As soon as this statement came out, the golden bag was thrown, and the weight was weighed.

The female shopkeeper was stunned immediately, her hands softened, and all the Hu clothes in her hands fell off at once.

Pop, pop.

Hu Fu collided with the ground and made a slight sound, and at the same time, it seemed to be well-timed to blow in the cool wind repeatedly... The female shopkeeper was stunned, letting the cool wind blow on her cheek, his expression was very bitter, Very complicated…

I originally thought that the young son in front of me was a bronze, but I didn't expect him to be a king!

Thinking of this, she stumbled and fell to the ground with a "slap" sound...

It wasn't just the female shopkeeper who was shocked, Diaochan, Lu Lingqi, and Cai Zhaoji were also shocked. You must know that Hu clothing is a luxury in this era, and every piece is worth a lot of money, let alone buying it all at once. Under almost the entire Hufufang!

Sir can do this, so... so handsome!

Suddenly, Diaochan, Cai Zhaoji, and Lu Lingqi's eyes suddenly looked like "nympho".

Girls buy clothes, especially expensive ones…

Whether it fits well or looks beautiful is also important, but this is always second, and more importantly, they are willing to enjoy this kind of cool feeling of spending money and being looked up to...

Now... Yi Xiaotian's behavior of spending thousands of dollars has simply satisfied all the girls' fantasies about Ruyi Langjun... How can they be indifferent?


Almost at the same time, the three beauties chanted such a sentence...

Then, one by one, their eyes wandered, and they looked at him madly, as if to express another sentence - are going to make people sink!

Yi Xiaotian smiled at them, but it was just a room of clothes, what is this?

To be honest, although Hu Fu is expensive, for his existing industry, it is simply a drizzle.

Throwing out this bag of coins is just a feeling of "sprinkling water". The so-called ditch is inhuman, and having money is self-willed, that's the truth!

"Gong... son..."

At this time, the female shopkeeper was kneeling all over, not because she was so despicable on purpose, but mainly because the bag of gold coins fell down, and she couldn't stand up.

The more powerful people are, the more humble they are in their bones!

I saw her moving her legs, kneeling and walking in front of Yi Xiaotian, changing her previous sneering words, her face full of smiles, and she was extremely flattering. "I'll just say, the young master is arrogant, the jade tree is in the wind, the gold and the talent... No wonder the three beauties fall in love, the little girl... The little girl is thankful for the son, thank you for the son!"

The so-called milk is a mother...

Encountering such an "inhuman" master... She has a lot of insight and knows that she should be a dog at this time, and she will have everything.

"Oh...don't be too busy to thank you!" Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. "I can pay for this, you have to take these clothes back to my house..."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian pointed to the Hu clothes in the whole room. "These Hu clothes are very expensive. One piece costs [-] gold. I'm not willing to use a carriage to transport them. Well, you can carry them back to me one by one. However, you have to be careful, just in case. A damaged one..."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian's eyes narrowed in vain, and his tone was raised a lot. "I'm afraid you can't afford to pay..."

ah... ah...

The female shopkeeper was stunned, did she let her carry it with her hands and legs one by one?This…

"Master, I...I'm a woman...I don't have the strength, I can't carry it!" The female shopkeeper is still begging...

But at this time.

"If you can't carry it, you have to carry it!"

Only the footsteps of "Ta Ta" could be heard. Strong and powerful steps sounded outside Hufufang. It was none other than Cao Ren.

"Huh? Brother Ren?"

Seeing Cao Ren, Yi Xiaotian was slightly surprised.

But he saw Cao Ren walking directly in front of the female shopkeeper, with many officers and soldiers following him behind him... All of them were quite imposing, but they made the female shopkeeper jump.

"Is it the reason that you can't carry it? It's not too much for someone to spend a lot of money on clothes and let you carry it back in person. Today, you have to carry it, and you have to carry it if you don't! Otherwise..."

Speaking of this, the officers and soldiers behind Cao Ren drew their sabers one by one!

swoosh swish...

In an instant, the female shopkeeper was almost scared to pee!

Now... no matter how stupid she is, she knows what's going on. This young man is protected by officers and soldiers, and his identity is not simple!

"Ah... alas..."

What's the matter, I can only blame myself for being blind...

The female shopkeeper wanted to cry very much, but she couldn't cry. She looked at the gold coins in front of her, and then weighed her small body, so many clothes... Carrying such a long way?She... Isn't she going to be exhausted on the road!


A few tears fell, and the female shopkeeper really knew that she was wrong. Her words offended not mortals, but a bottle of God!



Chapter [-]: A hundred-footed worm, dead but not stiff

Out of Hufufang... Wait for a few girls to get on the carriage.

Yi Xiaotian looked at Cao Ren meaningfully... "Brother Ren? It's all arranged by you today, right?"

"Haha..." Cao Ren, who has always been taciturn, smiled lightly. "This is what the eldest brother ordered... The eldest brother said that Brother Yi is his most precious friend. When Brother Yi goes to the market, he must enjoy the highest courtesy!"

"So, this time I let Brother Concealer cost money again." Yi Xiaotian shook his head slightly, but felt a little embarrassed...

It seemed... he suddenly thought of something. "Right? What about hiding from my brother? Why can't I see him?"

"Big brother!" Cao Ren thought for a while, and then spoke. "Cao Cao has recruited all his advisors to discuss the next move. Big Brother is his chief advisor and naturally he will also participate."

"Oh..." Yi Xiaotian nodded... Thought in his heart, after the battle of Guandu, brother lie in Cao's camp should be rising, right?Cao Cao must have paid more attention to him.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian is still happy for Brother Huo, and of course he is also happy for himself. The more stable Brother Huo's position is, the more confident he is. After all, there is a backer behind him!

"Almost forgot..." Cao Ren remembered something, and he spoke directly. "Cao Cao called his advisors to discuss the next move. It seems...there are two voices among the advisors?"

"Well...two voices?" Yi Xiaotian repeated.

After the battle of Guandu, I started to search for information and records about Cao Ying in my mind, not to mention... Cao Ying in the battle of Guandu really argued for a long time over a topic.

"Yes, the two voices also represent two completely different routes..."

Cao Ren nodded and explained... "The focus of the disputes between the advisors is on the next strategic plan, whether to go north or south!"

Go north?South?

Yi Xiaotian's mind changed sharply, and he didn't say anything about going north, and he worked hard to calm down the northern border and establish a stable rear.

As for going south, it seems... there is some truth to it. Sun Ce died not long ago, and Sun Quan had just taken over the power. He was still immature, and people were unstable under the complicated situation.These are all doomed, and today's Soochow is by no means monolithic...

The Sun family hadn't come out of the funeral yet. At this time, it seemed that it was the best time to go south. If the security was not in order, Sun Quan would surrender to the wind.

Another target for the south is Liu Biao. This guy, Cao Cao has always regarded him as a panelist. Although he is powerful, his ability to fight is poor, and he is very sure to win.

Besides, Jingzhou people are prosperous and merchants are prosperous. This is a battleground for military strategists!

It seems... Sun Quan and Liu Biao, these two soft persimmons, can indeed attract Cao Cao and all his advisors...

But... in fact, going south is not as simple as it seems.

"Brother Ren..." Yi Xiaotian asked Cao Ren urgently, his expression suddenly became much more serious, and his tone became meticulous. "On the decision to go north and go south? What do you think, Brother Hide?"

"This..." Cao Ren hesitated.

He knew very well that his eldest brother, Cao Cao, just couldn't make up his mind, so he called his advisors to discuss it, but... how should he answer this?

"Brother Yi, Big Brother doesn't seem to have made up his mind, he's still watching!"

"Can't wait and see!"

Unexpectedly, Cao Ren's words just blurted out, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand directly, and his tone was raised a lot.

"Brother Ren, you must keep in mind what I will say next, and tell Brother Concealer as soon as possible. In the decision to go north and south, you must not be sloppy, and you must make the right decision immediately, which even affects Cao Cao's future great cause and The future glory of our brothers..."

Yi Xiaotian's words are very serious... The whole look is also very serious.

Seeing this posture, Cao Ren didn't dare to be careless, he immediately pricked up his ears and silently recorded every word of Brother Yi.

At this time... Yi Xiaotian's words came out.

"First of all, go south to Sun Quan, now is not the time! Most of our soldiers in the north are cavalry and infantry. They are good at fighting on the plains, and the least good at fighting on the water. Don't look at Sun Quan just taking over the foundation of his father and brother, but... there is a little bit of deceit from my brother, Brother Ren must understand that Sun Quan is by no means a soft persimmon."

"Sun Ce left Sun Quan with two crucial words before his death: 'Leading Jiangdong soldiers to fight for the world, you are not as good as me; appoint talents and unite your subordinates to protect Jiangdong, I am not as good as you.' What does this mean? He is a good player, doing better than his elder brother Sun Ce."

"It is true that now, Jiangdong seems to be falling apart. But in fact, under the checks and balances and unity of Sun Quan, it will soon become monolithic again. With Cao Cao's current navy, it is not enough to strike Sun Quan; Before he can stabilize the situation, he will be defeated in one fell swoop... If he really wants to fight, it will be a protracted battle if it is not balanced, and now Cao Cao's north is undecided, and he can't delay it in the south!"

Yi Xiaotian talked a lot about…

The meaning couldn't be clearer, Cao Cao and his advisors thought too much.

Sun Quan is by no means a soft persimmon, not now, and even less so in the future.The so-called... delusional swallowing Soochow in one bite, even if there is such an appetite, the key is that strength does not allow it.

"Brother Yi, I wrote it down!" Cao Ren nodded heavily, remembering these words sentence by sentence.

"Don't panic, I'm not finished here yet!"

It seems that Yi Xiaotian has only opened his head here, and he raised his hand slightly. "As for Liu Biao, he is indeed a soft persimmon, but now is not the time to plan Jingzhou."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian raised his eyes slowly, and he looked north. "Now that Yuan Shao has just collapsed, the military's morale is unstable, and the mood of the people in Jizhou is also unstable. It can be said that the entire north, whether it is farming or merchants, has entered a cold winter. This is the most difficult period for them..."

"The so-called taking advantage of your illness will cost you your life! At this time, you should strike while the iron is hot and defeat the Yuan Clan in one go. Yuan Shao has recovered his vitality, and he seized the opportunity to take advantage of the emptiness to enter and make a comeback. At that time, Cao Cao will be attacked by the enemy, can he be able to stop him?"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian has not stopped talking.

Cao Ren was the first to interrupt. "Brother Yi, this is not right! Yuan Shao lost [-] soldiers and horses in the battle of Guandu, and only [-] surrendered to Cao Cao. Now... these [-] soldiers have been rejected from returning to the north, and they have returned to Cao's camp. Where did Yuan Shao come from? How about recovering? Does he still have soldiers?"

No wonder Cao Ren thought so... [-] soldiers, this is not joking with you.

Combined, it can be worth the population of a city. How can such a heavy loss be made up in an instant?According to Cao Ren's thinking, Yuan Shao was afraid that he would not be able to recover his vitality in ten or eight years.

After saying this, Cao Ren patted his forehead, as if he felt that what he said was quite reasonable...

Who knows, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand directly.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong!"

After three typos in a row, he directly denied Cao Ren's point of view.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Xiaotian retorted loudly.

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