Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 60: The devil Buu is resurrected! (under)

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When Sun Wukong saw Ma Yuan kicking the protective cover with a kick, he was suddenly happy. He felt that the invisible suppression of himself, and the secretly absorbing his power has become much weaker, at least not Will affect him chasing Babidi.

"Oh, Babidi!" Sun Wukong suddenly remembered his task and hurried towards Babidi.

Babidi screamed and ran away quickly. Now that he has lost his protection, Sun Wukong wants to catch him. Isn't that the same as playing?

"Sir Babidi!" Dapula, who was beaten by Sun Wufan outside, saw Sun Wukong chasing after Babidi, hurriedly used a mad attack to force Sun Wufan to continue to suppress, and then quickly The ground rushed to Babidi.

"Keep off!" Sun Wukong shouted. As soon as his body moved, Dapura was directly in front of him. No matter what method he used, he couldn't get rid of Dapura, he could only watch Babidi run. Far.

Ma Yuan didn't care about Babidi. The protective cover he used to be could not be broken in a short time, but he used the special qi in his body to play a magical effect, then...

"Perhaps, this force can also help Vegeta to get out of this magic circle?" Ma Yuan thought of it and took a step forward. He walked directly to Vegeta surrounded by purple tentacles.

Those purple tentacles seemed to feel threatened and frantically wanted to wrap Ma Yuan. They both hungered for the power of Ma Yuan and were very afraid of those forces that could destroy the outer protective cover.

"Hey, you ghosts are still fine." Ma Yuan smiled, his hands covered with a milky light, he waved a few times, and the purple tentacles that wanted to wrap up were broken. .

The purple tentacles knew it was impossible, and they could only retreat unwillingly. Wherever Ma Yuan passed, the purple tentacles were all let go, and those purple tentacles wrapped around Vegeta's body left quickly, revealing Vegeta's body.

Ma Yuan felt it and nodded slightly. "The breath is still there, but it seems that you don't want to fight anymore. That's fine, so you won't be controlled by the moire on your forehead."

Ma Yuan thought about it, trying to communicate the magic pattern with the milky white gas in his body, and then using the inclusiveness of this gas, trying to take out the magic pattern, after all, the protective cover and the purple tentacle are like this Restrained.

"Try to say it anyway, the situation can't be worse anymore." Ma Yuan thought calmly, and then put his hand on Vegeta's forehead.


"Huh?" Satan froze for a moment, and suddenly found that all the people around him, including Ke Lin and others, also rushed to the ring.

"These people didn't even wait for me to be a great hero?" Satan said angrily on his face, "I wouldn't go anymore, see how you end!"

Satan turned his head, and saw that those bold reporters had already come to his back, and was shocked by the cold sweat behind Satan.

"Mr. Satan, how can they be so disrespectful? Obviously, Mr. Satan, you are a man of great energy, and they even revenge on you?" Some reporters were unsettled for Satan.

They are also laypeople watching lively, they only hear the sound ringing, and the explosions of the light bombs, where can they see clearly Sharu their battle, the strongest in their hearts is Satan, without Satan restraint, where is So easy to win.

Not only did Satan not be embarrassed, but he also agreed with himself. Suddenly there was resentment against Ma Yuan and others, and he was so angry that he walked toward Ma Yuan and others.


Ma Yuan took his hand from Vegeta's forehead. At the moment, his forehead was free of the magic pattern, and Ma Yuan's milky white gas wrapped his hand, which was covered with a black gas.

"It turns out that the magic pattern is such a thing, it's quite easy to do." Ma Yuan snorted softly, and grasped it in the palm of his hand, the black energy directly dissipated and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Babidi suddenly felt that the magic pattern he had planted on Vegeta had disappeared. He looked at the magic circle in horror, and it just collided with Ma Yuan's eyes that raised his head.

"What is this person's way?" Babidi shuddered in his heart, and quickly turned his gaze, took out the hidden teapot-like thing, and saw the progress bar above was still missing, "It's bad So a little bit."

"Damn it!" Babidi was very annoyed and lost the protection of the protective cover. The magic circle also needed a certain amount of effort to absorb energy, and it was necessary to stand up willingly.

"Can't you just..." Babidi looked at Dapura, who tried to block Sun Wukong's father and son, and his expression changed, but he finally got mad.

Dapla, who was struggling bravely, suddenly felt that his body was out of control, and then flew directly towards the magic circle. He hit the magic circle with one head, and he was surrounded by the purple tentacles that had been held for a long time.

Needless to say, this is naturally a masterpiece of Babidi. Vegeta can be controlled by him. How can Dapla not?

Babidi quickly activated the magic circle, and the absorption efficiency directly increased again by a grade. Ma Yuan directly took Vegeta out of the magic circle, and then watched Dapula dissipate under the envelope of rows of tentacles. no.

Sun Wukong and others felt the disappearance of Dapra's breath, and their faces changed one by one. Although Dapra was an enemy, his appearance to protect Babidi still made them a little touched.

Although Dapura's loyalty had to be marked with a big question mark because of the magic pattern, but that loyal Dapura was sacrificed by Babidi, the purpose is to revive the strongest devil Buu?

Everyone feels worthless for Dapura, but since he is controlled by a cold-blooded person like Babidi, this kind of ending is basically inevitable.

"Haha..." Babidi watched the progress bar on the teapot finally full. He held up the teapot in his hand and said enthusiastically, "Finally, the energy has been collected, the strongest devil Buu, It's coming!"

The sky suddenly dimmed, and the layers of dark clouds made the sky extremely gloomy, and the wind was very strong. There seemed to be a thunder in the sky, but there was no visible light, and only people felt depressed.

"Bad Lord God..." Jabbit approached Sean in a low voice.

"I feel..." Sean nodded slightly and looked at Babidi dignifiedly, "Magic Buu's huge evil breath!"

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