Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 23: Hall of Kings (Part 1)

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"Yes, Gohan, that's it, keep this state." There was a surge of momentum in the temple. This momentum was very strong at first, then began to decline, and then gradually became stronger again.

Sun Wufan is now transforming into a Super Saiyan, the golden qi is rolling beside him, and the whole temple is shaking with this terrible power.

"I didn't expect Gohan's body to contain such terrible power," God looked at Sun Wukong's guidance of Sun Wufan's cultivation, with a trace of surprise on his face, "It seems that he became a successor of Wukong. Good choice."

Sun Wufan stopped suddenly, and the golden hair that he had erected fell down. He lost his strength and knelt on the ground, gasping for breath, sweating all over his body.

Sun Wukong patted Sun Wufan on the shoulder and smiled and said, "Gohan, your potential is really strong, and you can hold the posture of the Super Saiyan for so long."

Sun Wufan looked at the golden hair that had never fallen on Sun Wukong's head, and he couldn't help but ask, "But haven't you been in the Super Saiyan state all the time? I thought it was easy."

"Gohan, you need to know that our Super Saiyan is transformed into our own anger, and often we will not be angry at the beginning of the battle. At this time, we need to find a balance to keep us on. Transfiguration." Sun Wukong pointed to his hair.

"Then... what is the balance?"

"Well... Haha, I don't know, just practice more."

God was listening to the black lines on the side. This kind of unreliable master might be Sun Wukong, but there is nothing wrong with this teaching. After all, the master introduced the so-called balance point and was not impressed by his own search.

Sun Wukong looked at Sun Wufan, but he was still a little surprised in his heart. He never knew that his son’s potential was so terrible. He could see that Sun Wufan’s talent was stronger than he might be, maybe it would be earlier than him. Step into that realm.

Sun Wukong is also not sure whether he can enter the next level of the Super Saiyan. He can feel the barriers of the next level, but feeling and breakthrough are completely two concepts.

"Gohan's strength is quite strong now, maybe only me, Vegeta and Ma Yuan can beat him." Sun Wu hollowly said, "If Gohan can fully stimulate the state of anger in his heart, I am afraid You can step into the boundaries of Super Saiyan II."


The door of the Spirit Time House opened, and two figures came out of it. Naturally, it was Ma Yuan and Bick, but Bick was obviously much worse, at least it looked awkward.

"God, this spirit time house is useless for me to go in. It's better not to go in." Bick glanced at the **** standing over there, faintly.

This is how the same thing?

Everyone couldn't help but put their eyes on Ma Yuan who came out together. Perhaps only he could explain the matter, but the latter touched his nose conscientiously and smiled embarrassedly.

Sun Wukong suddenly thought of something, and laughed: "Wouldn't it be Ma Yuan? You beat Bick hard, hahaha, Bick, you will have today!"

Bick's face was hot, but his face did not turn red, but it was not easy to say this, and he could only express his dissatisfaction with a cold hum. In the eyes of others, this is the default.

God was also a little funny to watch Bick eat deflated, but he also understood that Bick's strength has reached a limit. Even if he went to Meikexing and merged with a compatriot, he still couldn't keep up with the pace of Sun Wukong and others.

Ma Yuan made a round and said: "This time I went in to have some increase in strength, but it also meets psychological expectations."

There is nothing wrong with this. He only said that he went in this time, but he did not say that both he and Bick met their psychological expectations.

According to their previous agreement with Sun Wukong, each group can stay in the spiritual time house for six months, which is half a day, so that they can use the time substantially, and leave a strong person to monitor the outside. thing.

In this retreat, Ma Yuan not only learned some of Bick’s combat experience, but also mastered Bick’s magic light killer, which is not the kind of magic flash of Sun Wufan. It's a real killer cannon.

So it’s not difficult to understand that Bick will have that kind of expression. Anyone’s tricks will be learned, and his heart will not be good, but he also got a lot, at least some improvement in strength.

Ma Yuan’s promotion is even greater, he faintly feels that the qi in his body has become more solid, and the quality has also increased a lot, so Bick does not want to practice with him again, according to Bick’s words: "You This pervert, just practice by yourself!"

Everyone talked for a while, Sun Wukong took Sun Wufan into the house of spiritual time, Ma Yuan also saw Sun Wufan carrying his huge work bag, and his brain made up for Sun Wufan to become a super Saiyan The way people do homework, they can't help laughing.

God looked at Ma Yuan, who suddenly smiled, with a strange expression on his face. Ma Yuan also seemed to feel the sight of God, coughed and changed the subject.

"Did something strange happen just now?" Ma Yuan asked.

"There are no other weird things, that is, the impact of No. 17 and No. 18 is great. Some army went to trouble them, but a white fat man destroyed them all." God said.

"White fat man?" Ma Yuan raised his eyebrows. "Is it No. 19?"

"It's not clear, he appeared suddenly. He hadn't found him before," God frowned, and then said, "After that, only No. 16 and No. 18 flew out of their man-made house."

"No one else came out of it?" Ma Yuan asked again.

"Not found." God froze for a moment, and then looked at Bobo next to him. When Bobo shook his head, he said.

"That's really weird," Ma Yuan touched his chin, and then said, "It stands to reason that No. 19 and No. 20 are inseparable. It's impossible that No. 20 will not show up."

"Can you locate the 18th and the 16th now?" Ma Yuan asked again. If you can't figure it out, then why not ask yourself.

"It was okay just now, now..." God shook his head in embarrassment. "They seemed to be running away and walking very carefully, so they didn't show much trace."

Ma Yuan nodded and said, "Maybe this matter can only be helped by another person..."

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