Jia Xu couldn't help but ask. "Treasurer Yi, the dispute just now, little old man has something puzzled. If this horse is not the burly man's, then why is this horse so close to him?"

"This!" Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian smiled lightly, and immediately extended his hand to explain. "Because, he put honey on his hands!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. "Look, when I just covered the horse's eyes, I felt sticky, and when I smelled it, it was honey!"

Oh, it turned out to be... honey smeared in the palm of your hand?

Jia Xu suddenly realized...

Of course, what shocked him even more than this thief's clumsy method was Yi Xiaotian, Yi Xiaotian's keen insight ability... It was precisely this ability that made him Jia Xu Gan's inferiority and unmatched.

Now, Jia Xu's impression of Yi Xiaotian is more than a [-]-degree turn.

He suddenly felt that just using the word "not simple" to describe Xiaotian seemed a little inaccurate.

Jia Xu had a feeling that the young man in front of him, perhaps, could deserve all the words of praise.



There is a wine shop and a private room.

"Brother Yi, Jia Lao sit down, sit down!"

Yi Xiaotian greeted the two of them to take their seats, as if afraid that Jia Xu would see the outside world, Yi Xiaotian seemed very modest.

"Old Jia, the friend who hides from my brother is my friend. When you come to our Youjian Villa, don't see the outside world, just go back to your own home."

"Haha...haha..." Jia Xu just smiled.

To be honest, he is a big fool, but in the face of Yi Xiaotian's enthusiasm, he suddenly found that he had nothing to say!

Hehe, Jia Xu muttered to himself, he really might not be able to fool Yi Xiaotian.

"By the way..." Yi Xiaotian suddenly thought of something, "Hidden brother... You just introduced, what does Jia always do?"

"It's just a mere feng shui magician, doing some astrology, divination, fortune telling..." Jia Xu replied directly before Cao Cao could speak.

"This...this is great!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Jia Xu's words blurted out, Yi Xiaotian seemed very excited, he stood up and said loudly. "Brother lie, Jia Lao, I'm planning to open a new business, which is divination and fortune-telling..."

ah... ah...

When Yi Xiaotian's words just came out, Cao Cao was stunned, and Jia Xu was also stunned.

Daring, they came here to find Yi Xiaotian to solve the Xuzhou problem, but Yi Xiaotian was thinking of poaching people to open a Taoist temple!

This divination, fortune-telling?

Isn't it all streets and alleys, Niubi Laodao can walk around with a banner... What's the matter, Brother Yi plans to open a special Taoist temple and run it?


That's right...

Cao Cao and Jia Xu really didn't think it was wrong.

Yi Xiaotian didn't have this thought at first, but no, he happened to meet Jia Xu. Although he didn't know, this old man is a world-famous fool, but it's hard to find such a ready-made Feng Shui Taoist.

You know... divination and fortune-telling are very mysterious.

The investment is small and the return is large. In Youjian Villa, you can build a few Taoist temples of Taishang Laojun, Guanyin Bodhisattva, and Hongjun Patriarch, and then collect incense money and count the hexagrams for people.

As long as you fool around...

One to two, the money of the big gentry and the big family is not sent in a hurry.

In this world, how could there be such a good opportunity to collect a lot of fat sheep and leeks!

Yi Xiaotian is not short of money now, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to make more money.

For Yi Xiaotian, cutting leeks, rolling wool... this money is not worth it, not to mention... making money makes him happy!



Chapter [-] They are born undercover

"Brother Yi, in fact, I... I'm here today for something serious! Or, let's talk about business first?"

Cao Cao couldn't help but say.

Cao Cao was really "drunk". Jia Xu was his advisor. He couldn't just abduct someone to Youjian Villa with a single word from Yi Xiaotian.

"Hidden brother, what's the matter?" Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. "It's not about Cao Cao, it's not about Cao Cao, let's talk about my Taoism first..."

Uh... Cao Cao's business is nothing!

Jia Xu was taken aback.

This is so compelling...

That's not the point, the point is... Yi Xiaotian said this casually and naturally, Cao Cao's expression was calm and calm.

From Jia Xu's point of view, these two brothers... one is really daring to speak, the other is really daring to listen.

"Cough cough..." Jia Xu couldn't help coughing. "Treasurer Yi, there is something I don't know about this little old man!"

"You're welcome, Mr. Jia. In our restaurant, you can say whatever you want."

Seeing that Jiu Niangchun wine had been delivered, Yi Xiaotian opened the wine jar and took the initiative to pour Jia Xu a full bowl. "Old Jia, you still don't know, our restaurant is under cover from brother, even the emperor has to give three points of thin noodles!"

"Ha ha…"

Jia Xu wielded a beard and muttered in his heart, "This is...", and immediately said with a smile.

"Treasurer Yi, how about we make a bet?"

"This time Cao Cao has encountered a big trouble, and he is asking about the plan of the master. If the shopkeeper Yi can help him solve this trouble, then the little old man will be a feng shui Taoist in your villa for a year? What's the harm? "

hey... bet!

Yi Xiaotian was startled, bet good!

It's been a long time since I bet, and my hands are still itchy!

All of a sudden, Yi Xiaotian became dancing...

It seems that this "Old Jia" has just arrived, and he still doesn't know that the reason why his Youjian wine shop can gradually become a Youjian Villa is because of betting again and again.

"Good bet..."

Yi Xiaotian raised the wine bowl and offered a toast to Jia Xu. He admired Jia Lao's courage.

"Old Jia, what I like most is to bet, but we have rules for betting, and we are willing to admit defeat, and we must abide by the bet!"

Huo... Are you so confident?

Jia Xu smiled slightly and drank all the wine in the bowl.

murmured. "That's natural."

In his opinion, Yi Xiaotian is a little bit more confident this time.

To be honest, this bet is not easy for him to win. Cao Cao is in no small trouble. Now all the information in the eastern border of Xuzhou has been cut off... Finding a new source of information is tantamount to sticking chopsticks through the eye of a needle - even more difficult .

Besides, there is also the question of seeking Xuzhou...

You know, Lu Bu and Liu Bei are fighting and fighting each other on weekdays, but they know in their hearts that their biggest opponent is not each other, but Cao Cao!

Don't look at the tension between the two sides now, but whenever Cao Cao attacks, he must abandon his previous hatred, unite with sincerity, twist them into a single rope, and work together to fight against Cao Cao...

In this way, this Xuzhou East Territory is not large, and it is really necessary to plan, how can it be so simple.

Jia Xu knew the situation in Xuzhou well, and he really dared to fight.


The gamble has been made.

Yi Xiaotian raised his hand slightly to make a "please" look. "Brother, Jia Lao... I would like to hear, what problems did Cao Cao encounter?"

Jia Xu wielded a beard and looked back at Cao Cao...

I never thought that Cao Cao was a little stunned. To be precise, he was a little confused.

As for the reason for the ignorance, it is naturally the bet made by Jia Xu and Yi Xiaotian...

"Hidden master, hid master..."

Jia Xu patted Cao Cao's shoulder and reminded him. "Manager Yi asked you something!"

Cao Cao came back to his senses, he didn't turn his eyes to Yi Xiaotian for the first time, but looked at Jia Xu dully, his eyes were full of nostalgia, as if he was saying - dear, I'm about to lose you.

From Cao Cao's point of view, betting with Brother Yi would be like eating arsenic and then hanging yourself—you must die!


Finally, Cao Cao let out a long sigh, full of helplessness.

He wanted to cry suddenly, and his mood was very contradictory - he wanted Brother Yi to help guide the maze, but he didn't want to lose the old poison Jia Xu!

"Brother Yi, Jia is always joking with you. As for this bet... I can't take it..."

Cao Cao wanted to say that he couldn't take it seriously, he couldn't take it seriously...

Yi Xiaotian directly toasted him with a bowl of wine without ever thinking that the voice had not blurted out. "Brother, I forgot, you have to be a witness for this bet!"

After speaking, Yi Xiaotian drank a bowl of wine, and this bet was completely established.


Cao Cao wanted to cry but had no tears. He patted his forehead and calmed down. Whether or not he lost Jia Xu seemed to be irrelevant.

After all, the most urgent task at the moment is the information of the eastern border of Xuzhou, and it is to seek the eastern border of Xuzhou.

"Brother Yi, just as Jia Lao said, this time Cao Cao is in a big trouble!"

Cao Cao waved his hand and explained in detail. "Before, Cao Cao finally managed to turn against Hao Meng, one of Lu Bu's eight generals, and let him be his own eye, constantly sending in information... However, this Hao Meng was eager to make a contribution, and directly and openly defected... This is good, not only did it not cause serious damage Lu Bu, on the contrary, has caused Lu Bu to be on the alert a lot, and if you want to install eyeliners and turn against the enemy generals, I am afraid it will be extremely difficult!"

Cao Cao told Yi Xiaotian about the Hao Meng incident.

Then, he let out a long sigh. "Brother Yi, you also know that this battle is actually fighting intelligence. Now we know nothing about the eastern border of Xuzhou and Lu Bu, so it's like a blind man? How can we plan the whole territory of Xuzhou, how can we completely defeat Xuzhou? What about Lu Bu?"

Cao Cao mentioned Lu Bu several times, and Yi Xiaotian poked his head outside the door...

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