Since you want to speak words!

That Yi Xiaotian simply prostituted this "Luo Shen Fu" for nothing... He made a slight change and recited the most beautiful part of it.

For Zhen Luo, there is no more gorgeous rhetoric, can it be compared to "Luo Shen Fu"?

Because... he Zhen Luo, isn't he Luo Shen?

At this time, Yi Xiaotian's eyes flowed...

And Zhen Luo stood there dumbfounded, she was shocked, this was the most beautiful, most gorgeous, most beautiful ci and fu... the most moving voice she had ever heard since she was a child, since ancient times, right?

Huh... You breathed softly, Zhen Luo's whole person seemed to be floating, and his whole heart was full of throbbing.


Looking at her dumbfounded expression, You Zi was immersed in it.

Yi Xiaotian smiled...

The most beautiful poems are given to the most beautiful people, and a song "Luo Shen Fu" is given to you...



Chapter three hundred and thirty-four, the shy thing

Speaking of this "Luo Shen Fu"...

It is a poignant love story, but unfortunately, because of the appearance of Yi Xiaotian, this love story must be missed.

However, it's not a waste. This "Luo Shen Fu" came out of Yi Xiaotian's mouth, and it can still pretend to be forceful, bubble girl or something...

Of course, for some of the sentences, Yi Xiaotian came with his mouth open.

After all... he is also a hardcore Three Kingdoms kill old player, what... as a stunner, as graceful as a dragon;

It seems like the moon covered by the light clouds, and the drifting wind is like the snow returning to the wind;

What is Lingbo's micro-steps, Luo socks are dusty, for Yi Xiaotian, these Zhen Ji's lines, he came out of his mouth.

As for what does it mean?

For example, Pian Ruojinghong, graceful like a wandering dragon, that is to describe Zhenluo, the body is light and soft, like a wild geese flying gracefully after being frightened.

For another example, the light clouds cover the moon, and the flowing wind returns to the snow.That is also to describe Zhen Luo's peerless figure - Ruoyouruowu's behavior, like a thin cloud gently covering the bright moon, a floating image, like a swirling snowflake blown by the wind.

Such words, if placed on other women, would inevitably be a bit exaggerated.

But Cha Cha is used to describe Zhen Luo.

That's just...beautiful, beautiful...just right, just in time. breath softly.

Zhen Luo Yin teeth bit her red lips, she seemed to have thought of something, but she vehemently denied it, only the blush and beauty on her cheeks remained.

Yi Xiaotian asked at the right time.Sister Zhenluo, I'm done with this poem. Next... Guess who the beautiful things in this poem are about?


Zhen Luo hesitated for a while, she was very insightful, how could she not know that this is her husband complimenting her!

But... how could she, Zhen Luo, be so good as described by her husband?

The beauty in the ci and fu is like a fairy, she... she is still far from it.

Sir, you do you want me to answer?

All of a sudden, Zhen Luo twitched...

Ha ha ha ha…

Yi Xiaotian laughed loudly, and simply stopped teasing this interesting little sister. He looked at the moon and the silent night.Anyway, if you like it...

In a word, Yi Xiaotian raised his hand gently, and he couldn't help but touch Zhen Luo's three thousand hairs, as if he was in love, only polite, in front of the most beautiful beauty, a subconscious move !


Zhen Luo felt her heart beating abruptly, Mr. really... really good at flirting, she felt as if she was electrocuted.

Her eyes rolled, and she glanced at the husband secretly, and then her cheeks became even more blush.

Sir... it's getting dark... it's getting late, Luo Er, Luo Er went back to rest.

Stumbling and stumbling, hurried sounds came out.

Zhen Luo didn't hesitate, and quickly ran to the inn. Today, her mood is quite throbbing... If she stays any longer, she will fall.

Ha ha…

Looking at the figure of Zhen Luo leaving, Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly.

Immediately, he shook his head lightly and muttered in his mouth.Originally, I wanted to sing another "Farewell to Cambridge", but unfortunately... I didn't have a chance to let Sister Luo'er listen to this modern poem!

In a word, it is a pity!

Yi Xiaotian shook his head again, and walked quickly towards the inn... It seems that it's really getting late!Diaochan, Lu Lingqi, Cai Zhaoji and most of them are all asleep, right?

It really was a wonderful night!

Inside the inn.

Ta Ta... With the sound of crisp footsteps, when Zhen Luo stepped into the inn, she was shocked and startled.

The cheeks that were originally blushing turned pale.

As for the reason... In the lobby of the inn, there were actually... two men.

In my impression... In the past few days, the man who can enter and leave this inn seems to have never been anyone other than Mr....

Who are they?

Zhen Luo rubbed his eyes.

He found that the two men were very burly, and the one standing was dumb and dumb, and didn't seem to pay special attention to himself.

The one sitting is... but it's hard to say a word.

It's almost... Compared with Mr.'s handsome facial features, he is too ugly, right?

He has small eyes, a thin beard, and his facial features are a little tight... The most important thing is that he doesn't seem to be tall, he's a little fat, and he's dark... he looks like a black fat man.

This kind of appearance, it is estimated that it will not cause the slightest disturbance in the crowd, right?


Even if this black fat man didn't say a word, he released an awe-inspiring and domineering air all over his body.


But at this moment, the sound of footsteps came from behind, this time the footsteps were more calm.

Huh... Zhen Luo let out a light breath, she realized that most of the time her husband was here, and now, without any hesitation, she slightly covered her blushing cheeks, bit her lip with her teeth and ran up.


It was Cao Cao sitting in the inn.

At this time, Cao Cao was also a little embarrassed. What's the situation?Isn't brother Fang Caiyi still spending time with this little girl, laughing and laughing?

Why, after only a short time, this little girl came running quickly... She was blushing, like a big girl who lifted her red hijab when she got married.

Is it?Are northern women so shy?

Cao Cao couldn't help but think about it, wait... Cao Cao suddenly thought of something, could it be that Brother Yi did something shameful to this girl!

if so…

…Ha ha!Cao Cao laughed out loud, there are really women who can make Brother Yi get carried away...

Cao Cao couldn't help grinning, and his smile contained a sense of relief, but also a taste of secret joy.


The footsteps were getting closer.

Yi Xiaotian also returned to the inn... But looking straight at him, hey, in front of him, isn't this black fat man sitting in the inn the lie?

Across the distance, Yi Xiaotian almost thought it was Guo Deguang from Deyun Club, and he also passed through...

Concealed brother?When did you come?

Yi Xiaotian couldn't help but ask...

Ah ha ha.Cao Cao smiled awkwardly.I'm here just before Brother Yi spends his time and does something shy... I'm sorry to disturb Brother Yi!

Uh... ashamed of your sister?

Yi Xiaotian spread his hands.Hide brother, you know, I am a noble person, a pure person, a person who is out of vulgar taste.Shameful thing?I Yi Xiaotian disdain to do.

Ha ha…

Cao Cao laughed immediately.Yes, Brother Yi, you are indeed a noble person, a pure person, a person who is out of vulgar taste, but well... It's late at night, you are not human at all?

When he said these words, he was accompanied by a sigh of laughter, and Cao Cao glanced upstairs with his eyes, which meant a lot...

Uh...that's all!

Yi Xiaotian shook his head helplessly, without explaining, he simply sat directly opposite Cao Cao.

Concealed brother, this is the middle of the night?You're not here to make fun of me, are you?

Of course not.Cao Cao waved his hand and directly moved the topic away from the woman. His tone became a little more serious. Brother Yi, has the situation in the north changed? Your last prediction seems to be...a bit flawed!

Hmm... Has the situation in the north changed?

Is the prediction flawed?

Yi Xiaotian blinked his eyes, he thought, it shouldn't be.

He found the answer from ancient books and documents, which are standard textbooks.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian lowered his head and asked curiously.Concealed brother?what's going on?Could it be... that Yuan Shao didn't die?

You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter [-] If you are in a hurry, save each other, if you are slow, you will fight

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