"How is Yunchang?" Cao Cao asked with great interest...

Uh...the crowd was stunned.

Liyang City was lost, Yuan Shao was about to cross the Yellow River to attack, how could Duke Cao's heart be so big?When the hell is this going to happen, how about you still ask Guan Yu?

As time went by, the atmosphere of the entire tent became a little weird.

"Duke Cao." Jia Xu raised his hand, others did not speak, others were silent, but on his side, the words turned into a bunch of baskets. "Could Duke Cao asked about General Guan Yu and his two sister-in-laws?"

The reason why he asked such a question is because Cao Cao was thinking about Guan Yu.

He arranged for Guan Yu to share a room with Liu Bei's two wives.

According to the thoughts of Cao Cao's beloved wife, Guan Yu did a cowardly thing without being able to keep him, and messed up the etiquette of the monarch and minister. Then, what face would Guan Yu have to meet Liu Bei?

Of course, Cao Cao's abacus is good... It's a pity that he ignored Guan Yu's character, this guy's character is right!

It can be said that apart from his good friends Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, Guan Yu is not interested in women, especially women who are good friends...

As the saying goes -

——The whole country of Shu is the foundation.

This is not a joke with you.



Chapter [-] A noble person, a pure person, a person who is out of low-level taste

"Gong Cao, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you." Jia Xu waved his hand. "Yunchang stood outdoors with a candle every day, reading "Spring and Autumn" under the moon, all night long, without fatigue. He never took a step beyond the thunder..."

call out…

When Jia Xu's words came out, Cao Cao was a little surprised. If he was a mature woman, he would have no resistance. How could Guan Yu withstand such a temptation?

With this in mind, Cao Cao admired and respected Guan Yu more and more. "Forget it, give Yun Chang a bigger house. For women, he's probably indestructible."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao seemed to feel that it was not enough, so he raised his hand.

"From now on, I will have a daily feast for Guan Yunchang..."

In a word, Cao Cao sighed and made up his mind. He found that he liked Guan Yu more and more...

The so-called, Cao Cao's power, shock in the four seas, Cao Cao's kindness is even more than the power...

A small feast on the third day, a large feast on the fifth day, a gold for getting on a horse, and a silver for getting off the horse, even if there is no kindness to Guan Yu mentioned by Brother Yi, Cao Cao is determined to win Guan Yu!

He doesn't believe it anymore... Can this Guan Yu's love for Liu Bei be worth the rank and title admired by thousands of people, the countless gold and silver treasures, and his Cao Cao's love deeper than the sea?

"Big brother... big brother..."

At this moment, Cao Ren hurriedly came from outside the account. "Not good, Yuan Shao dispatched Yan Liang to lead [-] vanguard troops to cross the Yellow River south, and they are going to attack Baima Village."

When he was talking, Cao Ren had already walked in front of Cao Cao. He was out of breath. It was obvious that the news had just been obtained, and it was of great importance. He did not dare to delay for a moment, and rushed over.

As soon as this statement came out...the crowd was in an uproar.

Quick, this time, Yuan Shao's attack speed is uncharacteristically fast. He has just captured Li Yang, and then he has to attack the white horse again. Is this going to blow up the clouds and kill them in one go?

The big guys don't know the specific thoughts of Yuan Shao, but Yuan Shao's self-confidence is obvious!

Otherwise, he would not have opened up a base on the south bank of the Yellow River immediately.


It's the complete opposite of the big guy's uproar.

Ha ha ha ha…

Cao Cao laughed out loud, his eyes raised quickly, and a sharp edge in the pocket suddenly appeared.

"Come, Yuan Benchu ​​really came, just in time."


The sound of hooves of "da da da" resounded at the gate of Caoyingzhai.

Dust is flying, sand and rocks are flying.

Cao Cao and Cao Ren, the Hu Ben army, dozens of cavalry roared out, and their direction was the Youjian Resort not far away.

Now that Yuan Shao has fallen for the "invitation to the urn" plan, it is time to make a good arrangement with Brother Yi, how to "catch the turtle in the urn" on the south bank of the Yellow River.



Five miles south of Guandu, there is a resort.

Yi Xiaotian is drunk.

Not only was he drunk, but Cai Zhaoji and Lu Lingqi beside him were also about to get drunk. This drunk is different from Yi Xiaotian's, it is intoxication!

As for the reason, no other...

Under the moon, Diao Chan was dancing with her slender figure.

Her long eyebrows, wonderful eyes, fingers, and waist seem to be starlight, rendering this originally bland night crystal clear and translucent, and it even makes the atmosphere extra enchanting... It's really intoxicating!

But seeing her... flowers on her temples, pleated skirts around her waist, fine dance steps, loud bells...

Slowly moving like a cloud, turning like a whirlwind.

Yi Xiaotian saw it in his eyes, and he pondered... Even the most powerful dancer before the time-travel might not be able to perform such a moving dance...

It's like the beautiful butterfly is flying, and the graceful wicker is twisting, the beauty makes people get carried away, makes people relaxed and happy...

"Sir, how is Sister Diaochan dancing?" Cai Zhaoji couldn't help but turned her head and asked Yi Xiaotian.


Yi Xiaotian wanted to recite a few poems, and while pretending to be forceful, he showed off Diaochan's dancing.

However, when the words came to his mouth, it seemed as if his throat was choked up. Under this feeling of lightness and turbulence, all the gorgeous rhetoric seemed to be overshadowed.

"Sir, why don't you speak?" Cai Zhaoji asked Yi Xiaotian silently.

Lu Lingqi joked. "Sir, this is dumb. It seems that he was deeply attracted by Sister Diaochan's dancing, and he forgot how to speak..."


Yi Xiaotian coughed, and he glared at Lu Lingqi. "You're young, neither big nor small, how can you talk to Mr.

"Cut!" Lu Lingqi pouted and raised her brows. "This girl is not willing to talk to her husband. Watching Sister Diaochan's dance is much more interesting than watching her husband."

Ha ha…

Yi Xiaotian laughed.

He still felt that he was too forgiving towards Lu Lingqi, this girl, she won't be slapped on the roof for three days!

Just as she was about to scold her, she saw Diaochan in front of her trotting gently and dancing, like a swallow in a nest, her thin arms flying high like a magpie bird in a night terror.

Tossing and turning, but I don't know where Diaochan passed the wine bottle, and where did she fill up with wine...

Yi Xiaotian only felt a tangy aroma in front of him, and he didn't know whether it was the aroma of wine or the delicate fragrance of the beauty. This fragrance once again made Yi Xiaotian intoxicated.

I only saw the beautiful woman in front of me holding the wine bottle and handing it over...

"The little girl, Diaochan, is famous for Mr. Jiumu, and it is only now that she has the opportunity to offer Mr. a bottle of beer wine."

The soft and slow voice came out, as intoxicating as a lark.

Diaochan smiled lightly.

"Mr. has a great kindness to Diaochan, thanks to the gift of Mister, the little girl can escape the slaughter in this troubled world, calm down and find the beauty in this tranquility, whether it is Youjian Villa or this village, Diaochan likes it very much. Thank you sir."

The voice fell...

Diaochan drank all the wine in the bottle...

Yi Xiaotian was taken aback, this is not sake, these distilled spirits are not low in degree, this pretty lady will be in a trance after drinking a glass of it, right?

Sure enough, Diao Chan is drinking smartly...

After a bottle, she immediately felt a little dazed in her head, and her whole body was very hot...

Even the pace is unstable, and the gentleman in the eye socket has become two, three, countless...

This feeling, this state, is about to faint immediately.

"Bang... bang..."

Diao Chan leaned over and fell down, but Yi Xiaotian took the lead and hugged her directly.

He murmured.

"Wine is not a good thing, girls should drink less..."

It seems to be a rebuke, but the tone of Yi Xiaotian's rebuke of Diaochan and Lu Lingqi's tone...are quite different...

To Diaochan, even if it is to blame, it is gentle and slow, where is the meaning of half blame?

"Sir, Diaochan... Diaochan is rude!"

Diaochan wanted to forcefully stand up.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the alcohol content of this distilled wine, and even overestimated his own alcohol content.

As soon as she finished speaking, she couldn't hold her eyes any longer, her affectionate eyes blinked and closed immediately, even if she was drunk, I still felt pity for being drunk, making her lovable.

"Sir? Sister Diaochan is drunk..." Cai Zhaoji reminded...

"Sister Zhaoji, even if you don't tell me sir, you know." Lu Lingqi pouted, she glanced at Yi Xiaotian from the corner of her light, and said half-jokingly. "Mr. will also personally send Sister Diaochan to the boudoir..."

Speaking of this, Lu Lingqi's tone increased by one point.

Even she herself didn't know whether it was because Sister Diaochan was snuggling in her husband's arms, she was jealous, or... she didn't want the drunk sister Diaochan to be punished by her husband...

In short, Lu Lingqi's mood is very complicated, like a little resentful woman living in a cold palace for a long time.

"Where do you want to go, girl?" Yi Xiaotian frowned, but his tone was extremely honest. "Sir, is that the kind of person you say? Mr. is a noble person, a pure person, a person who is out of vulgar taste..."

Of course.

The reason why Yi Xiaotian calls himself noble, pure, and out of vulgar taste is because he is extremely picky about women, especially his wife's choices.

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