Yi Xiaotian said it here, it's just a point to stop...

Everyone is smart, who doesn't know what's going on?


Cao Cao spoke, and he immediately answered seven words. - Lu Bu will strike Liu Bei!

Jia Xu did not agree, but nodded heavily.

Obviously, he also felt that if Yi Xiaotian's plan was put into practice, the rift between Lu Bu and Liu Bei would grow, and the emperor's edict would expand the rift infinitely, and they would be suspicious of each other.

Such a fake letter is enough to make both sides completely lose their minds and draw swords against each other!


Lu Bu and Liu Bei draw their swords...

The situation in Xuzhou is about to change completely, and the sky in Xuzhou is about to change completely!

Seeing Cao Cao and Jia Xu's sudden realization.

Yi Xiaotian continued to speak.Brother Hide is right, Lu Bu will definitely attack Liu Bei, he wants to get rid of this unstable factor in Xuzhou before Cao Cao and Liu Bei join forces...

At that time, Liu Guanzhang may be able to match the Eight Great Generals.But where are Liu Bei's soldiers and horses the opponent of the Bingzhou Wolf Rider?Liu Bei will definitely be defeated and return, and at this moment, there is no way to go to heaven, no way to go down to earth.What will he do?

Yi Xiaotian kept throwing questions one after another.

But these questions, Cao Cao likes to hear about it...

Liu Bei will definitely ask Cao Cao for help, he will surrender to Cao Cao!Cao Cao answered without hesitation.

This was the action that most echoed the situation at the time...and the action that was most beneficial to Cao Cao.

Brother lie is right.Yi Xiaotian's tone is getting higher and higher, more and more passionate.At that time, Cao Cao had the emperor's edict to ask for help from the emperor, Liu Bei was about to ask for help, and there was Lv Bu's rebellion.

Externally, the various princes had a lot of hatred for Lu Bu, and they would definitely not rush to help him; internally, there were Chen Qi and Chen Deng and their sons to assist; also Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, who were super-powerful and unpaid part-time workers; there were also Xuzhou people. of the people's hearts.With such a combination of punches, no matter how capable Lu Bu is, he might just boil soft-shelled turtles in a warm soup pot—not to die!

Yi Xiaotian put these words together in one breath, and his mouth was dry for a while.

On the other hand, looking at Cao Cao and Jia Xu, they were stunned. They looked like they perfectly interpreted an idiom - dumbfounded!

You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter [-]: The Four Aces under Lu Bu

Admired, impressed, shocked.

Jia Xu felt that his admiration for Yi Xiaotian... was about to reach the level of five bodies.

What kind of person is Yi Xiaotian?

Why are the strategies that he randomly came up with in his forehead so mature and meticulous.

It was as if every step of the opponent had been accurately calculated, it was as if he had opened the perspective of God and rubbed the opponent hard on the ground.

What's more terrifying is that he seems to have a plan, a plan, very relaxed and casual, where he seems to be racking his brains and thinking hard, just like he is playing.

This is terrifying, it is simply unbelievable, you know, every time Jia Xu thinks about strategies, it must be until his hair is gray...

Every step in the middle, everyone's character, work style, and habits, must be scrutinized over and over again.

That's why counselors always look very old, it's not because they are mature, it's mainly because of worry...

But... But this Yi Xiaotian, hehe, Jia Xu can only hehe, why is he drinking, joking, and making good plans frequently...

The key is that this coup can be returned, returned, returned, and is extremely convincing!

Jia Xu finally understood, his little tricks were compared to this master, it was a comparison between Yingzhu's fire and bright sun, and he should be complacent if he wasn't crushed.


Take a long exhale.

In just half an hour, Yi Xiaotian refreshed the definition of the word "supernatural" in Jia Xu's mind again and again...

To be an opponent with him is simply terrifying on earth, to be a teammate with him, that is two words - lie down and win!

Jia Xu even thought, how lucky Cao Cao is!

I was surprised to find such a skilled master. With his plan, even if the subordinate is a dog, I guess there is a chance of winning, right?

Concealed brother, Jia Lao?Why don't you speak?

Seeing that Cao Cao and Jia Xu were dumbfounded, Yi Xiaotian patted their shoulders.Did I say something wrong?What are you thinking of responding to?

Yi Xiaotian continued with a smile.If you refute, don't save face for me. If there is anything wrong, you can point it out. People are not saints and sages.

Uh...however such an amazing young man is so humble!

Take it, completely take it.

and many more?Yi Xiaotian said to change?

Change it to a hammer!

Cao Cao and Jia Xu thought this sentence at the same time.

You've almost made Lu Bu cry, why don't you change it?It's already so awesome, is there still room for improvement?

Brother Yi, today is really taught!

Cao Cao bowed his hands and bowed, and he seemed to quickly come out of his shock and sluggishness.

Although Brother Yi's strategy was a bit surprising to him, he had been used to it many times, but it was just a routine operation of Brother Yi.


All right…

The matter was resolved, Cao Cao felt a good mood for a while...

Xuzhou's eyes and Liu Bei are united. Once these two problems are solved, it seems that a smooth road is in front of him, that is, the whole territory of Xuzhou that is about to be held in the palm of his hand!

However, since he has a smooth road here, Jia Xu seems to have doubts.

Jia Xu is an old man, so he would think more deeply.

After all, in the final analysis, in addition to Liu Bei's alliance, Lu Bu also held three trump cards, which, in Jia Xu's view, were quite threatening.

Just when Cao Cao stood up and planned to say goodbye to Yi Xiaotian, Jia Xu hurriedly reached out to stop him.Hide the Lord, we are here, let's listen to the opinions of Shopkeeper Yi for a while!

Hmm...that's a bit meaningful.

Cao Cao glanced back at Jia Xu, but saw Jia Xu winking desperately, as if he still had some questions to ask Yi Xiaotian for advice.

Ha ha…

Cao Cao laughed heartily.What Jia Lao said is also, I haven't been here for a long time, I finally came here, and I haven't had a good time drinking this wine!

Originally, Cao Cao was thinking, since Brother Yi has given a general strategy to seek Xuzhou, then next, he only needs to act according to the plan and operate carefully...

It's no big problem...

Cao Cao was thinking about Xuzhou, and he didn't want to wait for a moment when it came to conquering Xuzhou.

But I forgot what Jia Xu mentioned, how many trump cards are still under Lu Bu!

If these trump cards are not resolved, even if it is to occupy the weather, the geographical position, and the people, this battle still cannot be said to be a sure win.

Cao Cao and Jia Xu took their seats again.

Yi Xiaotian saw that they were interested, and sent someone to fetch two more jars of Jiu Niu Spring Wine...

It's rare to hide my brother, Jia Lao is interested today, so I have to sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman, we won't go home if we don't get drunk...

Yi Xiaotian raised the wine bowl, and the three of them drank a bowl.

After a few chats, Jia Xu seized the opportunity and deliberately turned the topic back to Lu Bu.

Shopkeeper Yi, one of Lu Bu's four trump cards, 'Liu Bei's Union', was easily cracked by you, and the little old man became more and more curious. The other three trump cards?Does the shopkeeper Yi also have a strategy hidden in his chest?

call out…

Just as Jia Xu's words blurted out, Cao Cao called him an expert.

This Jia Xu Jia Laodu is a bit interesting, what Cao Cao thought of, Jia Xu can ask, what Cao Cao didn't expect, Jia Xu can ask, Brother Yi once said that he is the number one big fool in the world, and he really deserves his reputation!

Today, the world's No. [-] big huyou meets Yi Xiaotian who is like a ghost and a god. It's interesting, interesting...

Of course, in addition to having a strong interest in their conversation, Cao Cao wanted to know how Brother Yi managed to crack Lu Bu's other three trump cards?

Hmm... the other three aces?

Is this a thing?

In the three trump cards that Cao Cao and Jia Xu seem to be very troublesome, Yi Xiaotian doesn't take it seriously at all!

But when he saw his brow twitching, he suddenly thought of something, not related to Lu Bu, but to the city of Xiapi in Xuzhou.

That's right, Yi Xiaotian remembered that today he made a special trip to mention to Lu Lingqi, using iron for filling steel.

According to the records of ancient books, the best iron and iron are produced in the Central Plains from Xiapi City, Xuzhou.

To be honest, in the great country of China, there are many places where good iron can be dug up.

Limited by the level of mining, there are only three best iron producing areas in the period from the Later Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms.

Xapi City in Xuzhou;

Yecheng in Jizhou;

Jiangxia City in Jingzhou…

In addition, even if other towns can mine iron, they cannot be compared with these three places in terms of quality and quantity.

You must know that in troubled times, apart from the expensive horses, the best iron is expensive.

The so-called pouring steel must use good iron. Yi Xiaotian is not bad for money, but he can't buy it, which is very embarrassing.

This time, Jia Xu mentioned Lv Bu's problem again, which just reminded Yi Xiaotian of the iron and steel in Xiapi City...

Cao Cao and Jia Xu are thinking about Lu Bu, and Yi Xiaotian is thinking about Bin Tie!


Concealed brother, Jia Lao, I have a request, I don't know if I should say it or not!Yi Xiaotian spoke up.

It's not right to say it, you say it...

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