However... in this way, the situation is even more passive, which is equivalent to completely abandoning all peripheral protections. If it sounds good, it will lure the enemy to go deep, and if it sounds bad, you will be sucked from the bottom of the pot. As long as the first battle is defeated... What you are waiting for is a complete collapse. .

Every time he thinks of this, Cao Cao's brows will wrinkle tightly, and his whole person will become helpless and pessimistic.

"Brother lie, what do you mean?" Yi Xiaotian then asked.

Cao Cao hesitated for a moment, and clenched his hands... Sweat beaded on his palms. "I think the only plan for now is to give up Guandu and retreat to Yanzhou... and then take precautions!"

"Then... what if Yuan Shao continued to force him to Yanzhou!" Yi Xiaotian continued to ask.

"Then withdraw to Yuzhou..." Cao Cao's brows became even tighter, and his breathing became uneven.

"Then what about Yuan Shao's army heading towards Yuzhou?" Yi Xiaotian didn't give Cao Cao a chance to breathe...

"You can only withdraw to Xudu..." This time Cao Cao hesitated for the longest time, and finally...he made a decision and answered.

He knew that the problem of rations could not be solved by retreating.

But apart from retreating and shortening the front, he has no choice...


At this point, Yi Xiaotian no longer asked questions, but directly gave a conclusion.

"Cao Cao retreats again and again, Yuan Shao advances again, and when Yuan Shao occupies Yanzhou, Xuzhou, Yuzhou, and drives Cao Cao to Xudu... In the end, with the strength of the seven states, a million troops will come to the city... At that time, Cao Cao will be returned. If you want to retreat, I'm afraid there is no way to retreat, right?"

hiss... this...

Cao Cao's whole body seemed to be electrocuted.

He felt that Yi Xiaotian was digging his heart layer by layer, and finally even had to dig out his heart, press it on the ground, rub it on the ground, and put it in a pot to cook.

Can be…

Brother Yi is telling the truth, good medicine is bitter and good for the disease, and good words are good for deeds.

If you really follow the original plan and retreat again and again, the final result will be nothing more than being forced into a dead end and completely destroyed!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's complexion became as white as paper, and his back was sweating coldly... The whole person also became frightened and panicked.

He bit his lip with his teeth and breathed quickly, and then... murmured a sentence in a low voice.

"Brother Yi, you have to save Cao Cao... Now, facing a desperate situation? What should Cao Cao do?"



Chapter [-] What Cao Cao needs is "dry goods"

On the issue of advancing and retreating, Yi Xiaotian has always been firm.

"It's simple."

He picked up the wine bowl and his expression became serious. "Fight, fight to the end, don't give yourself a way out."

Yi Xiaotian first threw out a sentence, and then explained it in detail.

"Right now, all Yuan Shao's strength is gathered in Guandu. This is a show that he wants to fight Cao Cao to the death and bet on winning or losing! As I asked before, where can we retreat?"

"It is true that Cao Cao is now in an absolute disadvantage. If Guandu is defeated in the first battle, there is no doubt... he will be pursued by the enemy and completely defeated... In other words, now has reached a critical moment for Cao Cao's survival, and it is time to decide the general trend of the world. , at this time... no matter what, don't give up lightly!"

"Besides, is Yuan Shao really that terrifying? He's just a prince who is good at fighting in positional warfare. Besides, isn't his arrow tower and his tunnel warfare already destroyed? How much ability does he have? Yes... He can also unite many powerful talents around him, but in fact, Yuan Shao's ability can't control them at all! Instead, Cao Cao, brave in battle, loyal and loyal, is better than Yuan Shao in every aspect, why should you be afraid What about him?"

"Although Cao Cao doesn't have much food now, it's far from the last moment! At this time, Cao Cao is in trouble, so is Yuan Shao... But there is no doubt that who will retreat first? Who will be the first to die!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian Yu Guang glanced at Cao Cao and saw that he was still hesitant...

Immediately, he rolled his eyes, pursed his mouth, and then persuaded.

"Brother, I won't talk about it from afar. Just think about the battle between Chu and Han in the past. In Xingyang City, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu faced off for so long, but no one dared to retreat first. Why is this? It's because they know , the side that retreats first will inevitably lose the momentum."

"As far as I think about it, Cao Cao has actually done a good job. Concealing my brother's taste, Cao Cao has only one tenth of Yuan Shao's troops, but he was able to stubbornly strangle Yuan Shao's way forward, making him unable to move, and the stalemate for half a year. Long…"

"At times like this, the situation of the battle will often undergo major changes! If Cao Cao has the intention of retreating, you must not only stop him, but also persuade him to wake up. Others can be stunned and cowardly, but... as the commander of an army. Cao Cao must be clear, what he has to do now is not to consider whether to retreat! Instead, he must look for opportunities in the changes, find Yuan Shao's fatal weakness, and then kill him with one blow, and win by surprise!"

After the eloquent remarks, Yi Xiaotian's point of view is actually two words - insist!

The key is that he quoted the scriptures, argued with reason, and even added some exaggerated elements, emphasizing that Cao Cao is an outstanding image who is young and does not feel inferior, and does not retreat in the face of adversity.

Cao Cao's spirit was indeed lifted, although it didn't feel as if he had been beaten with blood, at least the retreat that had arisen in his heart dissipated a bit.

But Cao Cao knew in his heart that Brother Yi's words, after all, were not chicken soup for the soul?

A bowl of poisonous chicken soup may be able to make chicken blood in a short period of time, making people excited for two days, but in fact... the problem is still very serious, and the situation is still not optimistic.

You know, Cao Cao is best at instilling chicken soup for the soul, such as "Wangmei Quench Thirst".

...And now, isn't the big cake drawn by Yi Xiaotian an upgraded version of "Wangmei Quench Your Thirst"?

Of course, Cao Cao would not naively think that Brother Yi shouted so loudly... The situation can be completely reversed, and the so-called opportunity in Brother Yi's mouth will come!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao is still frowning!

"Brother Yi, why did you start talking about those illusory things?"

Cao Cao sighed. "What Cao Cao needs now is more useful information and intelligence? Hide brother... Do you have any of these things here?"

Ask in one sentence...

Cao Cao was full of expectations, but after only a moment, he shook his head.

You must know that in order to obtain more favorable information, he almost dispatched more than a thousand scouts, and there were countless secret agents and spies... If he had no way to obtain information, how could Brother Yi be able to obtain it?


uh... useful information.

Yi Xiaotian thought about it carefully... Dare to be affectionate, I want to hide from brother.

Yi Xiaotian's mind changed rapidly.

Hey, don't say, he really has a piece of dry goods here, one that is crucial to the battle of Guandu, and can even directly control the "dry goods" of Cao and Yuan's game!


The so-called three armies have not moved, food and grass go first...

Yuan Shao's army of [-] people, his food and grass supply is naturally the top priority. Yuan Shao can rob Cao Cao's food and grass, and use his own way to give him back. If Cao Cao can also cut off Yuan Shao's food and grass... Then...

Think along this line of thought.

Yi Xiaotian recalled many details of the Battle of Guandu, but...whether Yuan Shao was very close to Liyang City, or quite close to Baima Village and Yanjin Village... There is no historical record of where Yuan Shao's food was hidden!

But... Now Yuan Shao is fighting a positional battle, and his camp is opposite Guandu.

Like this, isn't his food and grass hidden... in that famous place in the ancient history books - Wuchao!

This is news that can directly influence the situation of the battle.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian's body was shocked, and his spirit was also shocked. "Brother lie... I really have an extremely important piece of information here!"

"Brother Yi, talk about it?"

Although he asked a question, it seems that Cao Cao is not optimistic about Yi Xiaotian's so-called intelligence.

In his opinion, Brother Yi can at most detect some insignificant information, or the fake news that Yuan Shao deliberately released!

You know, this brother Yi... He spends all day playing happily with a bunch of beauties in this village, so that if he can get real and efficient information, then... Cao Cao is afraid that he can grow wings and become a butterfly flew away!

For this reason, Cao Cao listened a little carelessly.

Unexpectedly, Yi Xiaotian's words attracted all Cao Cao's attention.

"Brother, I know where Yuan Shao's army's provisions are hidden!"


Yi Xiaotian's voice was not loud, but Cao Cao felt that five thunderbolts fell from the top of his head, hitting him directly on the forehead.

His chest went up and down, and he almost didn't catch his breath. He looked at Yi Xiaotian in disbelief, and felt a thud in his head!

Not only Cao Cao, but Cao Ren also fell back subconsciously. Who would have expected him to have a big butt and a heavy body, and he suddenly fell down. The whole person fell to the floor, making a "dong" and "dong" sound.

Seeing this, Yi Xiaotian hurried to help Cao Ren.

Cao Cao suddenly shouted. "Do not move!"

His face was indescribably weird...

Immediately afterwards, Cao Cao murmured a question. "Brother Yi, don't worry about anything else, first tell me where is the place where Yuan Shao's army gathers grain?"



Chapter [-] Surprise attack on Wuchao?No, the time has not come

"Brother, did you bring a map?"

Yi Xiaotian pondered in his heart...

If you just talk about it, it must be unclear, but it is better to point it out on the map.

Cao Cao turned his eyes and looked directly at Cao Ren. At this time, Cao Ren also cooperated with a carp and stood up. He hurriedly took out the map from his arms and handed it to Yi Xiaotian.

Yi Xiaotian moved another table case, put the two table cases together, and then covered the map with the table case... slowly unfolded...

This is a topographic map along the Yellow River. It records the topography from Liyang City to Yanjin Village, Baima Village, and then to Guandu Port. Naturally, it also includes small ports and small cities. For example, it is located forty miles north of Yuan Shao's camp. Wuchao on the south side of Yanjin Village…

It was also when he noticed this Wuchao that Yi Xiaotian's eyes suddenly lit up.

He directly stretched out his hand and pointed at Wu Chao. "Brother, I'm pretty sure that the place where Yuan Shao hid food is in this Wuchao!"

Um... Wuchao.

Cao Cao's eyes quickly found Wuchao, and with it, he carefully observed the terrain near Wuchao in the map...

Cao Ren also came up, and he pouted.

"Brother, Wuchao is just a small place, surrounded by open mountains, with unobstructed views, there is no way to ambush or hide soldiers and horses. If Yuan Jun stores grain here, there will never be many soldiers on defense."

Speaking of this, Cao Ren shook his head. "Yuan Shao shouldn't be confused, hiding the most important food and grass here? This is too unreasonable!"

Hearing this, Cao Cao just stared at the map coldly without saying a word!

To be honest, Cao Cao is wise enough to think of things that others can't think of. Of course, even he... will have some negligence, but once he is reminded, Cao Cao suddenly realizes something.

As if all of a sudden, Yuan Shao's tricks were revealed without reservation, like pulling out the clouds and seeing the sun...

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