"Brother Yi..." Cao Cao called out Yi Xiaotian's name, but his voice was trembling. "If...if Yuan Shao really develops production and uses the Tactic of Cao Cao...then...then..."

Cao Cao was full of words, but his throat was hoarse, and he couldn't say a word.

"Brother lie, calm down, calm down..." Yi Xiaotian put his hands on Cao Cao's shoulders. "You're not Cao Cao, you can't be like this... If outsiders see your appearance, they will probably misunderstand... You are that Cao Cao..."

"My lips are dead and my teeth are cold!" Cao Cao sighed...

He's also drunk... What the heck, brother Yi is still making fun of him?Cao Cao felt very miserable... very messy.

"Hidden brother."

Who knows, completely different from Cao Cao's grief-stricken expression, Yi Xiaotian's mouth cracked open and he laughed lightly. "Relax your heart, Yuan Shao is determined not to drag on, he will cut the mess with a quick knife, and immediately declare war on Cao Cao!"

ah... ah...

Cao Cao was surprised.

This turning point is a bit wrong!

"Brother Yi? Why is this?" Cao Cao asked anxiously.

"Two reasons." Yi Xiaotian snorted. "The first is that Yuan Shao has a characteristic. As a mother-in-law, whenever he wants to make a decision, he must first hold a discussion meeting to show that he is a democratic person."

"But precisely, the huge middle-level organization under Yuan Shao has different levels, good and bad, and they come from all directions, forming multiple parties! For example, the more wise military advisors Ju Shuo and Tian Feng who are capable of proposing fatigue tactics. They belong to the Jizhou faction, and the more confused ones, Guo Tu and Fengji, who only hold Yuan Shu’s stinky feet, belong to the Runan Suiying clan…”

"Political views are different, both sides hold their own opinions, there are many main war factions, and there are few main and peace factions... In the end, there is only one result. The Runan Suiying faction, with its unique smell and extremely attractive rainbow farts, will definitely occupy the axiom. ."

"Yuan Shao, who is hesitant, will also obey the majority by the minority, and the talented will obey those who are directly related... Adopt a strategy that is diametrically opposite to the tactic of Jizhou's talented Jushou and Tian Feng's 'tired Cao' tactics, that is, a quick fight!"



Chapter [-] A bloody case caused by a jade seal

Yi Xiaotian first analyzed Yuan Shao's character and advisors in detail.

Cao Cao seems to have just suddenly realized something...

Yi Xiaotian's words had already come, and he didn't have time to digest it.

"One more thing, I'm afraid I don't know, brother, when Cao Cao was a young valet of Yuan Shao, an interesting thing happened?"

Hmm... interesting thing?

Cao Cao was slightly taken aback, except that he and Yuan Shao went to steal the bride together, he really didn't recall anything else that was "interesting".

Thinking of this, Cao Cao became more and more curious.

"At that time, Yuan Shao got a jade seal, and even took this jade seal to show off in front of Cao Cao."

Yi Xiaotian talked about it in detail. "It's obvious that he has the potential to be a prince in the future. At that time, Cao Cao despised him, but out of face, he still smiled and socialized."

"Cao Cao laughed unintentionally, but Yuan Shao took Cao Cao's smile as jealousy and held grudges in his heart. Now it's better, the feng shui turns, Cao Cao defeats Yuan Shu, and what he gets is the real jade seal of the kingdom, and he keeps the emperor tight. Holding it tightly in your hand, this is much higher in gold content than the jade seal that Yuan Shao obtained back then."

"According to Yuan Shao's narrow-minded personality, he will definitely think wildly, and he will imagine Cao Cao's sarcastic attitude towards him openly and secretly after he obtained the Imperial Jade Seal! This kind of stimulation is too violent, Yuan Shao's small temperament can be very careful. I can't stand it. According to Yuan Shao's thoughts, he must first capture Cao Cao, then kill the emperor, and call himself emperor in front of Cao Cao - Xiao Xian, aren't you holding a jade seal? I, Yuan Shao, directly become emperor, look Who is more arrogant?"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian raised his hand and smiled slightly.

"This kind of heart... I love hearing it. It's like a fat sheep that ran away when it saw a lion, and suddenly one day rode on the lion's head. Face... How could the lion not be furious right away, forbear it? Forbear a hammer?"


Mr. Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, then he obeyed, he fully obeyed.

Not to mention, brother Yi's parable of the lion and the fat sheep is not accurate.

Just talking about the jade pendant that happened between him and Yuan Shao when he was a child, Cao Cao couldn't understand it?

Is this private enough?But for such a private matter, Brother Yi knows so well... This, this, this, this is too incredible, right?

However, the finer details…

Every word that Brother Yi said makes sense...

Cao Cao knows Yuan Shao's temperament too well, and being reminded by Yi Xiaotian, he can think of it as a complete memory...

What a jade seal and a jade seal that passed on to the country, what a stimulation from the emperor to Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao, this lion, how could he tolerate a fat sheep, or a fat sheep that urinates and urinates on his head, ah... He Yuan Shao is a fat sheep, and his Yuan Shao family is a fat sheep.

After thinking about this section, Cao Cao's mood suddenly brightened.

This is the magic of Youjian Villa, and this is the magic of Yi Xiaotian... Every time I talk to Yi Xiaotian, my tedious thoughts can be sorted out in an instant...

Coupled with Yi brother's ability to plan and mill his opponents layer by layer, and his unique insight into the situation, what Cao Cao completely admires now is his five-body throw!

Good, very good, to deal with Yuan Shao, there is nothing better than a quick fight!

Today's Cao Cao not only has completely sorted out his thoughts, but also has infinite confidence...

Who is the lion?Who is the lamb to be slaughtered?Yuan Benchu, let's pull it out for a walk...



Chat from morning to noon.

Yi Xiaotian, Cao Cao and Cao Ren drank a total of two jars of wine, not much, but distilled wine seemed to be more intoxicating than ordinary wine.

Both Cao Cao and Yi Xiaotian were a little drunk.

of course.

Cao Cao's heart became a lot clearer. The three questions when he came, how was Liu Bei?Sun Ce's response to going north?To start a war with Yuan Shao early or late?

It seems that in Cao Cao's mind, these questions have vaguely found the answer...

Now, it's time for his Cao Cao to perform his real skills.

"Brother Yi, I'll give you another bowl." Cao Cao raised the wine bowl, as if the fragrance of the distilled wine complemented his current mood, and he was drinking more and more vigorously.

"Brother lie, although this wine is good, you can't be greedy!" Yi Xiaotian reminded again and again.

Not for any other reason.

The main thing is that he is a little drunk, and the wine made by Guo Jia is really powerful!

It's been a long time since I drank, and the bet is set. You can go back and forth from where you are, brother, otherwise today... Yi Xiaotian is really going to drink too much.

But at this time.

"Ah..." Only a wailing could be heard from outside the private room.

It seemed to be the voice of a middle-aged man, more miserable than that of killing a pig.


Yi Xiaotian frowned slightly, a premonition arose in his heart, an extremely ominous premonition.

at the same time…

"Sir, sir... it's not good, it's not good."

Cai Zhaoji pushed open the door directly and entered, her pretty face turned as white as paper, as if she had seen a ghost in broad daylight, but from the way she couldn't stop shaking, it seemed that it was a hundred times more serious than seeing a ghost!

"Zhao Ji, don't panic? What happened?" Yi Xiaotian asked...

"Sir, sister Lingqi she...she...she killed...killed at the blacksmith shop!" Cai Zhaoji's words were a little stumbling, as if this was the first time she had seen such a situation, and the whole person seemed extremely stunned and panicked.

Lu Lingqi?kill?

Yi Xiaotian frowned, no longer dared to hesitate. "Quick, take me to..."

He hurriedly asked Cai Zhaoji to lead the way, and the two hurried out of the private room and walked towards the blacksmith shop outside the restaurant together.

Speaking of which, killing people in this troubled world is just a matter of the first, and it should be commonplace.

Every day because of the looting of bandits, robbers, or military disasters... or epidemics, the dead can build a hill.

It stands to reason that it is no big deal if someone died in a liquor store!

Can be…

This is the Central Plains, and the boundary of Xudu. Cao Cao once issued a decree that anyone who kills will pay for his life...

Cao Cao's original intention was also to follow Yi Xiaotian's proposal to use a heavy code in troubled times to rule the Central Plains by law... However, why did Lu Lingqi run into this muzzle.


With the sound of hurried footsteps, Yi Xiaotian and Cai Zhaoji had already walked away, and Cao Cao couldn't help frowning.

Cao Ren on the side seemed to see Cao Cao's thoughts.

"Meng De? Shall we settle it..." Cao Ren asked.

Murder, murder in Xudu is not a small crime... No matter how smart, wise, and insight Yi Xiaotian is, he may not be able to keep this Lu Lingqi.

Unless... Cao Cao comes out.

"Wait first!" Cao Cao waved his hand slightly. "Brother Yi just mentioned Sun Ce and said that his laws are like mountains and his military discipline is strict. If we help Brother Yi settle this matter, wouldn't it be a law at our own expense, which will attract people's criticism, and Xuducheng will spread it out - only the state officials are allowed to set fire, and the common people are not allowed. The unfavorable remarks of Cao and Yuan are imminent, and there can be no more troubles... Besides..."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao paused. "If you help Brother Yi save Lu Lingqi, then our identities will be completely exposed..."

In the case of Lu Lingqi's murder, Cao Ren thought of the superficial, while Cao Cao thought of the more profound.

"Then..." Cao Ren's brows furrowed. "Then Brother Yi is not easy to pass! After all, killing people pays for their lives, this rule is still set by you Meng De!"

Phew... Cao Cao exhaled.

"Forget it, if it really comes to the last moment, even if it is detrimental to prestige and contrary to the overall situation of Cao Yuan's decisive battle, but Brother Yi is busy, I, Cao Cao, have to help!"

Cao Cao raised his head and looked out the window, sighing in a sentence, his tone was extremely serious, extremely determined...


He suddenly thought of something. "Zixiao, hurry up and inform Man Chong and tell him not to get involved in this case. I'm afraid that if he gets involved and handles it impartially, there will be no room for change."

"Okay..." Cao Ren hurriedly agreed. Fortunately, after they came to Youjian Villa today, they saw Man Chong leave the villa...

Come to think of it, it will take some time for this case to reach him.



Chapter [-]: Six Gods and No Masters Lu Lingqi

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