Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 294: Empire secret

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The security measures are comparable to those of the emperor's side, and only the third-level second-generation magic chanters or a few scholar-type magic chanters with special reasons can enter. Of course, Fuluda, who came down from the stopped carriage, and the two students were all allowed to enter the tower.

The three raised their hands slightly in response to the knight and magic chanters' most salute, and got into the mouth. After passing through the straight passage, the three came to the upper level of a mortar-shaped space. There are many magic chanters busy working here. Among them, the person with the highest status hurried to Fuluda.

"Any progress?"

"Not at all, teacher."

The disciples swallowed their saliva, and their throat knots moved up and down. As usual, the answer had both good and bad meanings.

Fruda only nodded with a complex expression, and turned to one of the thirty disciples he personally instructed—those known to be selected thirty and disciples with particularly high visibility—also the deputy in charge of the venue. people.

"That's right. It still doesn't cause natural phenomena, does it?"

"Yes. Even the lowest-order undead skeleton has not yet appeared. Experiments are being conducted to place the corpse nearby to see if it can cause zombies to appear."

"Uh huh."

Fruda pinched his long beard and stared at the scene below his line of sight.

There are a dozen skeletons there, and they are plowing the fields.

The skeleton lifted the iron **** and waved it down, in exactly the same way as every skeleton on the left and right. If you look at it from the side, it overlaps even if there is only one skeleton.

This pair is extremely coordinated, a bit like a group gymnastics, it is the truth of the large-scale plan secretly carried out by the empire. That is "the workforce of the undead."

The undead do not need diet and sleep, nor will they be tired. In other words, they are the perfect labor force. Although the low-ranking undead do have no wisdom, they can only act according to their orders, and cannot do complicated work. But as long as someone instructs one by one, this problem can be solved.

Putting the undead in the farmland and carrying out orders has brought benefits beyond imagination. The reduction of personnel costs has caused the unit price of crops to fall, the expansion of farms and farmland, and the prevention of man-made disasters. It is really a dream plan.

There are some similar plans, which use the summoned monsters or Golem, but considering the cost performance and other aspects, the undead are the best.

But there seems to be a reason why such a perfect plan cannot be implemented vigorously.

Because some people opposed-especially the forces headed by the priests. They think that the manifestation of death, which hates life by the undead, is an act of defilement of the soul.

There are also problems from a religious point of view.

They believe that even if the corpse of the criminal is used to create the undead, from the religious point of view, the sin of the prisoner will be wiped out when the death penalty is executed. More punishment is blasphemy, and it is difficult to persuade them.

If there is currently a shortage of food in the country and a large number of people starve to death, there may be a way to convince them. However, the food production of the empire was very rich, and there was never any problem with the labor force.

For these reasons, the priests would oppose this plan.

Looking at the roots, the purpose behind this plan is actually to strengthen the military. As long as we rely on the undead for production, we can transfer our manpower to other areas, and dig out better knights and other talents.

Moreover, once the labor force of the undead becomes popular, some people will worry that human workers may be dismissed. Can the undead always listen to human orders, and will there be a large number of undeads that will cause the balance of life and death to collapse, and naturally Create undead with greater power. Not only the priests, but anyone who has heard of this project will of course have this kind of uneasiness.

The significance of this facility is to verify these uneasiness one by one and find a solution.

"Don't find a fundamental reason yet?"

"Yes, I'm very sorry, teacher."

Why does the undead appear naturally? To explore this fundamental reason will have a decisive influence on the future.

There is a place covered with mist all year round, which will only clear up when the empire and the kingdom are at war. This place is the cursed Katz Plain. There is a very high chance of undeads appearing in this place. It is said that even one of the strongest undeads can appear all bone dragons that can invalidate magic.

Even if the empire can dominate the suburbs of Ye Lantier in the future, they do not want to include the land where the undead frequently appear in the country. Therefore, to find out the process by which the undead appeared, it will definitely help rule. Maybe it will make the undead never appear again.

"Really, I know."

The deputy person in charge, free from reprimands, settled down and saluted. Fulda walked past him and walked forward in a large circle in a mortar-shaped room.

When Fulda came to the door opposite, the number of students following him increased.

The gatekeeper knight opened the door, and a group of people walked inside. Behind the door is the same passage as before, but it is much colder than the outside, and no one is seen. There was a smell of dust in the air, and the light seemed to be lost to the darkness.

Straight along the passage of a horrifying atmosphere, soon came to a spiral ladder extending downward.

On the way, I passed through several doors, and it didn't take long to make a click sound on the spiral staircase. It was almost the fifth floor underground. However, the air became very heavy, as if reaching a deeper place.

This is by no means because they came underground. The best evidence is that, including Fruda, the expression of the pedestrian is stiff because of tension.

Reaching the bottom floor-the empty space of the pedestrian looked grim. They seemed extremely nervous, even as if they were preparing to enter the battle.

Everyone's sharp eyes looked at only one thick door. The door seemed to isolate the world and was filled with a sense of oppression. In order not to be broken or easily opened, several physical and magical protections were applied. This is a door that will never allow escape.

Not only that, but many heavy gates passing by on the way are also explaining the danger hidden behind this gate. When the danger behind this door has an action, those door-shaped partition walls can buy time and also have the meaning of a seal.

Fruda warned the disciples with a stiff voice.

"Don't be careless."

Although it is only a short sentence, it is even more terrifying. ,, ..

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