Cao Cao thought about it carefully and replied immediately.Although under Cao Cao, Liu Bei didn't seem to get too many benefits, at least he got an official name.

That's right.Yi Xiaotian nodded and continued to explain.The current Liu Bei is the shepherd of Yuzhou and the general of Zuo, who was proclaimed by His Majesty... With the official appointment of the imperial court, Liu Bei has more confidence in his words and actions.

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian raised his hand slightly, and he pointed sideways at the map hanging on the wall of the private room.

Brother Concealer, look at Xuzhou, especially the eastern border of Xuzhou. Although it seems to be under Cao Cao's control, many of the county governors and county magistrates have friendship with Liu Bei. The stock army and bandits will also rush to join Liu Bei's reputation.Using benevolence and charm to win people's hearts, Liu Bei is very good at this...

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused, as if he wanted to leave some time for Cao Cao to think.

On Cao Cao's side, he nodded heavily, and Brother Yi's words were correct.

During this time, he paid close attention to Xuzhou's intelligence.

According to the information returned, Liu Bei rushed to Xuzhou, and many local people had an idea in their hearts. Changba, the governor of Donghai County, directly led the crowd to defect to Liu Bei. Under his leadership, the small army and bandits in Xuzhou also rushed Unite under Liu Bei and raise the banner of rebellion against Cao Cao...

Speaking of which, Liu Bei's personal charisma and appeal are really huge, which made Cao Cao quite surprised, quite concerned...even... quite shocking.

It has only been a month since Xiaopei, Xiapi, and Donghai were all taken down by Liu Bei's soldiers without bloodshed.

Of course, Liu Bei dared to openly betray Cao Cao, in addition to the growth of his own hard power, there is another important reason - Yuan Shao's support.

Cao Cao knows this well...

According to the news from Hebei Xizuo, Liu Bei immediately sent Sun Gan to Yuan Shao to seek cooperation, and Yuan Shao of course agreed.

At this time, Yuan Shao was in the stage of united front, and he was pulling people all over the place!

Sun Ce was cold, Liu Biao kept his troops still, Han Sui and Ma Teng couldn't count on them, Hu, Qiang, and Liu Zhang had a long way to go, and now, the only person Yuan Shao could count on was Liu Bei with big ears...

Compared with Liu Bei's rapid gathering of troops and horses in a short period of time, the alliance with Yuan Shao was what Cao Cao feared the most.

Brother Yi, although Liu Bei has some strength, but... than this, I am more worried... worried about his alliance with Yuan Shao!They are not easy to deal with one south and one north!

Cao Cao asked urgently.

Yi Xiaotian nodded, his eyes rolled, and he agreed.

That's right, Brother Hsu looks like a mirror. The most admirable thing about Liu Bei is not that he is good at escaping, but that he can always find a backer in the process of escaping. This is not... Now he is backing the mountain of Yuan Shao. chant!

Yes... Cao Cao exhaled, his expression became more solemn...

He was about to open his mouth to continue asking questions, but Yi Xiaotian's words came out first.

Hide brother, but you don't have to worry too much... To be fair, all the backers that Liu Bei found are cold, such as Gongsun Zan of Youzhou, Tao Qian of Xuzhou, Lu Bu, the god of war, and Liu Xie, the emperor...

These all his backers are either completely dead or half-dead. What does this mean? It means that Liu Bei is a backer... So, now he has found Yuan Shao as a backer, which is a good thing!One day, Yuan Shao was killed by him?Brother Concealer and Cao Cao should have a big banquet to be happy, why are they so frowning!

Uh...this...this works too?

Cao Cao was a little confused. At first, he felt that Brother Yi's words were a little strange, but he thought about it carefully. Isn't that the reason?

The comrades who fought side by side with Liu Bei seem to be cold except for Cao Cao himself. It seems that Cao Cao's life is really tough, but... Yuan Shao's life doesn't seem to be that tough!

Ha ha…

Cao Cao was happy.Brother Yi, although what you said is absurd, but I like it, I like it...

While speaking, Cao Cao drank the wine in front of him, looking quite happy...

He reached out and wiped his mouth, bringing the topic back again.

Brother Yi, what you say so much is nothing more than saying that neither Liu Bei nor Yuan Shao will have a good result, but... After all, you need to eat one bite at a time, and the road has to be taken step by step. Should Cao Cao attack Liu Bei first?Or should I just ignore Liu Bei and go directly to fight Yuan Shao?

Speaking of this, Cao Cao seemed to suddenly think of something again, and he continued to ask.By the way, how should I understand the phrase 'the temple is small and the devil is big, the Chiqian king is more than eight' that Brother Yi just mentioned?

Is this not easy?

Yi Xiaotian took a sip of his drink, and without thinking, explained directly.

'Miao Xiao Yao Feng' means that although Liu Bei's strength is not strong, his demon wind is not small.If he was allowed to do things behind his back, he might stab Cao Cao at any time.Taking a step back, even if Liu Bei hadn't stabbed a knife in the back, if the evil wind was allowed to continue to grow, it would become a tornado if it was not maintained properly. Even if Cao Cao had more troops and horses, and no matter how brave his soldiers were, it would not be easy to put it out. This mighty monster!

As for 'Chiqian Wang Ba Duo', this is to say that Liu Bei's civil and military men are hiding from his brother... You must not underestimate Liu Bei's Guan Yu and Zhang Fei... At least no one in Cao's camp can compete with them. They match!If they really let them train their soldiers and horses, then this 'Bastard' will become a big bullfrog!

Obviously, Yi Xiaotian spoke highly of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei...

This point, Cao Cao quite agrees...

After all, it was Zeng Wenjiu who killed Huaxiong and the protagonist of the Three Heroes fighting against Lu Bu. During the expedition in the eastern border of Xuzhou, Liu Bei used the courage of these two brothers to mediate with Yuan Shu and Lu Bu for a long time...

If you really give them [-] soldiers and let them be skilled, the threat is definitely no less than Yuan Shao's [-] army.

At this level of cognition, Cao Cao is very clear.

Brother Yi... Cao Cao seemed to understand the meaning of Yi Xiaotian's words, and his expression became a little more serious.You have to attack Liu Bei first and stabilize the rear?

That's right!

Yi Xiaotian nodded heavily and continued to explain.

Liu Bei is a great man. If he doesn't get rid of it as soon as possible, he will become a big problem in the future... Fortunately, although Liu Bei's tone is bigger than his foot, his heels have not yet stood firm, and Xuzhou's hearts have not completely surrendered. lack of training...

At this time, if Cao Cao personally led the army to attack Liu Bei, he would be able to take it easily!

Yi Xiaotian's tone is firm, as if he is very confident in this prediction...

But...Compared with Yi Xiaotian's full confidence, Cao Cao murmured in his heart, he was thinking about the same problems as Xi Zhicai, Xun You, and Cheng Yu...

Brother Yi?Your proposal is good or not...but...but Cao's army goes to Xuzhou, if Yuan Shao takes the opportunity to launch a general attack from behind, the situation is not easy to say!This move seems a bit risky.

Speaking of this, Cao Cao also persuaded Yi Xiaotian to come.Brother Yi, people can be excited, but they must not be impulsive, and must be calm... This time, brother Yi is afraid that he is too impulsive, so he is not thinking carefully, right?

Cao Cao was also thinking about finding a step down for Yi Xiaotian's negligence and forcibly explaining it...

never thought...

With a bang, Yi Xiaotian slapped the table, but saw that his brows were tightly locked, the whole person's face was a little annoyed, a little frustrated...

At the same time, Yi Xiaotian's helpless words came out one after another.

Hide brother, you are so disappointing to me!

You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter [-] Liu Paopao's magic skills are now, this battle, even a dog can win!


Cao Cao was stunned...he was just telling the truth?how disappointed...

Could it be that he led the main force to attack Xuzhou?Yuan Shao's response was a wave of motionlessness?

This... this is incredible, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's second monk became more and more confused, and he scratched his head.

Brother did you say this!

Alas... Yi Xiaotian let out a long sigh again... He shook his head.Brother lie, I never thought that you would overestimate Yuan Shao and underestimate Cao Cao after listening to me for so long.

Ah... Overestimate Yuan Shao?Underestimate Cao Cao?

Cao Cao was stunned. He didn't underestimate himself. How many jins and taels did he understand in his heart. As for overestimating Yuan Shao... [-] soldiers?Shouldn't it be overrated?

With this in mind... Cao Cao was about to continue to ask questions, but Yi Xiaotian's words came out first.

Hide brother, hide brother, how many times have I told you... Although Yuan Shao has great ambitions, he is rather slow to observe things, not to mention he is suspicious by nature, what he does is slower than a snail...

If he has an idea... he intends to take advantage of Liu Bei's containment of Cao Cao's stall to launch an attack, the first thing to do is not to order troops and send generals to buy time, but to gather civil and military to have a meeting and discuss...

There is a rumor in the community that Dong Zhuo's tax is more, Yuan Shao's will be more.When Yuan Shao has a meeting, he will inevitably have a fierce battle between Jizhou talents under his command and Runan Suiying clan... When the final decision is made to attack, I am afraid that more than ten days have passed, Liu Bei is estimated to be cold, and even Cao Cao All have returned!

uh... this, that... it seems... like...

Cao Cao was stunned. He felt that Brother Yi's brain circuits were very clever, but the key point was that Brother Yi was very clever. Why didn't Cao Cao expect Yuan Shao to hold more meetings.

Immediately, he was a little embarrassed, reached out and scratched his forehead with a smile on his face...

and many more!

It’s still not right, didn’t Brother Yi mentioned it in his words just now, Yuan Shao’s mobilization for a meeting, to his counselors, to the actual dispatch of troops, took more than ten days…

Cao Cao believed in this.

But?The question is, Yuan Shao's snail character has been fighting for Cao Cao for more than ten days, can Cao Cao successfully drive Liu Bei out of Xuzhou?

You must know that when planning the eastern border of Xuzhou, Yi Xiaotian first proposed the plan of three tigers competing for food, and then proposed the plan of driving tigers and swallowing wolves, and then seized the opportunity to conquer it in one fell swoop... The time spent here is more than two or three years!

This time... ten days, seems to be a little nervous in terms of time, right?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao asked again.Brother Yi, I believe Yuan Shao's actions are slow, but... no matter how slow he is, he can still make a decision in more than ten days, but it is Cao Cao, can he defeat Liu Bei in more than ten days?Didn't Brother Yi just say... Liu Bei's two generals, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, are not their rivals in Cao's camp?

Asked here, Cao Cao's brows were almost raised, and a big question mark floated between his eyebrows.


However, Yi Xiaotian sighed again and shook his head.Hide brother, hide brother... This is another point that you let me down, you underestimate Cao Cao...

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand.

What do you think, what kind of troops does Cao Cao have?Qingzhou soldiers, iron-clad tiger and leopard cavalry, Taishan army, trapped camp, Bingzhou wolf cavalry... But what about Liu Bei's men?A group of unnamed soldiers, bandits, and thieves who have not had time to train come here...

No matter how fierce Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are, and no matter how high their rank is, they can't carry them... How can I say it well if I'm not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs... Not to mention that this teammate is not the same , is a group of... not to mention...

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian slapped his mouth, grinned at the corners of his mouth, and laughed out loud...

What's more, these miscellaneous military pits are nothing, the key is Liu Bei... The ruler of Xuzhou is a huge pit, the abyss pit...

Speaking of Liu Bei, Yi Xiaotian couldn't stop smiling...

It seems that there is a bit of mockery and a bit of banter in this laughter.

On the other hand, on Cao Cao's side, he patted his forehead... He was a little puzzled.

If it is said that Liu Bei's group of miscellaneous cards have no fighting power, this point... he can still understand and be convinced, but... how could Liu Bei become a pit?Or an abyss pit?

This seems to be quite different from the previous evaluation of Yi brother to him...

Brother Yi?Is Liu Bei pit?Cao Cao put his head in front of Yi Xiaotian, his face full of doubts...

From the point of view of hypocrisy and charisma, Liu Bei is not a pit, he has to be a king... Yi Xiaotian commented very pertinently.But... when it comes to fighting, when it comes to escaping, he's a little bit like cheating on his teammates...

Yi Xiaotian's words were very meaningful. Seeing Cao Cao's curiosity, he rolled his eyes and continued.

Concealed brother, in the final analysis, Liu Bei never thought that Cao Cao would abandon Yuan Shao and send a large army to attack him... But he is very good at judging the situation and the situation. road.

In addition, his reaction is unusually fast, his escape skills are top-notch, and his most arrogant point is that when Liu Bei escapes, he can not want troops, no brothers, not even his wife and children!As soon as Liu Bei runs away, is this battle still worth fighting?Tie a dog to command and win...

Having said that... Liu Bei has a Mrs. Gan, who has been thrown down by Liu Bei twice before... This time there is no accident, and he has to be thrown down, and his good brother, Zhang Fei, is a long black, who runs fast in the dark , Guan Yu is more pretentious... Even if he runs away, he has to worry about his demeanor, so he must be very slow... No accident, this time, I can catch Liu Bei's two wives and Guan Yu. Sigh... This is a buy one get three free... Uncle Liu's grand opening ceremony, Cao Cao picked up two wives for nothing, and a god general...

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