
Chapter [-] For the skyrocketing value, Jia Lao fights hard

Wancheng, a tea stall near the government office.

Jia Xu, dressed in a black robe as usual, sat at a table drinking tea, listening to people coming and going discussing current affairs.

The first-hand news of Xu Ducheng has come back...

To be honest, Jia Xu was a little surprised.

It was not because of anything else. When Cao Cao led his army back to Xudu, the soldiers of the three armies strode with their heads high and imposing.

Does this look like a bit of a rout?

People who don't know, think they have won a big victory!

Hearing this news, Jia Xu's eyes narrowed into slits, and he muttered to himself. "

Cao Sikong, I don't know, are you the best?Or is there someone else who is tall by your side!It is not easy to restore the morale of the defeated soldiers in such a short period of time! "

Just chant here...


A rough voice came.

Zhang Xiu hurried over before he could take off his armor, looking a little dejected...

Alas... He clenched his fist and slammed into the desk.

"...I thought I could wipe out Cao Cao in one fell swoop? I never thought about it, but he ordered people to dig deep trenches on the main road and set up a battle, but I was defeated on my side!"

Hearing Zhang Xiu's words, Jia Xu nodded meaningfully, and Cao Cao really avoided this disaster.

This was expected. After all, Jia Xu didn't even think about taking Cao Cao's life, but...

"Cao Cao has an expert beside him!" Jia Xu murmured, this time his tone became firm.

"Master?" Zhang Xiu sat opposite Jia Xu. "How can you see sir?"

Speaking of this topic, Jia Xu slowly stood up, put his hands behind his back, and muttered.

"Originally, our strategy was foolproof. Coupled with the carelessness of Cao Cao, the horses in Cao's camp were tightly controlled, but how could three iron-clad horses rush out of the sky to let Cao Cao escape and ascend to heaven?"

"There is also Dian Wei. Logically speaking, he is the first general of Cao's camp, and he must be toasted at the banquet. In the end, he should have been unconscious. How could he be born? In the chaotic battle, he rushed out of thin air, and even blocked hundreds of General Zhang's iron cavalry with his own strength!"

"Also, since Cao Cao's army entered Wancheng, Cao Cao's eldest son Cao Ang has been closely watching our every move and found that the momentum was not right. He even let Cao Cao's son Cao Pi and Cao Cao's nephew Cao Anmin evacuate first? This eldest son is only eighteen or nineteen years old, how could he have such insight? Everything he did... I'm afraid..."

Speaking of this, Jia Xu paused for a while... and then looked up to the sky.

With a long sigh.

"All of this must have been deployed in advance by an expert. The entire situation in Wancheng is being manipulated by an invisible hand?"

call out…

Jia Xu's words surprised Zhang Xiu.

Terrified to think about...

He was still pondering, after Cao Cao entered Wancheng, he was the general who hooked up with him, and he was also occupying his aunt, how could he have the time to deploy?

In a rush to fight, it should have collapsed at the touch of a button, but, every time Cao Cao must die, there will always be a turning point!

Whether it was Dian Wei's bravery due to the evil of ancient times, or the eldest son, Cao Ang, who was like an iron-clad horse descending from the sky, it seemed that someone was really making a deliberate deployment or instructing him in advance.

But... but why?

How could this fall and retrial be predicted in advance?

Even Zhang Xiu made his decision at the last minute!Who has the ability to deploy in advance before the incident, and take precautions before it happens?

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Xiu’s back was sweating coldly. If there was such a hidden dragon in Cao Cao’s camp, it would become more and more troublesome.

"Military... this..."

Zhang Xiu wanted to say something, but when the words reached his mouth, his throat choked up, unable to speak.

He especially felt that this matter was too mystical, and knew his thoughts in advance?This is simply incredible!

"General Zhang, don't think too much. Although we have severely damaged Cao Cao this time, Cao Cao's background is still there. The most urgent task is to take precautions in advance!"

Jia Xu simply avoided this topic...

Although he avoided his mouth, he was really eager to try. He wanted to fight against this Qianlong in Caoying!

With this in mind, Zhang Xiu took out a thick bamboo slip from his bosom, which recorded the topographic map around Wancheng, which was specially drawn by Jia Xu.

"General Zhang, look, our main battlefield should be this An Zhongshan!"

Jia Xu pointed to a high mountain between Wancheng and Xudu, and laid out his plan in detail... "This An Zhongshan is easy to defend and difficult to attack, General Zhang only needs to do this... I expect that Cao Cao will go west for countless more expeditions. Again, it is in vain!"

Jia Xu said his plan sentence by sentence, but he had another thought in his heart.

In the battle of Wancheng, although it hurt Cao Cao, it did not hurt Cao Cao's heart. In the battle of An Zhongshan, his name Jia Xu must be deeply imprinted in Cao Cao's heart.

Only in this way will his worth double!

Of course, Jia Xu is also looking forward to it. Here, An Zhongshan will play against the Qianlong in Cao Ying.



Cao Cao returned to Xudu.

Leaving Cao Hong stationed in Nanyang County to confront Zhang Xiu...

Zhang Xiu is not stupid. Under Jia Xu's plan, he quickly expanded his victory and occupied Wuyin County, which was only [-] miles away from Xudu City, and suppressed Cao Hong to Yexian, the northernmost area of ​​Nanyang County.

Now, Zhang Xiu's troops have seriously threatened Xuducheng...

The dynasty was full of fear, and the people were in chaos.

Cao Cao is also thinking about a question, how to deal with Zhang Xiu?how to spell?How to fight?

The rout of the battle of Wancheng was certainly due to Cao Cao's careless underestimation of the enemy, but Xiliang's iron cavalry still caused a strong impact on Cao Cao's infantry army.

In the field, Cao Cao had no confidence in his infantry, but if he used cavalry, where would he find so many war horses?

Not to mention, the price of a war horse in the Central Plains has soared to sky-high prices. Even if Cao Cao wanted to buy some, no matter whether it was a horse dealer or a black market businessman, there was no reserve at all.

In turbulent times, horses are so sought after!

When he thought of this, Cao Cao frowned...

"Xun Lingjun? Is there no way to raise horses?" Cao Cao asked Xun Yu in desperation...

The question of Ma was a big one. It was related to his revenge, and even more to his shame. Cao Cao asked very solemnly.

But unfortunately, things backfired.

"No way." Xun Yu shook his head helplessly.

During this time, Xun Yu could not see Cao Cao's thoughts.

Even if he didn't say it, Cao Cao was holding back his anger!

I haven't lost so much in these years. Cao Cao dreams of being ashamed...

But to be ashamed, fighting on the plains, cavalry is the top priority.

For this reason, Xun Yu tried every means to find horses. However, it backfired. Even if he was going to charge a sky-high price, there was no suitable war horse on the market!

For this reason, Xun Yu was also worried that he could not sleep at night.

"Unexpectedly, the problem of food and grass is no problem, and the morale of the three armies is no problem, but I, Cao Cao, are so troubled by the mere horses!" Cao Cao stroked his forehead with one hand...

In fact, this period of time is not entirely bad news. For example, Xu Duling Man Chong intercepted a batch of Hu Shang's horses. There were more than [-] horses. They were all adult and well-trained horses.

But... the number is too small, a mere [-] horses, not to mention urgent, just a little panic is not enough...

Every time I think of this, Cao Cao is also quite helpless!

"Xun Lingjun, raise the price twice and go to the black market to ask." Cao Cao was helpless. In the purchase of horses, he was not short of money...

Xun Yu also waved his hands helplessly. "Don't say twice, I've called out three times, but so far, no trader has been able to get a horse!"

At this point, this topic is completely dead.

But at this time.

"Duke Cao, Lord Xun Ling..."

The sound of Tatata's footsteps sounded, but when he saw outside the courtyard, Xu Du made Man Chong rush towards him.

"Xu Duling, is there any important case involved?" Cao Cao turned around and asked...

He was puzzled, and Man Chong came to him, [-]% of the case was a major case, and what important minister was to be sentenced.

It's just that Cao Cao doesn't seem to be in this mood today...

"It's not a case, it's a strange thing!" Man Chong waved his hand immediately and explained in detail. "Before leaving office, more than [-] horses belonging to a Hu merchant were detained. Duke Cao knew it. Just this morning, a man who claimed to be the owner of these horses came to ask for it. He claimed that these horses were all horses. For his, he also took out the Maqi that Hu Shang sold him as evidence."


Cao Cao was stunned. Is he still short of war horses?Dare to be affectionate, someone else hit him with the idea of ​​​​the war horse.

So bold?This man, is it funny that the monkey invited me?

But... after careful consideration, Cao Cao felt that this was not right.

If it is an ordinary rogue, Xu Du will order the scoundrel to drive it away?Why, come here to ask him Cao Cao for instructions?

Just thinking of this, Man Chong's words came out one after another.

"Duke Cao, it stands to reason that this matter should not be reported to you, but the man who came to ask for the horse is the shopkeeper of a liquor store - Yi Xiaotian!"

Ah... the shopkeeper of a liquor store, Yi Xiaotian?Brother Yi?

Cao Cao was shocked?Why is it Yi brother?

In an instant, Cao Cao was at a loss for the second monk Zhang.

Why did Brother Yi come to ask for a horse?How did these Humas become his?


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