Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 5: Ma Yuan shot

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"Ha..." Even if he turned into a Super Saiyan, such a powerful light flare broke out at once, but still let Vegeta breathe a little, but he was still very satisfied when he looked at his masterpiece. of.

Ma Yuan raised his eyebrows, Vegeta was Vegeta, and the power erupted in him was much stronger than Sun Gohan, who had not yet fully mastered the power of the Super Saiyan, but he dealt with the strengthened Ph.D. For Lisha, it was not enough.

"Don't care!" Bick snorted. "Those huge waves haven't disappeared. The enemy may attack at any time!"

"Oh..." Frieza's customary mocking laughter came out of Huang Yan. "Vegeta, I didn't expect you to learn this sudden enhancement method if you are so proud."

Huang Yan dissipated and saw Gula holding a blown-out investigative glasses in his hand, saying indifferently: "I didn't expect Frisha to say that it was true, and I suddenly became so interested in it."

"Gula, I just said that these people are my prey!" Frieza glanced coldly at Gula, with no emotion in his tone.

"Yes, yes." Gula nodded indifferently, yawned, and continued leaning on the door, although the breath was huge, but he was not very positive.

Ma Yuan did not underestimate this gula. His plays are only in the theater version, and his strength is quite powerful, but now he has come here suddenly, which shows that Ma had a butterfly effect in the world after all.

"Humph!" Frieza turned his head to look at Vegeta, his heart moved, and the whole person suddenly appeared in front of Vegeta, his fists attacked Vegeta fiercely!

The two of you have come and gone dozens of times, and each suffered a small loss. In general, Vegeta is at a disadvantage. Everyone is a bit worried.

Gula turned his head to look at Ma Yuan and others, and waved: "Since Frieza is going to clean up you personally in a while, then I will be fine and help you warm up."

A group of soldiers in combat uniforms rushed toward the crowd with a grin. These burly men held a laser gun in their hands, but their breath was not strong. The crowd greeted them without fear.

Among the people, Ma Yuan and Bik are not the most popular, but Sun Gohan, who also became a super Saiyan, he easily shuttles among these fighters. Each shot will make several fighters lose. Combat ability.

"The original plot is that the future Trunks easily killed Frissa and his son, but it seems that this time Trunks has no signs of coming, and the enemy has one more carat, the situation is very delicate." Shining light.

King Crud saw that Frieza hadn’t knocked Vegeta down for so long, and he was a little displeased, but he also fully realized the powerful strength of the Super Saiyan, and he pointed to Sun Wufan and said: "Gula, that boy, give it to you."

"Master Father!" Frieza forced Vegeta back and screamed.

"Fisha, do you want to disobey me?" King Crud's face flashed unhappy. He was the head of the family. What he said was the supreme command for the Frieza brothers!

Gula straightened his body, and some fighting intentions appeared in his eyes. He wouldn't care if this person was smaller than himself. As long as he was strong enough, he had the value of destruction!

Frieza was helpless about his father's orders. He could only vent his grievances on Vegeta, his muscles swelled slightly, and he reached an overload situation. Naturally, Vegeta was a bit miserable!

"I'm a Super Saiyan, don't underestimate me!" Vegeta's eyes flashed insanely, and he resisted Frieza's offensive.

The earth was shaking because of the battle between Frieza and Vegeta, and the earth and stone splashed, which made the unknown people panic.


Suddenly, Sun Wufan heard a series of footsteps and turned his head suddenly, looking at Gula stepping towards him step by step, with a solemn expression on his face.

"Shoot!" Gula didn't speak, her figure trembled, but she came to Sun Wufan in an instant, punching directly in Sun Wufan's abdomen, but she wore it from Sun Wufan's residual image past.

"This kind of trick is useless to me." Gula took the left foot as the axis and slammed a roundabout kick, kicking out Sun Wufan, who had just appeared, and kicked off a series of rapid offensives!

Although the Super Saiyan are strong, Sun Wufan's control of this power is obviously not enough, and Gula's strength is even better than Frieza. Sun Wufan basically has only a beaten share.

"Gohan!" Bick looked at Sun Wuhan's embarrassed support under the attack of Gula and roared. He pressed his forehead with his fingers, and the golden spiral energy coiled around, "Magic light kills the cannon! "

"Qi Yuan cut!" Ke Lin raised his right hand high, and the rapidly rotating disc-shaped gas gradually formed, actually blocking the Gula with Bick!

Gula grabbed Sun Wufan's neck, and then extended another hand, blocking Mo Guanguang's artillery and Qiyuan cut easily. His palm just smoked a little smoke, and even a wound did not appear.

"Don't rush to death, it's not your turn now." Gula exerted his hand, and Sun Wufan's face showed a painful expression, and the golden hair that had been erected at the root dropped down and turned back to black.

"Damn!" Bick and Klin rushed to Gula from left to right, trying to grab Sun Wufan from his hands!

Gula still only showed a hand. No matter how fast Bick and Kling moved, he could easily stop it. His attention was always on Sun Wufan, just like a Killing machine that is executing commands quietly!

Bick and Klin saw their eyes flared, but they couldn’t break through the blockade of Gula, and they couldn’t even get close to Sun Wufan for half a meter. They could only watch Sun Wufan’s eyelids gradually sag down, and his body began to be natural. Sagging!


Gula's defensive hand suddenly stopped, and Bick and Kling's fists slammed into his face, and the other was on his chest, but he didn't care.

"I didn't expect there is a stronger one among you..." Gu stretched out his scarlet tongue, put down his empty hand, and looked at Ma Yuan, not far from him with great interest.

Ma Yuan held Sun Wufan in his hands, and felt that Sun Wufan was comatose only because of suffocation, so he was relieved, and he didn't pay much attention to Gula.

"I'm calling you, don't take it as if you didn't hear it." Gula's fingers moved slightly, and a beam of red light went directly towards Ma Yuan's heart.

Ma Yuan slaps the red light impatiently, and the red light shoots out, and passes through the battlefield of Vegeta and Frieza, causing the two of them to stop fighting.

"What's the situation?" Kelin's face was full of shock, and he didn't expect that Ma Yuan, who had always been unobtrusive, shot everyone straight away! ,, ..

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