Sure enough, when it came to the issue of killing Cao Cao, Yuan Shao's IQ fell directly to the bottom!

Of course, this time, it's no wonder that Yuan Shao is so full of confidence. First of all, he led his army to cross the Yellow River from the place where the current is the most turbulent, and crossed the thorns, and went straight to Cangting...

Along the way, he was very careful and even more careful to hide.

He concluded that the decision of the army was not discovered by Cao Cao's scouts, that is to say, the troops and horses led by Cao Cao must have been mobilized urgently, and could never have been arranged in advance.

Second, Cao Cao sent his generals to fight with his youngest son, and Yuan Shang did not disgrace his mission to kill the enemy generals, so the morale of the three armies was high.

It is precisely because of this that Cao Cao was driven into a desperate situation... The process here is reasonable.

Just imagine, how could Cao Cao, a man who loves talents so much, deliberately send a tiger general, and how could this tiger general deliberately use his own head to lure the enemy into the depths?

Ha ha…

Yuan Shao smiled lightly. He felt that he had seen through Cao Cao's trickery. He thought he had fought against Cao Cao many times. He knew Cao Cao's fighting style like the back of his hand...

Cao Cao really couldn't do it by enticing the enemy to go deep at the cost of sacrificing his own military officers.


Cao Cao can't do it, but Yi Xiaotian can do it.

Yi Xiaotian is not a hero, the war between the two armies only depends on the outcome of the battle, who cares if there are so many, no, clear, and dark, as long as he can win... It's just five words - you can't discuss it!


"The whole army enters the valley, and if they encounter Cao's army, they will kill them, and not one will stay!"

Yuan Shao issued the final military order...

In an instant, the hooves of the cavalry swarmed up, and the footsteps of the infantry echoed in the valley, making it deafening...

dong dong dong...

Countless earth-shaking voices converged into sound waves, shaking the mountain like ten thousand drums in unison.

More than [-] Yuan troops entered the valley...

In front of them, tens of thousands of soldiers led by Cao Cao are holding torches, waiting for them in a strict array...

It seems that from Cao Cao, to every general, every soldier, their expressions are not afraid, as if they have long been waiting for this battle and roar in the empty valley!

"Hahaha... Yuan Benchu... I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

A very demonic laughter echoed in the empty valley. This voice was familiar to Yuan Shao. Isn't it the little brother he once regarded as an ant, but now his formidable enemy - Cao Cao!

"Cao Thief, you are relying on the Son of Heaven to order the princes, and everyone in the world will get them and execute them. Today, I, Yuan Shao, will act on behalf of the heavens and execute you to repay the shame of Guandu!"

Yuan Shao roared loudly.

To put it bluntly, he still misses Guandu's defeat, and he regards that defeat as a shame in his life...

People with narrow personalities are like this.


Laughing loudly, Cao Cao was still laughing... He bent his index finger towards Yuan Shao. "Come on, come here..."

The voice didn't fall...

Brush brush brush brush... But I can hear people moving in the empty valley, near, far, high, and everywhere are torches, the torches like blazing flames illuminate this dark night like day!

"Kill..." "Kill..." "Kill..."

"Catch the traitor Yuan Shao alive!" "Catch the traitor Yuan Shao alive!"

"To kill the thief Yuan..." "To kill the thief Yuan..."

"Yuan Thief, you blocked our way back home, we fought with you!"

In an instant... visible to the naked eye... at least ten soldiers and horses rushed like wind and waves, rushing in!

Zuowu Road——The first road is Xiahou Dun, the second road is Zhang Liao, the third road is Li Dian, the fourth road is Lejin, the fifth road is Xiahouyuan…

Right [-]th Road——The first road is Cao Hong, the second road is Zhang He, the third road is Xu Huang, the fourth road is Yujing, the fifth road is Gaolan…

As Yi Xiaotian said.

If the entire army cannot completely wipe out the enemy, then two, then three... then ten... ambushing from all sides and sinking the boat!

It seems... as Yi Xiaotian expected.

There are no more problems that the Duolu army can't solve!

At this moment, Yuan Jun's 23 book network dash;—the fish in the net, the bird in the cage, can't escape!



Chapter [-]: Ambush from all sides, sink the boat, Yuan Jun returns to dust

In... In the count.

This was Yuan Shao's subconscious judgment. The Cao army, which was visible to the naked eye, rushing up from all sides, had already made Yuan Shao's spirit a little dazed.

But... but how?


How could Cao Cao predict that they would attack from Cangting?

Why did you set up an ambush in this valley in advance?

How dare you be sure that Yuan Shao will chase into this valley?

This series of question marks floated on Yuan Shao's forehead one after another, and he was stunned for a while... His throat rolled, and he felt that all the energy in his body had been exhausted, he felt that the world was spinning, and he was about to faint!

And in his mind, there were countless shocks and whinings... Why... Why did Cao Cao predict his strategy step by step like he opened his eyes?

Could it be that Cao Cao has God's protection?Do you have the ability to be a prophet?But this...this...this is too mysterious, isn't it?

In an instant, Yuan Shao's eyes disappeared, and finally, he couldn't bear it any longer.

Between the narrowed eyes, teardrops slowly fell down... Crying, Yuan Shao really cried!

Unfortunately, his tears did not solve the slightest problem.

As the drums began to sound, Xiahou Yuan on the left and Gao Lan on the right rushed out first. They were leading Cao Cao's most elite iron-clad tiger and leopard cavalry, and Yuan Jun's cavalry troops.

These two troops, one fighting fiercely, the other resentful, had already swept away Yuan Jun's flanks in an instant...


Yuan Shang is quite a general, he raised his spear and shouted loudly. "Cao Cao is right in front of us. The only way to do this is to kill Cao Cao with all his might. Once Cao Cao dies, the morale of the enemy will inevitably collapse... Our military has room to turn around!"

As expected of Yuan Shao's most important young son...

In such a light and flint, Yuan Shang can accurately analyze the weakness of Cao Jun and the opportunity for the reversal of the battle...

Speaking of this, he raised his brows and seemed to plan to take the lead in rushing towards Cao Cao...

Unexpectedly, he hadn't taken a step yet, so Yuan Shao hurriedly stopped him.

"Shang'er can't! Cough cough... If Cao Cao is in an ambush, then there will inevitably be a net around him... Cough... For now, the only way is to rush out of a bloody path, let's... ahem... Let's retreat..."

While speaking, Yuan Shao waved his flag, which was an order for the three armies to evacuate.


Cao Cao, who was not far away, watched from a distance and watched Yuan Jun turn his horse's head and charge towards the entrance of the valley.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Cao Cao laughed out loud, and he muttered in a low voice. "Brother Yi's calculation is accurate. Sure enough, Yuan Shao is still cowardly. He doesn't dare to make a desperate attempt to attack. It seems that Yuan Shao's defeat is set!"

Cao Cao was already familiar with Yuan Shao's character, not to mention he had listened to Brother Yi for a long time...

There is no doubt that between resentment against Cao Cao and saving his own life, Yuan Shao will definitely choose the latter. In the end, Yuan Shao hides in his bones "cowardice"!


Xu Chu, who was beside him, played with the machete in his hand, and he pouted. "Duke Cao, this Yuan Shao is too cowardly! We only have so few people, he doesn't dare to attack!"

"Yeah!" Dian Wei couldn't help shaking his head. He looked down on Yuan Shao very much now. He had to be bold but not courageous, he had to be determined but not determined, and he had to be resourceful and not resourceful.

Ha ha ha ha…

Cao Cao laughed heartily again.

Now, it doesn't matter if Yuan Shao has the "three noes" on the battlefield. The most important thing is that, long before the war, Brother Yi had infinitely magnified the weakness of his "three noes", hehe... Yuan Benchu, Yuan Benchu, you still recognize Plant it!

With this in mind, Cao Cao waved his arms.

"The whole army is charging, if you see Yuan Shang's banner, avoid its edge; if you see Yuan Tan's banner and fight to the death; and Yuan Xi... Hehe, these brothers must scratch his face! I have a reward!"

Yuan Shang and Yuan Tan's offensive plan will not be discussed, after all, it is a matter of the overall situation.

But... Cao Cao is now thinking about helping Brother Yi teach Yuan Xi a lesson...

In his opinion... Yuan Xi dares to miss Brother Yi's woman, this battle... nothing else matters, Yuan Xi's face must be spent!

"Brothers, follow me and rush..."

Xu Chu let out a loud roar, and chased away at the first...


huh... huh...

Yuan Shao took his three sons and one nephew, and they fought hard to break out of a bloody path... The entire three armies were out of breath.

But no one dared to stop...because Xiahou Yuan, Gao Lan, Xu Chu, and Dian Wei's pursuers were coming soon...

"Go harder, rush... out of this valley, cough..."

Yuan Shao mobilized again, but his throat was so hoarse, he seemed to be able to cough up blood...

He was hidden in the middle of the army, with three layers of protection inside and three layers of protection. He wanted to use the body of hundreds of thousands of troops to help him escape this valley of death.

But at this time.

"Yuan Thief, where to escape!"

"Yuan Thief, watch your grandpa Lejin take your life!"

There were two Cao troops on the left and right, and Le Jin on the left led the soldiers from Yanzhou, and Yu Jin on the right led the soldiers from Qingzhou. They were all full of energy.

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