"For this Northern spear king, Liu Biao can be the gold lord, and Cao Cao can also be the gold lord, not to mention that Liu Biao used Zhang Xiu as a buffer belt, which is considered to be using Zhang Xiu. On the contrary, it is Cao Cao, who has no grudges against him, and holds the banner of the emperor, Zhang Xiu will probably be able to clear the situation very quickly, and directly lead all the troops and horses to surrender!"

Ah...this?Is this still possible?

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, and then... just surrendered so easily and comfortably?

No, there must be something wrong.

Cao Cao's mind changed sharply, Yi Xiaotian was right, Zhang Xiu would probably surrender if he thought so, but?Is his brain so transparent?Cao Cao couldn't even think of this level?Can he think of it?

With this in mind, Cao Cao shook his head violently. "Brother Yi, Cao Cao may not be able to figure out what you say about the situation. He Zhang Xiu, a military general, can analyze the situation so thoroughly, and can understand Liu Biao's conspiracy to use him? He can let go. Is everything transferred to Cao Cao?"


Cao Cao's words just blurted out, Yi Xiaotian said the word "can" with incomparable certainty.

"Brother lie, I know what you are worried about, Zhang Xiu really won't think of the boss in the middle, but there is one person who can think that this guy's ability to understand the situation is unparalleled, and his clever tongue is three inches. It's not bad, this guy is the number one big fool in this chaotic world!"

It seems that because of the mention of a very special character, Yi Xiaotian's eyes narrowed tightly, and the whole person's expression became much more serious.

"As long as this guy is there, Zhang Xiu will definitely recognize the situation, and Wancheng will definitely surrender! But the real crisis is hidden behind this surrender!"

Yi Xiaotian's tone became more and more meticulous.

This aura made Cao Cao very unfamiliar.

It seems that, so far, there has never been anyone who has made Brother Yi so valued!

Who will this special guy be?



Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Chapter Dances in Troubled Times, Jia Xu, Jia Wenhe

"Brother Yi? Who is he?" Cao Cao asked curiously...

"Jia Xu, Jia Wenhe!" Yi Xiaotian said his name without thinking. "Brother Hide may not know his name, but he must have heard of his deeds."

uh... deeds?

The name Jia Xu, Cao Cao has some impressions, seems to have been mentioned several times in the conversation with Yi brother in the past...

But specifically, Cao Cao can't remember clearly.

"Brother Yi? What happened to Jia Xu?" Cao Cao asked seriously.

Yi Xiaotian stood up slowly, walked slowly to the bedside, looked in the direction of Suanzao County, Chenliu County through the window, and murmured.

"Brother Concealer, he was in Suanzao County, Chenliu County in the past. I mentioned him specifically to you. At that time, Brother Concealer made a bet with me that after Lu Bu killed Dong Zhuo, he would be killed by Li Jue and Guo Si. The remnants of Xiliang, who were panicking like lost dogs, were defeated!"

call out…

Being reminded by Yi Xiaotian, Cao Cao suddenly recalled.

That's right, at that time he made this bet with Yi Xiaotian, lost a lot of money, and indirectly helped Brother Yi build a blacksmith shop!

According to Cao Cao's opinion, Lu Bu, who is unparalleled in the world in martial arts, defeated the remnants of Xiliang, who had been defeated.

However, in the end, Lu Bu was beaten by Li Jue and Guo Si and returned home, and the Xiliang advisor who dominated the entire battlefield was precisely Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe!

It's been too long since Cao Cao didn't care about things in the west, and Cao Cao almost forgot his name.

"Brother Yi, I remembered. At that time, Brother Yi had a very low opinion of this person!"

Cao Cao nodded thoughtfully, then stood up and took two steps left and right. "Brother Yi? Is this Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe in Wancheng now? Has he become Zhang Xiu's staff?"

When he asked these words, Cao Cao already knew the answer, he patted his forehead and added a sentence. "Brother Yi, I'm asking how did Jia Xu come to Wancheng? How did he become Zhang Xiu's staff!"

Now, recalling Jia Xu's unpredictable plan, Cao Cao is even more afraid of him, Zhang Xiu, and Wancheng...

This guy defeated the flying general Lu Bu with all the remaining soldiers, so it should not be underestimated.

"Brother lie, want to know?" Yi Xiaotian asked, squinting.

"I want to know." Cao Cao nodded. "I suddenly became very interested in this Jia Xu."

"That's good." Yi Xiaotian raised his hand. "Then I'll tell my brother in detail, what has Jia Xu experienced in the past few years? How wise is this guy's brain, and how foolish his mouth is!"

Yi Xiaotian took a sip of wine to moisten his throat before continuing.

"Since the emperor escaped from Chang'an and returned to the east, the Xuanwei general Jia Xu resigned and left Li Jue and Guo Si. He knew in his heart that it was because of his own words that Li Jue and Guo Si got in. Chang'an, he feels guilty for letting the emperor be a prisoner under house arrest. That's why he secretly helped the emperor escape the clutches of Li Jue and Guo Si, and then he quit!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused.

"Speaking of which, although Li Jue and Guo Si don't regard the emperor as a human being, they are still respectful to Jia Xu. After all, there is no Jia Xu, and they are afraid that they have already died in different places."

"Brother Yi? Listen to what you mean, Jia Xu is still a loyal minister!" Hearing this, Cao Cao asked thoughtfully.

"Half and half." Yi Xiaotian replied lightly. "Jia Xu has a 'view of right and wrong'. Thanks to him, the Jia family in Wuwei County has been nurtured by orthodox Confucianism since childhood."

Yi Xiaotian simply talked about Jia Xu's family and background.

It turned out that Jia Xu's ancestor was Jia Yi of the Western Han Dynasty.

In the famous "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng", "Qu Jiayi is in Changsha, there is no holy master; Liang Hong is in Haiqu, is there a lack of Ming Dynasty..." Jia Yi, who was a well-known political commentator and writer at that time.

Speaking of which, Jia Yi was under the tutelage of Zhang Cang, the prime minister of the Western Han Dynasty, and Zhang Cang was a close disciple of Xunzi, one of the three giants of Confucianism.

Being nurtured like this since childhood, naturally, the Confucian concept of loyalty to the emperor has long penetrated into Jia Xu's bone marrow...

Yi Xiaotian explained the details in detail.

Cao Cao was very interested when he heard it. He could not have imagined that there was such a orthodox Confucianism in Wuwei County.

"Brother Yi? Did Jia Xu go to Wancheng after leaving Li Jue and Guo Si? Went to Zhang Xiu's place?" Cao Cao asked curiously.

"No!" Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. "He first went to his hometown and was stationed in the army of Duan Xun, a small prince in Huayin County. Speaking of which, this section was originally Dong Zhuo's old division, but he was different from Li Jue and Guo Si. He attached great importance to his station. Production, caring for the people, when the emperor returned to the east, Duan Xun also gave the emperor food and clothing after passing through his territory!"


Cao Cao nodded.

Since Jia Xu is loyal to the monarch, and Duan Xun has such behavior again, it is understandable to defect to him, but...

Cao Cao scratched his head. "Brother Yi? Didn't he do well in Duan Xun's army? Why did he go to Zhang Xiu later? Could it be that Duan Xun doesn't respect him enough?"

"Respect? Of course I do! Jia Xu was not well-known in the Central Plains, but he was well-known in the Xiliang Army. How could Duan Xun and his subordinates disrespect Jia Xu? How long does it take to stay, then pack up and leave!"

Yi Xiaotian's words then came out...


Cao Cao couldn't understand it completely, and he was respected and famous, so why did he leave?

With this in mind, the eyes that looked at Yi Xiaotian became full of curiosity.

Seeing Cao Cao's expression, Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly. "This is where Jia Xu is brilliant! After a short contact, he found that Duan Xun has a characteristic—suspicious by nature. Now that Jia Xu is so popular in Huayin County, Duan Xun has already felt a threat. If Jia Xu stayed any longer, Duan Xun would definitely not be able to tolerate him!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian stretched out his hand, "On the contrary, when Jia Xu left, Duan Xun was very happy, not only gave him a lot of trouble, but also sent someone to take care of Jia Xu's family! Is the ability to understand the situation outstanding enough? Is it outstanding enough!"

Hu... Cao Cao exhaled lightly.

If it is said that helping Li Jue and Guo Si defeat Lv Bu is enough to prove Jia Xu's unparalleled strategy, then... these two resignations are more evidence of his excellent insight. Such a judgment on the overall situation, in Cao Cao's side, I am afraid Except for Brother Yi and Xun Yu, no one can match him.

Cao Cao suddenly became more appreciative of Jia Xu.

"Brother Yi? Then, Jia Xu chose Wancheng, where Zhang Xiu is located?"

Cao Cao asked.

But faintly he felt that something was wrong, tapped his forehead, and immediately asked.

"Brother Yi, why did Jia Xu have to defect to Zhang Xiu? At that time, the Son of Heaven was already in Cao Cao's hands. Whether it was strength or morality, shouldn't Jia Xu defect to Cao Cao? Woolen cloth?"

Cao Cao asked in one sentence, and his heart was especially puzzled...

Isn't he welcoming the emperor and the princes to make the world return to their hearts?Why can't it compare to Zhang Xiu in the attachment of people's hearts?The more I think about it, the more unpleasant I feel.


Yi Xiaotian turned around, this is a good question.

That's right, no matter where he thinks, Jia Xu should go to Cao Cao, but he chooses the weak and chooses the weak, and he chose Zhang Xiu, Cao Cao's good neighbor. There is a layer of reason...a reason that needs to be explained in detail.



Chapter [-] The real crisis

Why didn't Jia Xu vote for Cao Cao?

In response to this question, Yi Xiaotian immediately asked back. "Brother lie, let me ask you, how many advisors does Cao Cao have?"

Well this...

Cao Cao silently counted in his heart, Xun Yu, Xun You, Cheng Yu, Xi Zhicai, Zhong Yao, Mao Jie, Dong Zhao... There are so many who can be ranked first, and many more who can't be ranked.

"Why, there are more than ten or twenty!" Cao Cao blurted out an answer...

"This is incredible!" Yi Xiaotian spread his hands. "Wancheng Zhang Xiu doesn't have a single advisor. What he lacks most is a think tank who can make plans!"

Having said that, Yi Xiaotian took a step towards Cao Cao and said earnestly.

"Brother, Jia Xu, a guy who is insightful and resourceful, must be arrogant, he must be the head of a chicken rather than the tail of a phoenix. If he defected to Cao Cao, now Cao Cao's advisors are like clouds, and the core The think tank is mainly based on the talents of Yingchuan, doesn't he Jia Xu have to sit on the bench, when will he be able to survive?"

"It's Zhang Xiu, the lack of a strategist is the first, the recognition of Jia Xu is the second, as for the third, Zhang Xiu's uncle Zhang Ji and Jia Xu were once under Dong Zhuo's account, and they were brothers and comrades who had carried guns together. , Because of this relationship, Zhang Xiu will definitely respect Jia Xu as a senior, and obey him!"

Yi Xiaotian told Cao Cao what he knew in detail...

Cao Cao suddenly realized that, although there was still some uneasiness in his heart, he felt a lot better.

"No wonder... I never thought that Cao Cao's advisors, such as clouds, would become the main culprit that discouraged Jia Xu. Haha, it's really unpredictable!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao sighed for a long time. To be honest, he was chatting with Yi Xiaotian today, inexplicably... He developed an extremely strong interest in two lives, one is Zhang Xiu's aunt, who is knowledgeable, Gu The most beautiful woman in the overall situation - Mrs. Zou, the other is this Jia Xu Jia Wenhe, who has insight into the situation, is extremely resourceful, and dances wildly in this troubled time!

For a time, Cao Cao had an imagination, if this Mrs. Zou, this Jia Xu could earn it under his crotch, ah no... it was under his command, wouldn't it be sour?


Cao Cao suddenly recalled something.

His expression suddenly became a bit serious, "Brother Yi, you mentioned just now that Wancheng will surrender, but the real crisis is hidden after surrender? What does this mean?"

"Well, I'm worried that after Cao Cao surrenders at Zhang Xiu in Wancheng, he will not be able to handle several points, such as the surrender of the surrendered army, and the loyalty of the surrendered generals, and what I am most worried about is that Cao Cao will commit a total crime. Mistakes all men in the world make..."

Yi Xiaotian made no secret of his concerns and shared his concerns...

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