

Heaven closed a door for Yuan Shao, ah no... It closed several doors and opened a window for him at the same time.

With the support of the emperor Liu Xie, Liu Bei successfully arrived in Xuzhou and took over the city of Xiapi. He recruited Cao Cao's original soldiers in one breath, and held high the banner and declared that he would condemn the traitor Cao Cao...

This cola broke Yuan Shao. With Liu Bei's help, he became more courageous and hurriedly dispatched a small group of troops to test Cao's army along the Yellow River...

The [-] army also moved forward step by step.

Now, Cao Cao, who has the upper hand in the war of public opinion and diplomacy, has also timely cleared up the noise within the court and unified the thoughts of the three armies.

But now, he faces a new problem...

The most urgent task is to attack Liu Bei first, retake Xuzhou, and pull out the nail behind this ass?

Or the main force to fight against Yuan Shao, and ignore Liu Bei, who is not a climate...


When Cao Cao got the information, it was confirmed that the number of Yuan Shao's army of [-] was not false.

To tell the truth, Cao Cao was a little flustered... This is a real number of [-] people. Facing this huge number, even with full preparation, Cao Cao is still a little guilty...

What is the concept of [-] people.

One person and one mouthful of spit can all converge into a small river...

As for him, there are only [-] men who can be sent to the front line. Whether he was pretending or bluffing in the past, he really wanted to fight [-] soldiers with [-] soldiers. Cao Cao was also guilty of muttering.



Cao Cao and a group of advisors were discussing these two problems.

Externally, they chose to act in a tacit way, showing a look of disdain for Yuan Shao.

But in fact, everyone in the Sikong Mansion was furrowing their brows. Everyone knew that the so-called "Ten Victories and Ten Losses Theory" was just a pre-war shouting.

If you really want to fight, it will be a head-to-head collision... Cao Jun's side is still at an absolute disadvantage.

"Master." Xi Zhicai was the first to speak. "The one who can compete with the lord is Yuan Shao of Hebei. Now that Yuan Shao's army is assembled, it is possible to go south at any time... If this time, we abandon Yuan Shao and attack Liu Bei instead... Then... If Yuan Shao gathers the main force and kills it, we It's dangerous!"

What Xi Zhicai put forward is what most people think...

All the strategists nodded in support.

"Master..." Xun Yu put forward a completely different opinion. "Liu Bei is an outstanding man. From the fact that he can quietly escape under our strict surveillance, we can see some clues... If we don't get rid of him now, he will be a huge hidden danger behind us. , if he is allowed to develop, then I am afraid it will be even more terrifying than Yuan Shao!"

"But..." Xi Zhicai retorted directly. "But I still have that concern. What if Yuan Shao took advantage of us to attack Liu Bei? Then...then..."

As soon as these words came out, Xun Yu was silent.

This is a dilemma, or in other words, it is a huge gamble. If the gamble is won, Liu Bei will be eliminated, and if the gamble is lost, the entire battle will be completely defeated...

Is it time to make a decision?

To gamble or not to gamble!

At this moment, everyone tacitly chose not to speak.

Everyone turned their eyes to Cao Cao's side...

This lord... has always been decisive and precise in dealing with things, and it would be better for him to judge.

"Duke Cao..." Seeing Cao Cao's delay in speaking, Xun Yu took the initiative to remind...

"Ah..." Cao Cao waved his hand as if he was suddenly awakened. "I just thought of something else, what is your proposal? Let's say it again..."

Hmm... Cao Cao ran away?This…

All the advisors were stunned. It seemed that Cao Cao was always attentive when holding military meetings of this level, for fear of missing something. Why did he run away this time?

"Duke Cao..." Xun Yu reminded. "It's been discussed for a long time, but it's still the same problem... Attack Liu Bei first? Or leave Liu Bei alone..."

Speaking of this, Xun Yu asked curiously. "I'm a little curious, what is Duke Cao thinking? How could he be distracted from such an important issue..."

"Oh..." Cao Cao smiled awkwardly, but he was sincere and blurted out directly. "I was wondering if the resort on Guandu has been built yet..."


When this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar.

When the hell is this, is Duke Cao still thinking about the resort?This... this... all the advisors suddenly wanted to cry.

Xun Yu and Jia Xu figured out something...

The two of them looked at each other, and then a wisp of beard.

Xun Yu replied with a smile and cupped his hands. "General Zixiao also mentioned this yesterday. The resort at Guandu Port has been completed. Just waiting for Mr. Cao... ah no... just waiting for Mr. Cao's friends to go on vacation!"

ah... ah...

This blind man was completely stunned.

If it is said that Cao Cao's incredible words have shocked everyone, but... Xun Yu's answer is more like rubbing everyone's IQ on the ground!



The [-]nd chapter of the sky is falling iron, casting magic weapons, relying on the sky and not going out, who will compete with each other

Just when everyone is still immersed in... Soul torture like "Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?"

Cao Cao's next sentence was even more surprising: "Dukang Village should also be bought, right?"

ah... ah...

The big guy was so shocked that his jaw was about to drop.

What and what?The resort, Dukang Village, is this related to the upcoming decisive battle between Cao and Yuan?Is this clearly an irrelevant thing?

The crowd of counsellors are stunned and stunned...

Naturally there are sober people, such as Xun Yu and Jia Xu!

"Hahahaha..." Jia Xu took a step and replied loudly. "My lord, Dukang Village has been bought, and the koji and recipes for brewing Dukang wine have been prepared. Just waiting for Duke Cao's friends to go inside to make wine."

Got these two yes answers...

Cao Cao finally nodded his head, and then he gave a "haha" smile and commanded. "Everyone, you continue to discuss, I have something urgent, so I have to go out to relax."


All the counsellors felt like they were about to suffocate.

When the hell is this?Liu Bei has already rebelled openly, Yuan Shao's army is approaching step by step, it is not too much to say that it is a close call, and it is imminent...

But, this stall... Cao Cao still wants to go out to relax?Your heart is scattered, and the three armies are afraid that they will be completely cold.

"Cao Gong..."

Xi Zhicai, Xun You, and Cheng Yu all said in unison, they were planning to persuade Cao Cao... We are also big bosses, should we know what the priorities are?

Never thought...their voices were suppressed by the voices of Xun Yu and Jia Xu before they could rise.

"Cao Gong walked slowly all the way..."

"Gong Cao, pay attention to safety on the road!"

Xun Yu and Jia Xu reminded loudly…

The voices were not loud, but their words were enough to cause another uproar in this Sikong Mansion.

Uh... Resort, Dukang Village, relax.

If only Cao Cao was making a fool of himself, it would be fine, there are still Xun Lingjun and Jia Wenhe who can persuade one or two, why Xun Yu and Jia Xu, these two are also making a fool of themselves!

It's also a shame that it was Xun Yu and Jia Xu. If they were called others, Xi Zhicai would have to call the ministers directly!

But... Xun Yu has always been calm, Jia Xu's plan is good at winning by surprise, but he is also a rigorous person?Their words and actions today are simply unbelievable.


Looking at the back of Cao Cao walking away.

Xi Zhicai couldn't help but ask. "Wen Ruo, Wen He... What kind of medicine did you two sell in the gourd today? The decision to attack Liu Bei or Yuan Shao has not been decided yet? How... how can you let Duke Cao go?"

"Haha..." Jia Xu stroked his beard and laughed, his eyes slowly raised to look at Cao Cao... He asked a question. "Xun Ling-Jun? What do you think?"

"Me?" Facing Jia Xu's sudden question, Xun Yu also stroked his beard. "When Duke Cao comes back, the problems of Liu Bei and Yuan Shao will be solved!"

ah... ah...

Everyone looked at each other and asked questions one by one.

Jia Xu, on the other hand, was waving his long sleeves, thus pretending to be mysterious. "So...the secret cannot be leaked!"

While all the advisors were talking, Cao Cao and Cao Ren had already galloped out of the South City Gate...

On the official road, the hooves of "da da da" became more and more resounding.



On the outskirts of Xudu, there is a villa.

When Cao Cao and Cao Ren arrived...

In front of the restaurant, a huge arena appeared.

Standing on the ring is a valiant woman.

At this moment, she is holding a halberd and is competing with a burly man...

This woman Cao Cao and Cao Ren are familiar with each other, isn't she Lu Lingqi from the blacksmith shop?

Last time... she killed someone, even if the other party was a vicious bully, but she let Yi Xiaotian and Guo Jia do some calculations before helping her to avoid responsibility, why are they fighting again today?Still in the arena... Cao Cao is worried, but don't let anything happen again!

But... as if, Lu Lingqi's kung fu still attracted Cao Cao.

"Zixiao? What do you think of this girl's kung fu?" Cao Cao asked curiously...

"There is some strength, and the skills are not bad." Cao Ren was very pertinent in evaluating Lu Lingqi... "It's good to deal with ordinary warriors, but after all, she is a woman and her strength is limited... Against a real general, she is still a little short."

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