Um... fame?This young man is really concise, straight to the point...

Ma Teng glanced back at Ma Chao and Ma Yunlu who were also in the tent, and then laughed out loud hahaha.

Xiliang people are bold, and they love to laugh... This is quite similar to Cao Cao.

His name is... Yi Xiaotian... Ma Yunlu whispered in his heart... This name is interesting...

Thinking of this, her beautiful eyes flowed, and she continued to secretly glance at Yi Xiaotian, her curiosity about him became more and more serious.

Young Master Yi... so courageous!Ma Chao took a step forward.Did you eat bear heart and leopard gall?He even dared to come to this Xiliang military camp with Zhong Yao, but I don't know... Has Young Master Yi figured out a way out?

Others are afraid of Yi Xiaotian, but Ma Chao is not afraid... In this Xiliang, he has never been afraid of anyone, let alone a rumored Vulcan.

retreat?Yi Xiaotian raised his brows... Why do you want to leave a retreat? I'm afraid that after half a column of incense, we are all brothers in the trenches...

While speaking, Yi Xiaotian gave Zhong Yao a wink.

However, Zhong Yao took out an edict from his cuff, which was an edict from the emperor.

——Xiliang Ma Teng received the decree...


All of a sudden, Ma Teng was stunned, Ma Chao was stunned, and even Ma Yunlu had a blank look on his face, Zhong Yao came to the Xiliang military camp to read the edict?The guts are too fat, right?

The point is...the two sides are still at war? Yi Xiaotian, you Zhong Yao think that their generals in Xiliang will accept this edict?

Isn't this bullshit!

You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty-Three The World Really Has Both Laws

It stands to reason that the emperor's edict should be kneeling and receiving the edict.

But it seems that Yi Xiaotian doesn't care, Zhong Yao also forcibly doesn't care, he doesn't care whether Ma Teng kneels or not, whether he listens or not, he just recites... After all, their edict is not true, since it is a fake edict, it is all false. Don't be so strict.


Zhong Yao read a lot, nothing more than praising Ma Teng, saying that he is loyal to the monarch and patriotism, and that he is stationed in Huaili to protect the country and the people...

These are not the key points. Ma Teng and Ma Chao kept their brows on end, as if the whole passage in their ears was full of nonsense.

But the last sentence made Ma Teng, Ma Chao, and even Ma Yunlu stunned, and they were completely restless.

——Specially awarded Ma Teng the rank of Lieutenant of Guard and the title of General Fubo... Ma Teng was ordered to go to Beijing immediately to assist the emperor and help the Han family!


The rank of Wei Lieutenant, General Fu Bo, immediately went to Beijing to help the Han Dynasty, this...

Speaking of which, the rank of Weiwei is a close minister beside the emperor, who is in charge of the imperial army around the emperor. It is a very high-ranking official rank.

Strictly speaking, it is much higher than the official rank of a prefect of a county or a state shepherd.

But even such a high-ranking official, in the eyes of Ma Teng and Ma Chao, is not the point at all...

On the contrary, General Fubo... These four words are of great significance and significance to the Ma family.

You must know that when Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu, the son of the plane, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, re-established the Han Dynasty. Among these heroes of the founding of the country, Ma Teng and Ma Chao's ancestor, General Fubo General Ma Yuan, occupied a strong seat...

And since Fubo General Ma Yuan, the Ma family is not as good as a generation, and even now, it has a reputation for being rebellious!

The edict read by Zhong Yao is a reminder, but also a pardon. It is a chance to cleanse the Ma family and regain its former glory...

To be honest, when the title General Fubo appeared, Ma Teng was moved, completely moved.

His current expedition in Guanzhong, leading the children of Xiliang to fight around, is short, to gain a foothold in this troubled time, but in the long run, isn't it to restore the former glory of the Ma family?

Now... this smear of glory is in front of us, taking a step forward to get the same honor as our ancestors, taking a step back and being completely classified as a rebel, and never turning over...

Hu... Ma Teng took a long breath.

His heart was struggling and confused.He not only hoped to obtain this official title and have the opportunity to reshape the glory of the Ma family, but also worried that the soldiers of the Western Liang Dynasty lost the thigh of the Yuan family, and their military rations and military resources were in a hurry... and then they would not be able to gain a foothold in Guanzhong!

Does the world have two laws of security?

While Ma Teng lowered his eyebrows and pondered, Yi Xiaotian's words came out.

If General Ma Teng were to submit to the imperial court, wouldn't Cao Sikong and General Ma Teng be officials in the same dynasty?Everyone is loyal to the great Han, and should share weal and woe... Of course, among the Guanxi warlords, there are still many rebels. General Ma Teng will help Cao Sikong fight against the Yuan family, and Cao Sikong will also help General Ma Teng to clear the Guanxi...more It will help General Ma Teng to capture this Yongliang land. The so-called... two benefits when combined, two injuries when divided, General Ma Teng must think about it!


Ma Teng's eyes suddenly lifted, a good deal would benefit both, and a split would hurt both.

Isn't what Yi Xiaotian proposes the best of both worlds?

He Ma Teng went to the court to become an official and regained the glory of his ancestors in the past. His son, Ma Chao, was a martial artist in Kansai.

In this way, the charges of the Ma family's previous rebellion were washed away;

Second, it can be considered close to the emperor. The Ma family has been in decline for so many years, and finally it has risen again in his Ma Teng generation;

Thirdly, the greater Ma Chao's influence in Guanxi, the safer Ma Teng will be in the imperial court, and vice versa. The more assured Ma Teng is in the imperial court, the more assured Cao Cao will be, the more he will spare no effort to help Ma Chao clear out Guanxi!

As for the problem of lack of food, grass, and military resources, we can continue to enrich it by clearing the west of the Guanxi... What's more, recently I heard that the Yuan brothers are fighting each other, and their brothers are not compatible?How can he accommodate Ma Teng?

An edict, both fame and fortune, and there is also the opportunity to seek a land of Yongliang... This, this... This is simply a bloody profit!

After careful consideration, Ma Teng figured it out... and finally figured it out.

However, the process of thinking in his mind was a bit long...

This made Zhong Yao nervous.

Every time he stayed for a moment longer, Zhong Yao felt a little murmur in his heart. If Yi Xiaotian's remarks didn't convince Ma Teng, then...the two of them would most likely be held hostage.


As time passed, Zhong Yao's legs trembled uncontrollably, and he became more and more flustered.

Completely different from Zhong Yao's nervousness, Yi Xiaotian has always been very calm... He stood with his hands behind his back, as if waiting, waiting for an act of Ma Teng... an act of surrender!

And Yi Xiaotian seemed full of confidence.

Because others don't understand Ma Teng, he Yi Xiaotian studied this history, Ma Teng's character, characteristics, pursuits, ideals... have long been imprinted in his memory.

In this troubled world, loyalty to the monarch and patriotism, and leaving a name in the history may mean nothing to many princes, such as Yuan Shao, such as Yuan Shu, such as Lu Bu...

But for Ma Teng, it is very different. His biggest dream in life is to regain the glory of his ancestors, to be loyal to the king and patriotism, and to serve the court. The concept of serving the court has been deeply ingrained in the marrow of the Ma family since he was a child.

That's why, from the moment he stepped into this camp, Yi Xiaotian was sure that this time he was stable, as stable as a dog.


It took about half a cup of tea.

A click...a sound, but saw Ma Teng kneeling on the ground immediately.Ma Teng leads the decree, thank you His Majesty Ron!Also thank you for the reminder.

This is accepted, Ma Teng accepted the appointment of the court, in other words, in the camp of Yuan Shang and Cao Cao, Ma Teng unswervingly chose Cao Cao...

Huh... Zhong Yao's heart finally fell to the ground, not only would he not be held hostage, but the situation of the second battlefield in this pass would be as stable as Mount Tai!

Yi Xiaotian also smiled lightly. He handed the edict to Ma Teng and did not forget to praise him.General Ma is indeed wise.Your decision will be of great benefit to Xiliang, the imperial court, and Cao Cao!

In a word, Yi Xiaotian doesn't stop...

He smiled and walked out of the Chinese army tent...

After half a cup of tea, the daunting Vulcan Yi Xiaotian suddenly became the most reliable ally of the Xiliang Army. They will raise their spearheads together against Yuan's aggression and against those capricious Guanzhong princes!

Ha ha…

The fear disappeared, and everyone's mood became a lot more disappointed.

Next, it seems... it's time to cooperate with Vulcan Yi Xiaotian and beat Yuan Jun's main force, right?Think about it, fighting side by side with Vulcan, there is a little excitement!

The two sides agreed on the next tactics, fighters...

Yi Xiaotian and Zhong Yao say goodbye...

Looking at Yi Xiaotian's back, Ma Teng was silent on his cheeks except for the infinite admiration in his heart.

Ma Chao asked Ma Yunlu next to him in a playful manner.Girl, what do you think of this Yi Xiaotian?

Wisdom, courage, the most remarkable of all the men I've ever met!Ma Yunlu did not shy away from praising Yi Xiaotian...

Ha ha ha ha…

Ma Chao laughed heartily here.

Why is big brother laughing?Ma Yunlu asked again...

I thought about it, Luer seems to be twenty-eight years old, and has reached the age of marriage.Ma Chao put his hand on his sister Ma Yunlu's shoulder.My sister gave this Yi Xiaotian such a high evaluation, but I don't know what would happen if he became my brother-in-law?


All of a sudden, Ma Yunlu's cheeks blushed a lot, she...she wanted to refute something, but...but found herself at a loss for words.

Ma Yunlu, the always carefree county owner of Xiliang, turned out to be a little girl at this time.

She...she was really shy.


Another wistful laugh.

This time, it was not Ma Chao who laughed, but Ma Teng, who was silent.

I saw his wisp of beard, thoughtful, and couldn't help sighing in his mouth.That's great... After helping Cao Cao pacify this attack from the Yuan family, then I will personally go to Xu Capital City to mention this marriage to Cao Cao...


whistling sound.

This is the first time that Ma Yunlu has been so shyly called out since he was born.

You are a genius, remember for a second:

The three hundred and sixty-fourth chapter is menacing, but the collapse is there, overnight


The moon is dark and the wind is high, it is the best time to cross the Yellow River and join allies to besiege Chang'an.

Guo Yuan, the main force of Yuan's army, who was responsible for opening up the second battlefield, was still immersed in the dream of the four-way army converging to attack Chang'an, like a sharp bayonet, straight into the heart of Cao Cao.

And indeed so...

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