Seeing Cao Cao laughing to himself, Man Chong patted his forehead. "Cao Sikong, why are you laughing? But what about killing a monkey in a villa? My sentence is biased?"

"No..." Cao Cao waved his hand immediately. "Xu Duling is upright and righteous, and I can see clearly. I came from that Youjian Villa. What happened here is the same as this document. Berning, you are right and sentenced well."


Man Chong raised his fist and knocked on the forehead. He didn't think so, did he?

Isn't it just an ordinary case of small animals harassing the people, and why should Cao Sikong make a special trip?

Could it be... just because it happened at the Youjian Villa?Aiwu and Wu... Cao Sikong will pay more attention?

The more he thought about it, the more Man Chong felt that this villa was not simple.

"Cao Sikong is here? Is it because of the Youjian Villa?" Man Chong couldn't help but asked with doubts in his heart.

"No!" Cao Cao waved his hand again. "This time, I have an important thing to ask Berning..."

Um... important thing?

Man Chong became a little nervous, and Cao Cao's words came at the same time. "Tomorrow, I will rush back to Xuzhou. After settling the affairs over there, I have to go back to the court, but..."

After the first half of the sentence, Cao Cao's words became meaningful.

"I will bring back a guy this time, a very scheming guy - Liu Bei, Liu Xuande! I originally wanted to kill him, but the officials obstructed it, so..."

"Xu Du ordered you to send someone to keep an eye on him. If you can find out that he has ambitions or any disobedience, report it to me immediately with human and physical evidence. Then, I will kill this person again. I can't stop it!"

Huh... It turned out that Cao Sikong was planning to get rid of Liu Bei!

Man Chong silently wrote down Cao Cao's words.

Liu Bei, this name is no stranger to him. He is widely used in the name of benevolence and righteousness. He claims to be a family member of the Han family. This kind of guy is the worst to deal with. It is good to have evidence. I'm afraid I'll get a lot of infamy on my back.

After thinking about this section, Man Chong knew that the relationship was important, so he bowed his hands.

"Cao Sikong can rest assured, I have written it down here. He Liu Bei, who has the slightest ambition and will not be a minister, is determined to escape my pampered eyes!"

The words were sonorous, and Man Chong patted his chest repeatedly to assure.

Hearing this, Cao Cao was relieved.

But not long after this reassurance surfaced, Cao Cao shook his head, a hint of hesitation flashed in his heart.

Brother Yi's analysis of Liu Bei is very thorough. If it is really like what Brother Yi said, his Cao Cao's mind attack may be very powerful, but Liu Bei's mind hiding is even more incredible, I'm afraid Man Chong is not his opponent!


With a light breath, Cao Cao reached out and patted Man Chong's shoulder, and gave a few words.

I can only do this first, let's take one step at a time...

After leaving Xu Duling's office, Cao Ren came over.

"Meng De? You don't seem to worry about it!"

Following Cao Cao for a long time, Cao Ren could see through his mind at a glance.

"Alas!" Cao Cao sighed. "I have been pondering Brother Yi's judgment on Liu Bei - this person has been defeated repeatedly, and he has been defeated repeatedly, and each defeat not only fails to defeat him, but makes him stronger. The most terrifying, even more terrifying than Yuan Shao Yuan Benchu!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao seemed to think of something, and immediately ordered. "Zixiao, you must be careful, send someone to keep an eye on Liu Bei in secret, even if we can't find any evidence of his disobedience, we must not let him slip away."

"Here!" Cao Ren handed the order. "Don't worry, Mengde."

Another insurance arrangement was arranged, and Cao Cao seemed to feel even more relieved. He looked at the sky, there were still some hours before dusk, and immediately raised his hand. "Forget it, don't rest, let's go back to Xuzhou directly!"

"But? Big brother... Did you drink a lot of wine today?" Cao Ren advised again and again. "Brother Yi, this new wine is strong enough..."

"Haha..." Cao Cao patted his chest. "I'm still in good spirits...Let's go, Brother Yi's plan has been laid out, and there are still many difficulties to implement. When I arrive in Xuzhou one day earlier, I, Cao Cao, will feel at ease."

Before he finished speaking, Cao Cao got on his horse and galloped away...

On this trip back to Xudu, he didn't even take a break...

In a hurry, facing Liu Bei, facing Sun Ce, facing Yuan Shao, how dare Cao Cao be careless, he even said sincerely, "It seems... Brother Yi is enjoying life, and I, Cao Cao, are destined to work hard!"



Xuzhou, Xiapi City.

At this moment, Liu Bei's mood is complicated...

Because in the face of absolute power, public opinion seems to be so insignificant. Unsurprisingly, Liu Bei, who tried to get Xuzhou through the public opinion of the people, failed.

With a big wave of Cao Cao's hand, he sent his general, Che Zhou, to guard Xuzhou. The meaning is clear, Liu Bei, don't think too much about Xuzhou, it's useless...

of course.

In order to appease the hearts of the people, Cao Cao specially brought Liu Bei's family to Xuzhou for you to reunite for a few days.

Cao Cao also knew that Liu Bei was unhappy, and this decision was not easy to convince the public... He simply waved a big pen, and the emperor named Liu Bei as the left general, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei as the middle generals.

What Cao Cao wants to show is that the court needs people like you more than being a Xuzhou shepherd. How can you... stay, stay, stay, stay in Xuzhou?

This is the standard Yi Xiaotian-style plan, the standard Cao Cao's behavior - one lollipop and one mace, it depends on whether you, Liu Bei, eat hard or sweet?

Liu Bei had no choice but to suffer. After all, he was relying on others. Although he was full of unhappiness, he was still calm on the surface. He even went to the door to thank Cao Cao.

Also, in this link about the threat of Sun Ce going north.

Although Yi Xiaotian and Guo Jia are very sure that Sun Ce is about to get cold, the two sides even agreed on a bet...

But Cao Cao never dared to put all his hopes on the huge Xuzhou and Sun Ce's direct access to the Central Plains on one bet.

He defied all opinions... and dispatched Chen Deng, the surrendered general that Yi Xiaotian had been very optimistic about before, to be stationed in Guangling City...

This is the buffer zone between Xuzhou and Soochow... As long as Guangling is not lost, Xuzhou is safe, and the Central Plains are safe!

After all, Cao Cao trusts Yi Xiaotian's vision very much. Brother Yi said that Chen Deng can do it, and Chen Deng can really do it...

Of course, what Cao Cao didn't know was.

According to historical records, in the summer of the fourth year of Jian'an, Sun Ce defeated Liu Xun and Huang Zu's army, took advantage of the victory to go north, and actually hit Guangling County. It was Chen Deng who was stationed in Guangling at that time!

Many people persuaded him that he couldn't beat Sun Ce, so hurry up and escape...

But Chen Deng Leng defeated Sun Ce twice by virtue of his familiarity with the terrain.

The significance here is very important, which directly forced Sun Ce's intention to expand northwards based on Jiangdong to be temporarily put on hold...

Just when Sun Cegu was full of energy and planned to wrestle with Chen Deng again, he was completely cold...

That's why, whether it's the era of Sun Ce or the era of Sun Quan... Guangling City and Chen Deng have always become natural dangers that they have always been insurmountable.

On this point, Yi Xiaotian didn't tell Cao Cao most he just reminded him.

However, according to Cao Cao's sharp vision, he still has a hand in employing people, and Yi Xiaotian is still at ease with Cao Cao's vision.


Just like it, Cao Cao is waiting for the moment when Yuan Shao declares war...

According to Brother Yi's words, it seems that this day is not far away!

And precisely at the same time.

Gongsun Zan's head was sent to Xu Capital by Yuan Shao and sent to the imperial court.

——Not only Cao Cao can fight alone, Yuan Shao is also unambiguous.

Cao Cao got a Lu Bu, Yuan Shao got a Gongsun Zan, half a catty to eight taels, no one is much worse than the other!

If it is said that this behavior is only a threat from Chi Guoguo...

So... At the same time, from Jizhou, a letter sent to the world to "seek thieves" was to scolded Cao Cao and declared that the battle between Cao Yuan and Cao Yuan had started!



The [-]st chapter is like a gourd painting, parroting its tongue, full of uproar

The class teacher returns.

It stands to reason that Cao's generals who have completely captured Xuzhou should be happy.

But it happened... Xun Yu sent information from Xu capital, Yuan Shao declared war with Cao Cao completely.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone was shocked by the news, and even many civil and military officials retreated.

no matter what...

It is an indisputable fact that Yuan Shao is stronger than Cao Cao in terms of hard power.

The Central Plains have just been pacified, and there is no time to recuperate. Should we fight immediately?What to beat?how to spell?One question and one question roamed the entire Cao camp, and the entire Cao army was shrouded in fear.

Among them, only Cao Cao is quite calm...

Speaking of which, uncharacteristically, he was even quite excited when he heard the news that Yuan Shao had broken with him completely.

As Brother Yi said, since this battle is inevitable... Then let the storm come earlier and more violently!



Xu capital, the imperial court.

Similar to the atmosphere of Cao Jun's return to the court, it seems that everyone is shrouded in fear.

Gongsun Zan's head was placed in the middle of the court, this was Yuan Shao's demonstration; the courtiers who usually looked like five people and six people, now tremble all over...

Especially the emperor Liu Xie, he asked Cao Cao tremblingly.

"Cao Sikong? Now Yuan Shao has openly broken with Qing? What is Qing planning to... plan?"

When he said these words, the emperor Liu Xie had no confidence at all.

Now, Cao Cao has almost emptied his rights.

He was afraid of Cao Cao, but he was afraid of Yuan Shao. He never thought that Yuan Shao and Yuan Benchu, who had no intention to save him at the beginning, would do better than Cao Cao.

Even the emperor Liu Hong felt that in the battle between Cao and Yuan, if Cao Cao was defeated, the big man would really be finished.

Huh... Cao Cao narrowed his eyes.

On his way back to the DPRK, facing Xu Ducheng's civil and military officials, he did not say a word... He was just waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to openly respond to Yuan Shao.

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