"Xu Duling? Are you still fighting?"

You Tingwei hurried to Man Chong.In fact, Tingwei's inquiry was just a routine matter.

Every time he faced his inquiry, Xu Duling, who was stubborn and could not tolerate sand in his eyes, made Xu Duling full of favor, and his answer was often three words - keep typing!This time, probably no exception, right?

"By the way..." Ting Wei suddenly remembered something and whispered in a low voice. "Xu Duling, Taiwei Yang just mentioned one more sentence, saying that he is going to retire and return home!"

咻...return to old age!

This sentence just blurted out, Man Chong's expression seemed to loosen, and then his eyes narrowed slightly, and he reached out to signal that he should stop fighting.

After doing this, he didn't say a word and walked directly to the Sikong Mansion.



Xu Capital City, Sikong Mansion.

At this time, Cao Cao was restless. According to Yi Xiaotian's intention, he handed Yang Biao to the upright Man Chong.

But now, he has some regrets. He is afraid that this ruthless Xu Duling will torture him one by one, and Yang Biao will not be able to bear it... If this guy is really dead, then it will be worth the loss!

huh... huh...

Panting again and again, Cao Cao paced left and right, and his heart was very turbulent.

But at this time.

The sound of Tatata's footsteps sounded, and Xu Duling Man Chong came.

"My lord..."

Just walking into the hall, Man Chong bowed his hands.

"My lord, Yang Biao has been sentenced several times, and now he is dead and alive, but he still hasn't confessed any crimes! This old guy has some reputation. If we can't get the evidence to convict him, we will lose. People's hearts, if this is the case, I am afraid it will not be good for our future development, I hope the lord thinks twice!"


This word came out.

Cao Cao was relieved... He was waiting for Man Chong's words. Now that the punishment has been punished, and the deterrence has been established, it is easy to say as long as he does not die.

What's more, Xu Duling Man Chong tried the case in person. Man Chong's reputation for being just and unjust was known to the public and the public. He said that he was innocent, that is, he was really innocent.

"Since you're innocent, let it go!" Cao Cao ordered, thinking in his heart, this time, did the guy suffer?

"Here!" Man Chong bowed his hands and seemed to think of something again. "In prison, Yang Biao told the lower official that he was too old to be a captain, and hoped that Cao Sikong would allow him to retire and return home!"

This sentence blurted out, Cao Cao's body was shocked, and the whole body was also shaken...

Resign and quit, okay!

This time, the purpose is completely achieved.

Sure enough, the Man Chong recommended by Yi Xiaotian did not disappoint him, the job was done just right!

In an instant, Cao Cao thought of what Yi Xiaotian had mentioned - put on socks first and then shoes, be a brother first and then a grandfather!

After Yang Biao left, Cao Cao could finally become a grandfather!

Haha... The feeling of being a "grandfather" is really wonderful.



Yang Biao was released from prison, and he wanted to return to his hometown of Hongnong.

After Yang Xiu thanked Yi Xiaotian, he went back to his hometown with his father.

Before leaving, his father Yang Biao's hoarse voice did not forget to instruct his son. "We owe the shopkeeper of a liquor store a life. When my father gets better, you have to come and repay him!"

Next, the two took a carriage and drove to Hongnong.

Yang Biao's ending seems to be settled like this. To be honest, his ending doesn't seem to be important.

The important thing is that the position of Taiwei is now vacant, and at the same time, Zhao Wen, the Situ, is also afraid of following Yang Biao's footsteps and voluntarily resigns. Now, the third prince, who is the greatest threat to Cao Cao in the DPRK, is no longer a problem.

And Cao Cao also began his drastic adjustment of court personnel. In the next month, Cao Cao placed his own people in important positions.

Whether it is the emperor or the imperial court, they have been completely emptied, and it seems that they are only decent.

At the same time, the proud Cao Cao began to dispatch troops and horses, and he aimed directly at Zhang Xiu in Wancheng...

In Cao Cao's view.

As Brother Yi said, it's time for the three armies to press over and accept his surrender.

Of course, Cao Cao became more and more interested in the beautiful Madam Zou, who knew the general situation and took care of the overall situation, and Jia Xu, who was so important to Brother Yi!

Especially Mrs. Zou.

For some reason, when he thinks of her, Cao Cao's heart is particularly throbbing. This is probably the so-called "wife" plot!



On the outskirts of Xudu, there is a private school.

"The students came here specially to say goodbye to Mr...."

Respectfully, it was Cao Ang, the eldest son of Cao Cao.

Under Cao Cao's instruction, and because of the Yang Biao incident, he saw the power of Mr. Yi Xiaotian.

Today's Cao Ang, whether there is a private school or not, he will come to learn from Yi Xiaotian and ask for advice. Even if Yi Xiaotian doesn't have time, Cao Ang will follow behind him and do what he can.

Yi Xiaotian also made an exception to accept him, Sima Yi, and Yang Xiu as closed disciples.

To be honest, among the three disciples, Yi Xiaotian likes the filial and kind Cao Ang the most.

Contact with Cao Ang is full of the sense of sight of "less routine, more sincerity".

"This time, are you going to go with the army?" Yi Xiaotian asked...

"My father asked me, my second disciple Huan, and my cousin An Min to accompany the army together this time, saying that he wanted us to see the real battlefield." Cao Ang replied...

The Zihuan in his words is Cao Cao's second son Cao Pi, and Anmin is Cao Cao's nephew Cao Anmin...

This year, Cao Pi was only eleven years old!

"That's it!" Yi Xiaotian thought thoughtfully.

For some reason, his mind always recalled the tragedy of the Battle of Wancheng in history...

Although he told Cao Cao through his brother's mouth this time, telling him to stay away from women and be careful about Jia Xu, for some reason, his eyelids kept jumping.

"Zixiu (Cao Ang's brand name), sir, I have specially explained a few words to you now, you must memorize them clearly."

Yi Xiaotian was still worried, he pulled Cao Ang to his side and reminded in a low voice. "First of all, after entering Wancheng, no matter what, you must send someone to look after Zhang Xiu's military advisor-Jia Xu!"

"Jia Xu?" Cao Ang repeated the name... "Sir? Why should you keep an eye on him?"

"I can't explain a sentence or two." Facing Cao Ang's question, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand, but he didn't bother to explain too much. "Just do as I say, sir, there is a reason here!"

Hearing this, Cao Ang nodded...

Seeing him like this, Yi Xiaotian continued to remind him. "If there is any movement in Jia Xu or Zhang Xiu's three armies, don't think too much, and don't ask anyone for instructions, immediately ride a horse to find your father and escape directly from Wancheng!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian seems to feel that something is missing.

"By the way, whether it's day or night, you must have three fast horses by your side, in case something goes wrong..."

"Also, you must pay close attention to Dian Wei, the leader of the Hu Ben Army. No matter what the situation is, don't let him get drunk and greedy, let alone let his halberds leave your side!"

Yi Xiaotian's tone was extremely serious, and he detailed all the threats he could think of...

In case, the story really follows the development of history and Wancheng surrenders and revolts, then there must be a horse first, and if there is a horse, there is hope of escape.

Historically, Cao Ang and Cao Anmin gave up their horses to Cao Cao, that is, gave up their hope of surviving to Cao Cao.

Secondly, Dian Wei's combat power must be maximized.

According to historical records, in this battle, Cao Jun was attacked by surprise, Dian Wei was still drunk, and even his halberds were killed.

Even so, with a pair of iron fists, he stopped hundreds of thieves in a daze. If he was awake and armed with a weapon in his hand, Bao Bu Qi could really lead Cao Cao to a bloody path and save him as much as possible. loss.

After giving these instructions, Yi Xiaotian took a long breath...

Be prepared and take precautions before they happen, that's all he can do.



Chapter [-]: The Careful Thoughts of the Poison Scholar Jia Xu

The golden horse and the iron horse, the general sword, and the momentum rumbled out of Xudu.

After purging the court, Cao Cao was satisfied.

His Yitian Sword and Qingfeng Sword came out of their scabbards, and the three armies opened up, and the soldiers pointed directly at Wancheng...

Two hundred miles away, Wancheng, which was only two hundred miles away from Xudu City, became a new battlefield.



Wancheng, Wenhe tea stall.

On the street not far from the Wancheng Government Office, there is a small tea stall about the size of the original restaurant in Suanzao County, Chenliu County.

The pedestrians coming and going here are like crucian carp crossing the river. Everyone chatted briefly, drank a few sips of tea, moistened their throats, and then they were ready to go.

The owner of the tea stall is an old man who is over half a hundred years old. He slightly arches his body, and he is very polite and smiling when he sees everyone.

But few people know that he is the number one poisoner of the Three Kingdoms, Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe...

As for this tea stall, it was just for him to inquire about the news from the south to the north.

Today, some of the guests are talking about the real thing of the moment.

"Have you heard? Cao Cao led his army to attack. I heard that there are a hundred thousand troops... The momentum is huge. This time, it is planned to capture Wancheng in one fell swoop!"

"You only know one, but you don't know the second, Cao Cao sent troops to cut off the grain route from Jingzhou to our side, the grain could not be transported in, and Wancheng would not be able to grow grain. , the sleepiness alone will make us sleepy!"

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