and many more!

According to Brother Yi, three plus three plus three is a [-]% win rate?Where is the other [-]%?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao asked anxiously. "Brother Yi? You just said three things, the weakness of Yuan Shu's camp, the strength of Cao Cao's hard power, and the blessing of the emperor's public opinion. In total, you have a [-]% chance of winning. What is the remaining [-]%?"

Asked here, Cao Cao's eyes lit up, and a big question mark suddenly appeared between his eyebrows.



Chapter [-] Cao Cao's Feet

"Cao Cao!"

Facing the question of Cao Cao's last chance of winning, Yi Xiaotian blurted out and pronounced the name "Cao Cao".


Suddenly being called by his name, Cao Cao was taken aback and thought he was recognized.

After all, the response was still quick, Cao Cao stroked his forehead, calmed down, and was about to ask.

Yi Xiaotian's words came one step after another.

"The last [-] percent of the winning percentage is Cao Cao himself!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian raised his hand and blurted out some serious words.

"To be honest, I admire Cao Cao. He is suspicious by nature, but he can use people without suspicion; he is obviously afraid of death, but he always leads the way; most importantly, he is particularly keen on pretending to be coercive, but he can deliberately The opportunity to pretend is left to the subordinates…”

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused.

"Comparing such a guy with Yuan Shu, it's just four words - a world of difference!"

"Yuan Shu fights him, it's like a mouse licking a cat's nose - nothing to get excited about; it's like a toad swinging on a swing - straight to the west; it's like a mouse jumping off a cliff - wanting to be Batman..."

Ebulliently, Yi Xiaotian did not hesitate to praise Cao Cao.

He is a fan of Cao Cao. Before crossing the road, it was because of his lectures that the broad masses of the people were liberated from the idea of ​​​​respecting Liu and demoting Cao in the interpretation. More and more people came to know Cao Cao, knew Cao Cao, and then liked Cao Cao.

And the origin of all this is because of Yi Xiaotian's admiration and admiration for the character Cao Cao!

Of course, Yi Xiaotian didn't know that the one in front of him was Cao Cao.

He also didn't know that the reason why Cao Cao was able to get to where he is today, in addition to his outstanding talents, he, Yi Xiaotian, also played a pivotal role.



Cao Cao?Is Brother Yi boasting about Cao Cao?

These compliments came to Cao Cao's ears. Cao Cao suddenly felt a sense of euphoria. In the past, he only admired Brother Yi's talent, but he never thought about it. In turn, Brother Yi also admired himself. What about yourself?

To tell the truth, to Cao Cao's status, this level, other people's boast and praise is actually not important.


It was Brother Yi who boasted and complimented him, the brother Yi whom he respected immensely.

A compliment from Yi Xiaotian, even ten words of the Son of Heaven's boast can't compare, for a time, Cao Cao's mood has a feeling of a surging sea.

"Brother Yi..."

Cao Cao waved his hand gently and said with a smile. "Actually, Cao Cao is not as good as Brother Yi said..."

After all, in front of Brother Yi, he had to be a little more modest, and Cao Cao gently stroked his beard.

"Brother Yi has never been in contact with Cao Cao, and most of them don't know. Actually, Cao Cao is like an ordinary person. He laughs when he is happy, tears when he is troubled, and also has worries and trivial matters. The situation created was in vain!"

Cao Cao also wanted to continue to be "humbly" for a while.

Yi Xiaotian waved his hand and interrupted his words.

"Brother lie, I know everything you said, but well, I also know one... This one is the most powerful thing about Cao Cao? It's his secret weapon!"

ah?The most powerful place?Secret weapon?

Cao Cao didn't think about it himself, what's so great about him?What's the secret weapon?

At the moment, Cao Cao put his head in front of Yi Xiaotian's mouth and asked. "Brother Yi? Are you talking about it? What is Cao Cao's secret weapon? I have a lot of contact with Cao Cao, but you can't fool me!"


Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian smiled lightly, and then asked a question. "Brother? Since you have been in contact with Cao Cao a lot? Then do you know what is the most 'white' in Cao Cao?"

White?White?Brother Yi asked about the luster of the skin?

uh... this?

Cao Cao was immediately stunned. Is he a fat black man?He is short in stature and compact in facial features, not to mention the fact that he was basking in the sun all day long, and he would never feel white again!

What is the whitest part of Cao Cao's body?

this problem?Cao Cao thought about it carefully. He didn't know it himself. He guessed that if he wanted to find the answer, he had to ask Mrs. Ding and Mrs. Bian tonight...

Just thinking of this, I saw Yi Xiaotian gently lift his leg, and then his shoes twisted.

At the same time, his words came out one after another.

"Brother lie, let me tell you! Cao Cao, the whitest part of his body is his feet!"

Ah... feet?feet?

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, and when he regained his senses, he subconsciously glanced at his feet. He really wanted to take off his shoes and foot-binding cloths in this wine shop, should he take a look now?Are your feet white?

In the end, reason still prevailed. Cao Cao's eyes turned back from his feet. It wasn't because he didn't dare to slippers, but because he was worried about the smell of his feet, which would affect the business of Brother Yi's restaurant!

"Brother Yi? Why are Cao Cao's feet the whitest?" Cao Cao couldn't help asking.

"Because of it!" Yi Xiaotian first sold out, then opened his mouth and smiled slightly, "Because Cao Cao's feet are always hidden in the shoes, not afraid of the wind, not afraid of the sun, the better you hide, the better your feet will be. White."

Speaking of this, seeing that Cao Cao was still pretending to be thoughtful, Yi Xiaotian smiled "haha" and stopped talking about this topic immediately.

He raised his hand slightly and pointed to the wine bowl on the table.

"Come on, lie brother, drink and drink!"



Xu Capital City, Sikong Mansion, Nei Zhai.

Rarely, Cao Cao didn't have much entertainment today, so he returned to the inner house very early to rest.

But what makes his wife, Mrs. Ding, very puzzled, is that Cao Cao is so strange today...

The wives and concubines of each hospital have changed a lot, and Cao Cao seems to have suddenly become confused, or even completely disinterested in women.

With the beauty on his side, he was stunned to sit still, but instead he kept staring at his feet.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Ding stretched out her thin hand and smelled it on the bridge of her nose. She could feel a smell, a sour smell, from far away!

Today, Lang Jun Cao Cao is afraid of being stunned?

"Sister Ding?"

Cao Cao's first concubine, Mrs. Bian, came in every step of the way. Because of Cao Cao's favor, the Sikong Mansion called her Mrs. Bian.

"Sister Bian is here."

Mrs. Ding frowned, she reached out and pointed gently into the room.

"Lang Jun has been staring at his feet since he came back to the house. No matter how I asked, he didn't answer. He just looked at it stupidly, as if he was stunned. My sister has always been the most liked by Lang Jun, so go and ask. Well, don't let him really be obsessed."

In ancient times, it was still very feudal.

Fear and fear of demons...

If a child prodigy who knew a thousand words at the age of three and recited poetry at the age of five came out of an ordinary common people's family, he would have to be burned to death as a demon!

Now Cao Cao stared intently at his feet, like this, it was a bit like a demon.

Hearing this, Mrs. Bian nodded, then lightly closed the door and walked in slowly...

It seems that it was precisely at this time that Cao Cao thought of something. He raised his head, noticed Madam Bian beside him, and asked abruptly...

"Madam? What do you think is white on me?"

ah... ah...

Mrs. Bian was stunned, this?Kind of hard to tell?

A swarthy pudgy?To tell the truth, he is not white at all?

I really want to answer it, I'm afraid I have to compare it carefully tonight!

Madam Bian just thought of this, but she never thought that Cao Cao's next sentence made her fall into an even more indescribable confusion.

"Madam? Come and see? My feet are always wrapped and hidden? Is it the whitest?"


Mrs. Bian wanted to cry, but it wasn't because of anything else, Cao Cao's feet stink!



Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-One The Dog Wants to Overstep, Suicide

Just a month...

The state of Chen, located between Xudu and Shouchun, was in chaos.

It's not just chaos, this time it's chaos.

This is the news that just came this morning.

And it was precisely this news that made Cao Cao, who was obsessed with studying his own feet, subconsciously stand up and lift his spirits.

In the words, Brother Yi said it again.

Cao Cao rushes to the government office all the time, it's time to carry out the next strategy!At the same time, Cao Cao was still immersed in indescribable shock.

Just as Brother Yi said, the mighty Chen State, Liu Chong, the valiant and adept lord of Chen State, and Luo Jun, the prime minister of the State of Chen who was good at governing the country, died unbelievably in the assassination of a little assassin.

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