Yes, nowadays typhoid fever is prevalent in Xuzhou, and a large number of doctors are needed.

Now, under the premise of keeping the gates of Xiapi City tightly closed, if you are not a doctor, even if you say that, you will not be able to enter Xiapi City. Let Cao Cao complain...

But...but here comes the problem?

Where did Cao Cao find someone who could be both a doctor and a meticulous worker?

These two professions are clearly not related to each other. They have to have the medical skills to make a spring, and they have to be meticulous, able to get in touch with Chen Deng and help Cao Cao speak...

This is hard enough...

But even if such a person is found, it seems that Chen Silicon, Chen Deng and his son are not sick, right?

Entering Xiapi City, under the nose of Lv Bu, why did he contact Chen Qi and Chen Deng and his son?It can't be that people are not sick, you can go to the pole and treat it.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao shook his head...

It stands to reason that Brother Yi has already put forward a general direction. Specifically, he can implement it. There are always more ways than difficulties...

But unfortunately, this thing is really difficult to implement, and it seems that there is no way to find out.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's whole person became frowning.

Jia Xu seemed to have noticed Cao Cao's expression, thought about it a little, and realized Cao Cao's difficulties...

He immediately raised the wine bottle and offered a bowl to Yi Xiaotian.

; Shopkeeper Yi, Xiao Lao'er will give you another bowl of wine!

; Jia old polite.Yi Xiaotian refused to come and raised his wine bowl in return...

While toasting, Jia Xu said casually. ;Treasurer Yi, you are very discerning, this person is indeed a good choice, but it seems... it's not so good...

Hearing Jia Xu talk about this, Cao Cao's spirit was lifted, and he realized that Jia Xu was trying to make a fool of his brother.

; almost mean?

Sure enough, Yi Xiaotian's face froze, and he asked with great interest. "Old Jia, don't say half of what you said, what does it mean?

;Is such that…

Jia Xu put on a beard and explained slowly.

;The rebellion before the current Xiapi City is already a shadow of a cup and a bow and a snake. Don't look at Lu Bu's bravery in battle, but he is not very courageous... No, he blocked the entire Xiapi City, and no one was allowed to enter it except the doctors. That's why Cao Cao's meticulous work and eyeliner were all cut off.But where to find such a doctor?Even if such a doctor were found, Chen Qi and Chen Deng and their father and son had neither sick nor chronic illness, so why would they contact them?

Jia Xu slowly explained the general manager here…

In the end, he did not forget; he let out a long sigh, and immediately waved his hand. ; That's why the little old man said that the person who was the shopkeeper Yi was a good one, but unfortunately, it's still a little less interesting!

All the tricks were used.

Jia Xu can be said to be very hardworking...

Cao Cao was moved for a while, he suddenly felt that bringing Jia Xu to a restaurant was more reliable than bringing Cao Ren.

In the past, when he chatted freely with Yi Xiaotian, Cao Ren always kept his mouth shut and said nothing. Although it was said that this was related to his calm personality, it was always lack of some help...

Jia Xu is different. When it comes to asking Brother Yi for advice, he can often send divine assists.



; What a big deal!

Yi Xiaotian spread his hands, as if nothing was wrong. Then, he narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile. ;How do you know that Chen Deng is not sick?

ah... ah...

Is Chen Deng sick?

Both Cao Cao and Jia Xu were startled...

It seems that the previous information did not mention that Chen Deng is ill...

No, not to mention that Chen Deng is ill, the intelligence will not mention it, whether Lu Bu is ill or not, and whether Diaochan is ill will not be mentioned.Where can the intelligence tell about these little things about these sesame mung beans?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao asked anxiously. ;Easy brother?Is Chen Deng sick?

; Exactly.Yi Xiaotian nodded. ;It's not just a minor illness, the pain can kill him...

As Yi Xiaotian said, Chen Deng is really sick.

According to the records of "Three Kingdoms: The Biography of Hua Tuo". , Hua Tuo once treated Chen Deng.

At that time, Chen Deng was red-faced and irritable. As a result, after Hua Tuo was diagnosed and treated, he was stunned to spit out dozens of pots of red worms.

This is a disease that can only be acquired by eating a strange fish unique to Xuzhou for many years. According to Yi Xiaotian's judgment, it is estimated that at this time, Chen Deng has already had it, but it is not yet terminally ill!

If this is the case, Chen Deng must also have some symptoms, and how can Lu Bu not see the symptoms of this red complexion?

Therefore, sending doctors to contact Chen Qi and Chen Deng's father and son is a matter of reason and righteousness, and there is absolutely no problem at all.

; Come on, lie brother.Figured this out, Yi Xiaotian simply spread his hands. ; Sending people to the end, sending Buddhas to the west, since Brother Hidden and Jia Lao have brought this up, then ask me to give it to me... I will help Cao Cao establish a connection with Chen Si and Chen Deng and his son!

you you?

Jia Xu was a little surprised...; Shopkeeper Yi?You... you still heal?Still practicing medicine?

; a little understand, a little understand!

Yi Xiaotian scratched his head.

; However, I will definitely not go to Xiapi City.After all, I am still busy with such a large villa.I will send a doctor who is slightly inferior to my medical skills to replace me... With him, Chen Deng's disease will be cured, and Cao Cao's heart disease can also be cured!

Yi Xiaotian is... there is something in the words...

;Brother Yi, the doctor you are talking about is a little less skilled than you, shouldn't he be...

Cao Cao was about to pronounce his name.

Yi Xiaotian was the first to speak. ; Yes, it is the genius doctor Zhang Zhongjing, I can rest assured that he does things!

It was after careful consideration by Yi Xiaotian that Zhang Zhongjing was dispatched to Xiapi City.

As soon as Zhang Zhongjing was famous, even if things fell, Lu Bu dared to kill him, and his advisors had to stop him.If you really kill this genius doctor, that is to kill one person and lose the hearts of the world.

Second, in the subconscious of most people, the genius doctor Zhang Zhongjing is still the prefect of Changsha County!Who would have thought that he would leave his hometown with a seal and go to a medical office to be a small doctor... In Lv Bu's opinion, Zhang Zhongjing went from Changsha to Xiapi City, which is more reassuring.

Thirdly, Zhang Zhongjing is decent, as long as he hears of strange illnesses, he is willing to rush to get treatment...

Chen Deng's disease is estimated that apart from Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing can only take action...

So come and go, think carefully...

Yi Xiaotian just made a decision——

——It was decided that it was you...Pika...Ah no, the genius doctor Zhang Zhongjing!



You are a genius, remember for a second:

Chapter [-] You are full of flaws

Ha ha…

Seeing Yi Xiaotian's confident appearance, Cao Cao suddenly felt a sense of confidence in his heart.

Since Brother Yi has taken the initiative to take this matter, it seems that we can wait for good news!

Thinking of what Brother Yi mentioned, Chen Qi and Chen Deng's father and son are jealous of Lu Bu and their previous undercover actions...

If he, Cao Cao, can really establish a connection with this father and son, then Lu Bu is just a fly hitting a spider's web—internal and external troubles, there is no way to escape!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's mood became extremely disappointed.

However, he was disappointed, but Jia Xu lowered his head and seemed to be muttering.

Thoughtful, he thought of some other troubles...

Old Jia?Yi Xiaotian also noticed Jia Xu's expression.Do you think the arrangement of the juniors is inappropriate?Or do you think Zhang Zhongjing can't take on such an important task?

No... Shopkeeper Yi is unparalleled in his ingenuity, and he has no end in sight, and Xiao Laoer admires it.Divine Doctor Zhongjing is even more famous all over the world, but he never thought that he was in Youjian Villa, the old man was only shocked, how could he dare to question!

Jia Xu waved his hand, I was thinking of some other troubles, troubles hidden under the surface...

Jia Xu's tone became serious...

Shopkeeper Yi, Lord Concealer, it is true... If Cao Cao can establish contact with Chen Si and Chen Deng and his son, then Xuzhou's intelligence sources and insiders should be available, but it seems that Xuzhou is still a bit short...

Jia Xu asked and answered himself.Opportunity... Yes, it is an opportunity!There is an opportunity to recover Xuzhou in one go.

Hmm... opportunity?

The people in this elegant room are all smart people, and Yi Xiaotian and Cao Cao immediately realized his intentions.

Jia Xu refers to the complicated relationship between Lu Bu and Liu Bei, who love each other and kill each other.

Speaking of which, the relationship between Lu Bu and Liu Bei is very complicated.

Back then, Liu Bei was the lord of Xuzhou. In order to prevent Yuan Shu from attacking, he arranged Lu Bu in Xiaopei as a strategic buffer zone between him and Yuan Shu...

However, Lu Bu was unwilling to be lonely. He joined forces with Yuan Shu and took advantage of Liu Bei's expedition to gain Xuzhou...

This time, the original stray criminal Lu Bu became the lord of Xuzhou, and the original Xuzhou lord Liu Bei became the stray criminal.

Thanks to Liu Bei being thick-skinned, he just came back to plead guilty to Lu Bu, and only then did he release his suspicions...

Due to the situation, the public opinion, and the pressure of Cao Cao, Lü Bu returned Xiao Pei to Liu Bei, and directly turned Liu Bei into a buffer zone between him and Cao Cao.

The relationship between them is getting more and more delicate...

It is always mentioned in Xuzhou's intelligence that small frictions between the two sides continue, but major frictions are not committed.

They are both fighting for petty profits, and their hearts are like mirrors. Maybe they know that their opponent is Cao Cao, and they will work together to fight the enemy at any time...

It is precisely because of this relationship that Cao Cao has always maintained a wait-and-see attitude towards Xuzhou...

Now, taking advantage of Yuan Shao's northern expedition against Gongsun Zan, if he doesn't get rid of this confidant's trouble, when Yuan Shao pacifies the north, he will be embarrassed on Cao Cao's side!

The truth is such a truth, but the difficulty is, how to eradicate this confidant?

This is not an eyeliner, a meticulous work, or some intelligence can do.

In the final analysis, we have to pay attention to hard power and military power.

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