zhong Yao!" Cao Cao's expression became a lot more serious. "Didn't Brother Yi promise to give Ma Teng the titles of Weiwei and General Fubo? I'll write a letter to Xun Lingjun and let him do it. We can't hold back on what Brother Yi promised! And this great victory, Civil and military at all levels should be rewarded, and they should also be handed over to Xun Lingjun!"

Cao Ren nodded, wondering in his heart that his eldest brother Cao Cao was rigorous and delicate.

But at this time, Cao Cao's words came out again.

"Also, as for Brother Yi's awards and rewards, I'm thinking about selling all the land in Chang'an City to him, whether it's abandoned or good... Any businessman who rents a house or a farmer who reclaims wasteland must discuss it with Brother Yi. ...We are in Chang'an City, we only collect troops, only collect taxes, and do not interfere with the development of Yi brother's business!"

"Brother is wise!" Cao Ren handed over.

Cao Cao's decision, he is incomparably admired...

In the barren land of Chang'an City, even if they vigorously develop commerce and agriculture, they may not be able to develop it. It is better to leave this problem to Brother Yi!

Let him develop... If the development is good, he will make a lot of money, and the tax revenue of Chang'an City will not come up. This is a win-win!

However, if the development of Chang'an City is not good, then...

This idea just appeared, Cao Ren shook his head violently, Brother Yi came out, how could it not develop well?Too much, definitely too much.

Ha ha…

After writing these two letters, Cao Cao's mood changed a lot.

He was about to pick up the letter and give it to Cao Ren, and send it over quickly... Suddenly, he seemed to think of something again.

"and many more…"

Cao Cao, who had just stood up, sat down again, and he smiled slightly. "But I forgot to write a letter to Brother Yi in the name of Ah Mo."


Hearing this, Cao Ren also smiled. "What are you going to write, bro?"

"Well..." Cao Cao rolled his eyes. "Just write that I built a villa for him [-] miles outside of Yecheng, and let him come back to see if it suits his heart!"

Huo... [-] miles outside the city of Ye?Is it another mountain village?

Cao Ren was startled... Only after participating in the expansion of the two Youjian villas in Chen Liu and Xudu did he know how much money it would cost to start a villa from scratch...

This time, there will be another one outside Ye City. Big brother is really a big hand!

In addition to being surprised, for a while, Cao Ren was actually envious of Yi Xiaotian. He even thought about... Big brother... Or, you will also bleed, and reward your virtuous brother with a villa to play?to play with?We can favor one over the other, but we can’t be so obvious about favoring one over the other!



Chapter [-] Robbery Acts, Land Business in Chang'an City

Two letters and one edict were sent to Guanzhong from Yecheng and Xudu respectively.

Seven hundred miles in a hurry.

The knight on the horse did not dare to stop for a moment. Although he was tired, he also knew that this letter and this edict were very important.


Chang'an City…

After the war subsided, Yi Xiaotian rarely strolled leisurely in Chang'an City, mainly to see the horse farm in Chang'an City. After all, he had promised to give him a lot of good horses every year.

This time, I inspected and inspected in advance, and figured out the price of the sale...

Of course, Yi Xiaotian also asked about the land in this pass, although it is said that all the land in Chang'an City is now in the hands of Cao Cao, ordinary people want to buy and sell, I am afraid it is extremely difficult...

However, considering the room for future appreciation of these lands, Yi Xiaotian still decided to fight for it.

This brother-in-law is blind to the sky, and the protection is not complete... He can really help Yi Xiaotian to plan some land, then develop it, make a profit, and count the money.

Oops... It's a delight to think about.

But at this time.

"Young Master Yi, Young Master Yi..."

Yaoyao heard a low, heavy voice, and it seemed a little urgent...

who?Who is it?Yi Xiaotian looked back and saw that it was Zhong Yao.

Seeing this, Yi Xiaotian was slightly taken aback. Now, he has just defeated Yuan's rebellion.

During this period of time, shouldn't this prefect of Zhong Yao have discussed with Ma Teng in detail how to stabilize the situation in this pass and how to open up the battlefield in Kansai?How can you still have time to find yourself at this time?

"Prefect Zhong, why are you so restless this early in the morning?" Yi Xiaotian asked out of curiosity, looking at Zhong Yao's long, breathless air.


After coughing several times in a row, Zhong Yao waved his hand. "Yes... I just received the letter from Duke Cao!"

Cough cough... Halfway through speaking, Zhong Yao coughed a few more times, as if due to sprinting, the old bones couldn't take it anymore.

"Prefect Zhong, if you speak slowly, I won't be able to run away, so don't be in such a hurry... If you want to give me an appointment, then decline it for me. I, Yi Xiaotian, have no intention of being a temple."

Yi Xiaotian reminded him first... But don't be Zhong Yao reporting his credits. According to Cao Cao's thirst for talents and his character of attaching great importance to talents, if he fails to protect himself, he will not have a happy birthday in the future.

"No no no..." Zhong Yao quickly waved his hand. "This has nothing to do with the addition of officials and titles. It's a government decree, saying that I will sell Chang'an City, along with the nearby land..."

Hmm... As soon as these words came out, Yi Xiaotian was refreshed. "What? Prefect Zhong said that Cao Cao wants to sell the land in Chang'an City? Is it the land in these wastelands in Guanzhong?"

"Yes! No!"

Zhong Yao had a wisp of beard, but he was pretending to be mysterious, and he smiled slightly.

"Duke Cao is worried that the city of Chang'an in this pass will not be developed for a long time, and he is so focused on the battle in Hebei that he does not care about reclaiming the city of Chang'an, and so on, if this pass wants to prosper, isn't it? It's the year of the monkey and the month of the horse? So... Cao Sikong discussed with the advisors, he decided to sell the land in Guanzhong and let the rich merchants reclaim and develop it. In this way, if the management is good, the merchants will benefit, and the people will have a livelihood. Isn't the tax on this level going up a lot!"

Zhong Yao spoke carefully...

In fact, there are not so many details in Cao Cao's bamboo slips, but it is just a sentence - find a way to sell the land of Chang'an City to Yi Xiaotian cheaply.

In addition to this... I also added that it cannot be revealed that this is what Cao Cao did intentionally!

Zhong Yao was also drunk when he saw the letter.

It's true that the leader moves his mouth, and the subordinate breaks his leg... Zhong Yao is racking his brains, he wants to cry, send it off, but he has to make up a lot of reasonable reasons, it is simply - blue thin, mushrooms.


"That's it..." Yi Xiaotian rolled his eyes. "Master Zhong came to find me, which means..."

Yi Xiaotian tentatively asked...

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