But in fact, this level of concern seems to be overthinking at all.

Lu Bu was like a tortoise with its head shriveled, guarding the city of Xiapi like this, how could it be that he was stationed outside the city at all.

According to the detailed information returned...

It was Lu Bu's two precious ladies who made this happen. It was their ears that completely made Lu Bu give up the best opportunity to turn the tide of the battle...

At this moment... after all, Chen Gong is very resourceful, and he can only be dumb and can't make sense--is he in a hurry?

Ha ha ha ha…

Cao Cao laughed heartily. Now the three armies under the command of Xiahou Dun have launched a general attack on Xiapi City. It seems that the fall of Xiapi City is only a matter of time.

Cao Cao was also very happy, chatting leisurely in the big tent.

There are no outsiders here, only Cao Ren and Jia Xu...

At this moment, they are also laughing, laughing at Lu Bu's stupidity, losing the best time again and again.

Zixiao, Wen He... Cao Cao raised his hand slightly, and their conversation continued.So, women, there are few who can succeed, and many who can fail... Otherwise, how could there be a saying among the common people that they are called prodigal women!

Haha, Cao Sikong, what you said is not entirely true.

Jia Xu smiled lightly, now that the situation is very good, he also joked unscrupulously.

As the saying goes, marrying a wife should marry Yin Lihua, and as the saying goes, Zhong Wuyan has nothing to do, Xia Yingchun has nothing to do... It's not all bad things for women, there are some characters who are not allowed to be men, and even help their husbands achieve great things!

It seemed that the topic of Lu Bu listening to women was mentioned, and the three of them started chatting at once.

Hmm... Cao Cao's footsteps stopped, and he was immediately curious.Wenhe?Listen to what you mean, in today's world, can you still list some strange women who are not allowed to be men?

Cao Sikong laughed.Jia Xu waved his hand and looked very modest.However, I can really list a few strange women here...

Come and come... let's hear it!Cao Cao was immediately curious.

The first one is Cao Sikong, your wife, Mrs. Ding!

Jia Xu isn't shooting Cao Cao's rainbow fart...

He really admires Mrs. Ding... The copyright of the resource belongs to the original author, the text is only for personal study and trial reading, please delete it within 24 hours after downloading, please support subscribing to genuine novels and refuse piracy!This novel was first published by Yan Shu. More wonderful Fei Lu novels are in the hands of the group owner. Welcome everyone to join the group (group owner made Fei Lu novel group) 734426538 Attachment: [This work is from the Internet and published books, the work is only for readers to preview, please visit Download it and delete it within 24 hours. It cannot be used for commercial purposes. If you think this book is good, please buy the genuine book. Thank you for your support to the author! 】

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Speaking of which, in Cao Cao's inner chamber, in order of status, Mrs. Ding deserves to be ranked first.

She was originally married to the Ming media, and raised Cao Cao's eldest son, Cao Ang... Diligent and thrifty and well-received.

However, in the battle of Wancheng, I heard that Cao Cao almost killed his son Cao Ang because of his lust, so he broke with Cao Cao and returned to his hometown alone.

In Cao Cao's view, this approach was a bit extreme, but it shocked the officials under Cao Cao's command and admired it immensely!

As for Cao Cao, there is the sentence mentioned by Yi brother - the abuse of his wife is good for a while, and the smell of chasing his wife in a crematorium.

Mrs. Ding... Cao Cao murmured her name, and felt a sigh in his heart.

He pondered to himself, and he had to ask Brother Yi how to win Mrs. Ding's heart back tomorrow.

Can't, just like that... always showing the smell of chasing his wife in a crematorium, right?

Haha... Cao Cao smiled bitterly and continued to ask.Wenhe?What about the second one?

That is of course Mrs. Wu, the widow of the late Soochow hero Sun Jian... Jia Xu replied...

Cao Cao nodded, and Mrs. Wu was worthy of the reputation of this woman by assisting her son Sun Ce in the battle of Jiangdong.

What about the third one?Cao Cao then asked.

The third one is amazing.Jia Xu's eyes narrowed slightly.This is a strange woman. I heard that she knew a thousand words at the age of three, recited long poems at the age of five, and discerned the sound of the violin at the age of six.It is well received by the Qing Dynasty...


Cao Cao suddenly felt that a woman, who can do such a deed, is very powerful and awesome!

But...why does it sound so familiar!

Just thinking of this, Jia Xu's voice continued to come out.

It's just a pity that when I was thirteen or four years old, the news of this talented woman was inexplicably lost. Until now, the entire scholar circle is still sighing...

As for the identity and name, she is the doctor of the former Taixue Jing Institute, the daughter of Cai Yong, Cai Yan, Cai Zhaoji!

Huo... No wonder it sounds familiar.

It turned out that the third female female Jia Xu mentioned was Cai Zhaoji.

Ha ha ha ha…

Suddenly, Cao Cao burst out laughing. Not only was he laughing, but Cao Ren, who was beside him, was also laughing, and he was laughing very happily.

For a while, Jia Xu was a little confused, why was he laughing?

But at this moment, Cao Cao spoke up.

Wenhe, Wenhe, you just said that this talented girl Cai Zhaoji lost contact for no reason when she was [-] or [-] years old, haha... Don't you know that she has been following the shopkeeper of our liquor store since that year Easy Xiaotian!

... did not expect it?The talented girl in your mouth is the beautiful and elegant girl who helped us fetch wine in front of the counter of a liquor store!

ah... ah...

Jia Xu was startled.

The world-renowned talented woman, the eldest daughter of Cai Yong, a doctor of economics, and the chancellor...Cai Yan, Cai Zhaoji, actually...does...do...be a little maid in a restaurant!

This this…

What method did Yi Xiaotian use?

Or... he has some kind of magic power all over his body, and he can attract all the most beautiful things in this world to his side?

Thinking of this, Jia Xu only felt dazzled for a while, and immediately envied Yi Xiaotian.

but at this time

Da Da Da... Thick footsteps sounded.

Meng De, Meng De is not good... But a rude voice came from outside the account, which seemed to be a bit unpleasant.Xiapicheng, it's not good...

This voice was very familiar to Cao Cao. It was his younger brother, Xiahou Dun, who was leading the three armies to storm the city of Xiapi.

He came to the big tent of the Central Army, but there is no problem. It's just that he said, "Xiapi City, it's not good. What does it mean?"Could it be that, under such a great situation, can't Xiapi City be taken down?

You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter [-] Specific problems, specific analysis

Lost, lost!

After all, it was Xiahou Dun, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, but at this moment he was also looking worried.The city of Xiapi is too high and the walls are too thick. Our siege team's ladders could not reach the towers, and the chariots could not break through the city gate. Lu Bu couldn't hold on, and the half-day siege did not make any progress. You can only call Jin Jin to withdraw.

Huo, unexpectedly, didn't attack?

Cao Cao was startled, Cao Ren was startled, and Jia Xu was also startled. Now, in such a great situation, how could he not be able to convert the advantage into victory?

Yuan Rang, can you be sure that you will continue to attack the city tomorrow?Cao Cao asked Xiahou Dun urgently, and he was also very nervous, which even related to his strategic plan.

Xiahou Dun shook his head, then sighed helplessly.Difficult, difficult... It can be said that as long as Lu Bu doesn't make mistakes in defending the city, we don't have the slightest chance.


Cao Cao frowned suddenly.

He must have a quick victory on his long march.

If it drags on, the front line will be stretched too long, and the weakness of food and grass transportation will be exposed. What's worse, the main force will stay outside for too long, and the Xudu city in the rear will be empty. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be Incredible.

what should we do?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help but sigh.

Jia Xu was also bowing his head and thinking. According to Xiahou Dun, the reason why Xiapi City was difficult to conquer was because the city was too high and the walls were too thick.


Jia Xu suddenly remembered that it seemed that Yi Xiaotian had mentioned that in addition to the four trump cards he proposed by Jia Xu, Lu Bu still had one trump card left.

When he proposed this trump card, Yi Xiaotian swore that this was the trump card that Lu Bu could really rely on!

I see…

Jia Xu couldn't help but mutter to himself.It turned out that Shopkeeper Yi had predicted early on that it was not the so-called bravery of Lv Bu and the ingenuity of Chen Gong who could really stop Cao Jun from breaking the city... but it was precisely the problem of high walls and thick walls that was most easily overlooked and the most difficult to overcome. in this way.

Jia Xu's mind changed quickly...

Immediately figured out the total here.

That's right, Xiapi City is a very special city in this chaotic world. When Tao Qian, the former Xuzhou City's Xianyuzhou pastoral master, mastered Xuzhou, although he did not have the idea of ​​​​expanding the territory.

However, he still has his own way of governing the state and the defense, and he is doing a big thing over and over again, that is, constantly repairing the city wall, building up city defenses, and accumulating grain...

The consequence of this is that even if Lu Bu is now huddled in the city of Xiapi, Cao Cao is powerless to rely on the impenetrable man-made scourge of Xiapi city defense.

Cao Cao and Jia Xu can even feel...

Lü Bu stood at the head of Xiapi City, looking down at Cao Jun's mocking appearance, his proud smile seemed to say four words - come here?


The atmosphere of the entire Chinese army tent was a little dignified and a little strange.

Ur... Cao Cao is still sighing.

Cao Ren shook his head.Meng De, now we are caught in a dilemma. If we advance, we cannot win quickly. If we retreat, the eastern border of Xuzhou, which was finally captured, will be surrendered in an instant.But even so, I still recommend that we retreat first... At least retreat the army to Yanzhou, and think long-term.

Cao Ren raised his hand and said something meaningful.Xuducheng can be empty for a while, but not for a long time!

Cao Ren's suggestion is a relatively safe approach. If you can't win quickly, it is better to stop the loss in time and evacuate first instead of dragging it.


Jia Xu directly waved his hand and retorted.Lu Bu is a simple-minded guy with well-developed limbs, and now he has suffered repeated setbacks, and he has no spirit!The morale of the battlefield and the fighting spirit of the soldiers depended entirely on the spirit of the commander. Now the fighting spirit of the three armies under Lu Bu has fallen to the bottom.

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