Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 136: Transcendence

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The sound was like thunder, a huge explosion swept across the sky, and the flames soared into the sky.

The power is so great, you can see how angry Naz who made this attack is. The depressed and helpless emotions all poured out at this moment, without reservation.

The explosion swept up a gust of strong wind, blowing "Woo Woo", and in the firelight, there were two figures vaguely shooting backwards, and then it hit the ground heavily, splashing a pile of dust Sand, dust is rolling.


Soon, Naz's figure fell to the ground lightly and lay in front of Lucy and Ma Yuan. Lucy looked at the familiar back and shouted with excitement. There was an uncontrollable ecstasy in his heart that filled his face. .

"Are you all right?"

Naz turned his face, looking handsome and enquiring.

Ma Yuan looked up at Naz, smiled slightly, and did not answer. Lucy was not happy at this time. For a while, she didn’t know what to say. Before, she was still in a severe situation at a disadvantage. Now with Naz The emergence of Lucy and their side can be described as a Jedi counterattack to turn the tide!

After Toby and Yuka landed, they screamed and groaned in pain, but they were firm-willed and endured the pain, holding each other up, their eyes vicious and cold, staring at Naz.

The two who had the full advantage at first, because of the carelessness of the moment, allowed Ma Yuan to succeed, and released Naz from the trap. Therefore, after the two glanced at Naz, the two people made that kind of resentment. 'S gaze projected to Ma Yuan behind Naz.

Ma Yuan also found the unsightly eyes cast by Toby and Yuka, and he couldn’t help but smile more, if the eyes could kill people, the eyes of the two didn’t know how many times he had cut Ma Yuan Too.

"You two are done."

Naz looked bad, gathered his fists, stared at Toby and Yuca, and said coldly.

After hearing the two, their bodies shook at the same time, and they could clearly feel that the breath from Naz's body was so strong that they couldn't breathe.

This is a strong murderous.

"Fire Dragon kid, you are less proud!"

At the next moment, Toby didn't know where the blood was coming out, and when he gritted his teeth, he burst out, and his claws danced wildly, slashing towards Naz!

Toby's speed is very fast, and Kung Fu came to Naz in a blink of an eye. The sharp claws were only a few centimeters away from Naz, but at that moment, Naz shot in vain and threw his fist and smashed it out.


A dull noise came, and Naz's fist hit the Toby's cheek heavily. Toby's body rolled continuously in the air for a while, and then flew out, hitting a tree hard. On the huge impact, Toby's body broke the tree, and after breaking several thick trees, Toby's body stopped.

The blood was almost spitting out when Toby flew out. Toby coughed violently after landing, and no longer had a trace of blood. His face was pale, and he looked at Naz with his eyes wide, and his eyes were full. Shocked and unbelievable, then the eyes went black before fainting.

"What?! Kill Toby with just one punch!"

The scene in front of him made Yuca feel horrified. Even if Toby couldn't help it anymore, he thought he could hold so many rounds in Naz's hand. He didn't think Naz was a punch directly, so he punched so easily. Defeated.

"Next, it's your turn."

After solving Toby by thunder, Naz said coldly to Yuca, who was not far away, without any emotion in his tone, cold.

Listening to Naz's words, Yuka felt a bit of chill hit, his body trembling slightly, and his face was horrified. The strange vision was like looking at a monster, and it was incredible.

Afterwards, Yuka recovered from the shock and forcibly calmed down. So far, he had to bite the bullet.

At this point, Yuca gritted her teeth and waved her arm violently, scratching the air in front of her.

After a while, nothing strange happened. I thought Yuka waved his arm to attack, but now everyone did not feel a trace of magic.

But these are just the opinions of the villagers and Lucy. Ma Yuan and Naz, who are extremely sensitive to magic, began to frown at the moment when Yuka waved his arms. With strong perception, Ma Yuan At the same time, the two of Naz felt that there was a strong fluctuation in front of them!

The volatility was very strong, silent, fast, and swept towards Naz.

"Naz, be careful, this man's magic is a bit weird."

The weak Ma Yuan crouched behind Naz, and he saw a trace of it, so he reminded him.

Without Ma Yuan reminding, Naz naturally also felt the dangerous fluctuation. As the fluctuation got closer and closer, Naz frowned deeper and deeper.

At this time, Naz’s nerves had been stretched to the extreme, and a drop of sweat began to slip on his forehead. His clenched fist had been wet with sweat. However, he did not choose to wait for the change and sit dead. In his two A flame was quietly ignited on his arm at this time, and he waited.

When I said it was too late, I saw a bang on Naz’s forehead was inexplicably lifted. The next moment, Naz’s eyes widened in vain. Without time to think, Naz reacted instinctively. Grabbing Ma Yuan behind him as quickly as possible and quickly jumping to the side.

At the moment when Naz and Ma Yuan jumped away, the two talents began to find that a wave of waves appeared in front of them, like waves of water, rippling ripples and passing directly over the two.

The ripples were like invisible blades, and they were extremely sharp. Fortunately, Naz reacted in time and noticed a hint, and quickly took Ma Yuan to avoid the past, but the invisible wave still touched Naz.


After the invisible wave passed over Naz and Mayuan, it touched a tree not far away, and a dull noise came from the tree, and then the tree fell apart and fell apart. After being cut, sawdust flew, and then scattered on the ground.

Seeing the end of the tree, Naz glanced down at the blood on his lower abdomen, and couldn't help feeling happy.

As the trees broke open without warning, everyone was surprised, and at the same time they were a bit at a loss. They didn't know what happened just now, but Yuca was a bit more worried. ,, ..

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