A big question mark appeared between Yi Xiaotian's eyebrows.Concealed brother?What help?It seems that apart from Yuan Shao going south, Cao Cao has no problems, right?

No... Cao Cao waved his hand, what he was hiding in his heart was the biggest problem.If Yuan Shao goes south this time, he will go south next time... Even if Cao Cao blocks this time, what about next time, next time, next time?

Speaking of this, Cao Cao frowned.

Brother Yi, you are right. The Qing, Ji, You, and Bingzhou have too many populations. Yuan Shao can easily recruit tens of thousands of troops. Cao Cao is exhausted, even our brothers will be bored to death!

Sigh... Cao Cao let out a long sigh, and the whole person became sighed.The process of the Northern Expedition can't be turned into a process of consumption. Brother Yi, you have the most ideas. Is there any way to make Cao Cao exchange for the territory of the North with the least consumption?

Cao Cao's voice was more urgent and more mournful.

At this time, his whole person can't wait to stick to Yi Xiaotian, he is too urgent for this answer...

Well this...

Yi Xiaotian hesitated slightly.

Speaking of which, this question is not easy to answer... According to the records of ancient books, it seems that it is not easy to exchange the smallest price for the greatest victory, and there are even many conditions that need to be satisfied at the same time.

such as…

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian spoke directly.Brother Concealer, you have to know... it may not be difficult to defeat Yuan Shao, but if it is to cost a very small amount, then... at least two key points must be achieved!

Well...two key points.

Brother Yi said that, it means there is a play.

Cao Cao's body was shaken, and his spirit was also lifted. Brother Yi, what are the two key points?

First... Yuan Shao must die!

In one sentence, Yi Xiaotian explained in detail.

In the final analysis, the Yuan clan, including Yuan Shao, was already the third prince of the fifth generation.It is intertwined with the major clans, especially the major clans in the north, and the Yuan clan's disciples and officials are all over the world.As long as Yuan Shao didn't die, in the north, countless clans, countless Yuan's disciples and former officials would still be attached to him.

...As long as he has the support of these clans and disciples, his troops will be inexhaustible and inexhaustible. Even if Cao Cao has the upper hand in terms of situation and strength, he really has to fight for Yuan Shao to consume them. For the behemoth of the Yuan family, Cao Cao is really no match.

Yi Xiaotian explained it in detail...

This is analyzed from the clan level.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, to put it bluntly, it was the world where the aristocratic clans monopolized official careers. As long as there was the support of the clan clans, even if the princes were defeated, there would still be a chance for a comeback.

For example... Liu Bei, who was defeated by Lu Bu in Xuzhou, quickly made a comeback because of the support of the Mi clan.

For example... the former Sun Ce, even if his father was in a different place, but because of the support of the four major families of Wu County and the four major families of Kuaiji, he quickly established a firm foothold in Dongwu!

Another example... Cao Cao, without the Xun clan in Yingchuan, without the Yanzhou clan, without the full support of the Cao clan and Xiahou clan, he is just a prefect of the East County, a watchdog who helps Yuan Shao guard the southern gate, he will never be. To the point where it competes with it to dominate the world today.

Still analyzing...

As long as Yuan Shao is still alive, the ties between the aristocratic clan and the Yuan clan will not collapse, and Yuan Shao's southward footsteps will not stop... Therefore, the most urgent task at the moment is to kill Yuan Shao and completely cut off the Yuan clan and the major clans. contact.


Cao Cao raised his hand and tapped lightly on the forehead. It was easy to defeat Yuan Shao, but it might not be easy to kill Yuan Shao!

After all... Yuan Shao is also the commander-in-chief of the First Army.

The commander is only good for this. It doesn't matter whether you win the battle or not. At the very least, if the momentum is not good, you can run away... Even Yuan Shao, whose personality is slower than a snail, can escape faster than a rabbit?

chasing... chasing after?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's face couldn't help but have a trace of sadness.

Brother Yi, this is easy for you to say... But Yuan Shao, how could he be killed so easily?The difficulty of capturing him is probably no less than capturing Liu Bei...

Cao Cao's whole face was full of sadness.

On the contrary, it was Yi Xiaotian, who was always smiling... Not only was he smiling, but he was smiling brilliantly.

Ha ha ha ha…

Concealed brother, who said that to kill Yuan Shao, he must be captured?Yi Xiaotian gently patted Cao Cao's shoulder.We can also use our brains to change the method...

Yi Xiaotian also deliberately sold a pass.

This can make Cao Cao anxious... what method?Could it be an assassination?assassinate?

But these... immorality is second, the main thing... Yuan Shao, who has always been suspicious, must be closely guarded, and it is not so easy to succeed.

All of a sudden, Cao Cao's cheeks that were not handsome were about to be squeezed into a 囧 character.

Concealing brother... It's almost time to see, and I won't tease my brother any more, Yi Xiaotian speaks at the right time.Have you ever heard of a symptom called war sequelae?

Ah... the aftermath of the war?

Cao Cao was stunned... He had heard of countless symptoms, but he had never heard of any war sequelae?What symptom is this?

Cao Cao raised his brows, and a huge question mark appeared between his brows.

Of course... how does Cao Cao know.

In the medical field before crossing the border, a very special symptom was identified, which was called war sequelae.

The corresponding crowd is the soldiers who have finished the battle, especially the soldiers who have lost the battle. Often they will be inexplicably irritable, often depressed, life has no direction, etc...

In front of a cheerful and open-minded person, this symptom will last for a few days, and it will naturally dissipate with the wind.

But...there is a kind of people who become very dangerous after suffering from war sequelae, and their vital signs will also become very fragile...

That's right, it's someone like Yuan Shao who is narrow-minded and loves to get into dead ends every day...

It can be said that once Yuan Shao suffers from this disease.

It must be unhappy, as if the body has been hollowed out... I have nothing else to do all day long, all I think about is to dig into a dead end... Finally, in these kinds of negative emotions, I go to the end of my life.


To help Yuan Shao suffer from the aftermath of the war... It seems that he has to add another fire!Add a pair of drug primers!

And the upcoming battle of Cangting is the best raging fire, as for the medicine introduction...


Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian pouted and said meaningfully.

Brother lie, this war sequelae is very serious for a narrow-minded person.

It's just... To help Cao Cao's eldest brother Yuan Shao suffer from this disease, Cao Cao's younger brother... needs to be very cooperative.For example, in the battle of Cangting, Cao Cao had to work harder, and it was best to wipe out Yuan's army.Only in this way can Yuan Shao be given the heaviest and deadliest sap, both physically and psychologically, and the deadly aftermath of the war will come quietly!

You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter [-]: Those who have the will, things will come true, the boat will be broken, and Qin Guan will eventually belong to Chu

Complete... annihilate the enemy?


Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, Brother Yi is really a big voice. It is true that because of the surrender of Yuan's army of [-] soldiers, Cao Cao now has an absolute advantage in military strength, but it seems that even if this advantage is expanded several times, it will It's not enough to completely wipe out the Yuan army!

That's [-] people. Even if they stretch out their necks one by one and let you cut... it would take a long time to cut them.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao knocked on his forehead. "Brother Yi, even if the total annihilation of the enemy can make Yuan Shao suffer from the so-called 'war sequelae', but, ok, ok... But how can we wipe out the enemy?"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao paused. "If as Brother Yi predicted, Yuan Shao would really march from Cangting, Cao Cao would immediately lead his troops to ambush here, and defeating Yuan Shao would be a no-brainer... But, if you want Cao Cao to annihilate Yuan's army, then..."

Cao Cao did not finish his speech.

However, he couldn't understand what he meant. Yuan Shao had more than [-] people. If he couldn't beat him, he would learn to run like a rabbit, and Cao Cao would be helpless...

"Brother lie, this point...you underestimate Cao Cao!" Yi Xiaotian raised his fist and slammed Cao Cao's chest, his eyes pretending to be mysterious!

Ah... underestimate Cao Cao!

Cao Cao really "haha", he wants to have a clear understanding of himself.

He knows how much he weighs. If he can't get rid of it, he can't get rid of it... Is it possible that Brother Yi still has a way to lead Yuan Shao into a three-story inner and three-story outer circle, with no rescue in front and no retreat behind?

Yuan Shao's IQ is in a hurry, but he's not that stupid, right?

Just thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian's voice came one after another.

"Hidden brother... The two words you just mentioned are very wise - ambush! Yuan Shao thought he crossed the river from Cangting and hid all Cao Cao's eyesight, but in fact, because of his brother's reminder, Cao Cao had already Get ready... In this way, the ambush will definitely win! But..."

Halfway through the sentence, Yi Xiaotian blinked his eyes, and his tone became more meaningful. "If you just set up an ordinary ambush, it would be too petty. It may be able to severely damage the enemy army, but it is determined that it is impossible to completely wipe out the enemy army. It would be better..."

Yi Xiaotian deliberately sold a pass...

Cao Cao can't wait to put his ear to Yi Xiaotian's mouth.

This Nima is panting, who can stand it?

"Brother Yi, you're intriguing again! Hurry up... hurry up... hurry up, tell me now..."

Cao Cao's entire pair of "I took off my pants, you can tell me this" sense of sight, urgent, urgent, his eyes are about to burst out.

On the other hand, Yi Xiaotian still maintained his usual calm and calm, and he raised his hand slightly.

A word came out slowly...

"If an enemy cannot be solved by ambush, then there are two; if two ambush cannot be solved, then three; now Cao Cao's troops are more abundant, morale is also high, and the [-] Yuan army who surrendered is even more the same enemy, wishing to swallow Yuan Shao alive. …”

"If you want me to tell you, brother lie, we have to stand on Cao Cao's point of view... Be bold, be bold, don't be arrogant all day, simply... directly set up 'House of Flying Daggers', and the ambush places are all backed by the cliffs, absolutely nothing. Retreat... In this way, the ten troops and horses have no way to retreat. They will either ambush and kill, fight a bloody road, or perish... In this way, every soldier of Cao's army will fight to the death. At that time, Yuan's army was like a fish in a net, a cage. The bird in the middle can't run away!"

As soon as this statement comes out…

Cao Cao couldn't help but feel a sudden change in his mind, and he was amazed.

The "House of Flying Daggers" plan is nothing, thinking about it, this is just a routine operation of Brother Yi, and there is no surprise.

However, Brother Yi has incorporated the strategy of "breaking the boat and sinking the boat" on the basis of "House of Flying Daggers"...

The so-called, those who have the will, the things will be accomplished, the boat will be broken, and the hundred and two Qinguan will eventually belong to Chu...

Cao Cao, who was originally superior in military strength, forced all the soldiers under his command into a desperate place.

Sure enough, Yi brother is still the familiar Yi brother. He knows everyone and every soldier too well. He is best at mobilizing the emotions of the soldiers...

It seems... a team of [-] people can often exert the combat power of a team of [-] people in his hands. When a team of [-] people is in his hands, the fighting power is often equivalent to [-] people. The core point is that Brother Yi knows people's hearts and human nature like the back ...This is also what Cao Cao admires the most.

"It's a good trick 'Ambush from all sides'."

After Cao Cao praised loudly, he deliberately lowered his voice, as if he was analyzing it in detail.

"Cao Cao has many generals under his command, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Li Dian, Le Jin, Zhang He, Gao Lan, Xu Chu, Dian Wei, Xu Huang, Yu Jin... All of them are capable of commanding thousands of troops. Our generals, each of them will lead troops and horses, and they will be in ambush. As long as Yuan Shao enters the encirclement, his more than [-] people will really be unable to fly!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao's eyes released a ray of light, a sharp ray of light.

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