Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 140: Restless night

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In the silent night sky, the night sky without stars was dark.

In the village of Alcatraz Island, no one knows what happened on the sentry box, and the villagers in the village have fallen into dreams.

"Dare to speak up, I will cut you!"

A fierce voice threatened that the villager in charge of the sentry on duty was frightened and his legs shivered. If he was chilling, he would not dare to act lightly.

"Tell me, are there a group of mages in your village recently?"

The cold sword on the neck of the villager was close to the skin a few inches, the cold light flashed, and the coming person threatened with a deep voice.

"Uh huh."

The villager nodded, and when the person came to know, his eyebrows were raised slightly, and he continued, "Take me to find them!"

Hearing the request from the coming person, the villager frowned, and a trace of hesitation appeared on his face. He knew very well that the group of magicians mentioned in the coming population were Ma Yuan and others, and the villagers could feel that, coming The person is not good, for fear that this person will do anything to Ma Yuan and others.

Ma Yuan and others are to help the residents of the island lift the curse and benefit them. Of course, they cannot do anything to hurt them. Although the villager is very afraid, he is still indifferent and his feet are firmly in place.

Seeing that the villagers were indifferent, the coming man's sword was forced slightly and got stuck in the villager's flesh. The skin cut through the skin and a trace of blood ran out. The person tried to drag the villager, but the villager was still indifferent.

In the end, the visitor had one elbow and knocked heavily on the head of the villager, knocking him out.

At the next moment, a shadow fell from the sentry box and sneaked into the village. After a period of investigation and groping, the shadow locked a log cabin, leaned close to the door, and looked in through the crack of the door. After the familiar figure, the comer's eyebrows were clenched and he watched the changes.

"Ma Yuan, is the curse in the village really related to Dalyola?"

Lucy leaned against the window and raised her doubts.

"I don't know yet, but I'm still in ten."

Ma Yuan replied while bandaging the injured Gray.

And Naz had already got into the bed at this time, and was asleep, without being affected by what happened today. He snore like thunder and slept deeply.

Because of overwork and excessive consumption of magic power, Gray has not been awake since the moment of falling, and has been in a coma.

"Lucy, go to bed early, get better, and have something to do tomorrow."

After Ma had bandaged Gray, he looked at Gray's wounds and said seriously.

Lucy could not help but frown, turning her head to look at Ma Yuan, and looking at Ma Yuan's serious look, she couldn't help but ask, "Is there anything to do? What?"

"Tomorrow you will pack up, leave this ghost place, and give me back to the Sanhedrin punishment!"

This sentence was not spoken by Ma Yuan, but by a mysterious person who had been dormant outside the door. The voice suddenly rang. After Ma Yuan and Lucy heard this familiar voice, they were shocked.


At the next moment, the wooden door was kicked open suddenly, and the noise suddenly awakened the sleeping Naz. Ma Yuan and Lucy turned around at the same time, locked their eyes on the door, and saw the figure standing at the door, removing the unconscious Apart from Gray, the three people present, six pairs of eyes, were all staring wide, and their faces were incredible.


The three shouted out in unison, quite amazed in their tone, and Naz, who had awakened in his sleep just now, was completely sleepless and felt horrified.

It goes without saying that who can surprise Ma Yuan and others like this, can there be anyone other than the fairy queen Elusa?

"Elsa, why are you here?"

Naz gripped the pillow nervously and asked timidly.

The questions asked by Naz are also what everyone wants to ask.

But Elusa didn't pay any attention and went straight into the house, dragging a giant sword that was asymmetrical to her slender figure, and stepped into the wooden house together, swept away with a cold wind.

Everyone saw it, chilling, scalp tingling, gazing timidly at Elusa.

"Why are you here too?"

Ma Yuan questioned again, and was a little surprised, looking at Elusa's cold face, which was stiff all year round.

"Can't think of you going crazy with these guys."

Elusa looked at Ma Yuan coldly and said lightly, without any emotion in her tone.

Regarding Elusa's indifference, Ma Yuan was still like that, disapproving and bowed his head to quietly organize the medicine chest.

"Tomorrow, you will all leave this island for me and return to the Guild to guilt!"

Elusa's words finally came with a touch of emotion inside, a trace of angry emotion broke out, shouting.


Naz wanted to speak, and after a brief eye contact with Elusa, he shut up.


At the next moment, Elusa lifted the giant sword in her hand in vain and slapped towards Naz. With a "boom", Naz's body broke out and shot it out.


Lucy wanted to go out and look at Naz's situation out of fear. But before taking a few steps, Lucy could feel a chill hit her, so she took a subconscious look at Elusa and saw The cold, chilly eyes suddenly dared not act lightly.

"You don’t understand many things that happened on the island. In a word, we will not leave the island tomorrow. No matter whether it is expelled from the guild or whatever, I have to solve the problems on the island before I can leave. ."

Ma Yuan slammed, poured out all the things he wanted to say, and then packed up the medicine box, got up and put it back to the original place.

Unexpectedly, at the next moment, Elusa suddenly reached out and photographed the medicine chest in Ma Yuan's hand!

The bandage and medicine in the medicine box were scattered. Ma Yuan did not bend down to pick it up, but looked down and looked quietly.

After a while, Ma Yuan slowly raised his head, his eyes met Elusa, and the whole body swept out a burst of wind, screaming out, and confronted the murderous spirit of Elusa.

At this time, the two of them were as if they were struggling, the atmosphere was tense, and a strong smell of gunpowder came out quietly.


The breath from them turned into a strong wind, and the candles in the room were blown out, and the room suddenly fell into darkness.

"It's getting late, I need to rest. I will talk about something tomorrow."

After leaving this sentence, Ma Yuan walked out of the house and returned to his room.

Seeing this, Lucy didn't dare to stay here. She quickly followed Ma Yuan's pace and returned to her room.

In the log cabin, Elusa stood untouched. After a while, Naz climbed back from the outside and looked at Elusa timidly. ,, ..

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