This new eight-strong general, from the perspective of the book, the combat power is indeed tyrannical.

Not to mention…

They also have special units under them.

For example, the trap camp under Gao Shun, although there are only [-] people, but this army is very famous in the records of ancient books and documents, it can be called the first soldier of the Three Kingdoms.

Not to mention the Bingzhou wolf cavalry under Zhang Liao, the Taishan army under Hao Meng, and the archer cavalry under Cao Xing...

These are all tricky legions, aren't they?

In the face of them, what good strategy can Brother Yi come up with?

For a time, Cao Cao became curious.


"Eight strong generals?"

Yi Xiaotian first read out their names, then shook his head with a bit of disdain in his tone.

"The Eight Great Generals and their special units are indeed very strong, but unfortunately, their lord is Lu Bu, who has never given full trust to his subordinates. He will command the Eight Great Generals, oh, no matter how strong the army is, it will probably be abolished! "

Yi Xiaotian pointed out the crux of the problem.

To tell the truth, his heart is like a mirror...

The trust problem between the Eight Great Generals and Lu Bu is completely different from that between Chen Gong and Lu Bu.

The crisis of trust between Lu Bu and Chen Gong appeared in Chen Gong's righteous speech and the wind blowing by Mrs. Lu Bu's pillow...

However, the crisis of trust between Lu Bu and the Eight Great Generals was due to Lu Bu's deep-rooted doubts about the world and the people around him.

At that time, as Ding Yuan's subordinate, he killed Ding Yuan, recruited Bingzhou soldiers, and took the position directly.

Immediately afterwards, as Dong Zhuo's subordinate, he killed Dong Zhuo, incorporated the Hanting Northern Army, and assumed the position again.

It can be said that his path to ascendancy was stained with the blood of the old leaders and bosses, how could he be assured of handing over the power to his subordinates?

So, Lu Bu is extremely harsh towards his subordinates. Even if his subordinates make great contributions, Lu Bu will not give them greater rights.

He was even worried that his subordinates would make a big impact on the master, so he would rise up and down, and wantonly deprive his subordinates of military power.

All of these are well documented in ancient books and documents. Yi Xiaotian studied this history and naturally knew Lu Bu's character and his behavior.

But well...

Cao Cao and Jia Xu were still in a fog. They couldn't figure it out. Lu Bu didn't trust Chen Gong.



Chapter one hundred and seventy-ninth artillery bombardment - falling apart

"Brother lie, you only know the names of these eight generals, but you don't know their origin, their relationship with Lu Bu, their current situation!"

Yi Xiaotian drank the wine in the bowl until his throat was wet, and put on a posture, as if planning to talk a lot.

"Brother lie, let me ask you, which of these eight elite generals are you most afraid of?" Yi Xiaotian threw a question first.

"Of course it's Gao Shun. I heard that Cao Cao plotted against Hao Meng, and Hao Meng plotted more than [-] people to rebel, but he was defeated by the warriors of Gao Shun's [-] trapped camp."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao sighed for a while. In addition to feeling unworthy of Hao Meng's betrayal, he also had infinite awe for Gao Shun and the trapped camp.

"According to reliable information, this time, Gao Shun and his warriors in the trap camp made great contributions to put down the rebellion, but there was not much damage! It can be seen that this group is brave and well equipped."

Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian nodded, he knew about this, Gao Shun and the trap camp had left an indelible mark in history with this move, but...

"Brother lie, then let me ask you, after Gao Shun quelled Hao Meng's rebellion? How did Lu Bu reward him?"

Yi Xiaotian took the initiative to throw this question. "Presumably, it will be mentioned in the next information to some extent?"


Cao Cao thought about it for a while. It seemed that he only paid attention to Gao Shun's quelling of Hao Meng's rebellion, and didn't pay attention to the reward Lu Bu gave him afterwards.

But at this time.

"The little old man understands the meaning of shopkeeper Yi..."

Jia Xu stretched out his hand and knocked on the forehead, acting like he was suddenly enlightened.

Cao Cao didn't pay attention to the next information, but he, Jia Xu, can pay attention.

"Manager Yi, the next information you mentioned is that Lu Bu deposed Gao Shun's military power, took away his trap camp, and handed the trap camp to her in-law Wei Xu, right?"

That's right, as Jia Xu said.

Although Lü Bu did not use Gao Shun much on weekdays, when Hao Meng rebelled, Lü Bu ran naked to Gao Shun's barracks, which shows that Lü Bu still recognized Gao Shun's loyalty.

According to normal logic, after quelling Hao Meng's rebellion, Lu Bu should be enlightened, and should promote, reuse, and trust Gao Shun.

But the fact is just the opposite, Lu Bu has become more and more suspicious.

He thought that if Hao Meng could rebel, Gao Shun might also rebel.Gao Shun's entrapment camp is so powerful, he rebels, I'm not cool, so, to find an excuse to dismiss Gao Shun's military power, also have to lose Gao Shun's loyalty, if it is someone else, I am afraid that I will turn my face directly. .


Obviously, Cao Cao ignored this important piece of information.

At this time, being mentioned by Jia Xu, Cao Cao was startled and immediately asked incredulously. "Elder Jia, yes, there are things like this..."

"It's absolutely true." Jia Xu nodded heavily. He told Cao Cao with a very precise look, this information is reliable!

Phew... Cao Cao exhaled.

I'm going, it's really just like what Brother Yi said...

Lu Bu is too suspicious... With the help of Gao Shun and the trap camp, it should be more powerful, but he played Tianhu's hand to pieces...

Alas, terrible jealousy, short-sighted!

Cao Cao couldn't help feeling a little emotional. He even felt that he looked down on Lu Bu in the past, and this guy was not as powerful as he thought.


"Brother Yi, as you say." Cao Cao asked immediately after sighing. "Are the other generals among the Eight Great Generals not being reused like Gao Shun?"

"It's more than not being reused, and some people want to slaughter Lu Bu!"

Yi Xiaotian's words once again surprised Cao Cao and Jia Xu...

Now, the two of them can somewhat understand the feeling that the Eight Great Generals will not be reused under Lu Bu, but it seems that they will not have the idea of ​​slaughtering Lu Bu in the backhand, right?How much hate is this?

"Brother Yi, are you serious?" Cao Cao asked with a smile, and he took Yi Xiaotian's words as a joke.

"Hidden brother? You don't believe it?" Yi Xiaotian's expression became more and more serious...

This... how can you believe this?

Daring, in Lu Bu's camp, the relationship between the lord and the generals has reached the point of endless death?

"This..." Cao Cao hesitated. He was afraid that if he didn't believe it, Brother Yi would bet again. To be honest, he wouldn't dare to bet with Brother Yi again.

Seeing Cao Cao's hesitant appearance, his entire face was filled with question marks, Yi Xiaotian was no longer stubborn, and simply opened his mouth.

"Brother lie, don't you know, recently, a small incident happened in Xuzhou..."

"Someone stole [-] horses of General Hou Cheng, one of Lu Bu's eight generals, and planned to give them to Liu Bei. However, Hou Cheng found out and took them back."

"All the civil and military members of Lu Bu's subordinates heard about this, and they all went to the door to greet Hou Cheng, while Hou Cheng himself brewed five or six small dendrobium wines and planned to have a drink with all the civil and military people..."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused.

Cao Cao was at a loss. He didn't think it was very good. Fifteen war horses were lost and found, so it should be a good celebration.

Immediately ask questions. "Brother Yi? What does this have to do with the hatred of Lu Bu's subordinates that we mentioned earlier?"

"Brother, don't panic, just listen to what I have to say."

Yi Xiaotian continued. "It stands to reason that it is understandable for Hou Cheng and the soldiers to drink alcohol, but Lu Bu had banned alcohol before... Hou Cheng and the soldiers did not dare to drink because of the prohibition. Everyone's interest is lost!"

"So, Hou Chengcheng brought a few bottles of wine to look for Lu Bu. His original intention was to present this happy event to Ming, and to offer him some wine so that he could be accommodating. How can I..."

"Lu Bu smashed the drink he brought, and beat him a hundred times in front of the big guy, almost killing Hou Cheng! Now, Hou Cheng, one of the eight generals, is not only The body suffered, the most important thing is to be disheartened... Even Song Xian and Wei Xu, among his friends, the Eight Great Generals, felt that Lu Bu was too domineering and unreasonable."

"In this way, a strange atmosphere can be shrouded in Lu Bu's three generals!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian snorted. "So, among the Eight Great Generals, there are three nominally on Lu Bu's side. In fact, they want to get rid of Lu Bu and move on!"

A word came out loud...

Cao Cao and Jia Xu looked at each other, and they were a little suspicious at first, but seeing Yi Xiaotian being so serious doesn't seem like a joke!

So... is this true?

Just because of a mere issue of the prohibition of alcohol, did Lu Bu neglect the hearts of the soldiers like this?

"Manager Yi? This is not mentioned in the information. Could it be fabricated by Shopkeeper Yi?" Jia Xu took the initiative to ask.

Yi Xiaotian's words are too much.

If it is true, Lu Bu has completely lost the heart of a soldier, how could his subordinates be willing to work hard for him!

"Why don't you believe Old Jia?"

Yi Xiaotian directly stretched out his finger to the door of the elegant room, "There has been a discussion in the restaurant outside the door. This is not a secret. The whole street in the Central Plains has this news, where is there any fake?"

Has the news spread?

Jia Xu was stunned. He didn't expect it. They only paid attention to the information from the scouts, but they didn't pay attention to the information from the people. It was precisely this piece of information that was very important.


"Brother Yi, if you say that, Lu Bu will be surrounded by embattled people!"

Cao Cao sighed with emotion. In fact, his heart was full of excitement and ecstasy. Lu Bu had advantages and trump cards.

Cao Cao even felt that Lu Bu was only a strong man from the outside, but in fact he was already at the end of the fight.

defeat him?Isn't it a tiger catching a donkey--isn't there more to do?

In an instant, Cao Cao's self-confidence exploded...

However, soon, after only a few breaths, Cao Cao suddenly realized something.

Yes...even if half of Lu Bu's eight elite generals are either demoted or have a ghostly plan;

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