"Brother Yi... is just an ordinary Hu businessman? You are so serious about introducing things. Come to think of it, Brother Yi values ​​his special abilities, right?" Cao Cao asked with great interest...

"That's right, this little spy is very capable..." Yi Xiaotian's eyes widened in vain. "Brother, do you know? How did the little spy transport the more than [-] horses seized by Mandu Ling?"

"Brother Yi, talk about it?" Cao Cao was curious...

"I had a chat with this Hu Shang, and only then did I know that now he has cleared the checkpoints along the way from the north to the Central Plains... This passes through Gongsun Zan's territory, Yuan Shao's territory, and countless bandits and robbers, but it's just that He has the ability to transport Huma here!"

Yi Xiaotian explained in detail…

Huh... Cao Cao immediately felt a little taste.

Now that the world is in chaos, let alone selling horses from Hudi to the Central Plains, it’s not bad that people can survive just here!How could the horses along the way not be looted?

But this little spy was stunned to pass through the territory of several major princes, and crossed the territory of countless bandits and rogues, and transported the horse safely... This...

Cao Cao Deng thinks this Hu Shang and his horse supply together...

If this little spy can bring thousands of horses from Hudi, wouldn't it solve the big problem of fighting on the plains today!


Thinking of this, Cao Cao let out a long breath.

Brother Yi is absolutely amazing, this is a crooked fight, but it has solved his current big trouble!

With this in mind, I was about to open a bottle of wine to Brother Jing Yi...

and many more…

Suddenly, Cao Cao remembered that this might not be so simple.

It is one thing that Hu Shang can transport horses, but can Cao Cao buy them?Another thing!

You must know that the price of horses on the black market has soared to sky-high prices, and even this is priceless...

Not to mention that this Hu merchant was transported from a distant Hu land. If he opened his mouth, doubled the price, and added some harsh conditions, wouldn't Cao Cao be financially stretched again?

Even if a person lights wax, a ghost blows a lamp, goes to the tomb, fights, and earns a lot of money, it takes time...

Cao Cao frowned suddenly...

After all, it was the frequent wars that drove the price of horses to the sky...


Cao Cao recalled that Brother Yi didn't mention any business just now?Maybe it's the horse's business, right?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao hurriedly asked.

"Brother Yi? The lucrative business you mentioned earlier? Could it be the business of buying and selling Huma?"

"Brother lie is right!" Yi Xiaotian nodded heavily. "Isn't this the horse business!"

Yi Xiaotian's tone is firm, and his words are even more confident. It seems that he has already thought about all this!

"Brother Yi, let's hear it..." Cao Cao couldn't help asking. "This Hu Merchant Association is so kind? If he sells you a lot of horses at a low price, he won't put forward any conditions? As far as I know, their Hu people are the most treacherous... Now the Central Plains war horses are valuable and have no market. According to their style, even if It is to raise the price several times and add many harsh conditions, I am afraid it is not unexpected, right?"

Cao Cao throws his worries out in an instant...

The whole person also showed a sense of tension. After all, it was related to whether he could form a huge cavalry team, and whether he could feel the shame of Snow Wancheng!

On the other hand, Yi Xiaotian…

Compared with Cao Cao's nervousness and worry, Yi Xiaotian looked calm and calm...

The corners of his mouth grinned, and he smiled slightly, and then blurted out a sentence.

"Brother lie, of course this little spy has the conditions. He wants to buy something from our Central Plains and sell it in the wild. Speaking of which, this is a good thing, it can make people want to die, and float like a fairy... "

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian saw Cao Cao's face full of doubts, so he danced and gestured.

"Brother lie, don't believe it, once this thing gets on it, you will feel boring when the beauty who just came out of the bath is wrapped in a layer of veil that is about to come out..."



Chapter [-] Fertilizer water does not flow to outsiders' fields

What the hell?

Cao Cao's curiosity is bursting... What is it?Can you compare the beauties who just came out of the bath?

"Brother Yi, stop joking, is there such a good thing in this world?" Cao Cao waved his hand, he felt that Yi Xiaotian was bragging, and he was a little unbelievable at the moment. "Brother Yi, what are you talking about?"

"Cold Food San..."

Yi Xiaotian recited his name immediately, and then Yi Xiaotian added a short poem. "Three thousand big dreams, like reality and illusion, appearances are born from the heart, invisible and invisible!"

This is Buddhist scriptures...

In this era, the White Horse Temple was just emerging, and Buddhism was not yet popularized.

With such pretentious Buddhist words, Yi Xiaotian came with his mouth open, but Cao Cao felt unfathomable!

Without waiting for Cao Cao to think about it, Yi Xiaotian's words came out one after another.

"People in this world live too hard. We Han people suffer, and Hu people suffer too. Without exception, in this environment, anything that is illusory and dreamy can make people forget the pain for a short time. Everything, everyone will rush to it..."

"Han Shi San is also known as Wu Shi San. After eating it, the body feels unbearably hot and flutters like a fairy, as if it has reached the peak of the blissful world, and it brings people infinite ethereal and fantasy."

Speaking of which...

Yi Xiaotian couldn't help but recall that in the process of studying the history of Wei and Jin Dynasties through ancient books and documents, he discovered a very strange phenomenon.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, it was fine.

But in the later period of Cao Wei, Western Jin, Eastern Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties, famous nobles were proud of taking Hanshi Powder. If someone didn't know how to play this stuff, everyone would laugh at you as a country bumpkin.

It was an age of entertainment to death…

Celebrities and nobles gave up all ideals and aspirations, gave up insisting on moral conduct, and were only willing to pursue that illusory feeling.

Yi Xiaotian was deeply impressed. A few years later, once Hanshisan became popular, everyone in the party salon would wear wide robes and big sleeves. As soon as they entered the door, they would start taking drugs without saying a word.

Gradually, after the onset of the drug effect, some people screamed in the sky, some people began to run wildly, and more people began to think about the true meaning of life as if they had entered the "sage" time.

"Everything in the world is false, and our existence is just an illusion."

"Where did we come from and where are we going?"

"Who am I? Where am I going?"

"Which came first, the chicken? or the egg?"

"No no no... The world is delusional. How can there be chickens, and where do the eggs come from?"

Immediately afterwards, such a ridiculous argument began...

Yi Xiaotian knew that the so-called Wei Jin Fenggu was a disease, that is, suffering from this disease called Hanshisan.

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian's tone became more serious... "Brother Hide, haven't you heard of this Cold Food Powder?"


Cao Cao thought for a while, and speaking of it, it could not be said that he had never been in contact with him.

Some people from the bottom paid tribute to this stuff, and some civil and military officials also smoked it. Cao Cao also tried to smoke some. You remember the feeling at that time, just like what Yi Xiaotian said, fluttering like a fairy, the key is that there are special **…

and many more…

This feeling seems so familiar.

No, it seems that after the banquet in Wancheng, Cao Cao's whole body is unbearably hot, that's how it feels.

Is it...

In an instant, a bold idea suddenly surfaced.

Is it?That night when Zhang Xiu rebelled?She was smitten and occupied Zhang Xiu's aunt, Mrs. Zou, not only because of drunkenness, but also because of this cold food powder?

If this is really the case...then...it's very scary to think about it, could it be that this is also a part of Jia Xu's plan, so poisonous Jia Xu!

Cao Cao couldn't help but let out a sigh...

In fact, that night, Jia Xu really asked someone to add a little amount of cold food powder to Cao Cao's wine.

This was part of his precise plan. Although it was not the main reason for Cao Cao's occupation of Madam Zou, it played an excellent role in fuelling the flames. As a man, if he lost his mind, he would naturally act as he wanted.

Jia Xu was right, this was the last straw to force Zhang Xiu to rebel.

"Brother Yi, this Cold Food Powder is extremely dangerous!"

Cao Cao recalled the general manager here and couldn't help but sigh. "It can wipe out people's minds, make people lose their minds, and even destroy people's bodies. It's a terrible drug!"

"Brother lie is right!"

Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian put his head in front of Cao Cao's face. "But the Hushang's 'little spy' offered our Huma at a low price precisely to help him buy a large amount of Hanshi Powder..."

Finally got to the crux of the problem, Yi Xiaotian's tone became very excited.

call out…

Cao Cao was startled, but soon his mood calmed down.

Are even Hu people addicted to this cold food powder?

If this thing spreads in Hudi, then... the bodies of those strong men in Hudi will completely collapse.

Cao Cao was a little sympathetic at first, but soon, he realized that the Hu people are aliens, and the lives of aliens have a hammer relationship with him?

It would be better if all the Hu people fell ill. At that time, he would pacify the north and take advantage of the situation to wipe out the Hu people.

Want them to always loot on the border, special meow, the injustice has the first debt and the owner, it is not that the time is not yet arrived!

Besides, just taking the poison of Hanshisan to exchange for Huma, this is simply a pie from the gods—a great good thing!

"Brother Yi, what you said is true!" Cao Cao urgently asked Yi Xiaotian. "Hu people are the most cunning, don't be deceived by them!"

"Deceiving?" Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly. "Dare he?"

Speaking of which, Yi Xiaotian patted his chest with a confident look. "Brother lie, I've already discussed with the little spy, we'll prepare cold food powder here, he will deliver the Huma there, and when he arrives at Xudu, he will pay with one hand and deliver with the other hand. If he dares to play badly, even if it is me If he can't kill him, Cao Cao has to kill him too!

Ah... Cao Cao?

Cao Cao was startled, he had a feeling that he was also shot while lying down. "Brother Yi? How could Cao Cao kill him?"

As soon as this question was thrown, Yi Xiaotian smiled, and he lightly patted Cao Cao on the shoulder.

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