
Cao Cao turned around, and he slowly sat back on his seat. It seemed that compared with the problem of how to conquer Xiapi City, it was now facing a more difficult problem.

Brother Yi, what do you think?

Cao Cao simply asked Yi Xiaotian, he was really undecided, not to mention so much, just whether Lu Bu should be killed is a headache.

Logically speaking, Lv Bu should be killed, not to mention that some of his eight generals are on the same level as him, but to talk about his glorious deeds, killing Ding Yuan as the righteous son of Ding Yuan, killing Dong Zhuo as the righteous son of Dong Zhuo, Can Cao Cao feel at ease by burying such a hidden danger in the army?Yi Xiaotian explained.

Cao Cao nodded heavily. He subconsciously wanted to recruit Lu Bu to surrender, but... Yi Xiaotian mentioned his concerns!


Unexpectedly, as soon as Yi Xiaotian's voice fell, a turning point came out immediately.

In my opinion, Lu Bu can't be killed!Never kill!

Yi Xiaotian's tone was extremely solemn, and he kept explaining.

Brother lie, you must know that although Lu Bu is not benevolent, he has some righteous men under him!Gao Shun and Zang Ba are his confidants and unusually loyal ministers. If Lü Bu dies, then Gao Shun and Zang Ba will not surrender anyway... In this way, Cao Cao will lose Gao Shun's trap camp and Zang Ba's army. These two waves of Taishan Army have helped!

Trapped in the camp, the Taishan Army...

Cao Cao thought for a while, and speaking of it, he had heard of the famous names in the camp many times.

Saying that you don't want to take it back is absolutely against your will, not to mention, Gao Shun is a rare general and handsome talent. If he can be recruited, it will definitely be even more powerful!

As for Zang Ba's Taishan Army, Cao Cao has some understanding from the intelligence, but he is not impressed... It seems that Xuzhou did not perform too amazingly in the first battle.

them?As for making Brother Yi so stressed and attached to it?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao raised a question.Brother Yi, Gao Shun and the trapped camp, Cao Cao must be determined to win, but this Taishan army... is it strong?It seems that they do not have any outstanding record!

Is it not…

Since the topic of the Taishan Army was discussed, Yi Xiaotian simply put aside the question of whether Lu Bu should be killed or not, and patiently instilled some necessary information into Brother Concealer.

Different from the interpretation, Zang Ba, the commander of the Taishan Army, was only a mere role, and with the demise of Lu Bu, he completely disappeared from the stage of history.

Zang Ba in the real history danced a very impressive stroke.

Speaking of Zang Ba, most people are very unfamiliar, but it is precisely such a person whose reputation in Mount Tai is unmatched.

In later generations, everyone always praised Guan Yu and Guan Yunchang with the words "Yi Bo Yuntian"...

But in fact, it was Zang Ba, the commander of the Taishan Army, who was first called Yi Bo Yuntian by the world...

It can be said that with Zang Ba's appeal, as long as he surrenders, all the small groups of warlords on the front line of Mount Tai will all be in the pocket.

Yi Xiaotian slowly went through the details in his mind before continuing to remind.

Brother Concealer only knew that Zang Ba was the commander of the Taishan Army, but ignored their names. They were the Taishan Army, and they were best at fighting in the mountains.On the plains they are worms, but in the mountains they are dragons.

Brother lie, what do you think, where is Taishan County in Xuzhou?That is the boundary connecting Hebei Jizhou and Qingzhou... and there are many hills, if the Taishan Army can rely on their specialties to defend against danger, it is impossible for anyone to break through in a short time, and this feature is the most suitable for defense.

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian glanced at his eyes, looked north through the window, and looked at Yuan Shao's boundary.

His next words were even more meaningful.

Brother Hide, have you considered it? Now that Cao Cao has almost defeated all the princes in the Central Plains, and most of the land in the Central Plains has been put into his hands, who will be his next enemy?

Yi Xiaotian threw a question first, then he replied directly without waiting for Cao Cao to speak.

It's Yuan Shao. It doesn't take long for Yuan Shao to unify the north. When he really brings Qing, You, Ji, and the four states into the palm of his hand, then next, he will definitely send his teacher to the south to fight against his former younger brother Cao Cao. male and female!

Speaking of which, Yi Xiaotian took out a small map from the table cabinet on the side...

Immediately afterwards, he slowly pointed his hand to the map, pointing to the junction of Cao Yuan.

Guandu Port at the junction of Jizhou and Yanzhou must be the first battlefield for Cao and Yuan to confront each other;

The border between Sili and Bingzhou will be the second battlefield for both sides.

After proposing these two battlefields, Yi Xiaotian directly pointed to Xuzhou...

Where the fingertips pass is precisely the intersection of Xuzhou, Qingzhou and Jizhou.

At the same time, Yi Xiaotian's voice came out one after another.At the junction of Xuzhou, Qingzhou and Jizhou, this crucial third battlefield is precisely located in Taishan County!

Although Yuan Shao will not gather the main force in this third battlefield, he will definitely send a small group of troops to try to open a new front from Xuzhou... If this front is really opened, then Cao Cao will not only face Guandu. The threat of the battlefield, this vanguard from behind is the most deadly!

Yi Xiaotian specifically avoided the punishment of Lv Bu and the solicitation of Zang Ba and the Taishan army. Instead, he explained in detail the three battlefields in which Cao Cao and Yuan Shao would fight in the future.

And this is precisely the final decision on whether to punish Lu Bu or not to recruit Lu Bu's former clan.

Study this history...

Yi Xiaotian has thoroughly analyzed every battle, especially famous battles.

This is not just to analyze the bravery of the generals and the thoughts of counselors from a personal level.

It is even more necessary to conduct a comprehensive study to explore the purpose of each step of both Cao and Yuan.

It seems that what is recorded in the history books is only a battle of Guandu, which is enough to be recorded in the annals of history, but the dark tide, small calculations, and even the intrigues of other battlefields that are derived from it, your life and death are no less than the frontal battlefield!

It's like Fighting the Landlord. When a hand of cards is pushed over, as long as you can't stop it, the rhythm will be completely lost...

At this moment, Cao Cao listened very seriously here.

Even, he cared more about the battlefield between Cao and Yuan than the problems of Lu Bu and Lu Bu's followers.

This is the first time he has looked at the future Cao Yuan battlefield...

If it wasn't for Yi Xiaotian's suggestion, he wouldn't even think that there would be three battles in the future.

Guandu battlefield.

Sili battlefield.

Taishan County Battlefield…

Cao Cao carefully repeated Yi Xiaotian's words in his mind, precisely when he thought of the Taishan County battlefield.

He suddenly got up, suddenly woke up.

Brother Yi, I understand. What you mean by saying so much... is to tell me that if Zang Ba can be subdued and the Taishan Army can be incorporated, then only by virtue of the characteristics of Zang Ba and the Taishan Army being good at mountain combat, they will be able to defend this first army. Three battlefields!

These words blurted out... Cao Cao's heart throbbed.

Brother Yi has a good vision and a good plan!

What he saw here was the flooded Xiapi, but Brother Yi had already set his sights on how to deal with Lu Bu, and put it on the battlefield of Cao Yuan in the future.

This is where the links are interlocked, and the dangers are all around!

You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter [-]: Green or not?this is a problem

Brother Yi, I totally understand...

Cao Cao pondered for a while.Brother Yi has a good vision. I am still worried about the capture of Xiapi City. Brother Yi has already begun to plan a duel between Cao and Yuan!awesome…

Hide brother, don't praise me anymore, you'll be blown away by your praise all day long.

Yi Xiaotian waved his hand, maintaining his usual modesty... Then, his eyes slowly raised, looking at Cao Cao.Brother lie, do you really understand?

Got it, totally got it.

Cao Cao nodded.To defend Taishan County, the third battlefield that Cao Yuan fought against, we must rely on Zang Ba and the Taishan Army, and Zang Ba and the Taishan Army are righteous men. It is better for people to lose me than the righteous people who I lose. If Cao Cao kills Lv Bu, Then they will definitely not agree.

Cao Cao explained what he had realized... Therefore, Lu Bu couldn't be killed!This is related to the future duel of Cao Yuan, and the relationship is very important.

This sentence just blurted out...

Cao Cao suddenly thought of something.

Wait, something seems to be wrong.

Cao Cao's mind changed rapidly.

That's right, according to Brother Yi, Lu Bu couldn't kill him at all.

But... not killing Lu Bu is a hidden danger after all. Cao Cao didn't want to be killed by his subordinates like Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo.

What's more, several of the eight generals under Lu Bu's command wanted to take his life!For example, Hou Cheng, didn't he form a great hatred with Lu Bu because of the wine?

If Lü Bu were to be spared, at least half of the eight elite generals would be at risk!

This is a major event that affects the whole body, and Cao Cao cannot but consider it carefully.

Seeing Cao Cao's answer with great certainty, Yi Xiaotian smiled lightly and planned to leave the private room.It's good to have a complete understanding of my brother.

Brother Yi, wait... I'm... confused again.

Cao Cao hurriedly grabbed Yi Xiaotian.If it's as Brother Yi said, let Lu Bu go... Then?One day later, Lü Bu followed the example of Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo, and backhanded Cao Cao to...

Also, Brother Yi didn't say that some of the eight generals under Lu Bu's command were not in common with him, would they...

In two sentences, Cao Cao is on point...

Brother Yi is a smart person, and he must be able to detect his meaning.

Brother lie, let me just say, there are too many twists and turns here, but it's not so easy to fully understand!

Yi Xiaotian spread his hands, then turned around and talked about it in detail.Brother lie, as you said, killing Lu Bu will lose the hearts of the soldiers, and not killing Lu Bu will also lose the hearts of the soldiers, and there are hidden dangers...

Therefore, Cao Cao will definitely be in a dilemma. At this time, if there is another hypocritical guy by his side who stirs up the flames and says something like "Ding Jianyang and Dong Taishi are not announced in the Ming Dynasty", the protection is not in order, Cao Cao's brain will really kill Lu Bu!

Together, Gao Shun and the trap camp are gone, Zang Ba and Taishan's army are gone, but someone killed someone with a knife.

call out…

What Yi Xiaotian said seemed to mean something else.

Cao Cao kept an eye on it and wrote down Yi Xiaotian's words...

But it seems that the problem is still not solved?Will Lu Bu kill or not?

Brother Yi?Don't make any detours, I'm almost like an ant on a hot pot, turning around in a hurry.Cao Cao asked urgently, at this moment, there were beads of sweat on his forehead...

This is really a happy trouble. Xiapi City is about to be conquered, but... Lu Bu is not easy to deal with, one is related to the overall situation!One about hidden dangers!

Work hard, work hard!

Brother lie, you are not vicious enough!Seeing that Cao Cao was helpless, Yi Xiaotian raised his hand.Tell me, does Cao Cao dare to use Lu Bu?

Of course not!

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