"All speed up, if you don't hurry up, you won't be able to catch up to drink with Brother Yi!"

In a word, the hooves of "da da da" sounded again, and Cao Cao, Cao Ren, and dozens of tiger soldiers rushed away, one point faster than before.




North of the Yellow River, Yuan Junyingzhai was shrouded in a strange atmosphere at once.

The entire Yuan Jun's soldiers were downcast, and they all looked listless... It can be said that the morale of Yuan Jun has dropped to freezing point, and even Yuan Shao's overall deployment has been completely disrupted.

He immediately realized that Cao Cao was not that weak...

This move is very detailed.

In the final analysis, it was Yuan Shao who was in the game, and Yuan Shao was the one who wanted Yan Liang to attack the white horse...

Now, Yan Liang has lost, and [-] soldiers have been slaughtered...

Yuan Shao definitely couldn't bear the blame, he had to find another bearer.

"Yuan Gong, I heard that when the white horse was defeated, there was a red-faced and long-bearded man. A horse entered the battle and slashed General Yan Liang under the horse with a knife..." Ju Shou received information from the deserters... The first time he informed Yuan Shao.

"Who is this person?" Yuan Shao roared.

"Humph!" Ju Shou snorted coldly. "This person must be Liu Xuande's younger brother Guan Yu Guan Yunchang..."

Ju Shou's tone was stern, his words were firm, and his eyes were fixed on Liu Bei and Liu Xuande in the big tent.

With a "bang", Yuan Shao slapped the document heavily, and he angrily pointed at Liu Bei. "Your second brother killed my favorite general, you must be a meticulous work sent by Cao Cao, what's the use of keeping you... Come on, push it down and behead it!"

Yuan Shao glared angrily. It didn't matter whether he punished Liu Bei or not, he had to find a scapegoat.

Otherwise, how could he, who was wise and martial, make such a big mistake?

But at this time.

Liu Bei smiled lightly, his voice calm.

"Yuan Gong only listened to this side of the word, did you intend to kill me Liu Bei? When I was defeated in Xuzhou, I separated from my second brother Guan Yu and my third brother Zhang Fei. How can I know where the second brother is? Besides, how many people are there in the world? A lot, is it my second brother Guan Yu who has the red face and long beard? According to the military advisor, is it just my Liu Bei who has big ears and long arms?"

Huh... This sentence makes some sense!

Yuan Shao was a person who didn't have a claim, but being fooled by Liu Bei like this, he thought that he couldn't kill him, and the reason was not enough!

But at this time.

A growl came from outside the account.

"Yan Liang and I are brothers. Now they were killed by Cao Cao. I would like to take my troops and horses to avenge him!"

Liu Bei turned his head...

The person who came was extremely burly and tall. His arms were not only long but also thick, as thick as Liu Bei's thighs. As for his appearance... he was extremely hideous...

Liu Bei recognizes him, as his name suggests, Hebei Admiral - ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly, his wife doesn't even know him... Wen Chou!

"You must be the one who can avenge Yan Liang's revenge!"

Seeing Wen Chou invited to fight, Yuan Shao's body was shaken, and his spirit was also shaken, which seemed to add a lot of confidence.

He ordered immediately.

"General Wen Chou, your subordinates have [-] soldiers and horses enough to capture the White Horse. I will lead the army to cross the Yellow River and attack Yanjin. Let's kill Cao Cao by surprise!"

Yuan Shao's mind was very simple, since he couldn't find a scapegoat, he would simply fight to the end...

How did you lose before, you will win this time!

His troops are superior, his generals are brave, and he fights on two fronts at the same time, easily...

Doesn't Cao Cao like to make noises?Look how he's making noises this time!Let him have a taste of what it's like to take care of one thing and lose the other...

Speaking of which, Yuan Shao has gained a lot of wisdom this time.

However... in Ju Shou's view, this wisdom is still a faint move, not only a faint move... It is simply a faint that cannot be fainted.

"Master, you must not get excited."

Ju Shou offered to persuade him. "According to the current situation, the morale of our army is extremely low, while the morale of Cao's army is like a rainbow. If we rashly fight on two fronts...the main force and General Wen Chou's army will not be able to support each other. Being passive means that there is no way out.”

It's obvious what Jushou means...

Instead of advancing both ways, it is better to only attack the white horse, one step at a time, with the Wen Chou army charging in front, and the main army rushing behind to help, so as to ensure that nothing is lost.

It can be said that this is the best play style of Yuan Shao's camp so far, and it is also the safest play style.

But...Yuan Shao has a peculiar ability, he can always deftly avoid all correct advice...

As long as it's a correct opinion, it doesn't matter who made it, it's just not listening, or even...not even giving a reason to refute it.

In Yuan Shao's view, Wen Chou's [-] cavalry were the most sturdy soldiers and horses in Hebei. They were carefully selected from robbers, robbers, and ruthless men. They killed people with no mercy. How could they lose? ?How could there be a change!

With this in mind, Yuan Shao waved his hand.

"I have made up my mind, both ways will advance, I want Cao Agui to have no way to escape!"

"The last general takes orders!" Wen Chou led the orders to retreat, he was holding back a burst of anger.

Ju Shou, on the other hand, wanted to cry...

He felt helpless, miserable, disappointed, even hopeless!



Chapter [-] A thousand words are in wine

A thousand cups of wine are less than a confidant.

In the vicinity of Guandu Port, facing the rolling Yellow River, listening to the sound of the surging river, put on a table, prepare some side dishes, and indulge in drinking, wouldn't it be fun!

Now, Cao Cao and Yi Xiaotian are drinking along the river...

This is a pavilion, which was previously... Cao Cao specially sent someone to repair it, and he thought that one day he would be drinking with brother Yi in this pavilion, discussing the current situation...

I never thought it would come so fast.

"Brother lie, if you try this big carp from the Yellow River, it still tastes good... It's just that you haven't tasted it for a long time. Even if it's stored in the ice room, I'm afraid it won't be fresh."

Yi Xiaotian stretched out his hand gently, motioning Cao Cao to taste this delicious food, and seemed to complain a little about the taste of Cao Cao's tyrannical sacrifice.

"It's not too late for a good meal!" Cao Cao replied with a smile. He tasted the big carp from the Yellow River and sighed. "Xian, it still tastes delicious!"

Where is the deliciousness, is he in a good mood...

He won the first battle and greatly improved his own morale. At the same time, Yuan Jun's morale fell to a low point. In this mood, whatever he eats will feel delicious.

"Brother lie, looking at you like this, isn't the white horse a small victory? Is it a big victory?"

Yi Xiaotian saw that Cao Cao's expression was a little awkward, and asked with a smile...

"To wipe out the [-] Yuan army, Guan Yu beheaded Yan Liang in one round..." Cao Cao said loudly. "This kind of proud record, brother Yi said, is it a big victory?"


Speaking of this, Cao Cao laughed out loud, and Yi Xiaotian followed suit.

good thing, good thing...

Victory in the first battle still plays a vital role in the situation, not to mention the beheading of thieves...

Presumably Yuan Shao must be very depressed.

In this battle, if Yan Liang's death was not so useless, even if he fought to the end in the decisive battle and fought to the last drop of blood, like this, Yan Liang's death was still valuable.

Now it's better, not only did it not boost morale, but it severely dampened morale, which is simply a tragedy.

Alas... Yi Xiaotian sighed slightly, having a feeling of... "I feel sorry for Yuan Shao for three seconds".

"Brother lie, this first battle is a victory, you can't be careless!"

In times of safety, Yi Xiaotian reminded directly. "Yuan Shao's temperament is as big as his little finger. After suffering such a big loss, he will definitely make crazy moves, lie to brother, you can't relax!"

Cao Cao nodded, he knew what Brother Yi said...

Isn't this thinking about drinking with Brother Yi?Otherwise, Cao Cao would be reluctant to leave the barracks.

Since it's mentioned here.

Cao Cao simply asked. "Brother Yi, I heard... In addition to what you predicted about this battle, there is also someone in Yuan Shao's camp who predicted extremely accurately..."

"You're talking about Yuan Shao's chief counselor, Ju Shuo, right?" Yi Xiaotian said his name directly.

"You can't hide anything from Brother Yi!"

Cao Cao nodded... "Speaking of which, in the entire Yuan Shao camp, the one I am most afraid of now is this Ju Shou. His strategy is not simple. If Yuan Shao entrusts him with a heavy responsibility...then..."

Cao Cao's whole person showed a worried look.

"Ha ha…"

Unexpectedly, Yi Xiaotian laughed out loud. "Brother lie, have you forgotten what I mentioned a few times before, Yuan Shao's two camps of advisers are completely different, two camps that are incompatible with each other!"

"Runan Suiying clan? And... Jizhou talents?" Cao Cao pondered for a moment, then blurted out...

"That's right." Yi Xiaotian nodded. "In terms of ability, Jizhou's talents are even better, but Runan Suiying clan will lick where... Yuan Shao likes this kind of dog licking, licking and licking, he will lick his career to nothing! For this, presumably The representative of Jizhou talents, Ju Shou, must be very depressed..."

uh... this...

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, then smiled, but he still had some concerns in his heart.

"Brother Yi, I have taken into account what you said. It is true that Yuan Shao did not entrust Ju Shou with heavy responsibilities before, but he still gave Ju Shou military power... Besides, after Yan Liang's defeat, Yuan Shao should have realized the importance of Ju Shou, if he started Reuse Ju Shou, and the battle of Guandu is about to change!"

Cao Cao revealed his concerns and all...

There are only two points in total, the military power in Ju Zhu's hands, and Yuan Shao's awakening!

how do you know...

In Yi Xiaotian's view, the two points that Cao Cao was thinking about were not a problem at all.

"Hidden brother, if Yuan Shao can wake up because of a defeat in a battle... it's not him Yuan Benchu!"

Yi Xiaotian said with a smile... "Yuan Shao is an arrogant and arrogant person on the outside, but he is extremely vulnerable at heart. After a failure, the first thing he has to do is to find someone to take the blame, rather than self-reflection and summary, which is that he is completely different from Cao Cao. a bit."

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