The key is that these problems and the solution to the game are hidden in a liquor store, where the incomparably mellow Jiu Niao Chun Jiu is being replaced by a cup?



Chapter [-] Where is my sister Diaochan?

Da da da…

The crisp sound of hooves resounded on the official road.

Cao Cao originally followed the carriage that escorted Diaochan.

However, the speed of the carriage was too slow. He Cao Cao was very anxious, so he greeted Cao Ren, and the two drove away quickly!

Speaking of which, I haven't seen Brother Yi for a while, but Cao Cao misses Brother Yi very much...

Of course, what he didn't know was that...

He's thinking about Brother Yi's brain here, and what Yi Xiaotian is still thinking about... is Diaochan's body!


Spring has passed and autumn has come, and the four years of Jian'an, the world of Dahan seems to be quite unstable!

Half a year ago, Yuan·Huinan Destruction King·Honey Milk Lover·Emperor Dream Show round-trip guest·shu... Suicide, vomited blood and died;

A month ago, Lu, the unparalleled warrior, the real protagonist of Hulaoguan, Feng Yiting, the innocent man, the little thief, and the cloth was also cold;

Even that far north... Gongsun, White Horse General, Megatron Wuhuan, Yuan Shao's nemesis, Zan, was also headed;

It seems that God also thinks...

The number of princes participating in this chaotic world is a bit large, and they deliberately and forcibly reduced a wave, removing the contamination and keeping the clean, removing the false and keeping the truth, and what remains is the essence.

Looking at the world, the surviving princes today.

It's just Cao Cao in the Central Plains, Yuan Shao in the north, Han Sui and Ma Teng in the west, Sun Ce and Liu Biao in the south, and Liu Zhang, the shepherd of Yizhou who just got by...

For a time, in the whole world of Han, a new topic was raised up...

In the wine shop, on the streets and at the tea stall, whether it is the rich clan or the children of the poor family, everyone is talking about this topic with great interest-who will be the one who will end this troubled world?

Even the lobby of a wine shop has been arguing over this topic... It's very lively.

A group of guests began to talk with the slightest drunkenness.

"I think the one who can end the world must be Yuan Shao, the fourth prince of the Yuan family, his disciples and officials are all over the world, and now he sits in Qing, You, Ji, and the four states, with a million armors... Under the whole world, who can compete with rival?"

"No no no... Yuan Shao, no matter how big his territory is and how many soldiers there are, he doesn't have the upper hand morally. I think Cao Cao must be the one who can pacify the world. There are even more armies such as the Iron Armored Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. I heard that this time against Lu Bu, Gao Shun’s camp was also included, Zhang Liao’s Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry, and Zang Ba’s Taishan Army, with his strength, he may not be able to fight Yuan Shao.”

"Hahaha, you are all short-sighted! Neither Cao Cao nor Yuan Shao are the ones who can end the troubled world! I want to say that the real hero is Sun Ce, the little overlord of Jiangdong. Think about it, in just a few years, he has gone from being poor to being white. Yuan Shu's subordinates have grown to occupy Jiangdong now, and they have annexed many parts of the old club. Now Huang Zu, who is now heading north to attack Jiangxia, has even beaten Liu Biao of Jingzhou. Why can't he end the troubled times? What about the person?"

"No, no, you're just focusing on the East, let's look at the West, Han Sui and Ma Teng have also quietly risen in recent years, and the Xiliang cavalry is invincible on the plains battlefield, and they have never encountered any opponents? I said, Han Sui and Ma Teng must end the troubled times..."

A variety of viewpoints flood the bar…

The crowd seemed to be betting objectively, and they all advocated the princes they were optimistic about. Obviously, there were more people who supported Yuan Shao.

Standing in front of the counter, Cai Zhaoji was curious, she pulled Yi Xiaotian's sleeve...

"Sir, the big guys are arguing about this matter. Why don't you say a word? From what Mr. sees, who would be the one who ended the troubled world?"

"Well..." Yi Xiaotian sold out, seeing that Cai Zhaoji was really curious, he simply asked back. "Zhao Ji, tell me, who will be the one who will end the troubled world?"

"How would I, a little girl, know?"

Cai Zhaoji waved her hands again and again... She replied subconsciously, and then seemed to sense something was wrong. "Sir, you should avoid the important and take it lightly. Obviously I asked you a question, but why did I answer it again."

Cai Zhaoji pouted and seemed to be complaining... She felt like she was being tricked.

However, she is also used to it. That's how the husband looks. There is no righteousness. He always looks "bad".

However, this bad appearance made her feel very kind, kind, and approachable.

"Hahaha..." Yi Xiaotian laughed out loud. "Zhaoji, you really want to know..."

"Really..." Cai Zhaoji answered with incomparable certainty, and her eyes became a bit hot.

"Then I have to think about it." Yi Xiaotian raised his head, closed his eyes, and pretended to be contemplative...

But at this time.

A clear and powerful voice sounded one after another. "Brother Yi, then you have to think about it. This question is not just the girl's curiosity, but I am also eager to find the answer!"

Hmm... this familiar voice, this familiar tone...

It seems that I haven't heard it for a while, right?

Big fat sheep, big leek, Yi Xiaotian's lifelong friend, the gold master is here...

With this in mind, Yi Xiaotian hurriedly opened his eyes, "Brother lie, long time no see, I miss you!"

"Brother Yi is thinking of me, or..." Cao Cao blurted out, but at the end of the sentence, he stopped immediately...

He wanted to say whether Brother Yi misses me or my money, but after thinking about it, talking about money hurts feelings. Besides, strictly speaking, Cao Cao spends money for Brother Yi. One is willing to give it, and the other is willing to take it. , one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

"Hidden brother? Why did you only say half of what you said?" Yi Xiaotian was reluctant.

"Haha..." Cao Cao laughed. "I want to ask if Brother Yi misses me more, or does he miss Diaochan, who is as beautiful as a god and has the appearance of closing the moon?"

Huo... what the truth!

Yi Xiaotian was still a little embarrassed.

He just wanted to discuss the human body with sister Diaochan, ah no... to discuss the true meaning of life, occasionally look at the snow, look at the moon, talk about life, and talk about ideals.

"Brother lie, you probably misunderstood me." Yi Xiaotian's tone became meticulous. "I am a noble person, a pure person, a person out of low taste..."

"Yes yes yes..." Cai Zhaoji laughed while agreeing. "Sir is indeed such a person, I can prove..."

While speaking, Cai Zhaoji couldn't help laughing out loud. This behavior shows everything... It's like irony.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Seeing this joyous scene, Cao Cao burst into laughter, and he hadn't laughed so happily for a long time.

Still, there is a villa and a wine shop here, which can always make him feel a lot more cheerful.

After chatting here, Yi Xiaotian stuck his head and looked out of the restaurant door, and then, there was a trace of confusion in his eyes...

Finally, he reached out and tapped Cao Cao on the shoulder.

"Hidden brother? What about people?"

Ah man?

Cao Cao was stunned, but he didn't react.

Yi Xiaotian's words came one after another. "Where's Diao Chan?"

Huo...Cao Cao just "haha", aren't you a noble person, a pure person, a person who is out of low-level taste?

He wanted to make a sarcastic sentence at the moment, but after all, he waved his hand, forget it.

... The people from Diaochan are about to deliver it. Brother Yi can be as noble as he wants... as pure as he wants!

It doesn't matter if it's heart or kidney, as long as Brother Yi is happy.

Cao Cao doesn't want to find it boring, don't worry about it...

"Brother Yi, don't look at him..." Cao Cao tapped Yi Xiaotian on the shoulder. "At the back, I'm in a hurry. Ride a fast horse first, and the convoy still has a few days to go!"


Yi Xiaotian seemed a little disappointed.

Not because of anything else, but mainly because of curiosity, what does this legendary beauty who can make the moon feel ashamed of herself looks like?

"Hidden brother? Diaochan looks good?" Yi Xiaotian couldn't help but ask...

This... Cao Cao wanted to answer, but Te Meow couldn't answer it!

He waved his hand and said truthfully. "I do not know…"

"Hidden brother..." Yi Xiaotian knocked on the forehead. "You didn't ask Cao Cao for me? You haven't seen it before?"

"Haha..." Cao Cao was instantly happy...

He murmured in his heart, as long as I take a look in the crowd, I will definitely remember her face.

At that time, I am afraid that I will send it to you again.

You Yi Xiaotian, you are in the midst of blessings and do not know the blessings, and you have to be shy!

"Brother Yi...don't ask, at most two days, the beauty will arrive!" Cao Cao threw his hands and replied helplessly.

Then, his expression became serious. "Brother Yi, I really have something to ask for help here!"

Um... is something wrong?

Yi Xiaotian's eyes rolled, and it was time to solve the difficult problem that he liked to see?



Chapter [-] After King Jing of Zhongshan, how about the gold content

"Hidden brother, I see that you are in a hurry, let's go, let's chat in the elegant room upstairs..."

Different from Cao Cao's impatient wait, Yi Xiaotian seems very calm...

As he walked upstairs with Cao Cao and Cao Ren shoulder to shoulder, he greeted Cai Zhaoji at the counter. "Zhao Ji, quickly go to the brewery to get the newly brewed distilled wine... By the way, I will steam two big carp from the Yellow River. Today, I have to drink with my brother lie, and I won't go home if I don't get drunk!"

Hmm...distilled wine?

Cao Cao was slightly taken aback, this word is very new!

However, with so many troubles at the moment, Cao Cao is not in the mood to learn about drinks or anything.

The three walked quickly into the private room, and sat down in the seats of host and guest...

Cao Cao asked impatiently. "Brother Yi, Liu Bei? What do you think?"

call out?Liu Bei?

This unreasonable question made Yi Xiaotian a little confused?Why did you mention Liu Bei so eloquently?Could it be that he lied to his brother for the so-called urgent matter?

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