On the other hand, Zhong Yao, the more he listened, the more fascinated he became, the more he admired Yi Xiaotian in his heart.

Darling... This young man analyzes the situation in a straightforward manner. The key is that every sentence and every point of view has countless supporting evidence, which is convincing.

Looking at Yi Xiaotian again, Zhong Yao couldn't help but glance higher...

awesome, really awesome...

Now he feels that it seems that... the matter of turning against Ma Teng is not only reliable, but feasible and feasible...

I never thought that Yi Xiaotian's words were not finished yet.

Besides, I burned [-] cavalrymen in Xiliang to ashes with a fire before, which was enough to deter Ma Teng, not only to deter him Ma Teng, but also to deter every warlord in Xiliang; Let go of Ma Teng's son Ma Tie and Ma Teng's daughter Ma Yunlu, this is grace!Under the combination of grace and power, Ma Teng wanted to not surrender, and he would not surrender!All that is missing now is an opportunity to surrender!

Finally, Yi Xiaotian finished speaking.

On the other hand, Zhong Yao's side, he fell into a long thought.

Zhong Yao asked back.Young man... What you said is very reasonable, but there is one thing, although the prefect of Zhong Yao can use Ma Teng to fight against the Yuan family, but... after this is done, do you really want to help Ma Teng to pacify Kansai?If Ma Teng really destroys the various princes of Guanxi one by one, then... it's not that the front door drives the tiger and the back door enters the wolf, in case, he rebels again, I am afraid it is more terrible than the rebellion of the Yuan clan!

Zhong Yao's words are on point...

Yi Xiaotian's eyes turned, he thought about it carefully, and then waved his hand.

The Taoist priest is half right. It is true that if Zhong Yao and Ma Teng join forces, and with the help of Ma Teng's eldest brother Han Sui, Ma Chao's eldest son Ma Chao's bravery will not be a problem to pacify Kansai... But such a big piece The cake was handed over to them, couldn't Prefect Zhong Yao put forward some conditions?For example... Quanqi asked Ma Teng to go to Xuducheng and become an official in the imperial court. In this way, with the hostages in hand, even if the Ma clan in Xiliang grew bigger, they would not dare to act rashly!On the contrary, he can help Cao Cao guard the west gate!


Hearing this, Zhong Yao patted his forehead!

He immediately felt that the young man in front of him was simply a sentence - how bold a person is, how prolific the land is...

By...by...by...what?Can he be sure that Ma Teng will honestly go to Xudu?

People are not stupid... Going to Xudu is nominally an official, but isn't it actually a hostage?

Thinking of this, Zhong Yao shook his head.

Young man, will Ma Teng agree to become an official in the imperial court?Hehe, I don't believe it... After all, he is a prince of Kansai. How could he leave his base, his troops and horses, and instead go to the imperial court to become an official?It's not normal at all!

Ha ha... not in line with common sense!

Hearing this question, Yi Xiaotian laughed.

In fact, when he studied this piece of history, he was also very skeptical. He even suspected that Ma Teng was in arrears with his brain, so he gave up the land of Guanzhong and went to the court to become an official?Isn't this... a lantern in the toilet - courting death!

Can be…

This incident really happened. Not only did it happen, but Ma Teng was an official in Xuducheng, and he has been doing it for several years!If it hadn't been involved in the rebellion of the Fu clan to help the royal family later, the protection would not be complete, and it would have been able to do it for decades!

As for the reasons in between...

Before crossing the border, Yi Xiaotian really went to read the relevant records, historical books, documents...

Come to the conclusion...the only one—

——It’s really not that Ma Teng’s brain was flooded, or his brain was kicked by a donkey…

The core point is that Ma Teng has always wanted to be an official in the imperial court in his heart. He wants to get in touch with the emperor at close range. He wants to regain the glory that his ancestor Fubo General Ma Yuan brought to the Ma family.

Although it is a bit strange, it seems that this is reasonable!

In the world, there really are such people, not for profit, not for power, and only for fame...only for the reputation that the glory of the Ma family can be passed down from generation to generation.

Of course, that's what happened...

How to explain it to this ox-nosed old man?

Yi Xiaotian scratched his head, and it was time for the blind coercion who likes to see and hear it.

You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter [-] The showdown is over, I am Zhong Yao

Daoist priest, to tell you the truth, I was also a magician before... ah no, I was also a Taoist priest.

Yi Xiaotian started to fool.

Now he and Zhong Yao don't care about playing chess anymore, staring directly at each other, Yi Xiaotian slapped his mouth and continued.

The so-called Wuji gives birth to Taiji, Taiji gives birth to two yi, two yi gives birth to three talents, three talents give birth to four images, four images give birth to five elements, five elements give birth to **, ** gives birth to seven stars, seven stars give birth to gossip, and gossip gives birth to nine palaces. Everything belongs to the ten directions.If I do this, Ma Teng will definitely agree to go to Xudu to become an official.

This... Wujisheng Taiji?Tai Chi gives birth to two rituals, has "Zhouyi" been pulled out?

Zhong Yao felt a little embarrassed. He felt that his IQ had been deeply insulted!

He suddenly felt that the young man in front of him was very unreliable, what the heck...

Young man, what am I asking you seriously?Zhong Yao asked back, frowning tightly.

I am also very serious in answering!Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly, otherwise, let's make a bet!

uh... bet?

Zhong Yao was slightly startled, and Yi Xiaotian's voice followed.If I win, you help me to ask Zhong Yao for a thousand copies of italic copybooks. If I lose, whatever the Taoist priest proposes, I will do it all!

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian blinked his eyes.

I muttered in my heart, now that Guanzhong is a chaotic world, Zhong Yao's copybooks are not worth much, but in the future, after Cao Cao pacifies the north and pacifies Kansai, the value of Zhong Yao, together with the value of his calligraphy, is immeasurable.

A copybook can be sold for thousands of gold if it is not guaranteed, which is not a small amount!


copybook?Italic copybook?

Zhong Yao was slightly taken aback... He created a type of calligraphy called Kai Style, it seems... This calligraphy has not yet spread to the world, let alone recognized by scholars!

But... the young man in front of him, how did he know?

Still... he still needs a thousand pairs when he opens his mouth. If he loses the bet, wouldn't he be exhausted from Zhong Yao's death?

young people?How do you know that Prefect Zhong Yao created this regular script font?who told you?Zhong Yao then asked.

Does this even need to be told?Yi Xiaotian waved his hand and continued.I also know that Zhong Yao wants to have a second child, no, no, no, he wants to have another son, but to be honest, his body is 'average'... After more than ten years of hard work, he has yet to give birth!

ah... ah...

Zhong Yao's face turned green all of a sudden, why...how could he know about this, it's wicked!

It is true that Yi Xiaotian is right, Zhong Yao likes children, and after giving birth to the eldest son Zhong Yu, he plans to have another one.

But for more than ten years in a row, no matter how hard he tried, he was still unable to give birth to a second child. For this reason, he has been searching for prescriptions and taking countless supplements every day...

Of course, what he didn't know was that it was twenty-five years before his famous son Zhong Hui was born...

This is not the point... The point is that Yi Xiaotian mentioned this, which suddenly made Zhong Yao more confident in his words.

After all... even such private matters, even his Zhong Yao's mind, this young man can count, and it's not a problem to speculate on Ma Teng's mind...


Zhong Yao coughed.I don't want to bet anymore... I suddenly felt that what you said, a young man, is reasonable and reliable... If the guarantees are uneven, Lord Zhong Yao can really get a windfall when he rushes to Ma Teng Army Village.

The voice just fell...

Tatata...but I heard the small steps resounding in front of the Chang'an City Office. A young Taoist hurried to Zhong Yao's side without speaking, but hurriedly handed over the letter in his hand.

Zhong Yao glanced at the visitor, as if he knew that the letter was of great importance, he turned around and opened it immediately.

Here are two letters...

The first letter was sent by Cao Cao. This was the first time I received a letter from Cao Cao after the Battle of Guandu.

It doesn't look good...

At a glance, Zhong Yao was more and more surprised, and his pupils were getting bigger and bigger, almost bursting out.

As for the reasons, the two mentioned in the letter.

This is the content of the first article - these few days, Cao Cao will personally lead his troops to attack Yecheng, and take advantage of the civil strife of the Yuan brothers to seek Jizhou. This battle will be won. It is only a matter of time to destroy the Yuan family Yao hold on.

These words are nothing...

The next words shocked Zhong Yao, because Cao Cao mentioned a person in his letter, that's right, the young commander of Cao Jun's convoy -- Yi Xiaotian, who was escorted by Hu Ben's soldiers along the way!

If only his name was mentioned...

However, Cao Cao's heavy-handedness enumerates the wars that Yi Xiaotian had planned.

As far back as that year, the moth thieves were cleared, the Qingzhou soldiers were formed, and the barren fields were reclaimed to implement the military and civilian systems;

Later, when they attacked the false emperor Yuan Shu, the two tigers competed for food to seek Xuzhou, defeated Lu Bu, and attacked Liu Bei;

There are also the Guandu War, Cangting War, watching the fire from the other side, and taking advantage of the fishermen when the Yuan brothers are in strife... One by one, one by one, Cao Cao has written all three Zhang Xijuan!

The most important thing is that Zhong Yao can recognize that the three pages full of words are all written by Cao Cao... Every word is sonorous and powerful, and it seems that they all express their admiration for this young son named Yi Xiaotian...

Although in the letter, Cao Cao did not boast Yi Xiaotian a word or a word, but this time and again, the plans fell on Zhong Yao's heart like a piece of stone, and he couldn't breathe.

Even, he was surprised to find that it was this Yi Xiaotian who recommended Zhong Yao to take charge of the overall situation at the beginning.

It can be said that Cao Cao can have the current situation, if you want to talk about a person who is the first, it is no surprise that Yi Xiaotian.

However, Cao Cao also repeatedly emphasized in the letter that he would conceal his identity for Cao Cao.


A young man who can make Cao Cao contact him even at the expense of concealing his identity, a young man who can transform Cao Cao from a prefect of Dongjun into a hegemon of the Central Plains through a series of plans, a young man whom Cao Cao admires immensely...

It's...it's terrifying, his strategy, his wisdom, his judgment of the people's heart and the current situation, it's just terrifying.

call out…

At this moment, Zhong Yao's heart was already extremely shocked. He glanced at Yi Xiaotian from the corner of the corner, and his heart was very complicated. He suddenly felt that with this Yi Xiaotian coming out, the situation in Guanzhong was as stable as Mount Tai!

Thinking about this...

Zhong Yao was about to turn around and introduce himself again, but suddenly saw a letter in his hand.

This was sent by his mentor, Cai Yong.

The master hasn't sent him a letter for many years, this time... how...

Thinking of this, Zhong Yao didn't dare to be careless, he quickly unfolded it, this is a bamboo slip, and the Feibaishu font on it seems to be created by the master Cai Yong...

It made Zhong Yao feel more cordial all of a sudden.

But this touch of kindness only lasted for a moment, and then, Zhong Yao seemed to be shocked again, and his eyes suddenly became round and huge...

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