Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 93: Killed

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"Little Black..."

Grey looked into the distance, and the roar echoed in his ear, worried.

But for safety's sake, Gray took the unconscious horse to the land first.

Soon, Gray found a grass on the land and hid the original horse in the grass, for fear that the beasts on this island would threaten the unconscious horse.

After properly setting up Ma Yuan, Gray hurried to the seaside, jumped, and dived into the sea, swimming in the direction of the sharks just now.

"Xiaohei, you must hold on!"

Gray is very anxious now, fearing that the Hellhound will encounter something unpredictable, and continues to speed up the pace.

At this time, the fight between the Hell Devil Dog and the shark group has been transferred from the sea surface to the under the sea. Under the attack of the two sharks, the Hell Devil Dog has been dragged down the sea floor, getting deeper and deeper.

"Oops, it seems that these sharks are still underestimated. If this continues, I'm afraid I will really die here."

The hellhound is fighting with the sharks in front of it, and the secret path is not good. At least, as the oxygen supply is getting less and less, this will be more disadvantageous to the hellhound.

Not only that, once the spread of these blood is larger, I don’t know what fierce creatures it will attract!

At the thought of this, the Hellhound started to get anxious, twisting and bowing to the body, swinging his claws and slaughtering the two great white sharks who were biting his hind legs.

The two great white sharks on the front foot had just turned up the fish belly and whined, and there were another three or five groups of great white sharks on the hind feet rushed towards the hind legs of the **** devil.

It hasn't waited for how long the Hellhound dive up, and was dragged down again, after many setbacks, it has been endless like this.

At the end, the Hellhound also began to show that he was weak, his chest kept rising and falling, his lungs kept holding the breath, he didn't dare to change his breath, and insisted on clenching his teeth.

Under extreme hypoxia, the attack power of the Hell Devil Dog is getting weaker and weaker, and it is obviously dying. I believe that the Hell Devil Dog will not be suffocated by hypoxia or become the food of the Great White Shark in the future!


As the heart rate accelerated, the Hellhound began to feel strenuous. At this time, his brain roared, his consciousness gradually weakened, and his eyelids were hanging like a shot, constantly blinking, very weak.

After a fierce **** fight, although there are only three great white sharks remaining in confrontation with the Hell Devil Dog, but now the Hell Devil Dog is also intentional and spared. When the eyes are black, it is a deep sleep.

Seeing that the prey was finally falling, the three great white sharks were chasing after the victory, struggling, with a big mouth in the blood basin, and rushed to the **** demon dog, to wait for a long time to eat!

However, when the great white sharks were excited, they were about to bite down and devour the delicious prey, watching the moment when the **** devil was in danger, just before the white fangs were about to pierce the neck of the **** devil. During the ministry, a slender ice cone appeared in vain and directly penetrated the bodies of the great white sharks!


An ice cone burst out, instantly branched, and turned into three ice thorns, instantly killing the three great white sharks!

After the figure finished the life of the great white shark, it carried the body of the **** devil dog and desperately went upstream.


After coming over for a while, Gray's figure surfaced, and on his back, **** was the dog.

"Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise it would be dangerous."

Gray felt lucky that the dangerous scene had just happened, and felt terrified, but now he was temporarily relieved and relieved.

But looking at the unsteady sea, Gray still dare not slack off, and don't know what will happen after a while?

At this point, he quickly carried the Hell Devil Dog and walked to the beach.

"Hoo, I'm exhausted."

After Gray went ashore, he didn't care to drag the Hellhound onto the land, but he collapsed directly on the beach, panting.

But before waiting for a few breaths, Gray suddenly remembered something normal. He quickly got up, ran to a tree on the land, and turned away the grass, and found that Ma Yuan was lying quietly in the grass. Gray was secretly relieved. A breath.

"Huh? Gray..."

It may be that Gray's movement awakened Ma Yuan. Ma Yuan was slowly opening his eyes and waking up.

"Hoo, are you finally awake?"

Seeing Ma Yuan woke up, Gray was pleased and relieved again.

Gray helped Ma Yuan lean against the tree, but after Ma Yuan relieved himself, he found that Hell Devil Dog was not around, so he frowned and asked, "Where is Hei? Where did he go?"

After Ma Yuan reminded him, Gray remembered it. He just patrolled and worried that Ma Yuan would be eaten by the beasts on the island. He hurriedly inspected Ma Yuan's safety and laid the Hell Devil on the beach.

"Oh, the hellhound is okay. We were besieged by sharks just after we fell into the water. Thanks to the hellhound, we are safe. Now the hellhound is lying on the beach!"

Gray informs Ma Yuan of his previous encounter, and Xuan is also helping Ma Yuan to walk to the beach and observe the Hell Devil Dog.

But when Gray took the horse to the beach, Gray found out that the Hell Devil Dog, who had just been lying on the spot just now, was now gone!

"Where is the Hell Devil Dog? Didn't you say he was on the beach? Why can't I see it now?"

Ma Yuan thought that Gray had made the wrong place, so he continued: "Did you remember correctly, would you put the Hellhound in another place?"

Gray's face was full of worry and nervousness at this time, a little overwhelmed, and also felt very strange in his heart, so he replied: "No, I remember when I went ashore, I put the Hell Devil Dog here, you Look, the trace is still here!"

Gray pointed to a spot where the sand had sunk, and said nervously.

Ma Yuan stared at the depressed place, his face dignified and silent.

"How is it possible? It was clearly here just now! Why is it a blink of an it gone?"

Gray was already panicking at this time, and said while looking for himself, while searching near the beach, trying to find the Hell Devil Dog.

The Hellhound is now seriously injured, blood is on his body, and he is still in a coma. In addition, there is no monster on this island, and I don’t know what creatures are watching in the sea. In short Now the situation of Hell Devil Dog is very dangerous!

"Did it be washed away by the waves? Or... or was it taken away by the beasts on the land?"

Many fantasies emerged in the minds of Gray and Ma Yuan.

Although the two have searched several times around a hundred meters from the beach, no figure of Hell Devil Dog has been found. ,, ..

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