In this way, the initiative will be firmly in your own hands. If you don't do this, you will lose the opportunity.

This unique insight can be said to be straight to the point.

If Yuan Shao really accepted Tian Feng's suggestion, Cao Cao would be in danger...

Not to mention that the main force was entangled by Zhang Xiu in Wancheng, even if Cao Cao's main force was in Xudu, Yuan Shao's army was much stronger than Cao Cao's.

What's more terrible is that the place where Cao Cao is located is the place of four battles, surrounded by hostile forces, none of Lu Bu, Zhang Xiu, Liu Biao, Liu Bei is a fuel-efficient lamp!

With a wave of Yuan Shao's arm, the big guys will join forces to attack Cao Cao...

If this is the case, even if Cao Cao has ten emperors in his hands, he can't stand it!

Can be…

Yuan Shao's "big aunt"-like personality is not quite the same as the girls' "big aunt", and his passion comes and goes quickly.

After calming down, Yuan Shao, who entered the time of the sage, felt that this matter was unreliable, and hesitated again. After all, there was a Gongsun Zan behind him, right?What if he went to rob the emperor and Gongsun Zan went to copy his hometown, wouldn't it be over?

Just such a hesitation... This matter was delayed.

However, this proposal was spread out, and it was because several soldiers defected to Xudu, and brought the news along the way, and even scared Xun Yu and Xun Lingjun.

To put it bluntly, this is false information, a false rumor, and a huge oolong.

Yi Xiaotian, who wants to understand this, slapped his mouth and put his chin in his hands...he was thinking?How do you explain it to brother lie?It can't be a dog lifting the curtain - all with one mouth, right?


Where can I find any clues that Yuan Shao decided not to go south?

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian's eyes rolled -

—Hey, there it is!



Chapter [-] Shrinking turtle, it's time to come out and bask in the sun

"Brother Yi, why don't you talk!"

Seeing that Yi Xiaotian was lost in thought, Cao Cao hurriedly patted him on the shoulder. To be honest, he was in a hurry. The three armies were still on the front line. No matter what, he had to hurry back.

"Hidden brother, I was thinking..." Yi Xiaotian put his chin in one hand. "I'm thinking, if Yuan Shao goes south, how will he go south? What will his route be? Where will he get the news first?"

call out…

This series of questions, like a combination of punches, directly confused Cao Cao...

First, how did Yuan Shao go south?

That is naturally... to cross the river first, whether it is Sili or Yanzhou, there is a rolling Yellow River across from Jizhou where Yuan Shao is located, so it will not fly over from the Yellow River!

So the second question, what will the route be?

... This is obvious, definitely go to Guandu Port!

Wouldn't it be possible to make a surprise attack on Xudu, and make a big circle to give Cao Cao all the time to evacuate?

and many more…

Thinking of this, Cao Cao suddenly realized a problem, and this problem is precisely the third question raised by Yi Xiaotian - which place will get the news first?

This question suddenly surfaced, and Cao Cao's forehead had two big characters - Guandu!

That's right, if there is a place that will get the news of Yuan Shao's southward first, it must be Guan, Guan, Guan, Guandu...

Think how big this is.

Yuan Shao intends to make a surprise attack on Xudu, it must be the first time to dispatch troops, and then attack Guandu with lightning speed... and then go straight to Xudu!

But the problem is precisely here.

The news that Yuan Shao went south came from Xuducheng, not from Guandu...

In other words, Guandu was safe and sound, Yuan Shao did not dispatch troops, and there was no sign of Chen's troops crossing the river.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao raised his eyebrows suddenly.

Huh... He took a long breath. Yuan Shao made a surprise attack on Xudu, and there was no news from Guandu. There was only one truth - it was fake news!


Cao Cao You felt scared, but thanks to Cao Ren's reminder, he thought of Brother Yi, and rushed to this Youjian Villa, and had such a chat with Brother Yi.

Otherwise, wouldn't he have to ruin the good situation on the front line because of this fake news? What's more, he would have to let Zhang Xiu chase and beat him...

This is a special cat, when he fled back to Xudu in a hurry, and found out that the news was false, who should he reason with Cao Cao?

Suddenly, Cao Cao had the urge to curse...

In the end, he held back in front of Yi Xiaotian, he is a well-mannered person, and he has to control his emotions.

"Brother Yi, you asked these three questions well!"

Cao Cao couldn't help but speak, and at the same time, his arm rested heavily on Yi Xiaotian's shoulder...

It seems that I am especially excited... I didn't care to control the strength on my arm, and almost pushed Yi Xiaotian to the ground.

"Brother lie, you are so strong..." Yi Xiaotian complained repeatedly...

This time, Cao Cao realized that he had lost his way, and hurried to hold up Yi Xiaotian's arm. "Brother Yi, I didn't pay attention, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

"Brother? Has your problem been solved?" Yi Xiaotian asked while waving his arms.

"Haha... It's resolved, it's resolved!" Cao Cao's expression became incomparably relieved. "Fake, the news that Yuan Shao went south is fake news!"

Huo... Brother Hide's IQ is very online!

Yi Xiaotian was a little surprised, originally thinking about it, he had to explain it a little more.

I never thought about it, I threw out the three questions, and I figured it out by myself. Sure enough, those who can do big business are smart people.

"Brother Hide if you can figure it out." Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly.

Cao Cao bowed his hands and bowed... "Brother Yi, since I have figured it out, I will retire first. Cao Cao is still waiting for my news!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao's tone became a little excited. "When I go back and tell him the news, it's time to stop the soldiers from digging dangerous roads. It's time to confront Zhang Xiu head-on!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao ordered Cao Ren to lead the horse, and it was time to go back and prepare for a decisive battle.

Unexpectedly, just as Cao Cao turned around, Yi Xiaotian hurriedly stopped him. "Brother lie, why do you stop digging dangerous roads?"

ah... ah...

Cao Cao didn't come back to his senses for a while, isn't this... no need to evacuate?Why spend so much time digging dangerous roads?

It wasn't that he couldn't beat Zhang Xiu.

It's just that Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao are now huddled on the Anzhong Mountain like tortoises, which is quite troublesome... However, since Xu is all safe, Cao Cao intends to spend it with them, so there is no need to leave any way out.

"Brother Yi? Cao Cao's temperament is... As long as he can advance, he will never retreat. Now the situation is very good. It is reasonable to say that there is no need to spend a lot of time digging dangerous roads. Are you ready to retreat?"

"Hidden brother, that's not what I meant!"

Yi Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, and immediately put his mouth to Cao Cao's ear, and he deliberately lowered his voice. "Brother, didn't you think that this dangerous road is an excellent place for a decisive battle?"

Um... the risky way?decisive battle?

Cao Cao was startled...

According to his idea, the dangerous road is only a secret evacuation function, how can it become a decisive battlefield?

"Brother Yi? What do you mean? Would Zhang Xiu be stupid enough to fight Cao Cao on a dangerous road?"

This idea has just been proposed... Cao Cao shook his head suddenly again, and his tone became more and more certain. "Even if Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao would be so stupid, but Jia Xu is so wise, he will never let them enter a dangerous battle!"

This time, Cao Cao paid extra attention to Jia Xu.

Dangerously, this was dug by Cao Cao.

What's in ambush?What agency is there?Everything is unknown, forced entry, this is not yellow mud crotch - not dead or dead!

How wise is Jia Xu?How could it be so naive?With him around, the decisive battle in the dangerous road is just wishful thinking.

Cao Cao just read here...

"Brother lie is right, according to common sense... Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao will indeed not fight Cao Cao in the dangerous road, but they will pursue Cao Cao, and they will pursue Cao Cao in the dangerous road!"

Yi Xiaotian's words came out one after another.

"If Cao Cao can receive the news of Xu Ducheng's request for help, then there must be some meticulous work to bring this news to Zhang Xiu, Liu Biao, and Jia Xu... At that time, they will only think that Cao Cao is really digging dangerous roads. Evacuate, how can you suspect that there is an ambush in the dangerous road?"

"As for Jia Xu, under the circumstance that the information is accurate, he just wants to stop it? Can he stop it? It's just..."

Speaking of which, Yi Xiaotian deliberately sold a slap in the face, obviously he still has something to say.

But even the words before this pass were enough to shock Cao Cao.

A good move will be counted…

Cao Cao realized that he could use the fake news from Xu Ducheng to pretend to evacuate and induce Zhang Xiu to enter the dangerous battle!

It seems so.

Even if Xu Ducheng's news is fake, after Brother Yi's deployment, the fake is more useful than the real one... Even, this will become the key to defeating the alliance of Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao.

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful..."

Cao Cao exhaled a long breath, the emotions in his heart were beautiful and difficult to speak.

Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao are like tortoises with their heads shrunk, holding up the free-for-war card, can't they hold on to it?

After such a toss, they are really turtles, and they have to come out to bask in the sun... Chasing the enemy and attacking the temptation of "reservoir dogs", no one can stand it, right?

"Hahahaha" Cao Cao burst into laughter for a while.

and many more…

But soon, Cao Cao thought of something, right... Brother Yi hasn't finished speaking yet?Brother Yi also sold a pass?

So, what is this juncture?

Cao Cao was full of curiosity for a while.


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