"Brother Yi, what do you mean is that Liu Bei relies on his unfortunate family background, his illusory ambition, his unique charm, and his humble humility... he can... The reputation is spread all over the world, and the festival of loyalty and filial piety is famous all over the world? It seems that it is not enough..."

"Of course it's not enough." Yi Xiaotian blinked. "Because Liu Bei is not only charming, but also sensitive to the situation, and even decisive in doing things, no less than any prince in the world!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian looked at the sky, as if he was going to talk a lot about Liu Bei.



Chapter [-] Can Liu Bei do it?

The sensitivity of the situation and the decisiveness in doing things.

Cao Cao's eyes narrowed slightly... It seems that he also has these two characteristics, no... It should be said that these two characteristics must be possessed by anyone who achieves great things.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help but get closer to Yi Xiaotian, and his ears pricked up. He was especially looking forward to hearing Yi Xiaotian's next words.

at the same time…

Yi Xiaotian's words have come.

"When it comes to Liu Bei's ambition and his resoluteness in doing things, we have to mention the Yellow Turban uprising in Guanghe six years... I made a special trip to open the forum before and talked about how the great man went from prosperity to destruction, and the Yellow Turban uprising was the overwhelm of the great man. The camel's last straw."

"The turbulent times are coming. For many people, this is fear and anxiety, but for very few people, very few people who are sharp-eyed, decisive and ambitious, it is an opportunity... a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. So... Liu Bei, he..."

Yi Xiaotian deliberately sold out, he glanced at Cao Cao from the corner of his eyes, and saw that Cao Cao's ears were about to come close to his face.

Simply do not hide the tuck.

Tell the story about this history in your mind.

"Liu Bei first took the initiative to join the officers and soldiers of Zhuo County, and at his home, under the big mulberry tree, he established his own mulberry tree protection team! During this time, with his super charm and skillful ability to expand his contacts, He won over two unparalleled valiant and loyal brothers—Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and then followed the local crusade against the Yellow Turbans, and was awarded the title of Anxi County Captain for his merits.”

"But obviously, a county lieutenant? It's far from his dream, and his ambition to 'ride this feather-covered car', so Liu Bei is suffocated... This kind of suffocation accumulated over the years has formed an infinite in the chest cavity. Finally, when the judicial supervisor at the time came to Anxi County on a business trip, Liu Bei thought about taking this opportunity to fawn over and release his charisma.

"Unfortunately, the Duyou didn't even pay attention to him at all, and he didn't even see him... Liu Bei was angry all of a sudden, and the anger he had accumulated over the past half a year suddenly erupted. He rushed in and tied the Duyou tightly, and then He took the whip...more than [-] strokes, then tied him to a horse stake and left the office, looking for another way out..."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused for a while.

He actually recalled this historical story...

Some reported injustice for the two "big brothers", yes, it was Zhang Fei, and the postmaster who had been wronged for thousands of years...

According to the deductive records, it was the postal supervisor who framed Liu Bei in a fake public service, so he was severely beaten by Zhang Fei...

But the truth of history is just the opposite. The post supervisor did not look down on Liu Bei at all, and even ignored him. It wasn't Zhang Fei and Zhang Yide who flogged the post supervisor. Instead, the rise of Liu Bei's fight was about to kill him. Fei also discouraged.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian always sympathizes with these two scapegoats.

This is the gap between deductive novels and official history, a novel about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms... how many people have been misled!

Of course.

This is not the point, what Yi Xiaotian wants to show is Liu Bei's unwillingness and ambition.

At this level, Cao Cao can understand.

He is a smart man. From Liu Bei's behavior, he even found his own shadow. He was not so unhappy back then. He had a great ambition to serve the country, but he was beaten by this world. road?

Will Liu Bei do the same?

"Brother Yi, what's next for Liu Bei?"

Cao Ren, who was beside him, was fascinated by what he heard, and couldn't help but ask.

Yi Xiaotian's storytelling-style sex is intertwined, which makes him very addicted... I really want to know the ending.

Cao Cao didn't speak, but the message from his eager eyes seemed to reveal that he had the same idea as Cao Ren, and he wanted to know what happened to Liu Bei next.

"What's next..."

Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly, and then said loudly.

"Liu Bei has great ambitions, but the reality is often not as full as he dreamed. Liu Bei has been fighting bandits and pacifying thieves again and again, and has been awarded small officials such as county captains and county magistrates again and again, not to mention the dominant side. This is the first time that Liu Bei's strength can't keep up with his ambitions, and he has failed for the first time!"

"It is precisely this failure that made him understand a truth. Just relying on his own struggle, even if his head is broken, even if his body is covered in bruises, if there is no one to help him with good words, help him recommend... The end of his life may not be able to catch up. The beginning of some back waves."

"This is an era that attaches great importance to family status. It is an era in which aristocratic families monopolize official careers. Under the circumstance that this big environment cannot be changed, Liu Bei can only adapt to it. At this time, Liu Bei suffered a failure and finally realized that, What he needs most is precisely what he has neglected before - the support of local elites."

"And precisely, now he has an excellent choice - General White Horse, Gongsun Zan, who rules Youzhou! He has carried bags for this old classmate, watched the wind, been a younger brother, and has been in the brothel again and again. Deep friendship has been cultivated in the red house, tea party and reception, and relying on him will definitely be able to entrust him with important tasks..."

"As expected, Gongsun Zan reunited with Liu Bei's brother, and immediately appointed him as Sima of the other divisions, and arranged for him to go to Qingzhou for training. Therefore, Liu Bei took Guan Yu and Zhang Fei two brothers to fight in Qingzhou for two years. Because of Gongsun Zan's recommendation, he was awarded the title of Prime Minister of Pingyuan for his merits, and became a prefect at the county level."

"Here, Liu Bei, who is only [-] years old, seems to have achieved some achievements... It is reasonable to say that he should follow the steps and be the head of a county honestly. To drive... this mere high-ranking official at the county level, he still doesn't like it..."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused for a while, and he was able to tell the complete story of Liu Bei's situation before the age of [-].

Liu Bei went from being ignorant and ignorant to being unwilling to be in his thirties, and he has achieved a little...

Every detail in the middle, every one that is easy to be overlooked, Yi Xiaotian explained.

He repeatedly emphasized that...

Liu Bei's ability to judge the situation and his decisiveness and humility...

This unique charisma and method of expanding people's connections runs through Liu Bei's entire youth struggle history.

Cao Cao and Cao Ren nodded thoughtfully.

They pondered in their hearts that Liu Bei's journey from starting at the beginning to becoming the prime minister of the Plains was not easy.

But it is precisely this kind of difficulty that makes it so precious, or terrifying...

Cao Cao asked himself, in such a miserable situation, he would never do as well as Liu Bei, be as servile as Liu Bei, act decisively like Liu Bei, like Liu Bei like an unbeatable little strong...

From this point of view, Liu Bei is very strong, very strong in his bones, and is a stubborn and terrible opponent.

"Brother Yi, next, we will go to the eighteenth princes to ask for Dong?"

Cao Cao immediately asked... He knew a lot about Liu Bei's next story, beheading Hua Xiong with wine, three heroes fighting Lu Bu... It was precisely because of these things that Cao Cao was incomparable to Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei. value.

It is more than a few times that they want to bring some of their dying heroes under their command...

Not to mention, even now, Cao Cao is still wondering if he can recruit Liu Bei?

This idea just appeared, and Yi Xiaotian's words started again.


He didn't focus on emphasizing the merits made by Liu Bei in the process of the eighteenth princes seeking Dong, but...

"Brother lie, do you know? After Liu Bei resigned from the Plains and embarked on a new journey, why did his name of benevolence and righteousness spread all over the world, and his loyalty and filial piety became famous all over the world?"

Yi Xiaotian took the initiative to just ask.

Cao Cao scratched his head. "This... I know a little bit, but it's not comprehensive. I hope Brother Yi can enlighten me!"

"It's because of two things."

Yi Xiaotian did not embarrass Cao Cao and replied directly.

"One, when Kong Rong, the prime minister of the North Sea, was beaten by Guan Hai, the leader of the Yellow Turbans, no one came to help. Only this little plain prime minister, Liu Bei, rushed out of his nest... to help the prime minister of the North Sea, Kong Rong, to stabilize the situation!"

Yi Xiaotian talked eloquently, and his voice became louder and louder.

"The second thing... It's this Xuzhou... this Xuzhou that gives Cao Cao a headache!"



Chapter [-] Can Liu Bei do it?

The sensitivity of the situation and the decisiveness in doing things.

Cao Cao's eyes narrowed slightly... It seems that he also has these two characteristics, no... It should be said that these two characteristics must be possessed by anyone who achieves great things.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help but get closer to Yi Xiaotian, and his ears pricked up. He was especially looking forward to hearing Yi Xiaotian's next words.

at the same time…

Yi Xiaotian's words have come.

"When it comes to Liu Bei's ambition and his resoluteness in doing things, we have to mention the Yellow Turban uprising in Guanghe six years... I made a special trip to open the forum before and talked about how the great man went from prosperity to destruction, and the Yellow Turban uprising was the overwhelm of the great man. The camel's last straw."

"The turbulent times are coming. For many people, this is fear and anxiety, but for very few people, very few people who are sharp-eyed, decisive and ambitious, it is an opportunity... a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. So... Liu Bei, he..."

Yi Xiaotian deliberately sold out, he glanced at Cao Cao from the corner of his eyes, and saw that Cao Cao's ears were about to come close to his face.

Simply do not hide the tuck.

Tell the story about this history in your mind.

"Liu Bei first took the initiative to join the officers and soldiers of Zhuo County, and at his home, under the big mulberry tree, he established his own mulberry tree protection team! During this time, with his super charm and skillful ability to expand his contacts, He won over two unparalleled valiant and loyal brothers—Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and then followed the local crusade against the Yellow Turbans, and was awarded the title of Anxi County Captain for his merits.”

"But obviously, a county lieutenant? It's far from his dream, and his ambition to 'ride this feather-covered car', so Liu Bei is suffocated... This kind of suffocation accumulated over the years has formed an infinite in the chest cavity. Finally, when the judicial supervisor at the time came to Anxi County on a business trip, Liu Bei thought about taking this opportunity to fawn over and release his charisma.

"Unfortunately, the Duyou didn't even pay attention to him at all, and he didn't even see him... Liu Bei was angry all of a sudden, and the anger he had accumulated over the past half a year suddenly erupted. He rushed in and tied the Duyou tightly, and then He took the whip...more than [-] strokes, then tied him to a horse stake and left the office, looking for another way out..."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused for a while.

He actually recalled this historical story...

Some reported injustice for the two "big brothers", yes, it was Zhang Fei, and the postmaster who had been wronged for thousands of years...

According to the deductive records, it was the postal supervisor who framed Liu Bei in a fake public service, so he was severely beaten by Zhang Fei...

But the truth of history is just the opposite. The post supervisor did not look down on Liu Bei at all, and even ignored him. It wasn't Zhang Fei and Zhang Yide who flogged the post supervisor. Instead, the rise of Liu Bei's fight was about to kill him. Fei also discouraged.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian always sympathizes with these two scapegoats.

This is the gap between deductive novels and official history, a novel about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms... how many people have been misled!

Of course.

This is not the point, what Yi Xiaotian wants to show is Liu Bei's unwillingness and ambition.

At this level, Cao Cao can understand.

He is a smart man. From Liu Bei's behavior, he even found his own shadow. He was not so unhappy back then. He had a great ambition to serve the country, but he was beaten by this world. road?

Will Liu Bei do the same?

"Brother Yi, what's next for Liu Bei?"

Cao Ren, who was beside him, was fascinated by what he heard, and couldn't help but ask.

Yi Xiaotian's storytelling-style sex is intertwined, which makes him very addicted... I really want to know the ending.

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