No matter what you say, Guo Jia is convinced...don't say the words 'you lie', you can't win no matter how much you gamble?

Yi Xiaotian suddenly felt that his IQ was greatly insulted, this guy can also do business?Sure enough, they have never been beaten by society!

With this in mind, Yi Xiaotian looked at Zhen Yao again, as if he was looking at a mentally handicapped child.

Zhen Yao's words continued.

"Treasurer Yi, everyone... I've already told you, I'll do some somersaults. I can do somersaults in a single somersault! This is outrageous enough, but it's just..."

Before Zhen Yao could finish speaking, Guo Jia waved his hand. "No, no, it's not outrageous at all. What kind of person is the young master of the Zhen family, even at the end of the mountain, at the end of the sea, after urinating and turning back somersaults, I also believe it!"


Zhen Yao wanted to scold Guo Jia, but he couldn't.Just keep talking. "I said again... He Guo Jia jumped out of a rock, isn't that even more outrageous... But..."

"Hey!" Guo Jia interrupted again. "Young Master Zhen, don't tell me, I really jumped out of a rock, and I still suck the essence of the sun and the moon, otherwise, how can I win every gamble... Haha..."

Suddenly, Guo Jia laughed out loud. There was some ridicule in his smile, and there was some mockery in his smile...

Got it...

Yi Xiaotian was overwhelmed. As for Zhen Yao, he just said one sentence - why did he give up treatment?

This bet, with its mouth on others, is a sure loser!

In the end, I don't blame Guo Jia for being so smart, only you, Zhen Yao, are stupid...

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian shook his head, he was helpless!

"Sir... please, help my brother!"

I don't know when, Zhen Luo quietly walked to Yi Xiaotian's side, she pulled Yi Xiaotian's clothes and begged in a low voice...

The sound is so intoxicating!

Zhen Luo was also desperately ill and went to the doctor. At this moment, it seemed that no one could help her brother except the owner of the Youjian Villa!


Yi Xiaotian suddenly felt a tingling sensation all over his body.

Being pulled on the sleeves of a girl with such a sweet voice and a beautiful appearance... I feel very emotional!

At the moment, close your eyes slightly, and your mind changes sharply...

Yi Xiaotian also likes to gamble, which coincides with Guo Jia.

Speaking of...

There is really a way to crack Guo Jia's winning bet, a method that doesn't seem to be very decent.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian's eyes blinked, and all the light appeared.



Chapter [-] The tragedy of the loss of the female guest's apron

From the mouth of Guo Jia, the most intelligent of the Three Kingdoms, it is obviously not an easy thing to deceive you and lie.

Yi Xiaotian deduced the strategy silently in his heart, and finally, slowly opened his eyes and smiled at Zhen Luo

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head to Guo Jia.

Brother Guo, I am also a good gambler. Seeing how lively you are gambling, my hands are itchy.Your bet is interesting. Let me ask, if I help this brother Zhen, it is not a violation, right?


Hearing this, Guo Jia, who was originally squinting, smiled lightly, and immediately became interested.

Naturally, it's not a violation, as long as Brother Zhen approves, it's okay for you to act for him.Everyone says that the shopkeeper Yi of Youjian Villa is very shrewd, and Guo is really honored to bet with the shopkeeper Yi today!

Speaking of this, Guo Jia raised his hand.However, I have to remind Shopkeeper Yi that you only have one chance left.

Guo Jia raised his head with a confident look.

Not to mention, his set of calculations, dealing with those immature businessmen who are just starting out, are not satisfactory...

Speaking of which, Guo Jia is not short of money, he really likes to see others deflated.

it is good…

Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly, then turned his head.Brother Zhen, how about the next bet to me?

Then there is the treasurer of Laoyi.Zhen Ying hands over...

In fact, he has given up hope, and now he wants to understand, the mouth grows on others, as long as they are important, they don't tell lies, what can he do?

Zhen Luo on the side was blinking with big eyes.

She can seems...Faced with this inevitable defeat, the owner of the Youjian Villa is still so confident and confident.

What can he do?

At this moment, the door of the restaurant was full of people, and the big guy also wanted to know if the shopkeeper Yi could help this unfortunate businessman get back a city.

Lingqi... Yi Xiaotian finally spoke.Go and invite Lord Man Chong, he lived in the liquor store last night.


Yi Xiaotian directly ordered people to invite Man Chong, everyone is a little dizzy?

This is just a bet, it seems that there is no need to invite Xu Duling to witness, right?Still a ruthless, fair and strict Xu Duling.

gentlemen?Really... really ask?Lu Lingqi's face is full of doubts...

Let you go as you go, why are there so many problems?Yi Xiaotian frowned slightly.

Lu Lingqi did not dare to hesitate any longer, and hurriedly went to the guest room of the wine shop to invite Xu Dulingman to come out.

Speaking of which, after Cao Cao left last time, he was worried after all.

After all, Brother Yi is unarmed. If Lu Lingqi becomes irritable, it will really blow up Youjian Villa... Then...

Therefore, Cao Cao specially sent people to order Xu Du Ling Manchong to live in a restaurant for a few days. In name, he sent people to handle the case, but in fact, it was to protect the safety of Yi Xiaotian and Youjian Villa.

Speaking of which, in the past few days, Yi Xiaotian has invited Man Chong to drink a lot. In addition, Yi Xiaotian has recommended and supported his Man Chong, and has a very close relationship with Cao Cao.

Man Chong doesn't have a good face towards others, but he always shows a rare smile when chatting with Yi Xiaotian.

After going back and forth, the two became familiar with each other.

At this moment...

Guo Jia is rather confused...

Easy shopkeeper?I, Guo Jia, have a firm word, if you win, I will definitely not renege on your debt!

Guo Jia shook his head, seemingly dissatisfied with Yi Xiaotian's arrangement.I can't even ask Xu Duling to testify, right?Is there some fuss over there?

Guo Jia nominally blames Yi Xiaotian for making a fuss, but in fact, he points out that the bet is fair, just and open... Even if Xu Duling Man Chong came, he couldn't say anything tricky, so he persuaded Yi Xiaotian to lose it These superfluous thoughts.

In the face of Guo Jia's aggressive questions, Yi Xiaotian was a light-hearted hand...

Brother Guo, don't worry, just wait here.

Yi Xiaotian's voice just fell...

The sound of footsteps came one after another.

It turned out that Man Chong listened to the lively outside and was going downstairs to take a peek. He never thought that he happened to meet Lu Lingqi who was looking for him...

Man Chong thought that something big had happened, so he didn't dare to hesitate for a moment, but he still remembered Cao Sikong's entrustment to him, be sure to protect Youjian Villa, and be sure to protect the safety of Yi Xiaotian!

Easy shopkeeper?what happened?

The voice came, and Man Chong had walked into the crowd...

His brows were erected tightly, giving people a feeling of not being angry and arrogant. When the guests of the restaurant saw him, they couldn't help but take a few steps back. This face alone made people feel cold.

Xu Duling, sorry.I asked you to come out this morning because...

Yi Xiaotian reached out and patted Man Chong's shoulder with a smile.The little brother specially wants to give you a great contribution to the old man.

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian narrowed his eyes and then stretched out his hand to point in Guo Jia's direction.

Xu Duling, you don't know yet, this person is a robber, a robber of Jiang Yang, don't look at his gentle clothes... In fact, he has done countless shameless deeds in Youjian Villa.I have been observing secretly for a long time, and today I have enough evidence.As mentioned to Xu Duling earlier, he was the one behind the lost belly pockets of more than a dozen female guests... a perverted madman - Guo Fengxiao!

Yi Xiaotian's words came out word by word, and the voice was full of emotion and sonorous force.

Fakes are about to become real.

In the end, Yi Xiaotian did not forget to add a sentence.If you don't believe me, Xu Du ordered you to search his body, and those belly pockets were hidden in his pants...

I go…

Hiding a female guest's apron in his pants is so shameless, so obscene...

Because of Yi Xiaotian's remarks, countless onlookers frowned tightly, and they glared in anger, and they all stretched out their hands to point at Guo Jia, the perverted madman!

Hearing Brother Yi's swearing words, Man Chong was not polite, and immediately stepped forward to pick Guo Jia's pants...

what are you doing...

All of a sudden, Guo Jia panicked. It's okay, that is, he didn't have a woman's bellyband in his trousers. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to be picked off?

He Guo Jia is a dignified man, how can... how can his pants be stripped?

Immediately, Guo Jia struggled again and again... He lied, he lied... I am not a thief at all, let alone a perverted madman, how can I fit so many belly pockets in my pants?

No matter where Man Chong cares about him, he will continue to pick up his pants.

Alright, alright... Yi Xiaotian hurriedly stopped in the middle of the two...

His brows twitched slightly, and then a pair of eyes blinked at Guo Jia, as if to tell him - Xiao Xian, you lost...


Suddenly, Guo Jia realized that in the panic... He was tricked, and he subconsciously said the word "lie".

Phew... Guo Jia let out a long exhale.

If you accidentally lose the whole game, this... this bet is just... just lost like this?

Guo Jia was still stunned, while Yi Xiaotian greeted Man Chong again and again.Xu Duling, I seem to have misremembered... This scholar's pants are so thin, how could it be possible to stuff so many belly pockets?

Oh, is it?

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