"Brother Fengxiao... It is true that the disaster this time is over, but Yuan Shang and Shen Pei can't make a plan, and they must make another plan. Brother Yi also mentioned that they are determined to obtain the wealth of the Zhen family, and they want to see through it... This series of series The conspiracy of the attack is coming one after another, I am afraid that Brother Fengxiao's two fists will be no match for four!"

Zhen Yao grew up...

It's not the rich boy who was able to lose all the entanglements in Youjian Villa.

Today, he sees things a lot more clearly...and understands the truth of being prepared for danger in times of peace.

Even if the crisis is temporarily lifted.

But there is no doubt that Yuan Shang and Shen Pei will not give up in the future, they are afraid that the conspiracy will be overwhelmed one after another... In case... in case...

Every time he thinks of this, Zhen Yao's expression becomes serious.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Different from Zhen Yao's expression, Guo Jia seemed very calm. Of course, he could only show his hands in the face of this thorny issue. "The so-called soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover, and with me, Guo Jia, I don't pay attention to ordinary conspiracies, but... I'm also worried, Yuan Shang and Shen Pei are completely shameless, and they simply grab it when they can't do it secretly. At that time, it will be the scholar who meets the soldier and can't explain why?"

Guo Jia's words blurted out.

Zhen Yao's face was startled.

Not only Zhen Yao, but also Zhen Rong, the fourth daughter of the Zhen family who poured wine for him beside Guo Jia, became nervous.

"Young Master Guo? Then... it would be really shameless if Yuan Shang and Shen's match were really shameless? Then what about... how?" the fourth daughter Zhen Rong asked softly, pressing her lips against her teeth.

"Well..." Guo Jia rolled his eyes and waved his hand. "I do not know!"

He is honest...

But it's no wonder that everyone has robbed it, what else can you do?You can't just roll up your sleeves and just be rigid, right?You know, after all, the arm can't bend the thigh, and the Zhen family is still a rookie in front of the Yuan family!


Guo Jia rolled his eyes and continued. "Since Brother Yi asked me to come to Zhen Mansion, then he must have counted everything, I only need soldiers to block, and the rest ... conspiracy and conspiracy will be left to Brother Yi to ponder, I can have a good time here! "

Speaking of here…

"Master Guo, I have your letter."

However, she saw Zhen Tuo, the second daughter of the Zhen family, walk in from the door. She was holding a letterhead with feathers on it. Most of it was news from a flying pigeon!

Guo Jia took the letter and read it roughly, it was sent by Brother Yi...

At the moment, Guo Jia put away his smile, and the whole person became serious.

The content on the letterhead is actually not complicated, just one thing, Yecheng is going to be flooded recently... Yi Xiaotian is reminding Guo Jia to take refuge at a high place, prepare food and ships...

call out…

Guo Jia frowned slightly, her mind turning sharply.

Then he asked urgently. "Is there a river on the edge of Yecheng? I remember, it's called Zhanghe? Right?"

Hmm... This unreasonable question made everyone in the Zhen family startled.

"Yes...Yes..." Zhen Yi nodded. "Feng Xiao asked why..."

"Oh, it's nothing..." Guo Jia waved his hand gently, his words were still calm. "Brother Yi has written a letter. He said that the Zhanghe River will be poured back into Yecheng... Let's go to a high place for refuge!"


When this statement came out, everyone was stunned!

During Guo Jia's trip, he first lit a fire in Zhen Mansion, and made some great things, and then Yecheng was going to flood again... I'm darling, this is water and fire, what is it? Routine?

Zhen Yi patted his forehead, Zhen Yao also knocked on his head, and the three daughters of the Zhen family were even more puzzled...

But at this moment, Guo Jia had already walked out the door.

"Brother Guo...you...what are you doing?" Zhen Yao asked anxiously.

"Oh..." Guo Jia didn't stop at all. "I'll go shopping and see where there are commanding heights in Ye City, so I can avoid this parallel import!"

hiss... this...

Everyone was even more astonished. Could it be that just because of a letter, they had to believe that the Zhanghe River would really pour down?

It seems... Looking at the past and present, the Zhang River has never been poured into Ye City. This... This is too incredible, right?Is Guo Jia so convinced of what this so-called Brother Yi said?

But at this time.

"Bang..." Zhen Yi slammed his fist on the slip. "Immediately tell everyone in the Zhen family to secretly move to Jiming Mountain. Since Fengxiao and Yi Gongzi are so determined, then take precautions before they happen. Let's go to the top to avoid this water disaster!"

In a word...

The entire Zhen Mansion was in a state of panic. Whether it was the son, the young lady, the servants, the big guys were packing their parcels one after another... as if a catastrophe was imminent.

Of course, in the eyes of the neighbors, this behavior is simply ridiculous.

Some people don't know where to get the wind, Zhen Mansion avoided disaster, just because of a letter... What about the backflow of the Zhang River?This is simply going to make people laugh out loud!

Just when everyone was looking forward to seeing Zhen Mansion's jokes.

here they come...

Cao Cao led tens of thousands of elite cavalry to the vicinity of Yecheng... A month's journey, he was stunned to shorten it to ten days.

Now, the camp is set up... The whole Caoying is eager to try, and it looks like they are about to attack the city.

Across the window of the central army tent, Cao Cao stared at the fortified gate of Ye City not far away, his mind suddenly changed...

After a while, he turned around and looked back at the strategists and generals beside him...

"Everyone, now that our troops are in the city, let's talk about it! How to attack this city of Ye? How to attack it? How many days can it be captured!"

This question is out.

All the civil servants and military generals in Cao's camp looked at each other, and no one would question the ability of Cao's army to capture Yecheng.

But... how to siege the city so that the losses can be minimized?

For a time, even the Yingchuan think tank, which Cao Cao was proud of, could not help but frowned and fell into contemplation...

It seems... for now, there is only one way to attack!

Casualties are unavoidable, but with Jizhou in a battle, no amount of casualties seems worth it.

Thinking of this...

Xun You was about to speak, and he planned to deploy the four city gates to attack the city... But at this moment, Xu Chu hurriedly broke into the central army tent. Not only did he come, he also brought a pigeon with a letter tied to the pigeon's leg. Thin thin juan...

This kind of fine juan, which emits a dark yellow color, is a unique material for the Hu Ben Army to transmit messages...

Before Xu Chu reported it, Cao Cao already knew that the pigeon came from Guanzhong.

And let Hu Benjun be responsible for the transmission and bring it personally by Xu Chu, then... there is no doubt that this letter is from Brother Yi!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao stretched out his hand to stop the discussions of all the advisors. He took the carrier pigeon, took off the letterhead, quickly unfolded it, and looked at it word by word!


It doesn't matter...

I never thought that the strategy for breaking Yecheng was in this thin and thin Juan.



Chapter [-] I only hate that there are too few arrows to shoot you.

Flooded Yecheng…

Cao Cao's army captured Yecheng without a single shot.

Speaking of which, even if the city of Ye was submerged by the flood, it seemed that the city gate would not be opened, and Cao Jun really had nothing to do for a while.

When it comes to this...I have to mention it, and there is a small episode in the middle.

Earlier, Yuan Tan's subordinate Xin Pi surrendered to Cao Cao, Cao Cao specially gave him the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and let him ride a boat outside the city gate of Ye City to persuade the defenders to surrender...

Not wanting to be seen by Yecheng's order Shen Pei, Shen Pei immediately beheaded more than [-] children and children of Xin Pi's family.


Shen Pei's nephew Shen Rong and Xin Pi were good friends. Seeing that Xin Pi's family was killed, he was angry, so he opened the city gate and dedicated the entire Ye city to Cao Cao!

In the darkness, Shen Pei couldn't tell who betrayed him.

But it was very clear that he had predicted the tragic ending that he was destined to do early in the morning, and he could only do the last resistance...

The result can be imagined, Cao Jun, who was like a wolf like a tiger, quickly swept away the last resistance force, Yecheng completely fell, and Shen Pei was captured.

Yecheng, government office!

The water is slowly receding...

Cao Cao's army entered the city as much as possible.

Cao Cao sat in the seat of the Yecheng Commander and felt a sense of disappointment, and he immediately arraigned for trial. "Shen Pei, do you know who opened the city gate?"

"I don't know!" The trial was still stubborn.

"Haha." Cao Cao laughed heartily. "It's your nephew Shen Rong!"

The purpose of Cao Cao's words is to break Shen Pei's confidence and make him completely collapse. After all, facing the backflow of the Zhanghe River and still defending the city, he Shen Pei really can be regarded as the number one person.


Sure enough, Shen Pei let out a long exhalation, and he screamed up to the sky.

"My child is not enough, and I have been reduced to where I am today. Otherwise, even if the city of Ye was completely wiped out by the flood, you Cao Jun would not be able to step into it."

To tell the truth, Cao Cao quite appreciates the audition, not only Cao Cao appreciates it, but also can hear from his previous conversation with Yi Xiaotian that Yi Xiaotian also greatly appreciates the audition.

As a result, Shen Pei is also an old acquaintance, Cao Cao and him knew each other when they were discussing the Dong alliance.

Second, although this person is inhumane, he is straightforward and straightforward. In this respect, he is far beyond comparison with other people.

According to Cao Cao...

If the trial's loyalty to the Yuan family can be transferred to him, wouldn't it mean that Cao Ying has another useful talent?


Cao Cao suddenly thought that what Yi Xiaotian once said, Shen Pei was loyal to the Yuan family, he would never betray the Yuan family, and he would never surrender to Cao Cao...

Since Brother Yi said so...

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